931 research outputs found

    Sensitivity analysis in key parameters related to wind power production

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    Masteroppgåve i energiENERGI399MAMN-ENER

    A Crisis in Police Management

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    Evaluation of the Measurement of Motor Vehicle Ground Speed from Aircraft

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    Cubicle Refusal in Norwegian Dairy Herds

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    In order to survey the behaviour of choosing the alley area instead of a cubicle as a lying place (cubicle refusal), a questionnaire was sent to the 273 dairy farms in Norway known to keep cows in cubicle housing systems. Sixty-six percent of the farmers contacted were included in the study. The median herd size was 18 cows (range 7–118). More than 85% of the herds had sheds providing one or more cubicles per cow. The mean herd occurrence of cubicle refusal was 6%, but showed great variation (range 0–55%). Regression analysis showed a significant association between rearing heifers in slatted floor pens and an increased cubicle refusal occurrence (p = 0.02, R2 = 0.05), while herd size, use of litter, or cubicle-to-animal ratio were not found to be associated with cubicle refusal. The practice of rearing heifers in slatted floor pens accounted for about one half of the observed cubicle refusal (etiologic fraction = 0.51)

    Failure to Use Cubicles and Concentrate Dispenser by Heifers after Transfer from Rearing Accommodation to Milking Herd

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    Thirty-three dairy farms in the Norwegian counties of Østfold and Akershus in which cubicle sheds had been in use for at least one year and with a herd size of less than 60 cows, were contacted and asked to participate in a study. The study focused on heifers' use of cubicles and concentrate dispenser just after being transferred from rearing accommodation to the milking herd. For each heifer, the farmer recorded cubicle use once nightly between 9 and 11 pm. The daily amount of concentrate released in the dispenser and the allotted daily ration were also recorded. The recording period was 15 consecutive days for cubicle use and 7 days for concentrate dispenser use. Cubicle refusal behaviour, i.e. lying outside the cubicles, was analysed by logistic regression using rearing accommodation of heifers, herd size, heifer age, and housing layout as independent variables, and herd as a clustering variable. On Day 2 after transfer, 34% of the heifers were showing cubicle refusal behaviour (N = 340). By Day 15 this percentage had dropped to 23. Cubicle refusal was lower throughout the whole period among heifers which used the cubicles on the 3 first days after transfer compared to those which did not. This tendency could also be detected several months later. The analysis showed cubicle refusal to be significantly associated with rearing accommodation (OR = 6.1, c.i.95%OR = 1.5–24.3, P = 0.01) and cubicle layout in the shed (OR = 0.2, c.i.95%OR = 0.0–0.7, P = 0.01). None of the tested variables were found to be significant for failure to use the concentrate dispenser, a behaviour which was less frequent than cubicle refusal. However, 8 percent of the heifers did not visit the dispenser at all throughout the 7 days of observation

    Anthropocene Melancholy

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    The article presents an analysis of Urd by Ruth Lillegraven and Heime mellom istidene by Guri Sørumgård Botheim. These two works of poetry are studied from an ecocritical perspective primarily inspired by Timothy Morton’s concept of dark ecology and Timothy Clark’s idea of the Anthropocene. The main focus of the analysis is how the poems depict feelings of familiarity between modern humans, their ancestors, and their surroundings. In the discussion, particular attention is paid to the gendered aspects of familial melancholy. In this way, the author seeks to demonstrate how poetic form can contribute to a way of reading in the Anthropocene.Der Artikel analysiert Urd von Ruth Lillegraven und Heime mellom istidene von Guri Sørumgård Botheim. Diese beiden Gedichtsammlungen werden aus einer ökokritischen Perspektive untersucht, die vor allem von Timothy Mortons Konzept der dunklen Ökologie und Timothy Clarks Idee des Anthropozäns inspiriert ist. Im Mittelpunkt der Analyse steht die Frage, wie die Gedichte Gefühle der Vertrautheit zwischen dem modernen Menschen, seinen Vorfahren und seiner Umgebung darstellen. In der Diskussion wird den geschlechtsspezifischen Aspekten der familiären Melancholie besondere Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Auf diese Weise versucht der Autor zu zeigen, wie die poetische Form zu einer Lesart im Anthropozän beitragen kann

    GTTC Future of Ground Testing Meta-Analysis of 20 Documents

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    National research, development, test, and evaluation ground testing capabilities in the United States are at risk. There is a lack of vision and consensus on what is and will be needed, contributing to a significant threat that ground test capabilities may not be able to meet the national security and industrial needs of the future. To support future decisions, the AIAA Ground Testing Technical Committees (GTTC) Future of Ground Test (FoGT) Working Group selected and reviewed 20 seminal documents related to the application and direction of ground testing. Each document was reviewed, with the content main points collected and organized into sections in the form of a gap analysis current state, future state, major challenges/gaps, and recommendations. This paper includes key findings and selected commentary by an editing team