37,742 research outputs found

    Export-Oriented Policies, Women’s Work Burden and Human Development in Mauritius

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    This paper, looking at the case study of Mauritius, attempts to understand the factors affecting the relationship between EOP, women’s work burden along different social backgrounds. The analysis is based on between-method triangulation consisting of a quantitative survey in the industrial sector and a qualitative survey in the industrial and services sectors. The main result shows that women and the social reproductive process were not affected in the same way depending on the socioprofessional background of the woman

    Efficient estimation for a subclass of shape invariant models

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    In this paper, we observe a fixed number of unknown 2Ď€2\pi-periodic functions differing from each other by both phases and amplitude. This semiparametric model appears in literature under the name "shape invariant model." While the common shape is unknown, we introduce an asymptotically efficient estimator of the finite-dimensional parameter (phases and amplitude) using the profile likelihood and the Fourier basis. Moreover, this estimation method leads to a consistent and asymptotically linear estimator for the common shape.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AOS566 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Radio mini-halos and AGN heating in cool core clusters of galaxies

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    The brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) in the majority of relaxed, cool core galaxy clusters is radio loud, showing non-thermal radio jets and lobes ejected by the central active galactic nucleus (AGN). Such relativistic plasma has been unambiguously shown to interact with the surrounding thermal intra-cluster medium (ICM) thanks to spectacular images where the lobe radio emission is observed to fill the cavities in the X-ray-emitting gas. This `radio-mode AGN feedback' phenomenon, which is thought to quench cooling flows, is widespread and is critical to understand the physics of the inner regions of galaxy clusters and the properties of the central BCG. At the same time, mechanically-powerful AGN are likely to drive turbulence in the central ICM which may contribute to gas heating and also play a role for the origin of non-thermal emission on cluster-scales. Diffuse non-thermal emission has been observed in a number of cool core clusters in the form of a radio mini-halo surrounding the radio-loud BCG on scales comparable to that of the cooling region. This contribution outlines the main points covered by the talk on these topics. In particular, after summarizing the cooling flow regulation by AGN heating and the non-thermal emission from cool core clusters, we present a recent study of the largest collection of known mini-halo clusters (~ 20 objects) which investigated the scenario of a common origin of radio mini-halos and gas heating. We further discuss the prospects offered by future radio surveys with the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) for building large (>> 100 objects), unbiased mini-halo samples while probing at the same time the presence of radio-AGN feedback in the host clusters.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Conference proceeding of "The many facets of extragalactic radio surveys: towards new scientific challenges", 20-23 October 2015, Bologna, Ital


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    A 30 year old lady was seen by her family doctor during a busy clinic complaining of three episodes of left-sided headache over the previous four months. The pain was usually throbbing in nature and it increased slowly in intensity over about an hour. She usually would have to lie down in a dark room to obtain some relief. Nausea, vomiting and blurred vision usually accompanied the headache. She had had headaches in the past but usually less severe and relieved by two to four paracetamol tablets per day. She reported no family history of headaches and had not started any new medication. What would you do and what issues does this consultation raise?peer-reviewe

    Congruence Veech Groups

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    We study Veech groups of covering surfaces of primitive translation surfaces. Therefore we define congruence subgroups in Veech groups of primitive translation surfaces using their action on the homology with entries in Z/aZ\mathbb{Z}/a\mathbb{Z}. We introduce a congruence level definition and a property of a primitive translation surface which we call property (⋆)(\star). It guarantees that partition stabilising congruence subgroups of this level occur as Veech group of a translation covering. Each primitive surface with exactly one singular point has property (⋆)(\star) in every level. We additionally show that the surface glued from a regular 2n2n-gon with odd nn has property (⋆)(\star) in level aa iff aa and nn are coprime. For the primitive translation surface glued from two regular nn-gons, where nn is an odd number, we introduce a generalised Wohlfahrt level of subgroups in its Veech group. We determine the relationship between this Wohlfahrt level and the congruence level of a congruence group

    The Politics of Access: Examining Concerted State/Private Enforcement Solutions to Class Action Bans

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    Procedural and substantive constraints on the ability of ordinary people to access the civil justice system have become all too commonplace. The “justice gap” owes much to cuts in funding for legal aid and court administration, heightened pleading standards, ever-rising costs of discovery, increasingly restrictive views on standing to sue, and the co-opting of small claims court by businesses seeking to collect debts, among other obstacles in the path to the courthouse. But the most consequential impediment, surely, is the enforcement of mandatory arbitration clauses with class action bans, which bar consumers and employees from bringing or being represented in any form of collective litigation. This Article, written for a colloquium dedicated to the persistent problems of representation and access, explores the politics of regaining citizens’ rights to aggregate litigation in the wake of the Supreme Court’s broad endorsement of these class-ban provisions in AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion. Given the political climate in Washington, D.C., it is a safe bet that federal legislation will not overrule Concepcion anytime soon. Meanwhile, state legislation constraining class-banning arbitration clauses faces the unremitting threat of FAA preemption. But scholars and access-to-justice advocates have begun to focus on a third avenue for overcoming claims—suppressing class action bans, referred to in this Article as “concerted state/private enforcement solutions.” Concerted state/private enforcement can take several forms—whether it’s state Attorneys General engaging private counsel to pursue parens patriae damages cases under the AG’s direction, utilizing a qui tam model, or creating a regime where government enforcers obtain liability verdicts that private parties can use as conclusive proof in individual arbitrations. Each holds its own promises and poses its own challenges. But unlike head-on state legislation, the concerted state/private options are all viable as a legal matter. The question of political viability, however, is more nuanced. This Article explores the unique political calculus for states confronting the implications of the various forms of state/private concerted enforcement activity as a way to restore their citizens’ access to justice in the post-Concepcion era
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