354 research outputs found

    Some Useful Properties of Composition

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratorySignal Corps Contract DA-36-039-SC-8512

    The High Redshift Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect

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    In this paper we rely on the quasar (QSO) catalog of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release Six (SDSS DR6) of about one million photometrically selected QSOs to compute the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect at high redshift, aiming at constraining the behavior of the expansion rate and thus the behaviour of dark energy at those epochs. This unique sample significantly extends previous catalogs to higher redshifts while retaining high efficiency in the selection algorithm. We compute the auto-correlation function (ACF) of QSO number density from which we extract the bias and the stellar contamination. We then calculate the cross-correlation function (CCF) between QSO number density and Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature fluctuations in different subsamples: at high z>1.5 and low z<1.5 redshifts and for two different choices of QSO in a conservative and in a more speculative analysis. We find an overall evidence for a cross-correlation different from zero at the 2.7\sigma level, while this evidence drops to 1.5\sigma at z>1.5. We focus on the capabilities of the ISW to constrain the behaviour of the dark energy component at high redshift both in the \LambdaCDM and Early Dark Energy cosmologies, when the dark energy is substantially unconstrained by observations. At present, the inclusion of the ISW data results in a poor improvement compared to the obtained constraints from other cosmological datasets. We study the capabilities of future high-redshift QSO survey and find that the ISW signal can improve the constraints on the most important cosmological parameters derived from Planck CMB data, including the high redshift dark energy abundance, by a factor \sim 1.5.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures, and 7 table

    The Fall of Stringy de Sitter

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    Kachru, Kallosh, Linde, & Trivedi recently constructed a four-dimensional de Sitter compactification of IIB string theory, which they showed to be metastable in agreement with general arguments about de Sitter spacetimes in quantum gravity. In this paper, we describe how discrete flux choices lead to a closely-spaced set of vacua and explore various decay channels. We find that in many situations NS5-brane meditated decays which exchange NSNS 3-form flux for D3-branes are comparatively very fast.Comment: 35 pp (11 pp appendices), 5 figures, v3. fixed minor typo

    Radiating black hole solutions in arbitrary dimensions

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    We prove a theorem that characterizes a large family of non-static solutions to Einstein equations in NN-dimensional space-time, representing, in general, spherically symmetric Type II fluid. It is shown that the best known Vaidya-based (radiating) black hole solutions to Einstein equations, in both four dimensions (4D) and higher dimensions (HD), are particular cases from this family. The spherically symmetric static black hole solutions for Type I fluid can also be retrieved. A brief discussion on the energy conditions, singularities and horizons is provided.Comment: RevTeX 9 pages, no figure

    Moduli Stabilization from Fluxes in a Simple IIB Orientifold

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    We study novel type IIB compactifications on the T^6/Z_2 orientifold. This geometry arises in the T-dual description of Type I theory on T^6, and one normally introduces 16 space-filling D3-branes to cancel the RR tadpoles. Here, we cancel the RR tadpoles either partially or fully by turning on three-form flux in the compact geometry. The resulting (super)potential for moduli is calculable. We demonstrate that one can find many examples of N=1 supersymmetric vacua with greatly reduced numbers of moduli in this system. A few examples with N>1 supersymmetry or complete supersymmetry breaking are also discussed.Comment: 49 pages, harvmac big; v2, corrected some typo

    Gauge Theory and the Excision of Repulson Singularities

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    We study brane configurations that give rise to large-N gauge theories with eight supersymmetries and no hypermultiplets. These configurations include a variety of wrapped, fractional, and stretched branes or strings. The corresponding spacetime geometries which we study have a distinct kind of singularity known as a repulson. We find that this singularity is removed by a distinctive mechanism, leaving a smooth geometry with a core having an enhanced gauge symmetry. The spacetime geometry can be related to large-N Seiberg-Witten theory.Comment: 31 pages LaTeX, 2 figures (v3: references added

    Geometric K-Homology of Flat D-Branes

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    We use the Baum-Douglas construction of K-homology to explicitly describe various aspects of D-branes in Type II superstring theory in the absence of background supergravity form fields. We rigorously derive various stability criteria for states of D-branes and show how standard bound state constructions are naturally realized directly in terms of topological K-cycles. We formulate the mechanism of flux stabilization in terms of the K-homology of non-trivial fibre bundles. Along the way we derive a number of new mathematical results in topological K-homology of independent interest.Comment: 45 pages; v2: References added; v3: Some substantial revision and corrections, main results unchanged but presentation improved, references added; to be published in Communications in Mathematical Physic

    Higher dimensional dust collapse with a cosmological constant

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    The general solution of the Einstein equation for higher dimensional (HD) spherically symmetric collapse of inhomogeneous dust in presence of a cosmological term, i.e., exact interior solutions of the Einstein field equations is presented for the HD Tolman-Bondi metrics imbedded in a de Sitter background. The solution is then matched to exterior HD Scwarschild-de Sitter. A brief discussion on the causal structure singularities and horizons is provided. It turns out that the collapse proceed in the same way as in the Minkowski background, i.e., the strong curvature naked singularities form and that the higher dimensions seem to favor black holes rather than naked singularities.Comment: 7 Pages, no figure

    On the dual structure of the auditory brainstem response in dogs

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    Objective: To use the over-complete discrete wavelet transform (OCDWT) to further examine the dual structure of auditory brainstem response (ABR) in the dog. Methods: ABR waveforms recorded from 20 adult dogs at supra-threshold (90 and 70 dBnHL) and threshold (0-15 dBSL) levels were decomposed using a six level OCDWT and reconstructed at individual scales (frequency ranges) A6 (0-391 Hz), D6 (391-781 Hz), and D5 (781-1563 Hz). Results: At supra-threshold stimulus levels, the A6 scale (0-391 Hz) showed a large amplitude waveform with its prominent wave corresponding in latency with ABR waves II/III; the D6 scale (391-781 Hz) showed a small amplitude waveform with its first four waves corresponding in latency to ABR waves I, II/III, V, and VI; and the D5 scale (781-1563 Hz) showed a large amplitude, multiple peaked waveform with its first six waves corresponding in latency to ABR waves I, II, III, IV, V, and VI. At threshold stimulus levels (0-15 dBSL), the A6 scale (0-391 Hz) continued to show a relatively large amplitude waveform, but both the D6 and D5 scales (391781 and 781-1563 Hz, respectively) now showed relatively small amplitude waveforms. Conclusions: A dual structure exists within the ABR of the dog, but its relative structure changes with stimulus level. Significance: The ABR in the dog differs from that in the human both in the relative contributions made by its different frequency components, and the way these components change with stimulus level. (c) 2006 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Classical Yang-Mills Black hole hair in anti-de Sitter space

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    The properties of hairy black holes in Einstein–Yang–Mills (EYM) theory are reviewed, focusing on spherically symmetric solutions. In particular, in asymptotically anti-de Sitter space (adS) stable black hole hair is known to exist for frak su(2) EYM. We review recent work in which it is shown that stable hair also exists in frak su(N) EYM for arbitrary N, so that there is no upper limit on how much stable hair a black hole in adS can possess