3,711 research outputs found

    Drivers’ risk profile indicates the need for a graduated driving licence in South Africa

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    Background. Current driver mortality estimates do not consider the great differences in exposure across the population, giving a false impression that driver deaths are lowest in the youngest age group. Interventions to reduce risk among the younger age group include graduated driver licensing (GDL) . a three-phase licensing system for novice drivers consisting of a learnerfs permit, a provisional license, and a full license.Objectives. We calculated driver fatality rates per 10 000 registereddrivers in each age group and assessed the need for stricter licensingconditions for novice and younger drivers. Methods. Age-specific driver mortality rates were calculated using Western Cape Province 2008 mortuary data. The total number of licensed drivers in each age group served as the denominator. Incidence rate ratios were calculated using the age group of 65 - 79 years as the reference. Chi-square test of trendon incidence rate ratios for the age groups was done. Statistical significance was set as p<0.05.Results. There were 339 driver deaths; mean age was 39.4}13.8 years, and males accounted for 80% of the deaths. Age-specific driver mortality rates were highest in the youngest age group (15 - 19 years). There was a significant progressive decrease (except for the age group 45 - 49 years) in the risk of death from road traffic injuries with increasing age compared with the age group .65 years (chi2 for trend p<0.0001).Conclusion. This study showed a relationship between driverfs mortality risk and younger age, and underscores the need for introduction of a GDL programme in South Africa

    Determining the association between fibromyalgia, the gut microbiome and its biomarkers: A systematic review

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    Background: The association between fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome is well-established. Alterations inthe composition and diversity of the gut microbiome in irritable bowel syndrome have been reported, however,this association is poorly understood in fibromyalgia.Our aim was to summarise the research reporting on the gastrointestinal microbiome and its biomarkers in peoplewith fibromyalgia.Methods: A systematic review of published original research reporting on the gastrointestinal microbiota and itsbiomarkers in adults with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia was undertaken.Results: From 4771 studies, 11 met our inclusion criteria and were separated into four main groups: papersreporting Helicobacter pylori; other gut bacterial markers; metabolomics and other biomarkers, which includedintestinal permeability and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.Conclusion: The results suggest there is a paucity of quality research in this area, with indications that the gutmicrobiota may play a role in fibromyalgia within the emerging field of the gut-musculoskeletal axis. Furtherinvestigations into the relationship between the gut microbiota, gut dysfunction and fibromyalgia are warranted

    Public health lessons from a pilot programme to reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 in Khayelitsha

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    Objective. Short-course antiretroviral therapy (ART) has been shown to be effective in reducing mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV-1. This article details the public health lessons learnt from a district-based pilot programme where a short-murse zidovudine (ZDV) regimen has been used in a typical South African peri-urban setting.Methods. The pilot programme was initiated at two midwife obstetric units in January 1999. Lay counsellors conducted pre- and post-test counselling and nurses took blood for HIV enzyme-linked imrnunosorbent assay (EUSA) testing. Shortcourse ZDV was administered antenatally (from 36 weeks gestation) and during labour. Mother-infant pairs were followed up at eight child health clinics where free formula feed was dispensed weekly. Infants received co-trimoxazole prophylaxis and were EUSA tested for HIV at 9 and 18 months. After 17 months protocol changes aimed at eliminating weaknesses included initiation of ZDV at 34 weeks, self-administration of the first dose of ZDV with the onset of labour, and rapid HIV testing for both mothers and infants.Results. Voluntary counselling and testing was shown to be highly acceptable, with individual counselling more effective than group counselling. Based on less than optimal availability of records, ZDV utilisation was encouraging with up to 59% of subjects initiating treatment, 3 weeks' median duration of ZDV use, and up to 88% receiving at least one intrapartum ZDV dose. Self-administration of the intrapartum dose reached 41%.Conclusions. Short-course antenatal and intrapartum ART to prevent MTCT of HIV1 was shown to be feasible

    Conflict of interest: A tenacious ethical dilemma in public health policy, not only in clinical practice/research

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    In addition to the ethical practice of individual health professionals, bioethical debate about conflict of interest (CoI) must include theinstitutional ethics of public policy-making, as failure to establish independence from powerful stakeholder influence may pervert publichealth goals. All involved in public policy processes are accountable for CoI, including experts, scientists, professionals, industry and government officials. The liquor industry in South Africa is presented as a case study. Generic principles of how to identify, manage and address CoI are discussed. We propose that health professionals and policy makers should avoid partnering with industries that are harmful to health. Regarding institutional CoI, we recommend that there should be effective policies, procedures and processes for governing public-private joint ventures with such industries. These include arms-length funding, maintaining the balance between contesting vested interests, and full disclosure of the identity and affiliations of all participants in structures and reports pertaining to public policy-making

    The epidemiology of hypertension family practice in Cape Town

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    A prevalence study of hypertension in 8 family practices in low socio-economic areas of Cape Town examined 1046 patients over the age of 15 years. The crude prevalence rate of hypertension was 20,26%. There was no significant sex difference. Systolic pressure, diastolic pressure and hypertensive status increased with age and body mass index (BMI). There were complex relationships with regard to sex in that the female sex was predictive of hypertensive status after the age of 45 years unexplained by differences in BM!. After adjusting for age, BMI and sex differences, widowhood, poor education, obesity, a family history of hypertension or stroke and a past history of hypertension were significant predictors of hypertensive status. Smoking status, occupational social class or property ownership were not predictive. Fifty-one per cent of hypertensive subjects were treated. Of those receiving treatment, 30% were controlled resulting in a control prevalence of only 18%. Younger male subjects were better controlled by treatment. A strong need for improved diagnosis and treatment of hypertension in family practice exists in this region.S Afr Med J 1990; 78: 7-1

    Enlargement of Cavernous Haemangioma Associated with Exogenous Administration of Oestrogens

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    A cavernous haemangioma of the liver which enlarged rapidly while the patient was receiving exogenous oestrogens is reported. A dramatic decrease in the size of the tumour was produced by ligating the right hepatic artery and portal vein. The literature on large haemangiomas of the liver is reviewed.S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 695 (1974)

    Computer-Generated Ovaries to Assist Follicle Counting Experiments

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    Precise estimation of the number of follicles in ovaries is of key importance in the field of reproductive biology, both from a developmental point of view, where follicle numbers are determined at specific time points, as well as from a therapeutic perspective, determining the adverse effects of environmental toxins and cancer chemotherapeutics on the reproductive system. The two main factors affecting follicle number estimates are the sampling method and the variation in follicle numbers within animals of the same strain, due to biological variability. This study aims at assessing the effect of these two factors, when estimating ovarian follicle numbers of neonatal mice. We developed computer algorithms, which generate models of neonatal mouse ovaries (simulated ovaries), with characteristics derived from experimental measurements already available in the published literature. The simulated ovaries are used to reproduce in-silico counting experiments based on unbiased stereological techniques; the proposed approach provides the necessary number of ovaries and sampling frequency to be used in the experiments given a specific biological variability and a desirable degree of accuracy. The simulated ovary is a novel, versatile tool which can be used in the planning phase of experiments to estimate the expected number of animals and workload, ensuring appropriate statistical power of the resulting measurements. Moreover, the idea of the simulated ovary can be applied to other organs made up of large numbers of individual functional units
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