89 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberi wawasan kepada pembaca tentang fungsi mode sebagai identitas diri. Pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan analisis data dalam bentuk gambar yang diperoleh dari akun Instagram AHY. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam pemilihan Gubernur Jakarta 2016, AHY sebagai salah satu kandidat Gubernur menggunakan mode sebagai media komunikasi politik dalam berinteraksi dengan masyarakat selama masa kampanye. Hal tersebut terlihat dari beberapa busana yang sengaja dipilih untuk selalu dikenakan hingga periode pemilihan gubernur berakhir, seperti kaus tacticaal berwarna hitam dan dan busana traditional khas Jakarta. Pandangan politik yang dikomunikasikan melalui mode adalah simbol nasionalisme dan siap memimpin yang merupakan identitas seorang calon pemimpin yang tercermin dalam kemeja tacticaal yang ia kenakan. Mode (pakaian) dapat memberikan efek pada penampilan fisik seseorang yang juga dapat digunakan sebagai strategi komunikasi dalam menarik dukungan untuk kelompok orang tertentu. Ini terjadi karena busana yang kita kenakan bisa memberi pesan atau makna pada penilaian seseorang saat berinteraksi

    The Language Choice of Foreign Students in Learning Bahasa Indonesia at UNESA

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    Abstrak Pemilihan Bahasa adalah salah satu dari studi yang berfokus pada penelitian sosiolinguistik. Dalam proses penelitianya, study ini menjelaskan tentang pemilihan bahasa yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi dengan masyarakat. Hal tersebut menghubungkan kontek sosial dan domain pemakaian bahasa. Dengan menerapkan hubungan tersebut, maka terdapat pandangan tentang bagaimana perilaku pemilihan bahasa oleh mahasiswa asing pada domain pendidikan dan pertemanan dan bagaimana kontek sosial mempengaruhi perilaku pemilihan bahasa mereka.Studi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif untuk menganalisa data. Metode tersebut digunakan untuk membahas masalah-masalah penelitian yang mana: (1) penerapan pemilihan bahasa, (2) pengaruh kontek sosial terhadap perilaku pemilihan bahasa. Mahasiswa asing yang sedang belajar bahasa indonesia di UNESA adalah sumber data pada studi ini. Khususnya, data yang telah diambil adalah dari aktifitas perkuliahan di kelas dan kegiatan sehari-hari diluar kampus. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa Bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa utama yang digunakan di domain pendidikan. Pada domain pertemanan, mahasiswa asing lebih cenderung untuk menggunakan bahasa yang berbeda untuk berkomunikasi dengan lawan bicara yang berbeda. Penemuan kedua adalah terdapat tiga factor yang dapat mempengaruhi perilaku pemilihan bahasa mereka. Bahasa-bahasa yang berbeda digunakan untuk berkomunikasi dengan participan yang berbeda pada tempat dan fungsi yang berbeda.Studi ini setuju bahwa mahasiswa asing yang sedang tinggal di negara lain mempunyai kecenderungan untuk menjadi penutur tiga bahasa dan menggeser bahasa. Sementara itu, mengalihkan bahasa dalam suatu percakapan sering terjadi ketika mereka berbicara dengan orang yang bukan berasal dari negara mereka. Tinggal di Indonesia selama satu tahun menyebabkan mereka menggeser  dari bahasa resmi negara mereka ke Bahasa Indonesia. Keywords:language choice   Abstract Language choice  is one of studies under sociolingulistic research. In its research process, this study clarifiesthe choice of languge used in society. It correlates the social context and domain of language use. By applying these correlations, there comes a view of how is the language choice behavior of the foreign students in (education and friendship domain) and how does the social context influence their language choice.This study used descriptive qualitative method to do the analysis in order to expose the research problems which are; (1) the application of language choice, (2) the influence of social context toward language choice behaviour. This study took foreign students who are learning Bahasa Indonesia at UNESA as a source of data. In specific, data were taken mostly from their lecturing activities in class and their daily activities outside of campus. There comes a finding that Bahasa Indonesia is the priority language to use in education domain. While in friendship domain, different languages tend to be applied by foreign students  to communicate with different interlocutors. As the second aim, there are three factors that influence their language choice behaviour. Different languages were applied during communication with different participant, in different setting and function of language.This study argues that foreign students who are living in another country have a tendency for becoming a multilingual speaker and shifting the language. Meanwhile, switching the language often occored when they communicated with non native speaker. Living in Indonesia during one year caused them in shifting from their official language to Bahasa Indonesia. Kata Kunci:pemilihan bahas

    Psicopatas homicidas e a ineficácia da aplicação das penas previstas no direito penal

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    The psychopath is frequently associated with brutal murder, and the present study, under scientific and dogmatic data analysis, the reconfiguration of these thoughts in order to adjust to the reality presented by psychopaths, moreover study their punishability on Brazilian's criminal law. The idea of a primitive being was always an object of social fear, as a unbalance creator on the dreamed reality of society. Cruel crimes often generates social commotion, allowing the rebirth of a believe in savages, purely evil who conflicts drastically with the ambitious ideal. In this way, the usual psychopath figure occurs, an individual who does not show appropriate characteristics of an sane individual due to its emotional deficiency. Confusion and fear risen by psychopaths is common on humanity's history, giving science confirmation of their existence and deep behaviour analysis, and therefore search for their cure. Such discoveries demystify these people as primitive beings, and correct erroneous understandings of their link with all perverse and violent felonies. The issue of psychopathy mingles with all sciences who studies it. The very definition of psychopathy is object of debates, on whether it is or not a psychiatric disorder. As criminal law is concerned, its questioning impacts on the need of making psychopathy a adequate case of legal disability. Debates are on whether capacity criteria currently adopted are enough to characterise homicidal psychopaths as criminally responsible or not, or even semi-imputable. As a result, goes directly to adopted measures to be effective as a response to those individuals on whether it might be pertinent to enforce security measures or legal penalty itself. In this way, the debate reaches its apogee on discussing the efficacy of legal imputed measures to such agents who previously bound to its purpose, and its relationship with the aspects that qualify psychopathy.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)O indivíduo psicopata é frequentemente vinculado a todo homicídio brutal, visando o presente estudo, diante análise de dados científicos e dogmáticos, a reconfiguração destes pensamentos para adequar à realidade apresentada aos agentes psicopatas, e finalmente analisar sua punibilidade frente aos institutos proporcionados pelo sistema penal brasileiro. A ideia de um ser primitivo sempre foi objeto de temor social, como ocasionador de desequilíbrio da realidade almejada pela comunidade. Os crimes que apresentam características de atrocidade geram grande comoção social, permitindo o ressurgimento de juízos da existência de seres selvagens, puramente maldosos, que conflitam drasticamente com os ideais ambicionados. Destarte, surge à figura do psicopata, um indivíduo que não apresenta características aguardadas para um indivíduo devido a sua deficiência emotiva. A confusão e temor aos psicopatas repercutem na história da humanidade, possibilitando à ciência a comprovação da sua existência e a profunda análise comportamental, e consequentemente a busca pela sua cura. Diante as descobertas científicas resta a desmistificação destes agentes como seres primitivos por sua natureza, e da correção de entendimentos da vinculação destes agentes a todos os crimes considerados como perversos e cruéis. A problemática da psicopatia adentra todas as ciências que prestam a estudá-la. De plano a própria conceituação da psicopatia é objeto de debates, na configuração ou não de doença nas qualidades médicas psiquiátricas. No direito penal o questionamento repercute na necessidade de adequação da psicopatia no instituto da imputabilidade. A discussão adentra os critérios de capacidade adotados pelo direito penal, para qualificar psicopatas homicidas como agentes imputáveis, semi-imputáveis ou inimputáveis. Por consequência, intervém diretamente no campo da eficácia das medidas adotadas como resposta penal a estes indivíduos, seja na aplicação de medidas de segurança ou pela imposição da pena. Neste sentido, o debate alcança o seu ápice na discussão da eficácia das medidas imputadas a estes agentes frente às finalidades previamente a estes vinculadas, e a sua relação com as características que marcam a psicopatia

    SCD I1: uma Ferramenta Computacional Educacional para a Visualização, Modelagem e Inversão de Funções Matemáticas

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    Este artigo apresenta o sistema computacional educacional SCDI 1 – Sistema de Cálculo Diferencial e Integral 1. Sua proposta pedagógica está direcionada a complementar o processo ensino-aprendizagem na disciplina de Cálculo I (Cálculo Diferencial e Integral), disciplina básica dos cursos de engenharia. Em sua primeira versão aborda tópicos elementares de funções matemáticas, possibilitando também, sua aplicação em conteúdos relativos às disciplinas de Matemática do ensino médio. Em sua primeira versão, seu objetivo principal é visualizar e modelar diversas funções em uma variável e suas inversas, em suas representações: algébrica, gráfica e numérica, permitindo a alteração dos coeficientes, área de visualização e bissetrizes. Como desenvolvimento e implementação futura, destacam-se assuntos relativos à combinação e composição, limites, continuidade, derivada e integral, de funções em uma variável


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    The article aims to discuss the advantages and disadvantages in the creation of the Proper Social SecuritySystems (RPPS). Based on the analysis of regulatory, institutional and actuarial principles, we seek to assess theopportunities and challenges for public servers and municipalities. According to the results, we can conclude thatthe Ministry of Social Security has invested in actions that seek to reduce the pressure on the General SocialSecurity System (RGPS). However, without an individual assessment, the effort to universalize RPPS can resultin critical problems, especially for servers. On the other hand, considering the potential relief on RGPS, if allmunicipalities that do not yet have a RPPS solve create it, would reach only 2.1% of municipal servers in smallcities.El artículo tiene como objetivo discutir las ventajas y desventajas de la creación de los Régimens Propios deSeguridad Social (RPPS). Con base en el análisis de los principios normativos, institucionales y actuariales,tratamos de evaluar las oportunidades y desafíos para los servidores y para municipios. Según los resultados, sepuede concluir que el Ministerio de Seguridad Social ha invertido en las acciones encaminadas a reducir lapresión sobre lo Regimén General de Seguridad Social (RGPS). Sin embargo, sin que los casos son evaluados deforma individual, el esfuerzo por universalizar los RPPS puede dar lugar a problemas críticos, especialmente. para servidores. Por otro lado, teniendo en cuenta el potencial de alivio en el RGPS, si todos los municipios queaún no cuentan con una RPPS resolver crearlo, alcanzaría sólo el 2,1% de los empleados municipales en lasciudades pequeñas.O artigo tem como objetivo debater as vantagens e desvantagens na criação dos Regimes Próprios dePrevidência Social (RPPS). Baseado na análise dos princípios normativos, atuariais e institucionais, busca-seavaliar as oportunidades e desafios colocados tanto para os servidores como para os municípios. De acordo comos resultados, pode-se concluir que o Ministério da Previdência Social tem investido em ações que busquemreduzir a pressão sobre o Regime Geral de Previdência Social (RGPS). Entretanto, sem que sejam avaliados oscasos individualmente, o esforço de universalizar os RPPS pode resultar em problemas críticos, sobretudo paraos servidores. Por outro lado, considerando o potencial desafogamento do RGPS, se todos os municípios queainda não possuem um RPPS resolvessem criá-lo, atingiriamos apenas 2,1% dos servidores públicos municipaisde pequenos municípios.DOI: 10.21714/2178-8030gep.v17i1.300


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    ABSTRACTTo evaluate patients undergoing arthroscopic release of a stiff elbow, with discussion of the technique, possible difficulties and risks. Methods: Twenty-four elbow arthroscopy procedures were performed. All the patients were evaluated using goniometry before the operation and six months afterwards and were rated using the Mayo elbow performance score (MEPS). Results: Fifteen men and nine women underwent surgery (14 right elbows and ten left elbows). Their mean age was 34.58 years and length of follow-up, 38.41 months. Their mean gain of range of motion was 43.3° and of MEPS, 85.4. Conclusion: Arthroscopic release might enable better intra-articular viewing and enhance the options for changing strategy during surgery, reducing surgical trauma and enabling early rehabilitation. This technique can reach similar or better results than open surgery. The disadvantages of arthroscopy are the long learning curve and higher cost of the procedure. Neurovascular complications are reported with both techniques. To avoid such problems, the protocol for portal construction must be rigorously followed. Arthroscopic release was shown to be a safe and effective option for achieving range-of-motion gains in cases of post-traumatic stiff elbow

    Ganhos potenciais na esperança de vida decorrentes da exclusão dos óbitos associados ao tabagismo em Curitiba e Belo Horizonte, 2003: uma aplicação do modelo de múltiplos decrementos

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    The aim of the present study is to measure the impact of smoking on life expectancy at birth, by sex and age in two capital cities, Curitiba and Belo Horizonte in 2003. The analysis is performed using the methodology of multiple decrements, eliminating the mortality attributable to smoking in three major groups of causes of death: malignant neoplasms, cardiovascular diseases and respiratory diseases. For the calculation of mortality rates related to tobacco the indicator used was the number of deaths attributable to smoking, estimated indirectly by Corrêa et al (2009), who used information from the Household Survey on Risk Behavior and Morbidity from Diseases and Noncommunicable the Ministry of Health, the Population Atributable Risk (PAR). For other rates, data come from the Mortality Information System (MIS). As observed in developed countries, the impact of smoking is higher among men and in the capital, where smoking prevalence was higher. However, our results suggest that the difference observed between the sexes, along with smoking, was lower than that observed in the literature.smoking, multiple decrement, death, preventable death

    Peneira mecânica

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    A low-cost soil sieving machine is presented. It was developed at the "Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Hortaliças" of EMBRAPA, for use in head houses attached to greenhouse complexes. On average, it takes 50 seconds to sieve 0.054 m3 of soil. Price, as of April/85, is estimated at US400.Eˊapresentadapeneirameca^nicasimplesedebaixocustodeconstruc\ca~oeoperac\ca~o,desenvolvidaparaserutilizadaemcasasdeapoioateladoseacasasdevegetac\ca~o.Odesempenhomeˊdiodepeneiramentodosdiversosmateriaisavaliadosfoide0,054m3em50segundos.Ocustodeconstruc\ca~o,emabrilde1985,foiestimadoem53ORTNs(valordaORTNemabril/1985:Cr 400.É apresentada peneira mecânica simples e de baixo custo de construção e operação, desenvolvida para ser utilizada em casas de apoio a telados e a casas-de-vegetação. O desempenho médio de peneiramento dos diversos materiais avaliados foi de 0,054 m3 em 50 segundos. O custo de construção, em abril de 1985, foi estimado em 53 ORTNs (valor da ORTN em abril/1985: Cr 34.166,77)