39 research outputs found

    The Effect Of Longeth Radiation And Cool Shock Differently Toward Ginogenesis Shealthfish (Ompok Rhadinurus Ng)

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    This study was conducted for 28 days from 13 Mei until 9 Juni 2014, In Hatchery and Fish Breeding Laboratory of Fisheries and Marine Sciences University of Riau. The aim of study was to determine of the effect of longeth radiation and cool shock differently toward ginogenesis shealtfish (Ompok rhadinurus Ng) fertilized by spermatozoa catfish (Pangasius hypophthalamus). The experiental used in this study with 1 factor and 10 treatments. The treatment were density of control hybridization and spermatozoa radiation with ultraviolet light (1,2, and 3 minutes) and then performed for 1 minute after conception with cool shock 5oC (1,2 and 3 minutes). The best treatment was combination 3 minutes while radiation performed for 1 minute fertilization with cool shock 5oC for 3 minutes (P3F1K3) with a success percentage of 100%. The water quality parameters along the research period were recorded as temperature 25 – 27oC, pH 5 – 6, and dissolve oxygen ( DO ) 5- 7,5 mg/l respectively


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan upaya yang dilakukan Jepang dalam keamanan di Teluk Aden Pantai Somalia. Begitu maraknya perompakan terjadi diteluk aden, maka sudah banyak menelan korban perompakkan termasuk kapal dari jepang yang melewati teluk aden. Maka pada permulaan musim dingin 2008 jepang merubah rute perjalanan agar menghindari teluk aden, namun tidak melewati teluk aden maka menyita waktu dari biasanya. Bisa bertambah waktu 6-10 hari dari perjalanan semula. Perompakan yang terjadi di Somalia di sinyalir karena Somalia sebagai negara gagal “failed state” tidak bisa mengontrol tindakan kriminal kejahatan atas warga negaranya. Kegagalan Somalia terutama setelah pasca terjadinya perang saudara di Somalia dan kegagalan rezim pemerintahan dalam negeri itu sendiri. Hal ini merupakan respon dari tindakan perompakan yang sering terjadi dipantai somalia. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini kualitatif dan pendekatan deskriptif dan menggunakan data sekunder. Pada white paper yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2009 sampai pada tahun 2014, Jepang menjelaskan basis kebijakan luar negerinya dalam bidang keamanan. Jepang menggaris bawahi tiga hal : pertama, mendukung aktivitas PBB dan bekerjasama dengan negara-negara lain untuk mencapai perdamaian dunia. Kedua, exclusive defense-oriented dimana Jepang tidak akan mengirim defensive force kecuali Jepang diserang oleh negara lain. Ketiga, keamanan maritim merupakan hal yang asngat krusial bagi Jepang, yang mana kebutuhan makanan dan sumber daya alam Jepang bergantung pada transportasi laut. Berdasarkan white paper ini Jepang melakukan langkah untuk keamanan yang terjadi di Teluk Aden Pantai Somalia, Jepang melakukan beberapa upaya agar ekonomi jepang terus berjalan dengan lancar. Upaya yang pertama; Jepang melakukan pengamanan internal dalam proses impor ekspor barang yang dibawa kapal jepang. Kedua; keikutsertaan jepang dalam Operasi Atalanta dan beperan aktif memberikan bantuan dalam setiap mandat yang diberikan. Ketiga; kerjasama jepang dengan EU Navfor dalam megatasi Perompak Somalia Teluk Aden. Upaya yang dilakukan adalah Pengamanan terhadap jalur pelayaran rentan di lepas pantai Somalia dan Teluk Aden, Pencegahan dan Penindakan Terhadap Aksi Perompakan, Memantau Kegiatan Penangkapan Ikan di Lepas Pantai Somalia dan Mendukung berbagai misi Uni Eropa dan Organisasi Internasional lainnya dalam upaya menjaga stabilitas keamanan maritim di Teluk Aden. Penelitian Ini telah meberikan beberapa upaya yang dilakukan oleh jepang dalam mengurangi perompakan di teluk aden pantai somalia dalam memberikan kenyaman kapal-kapal yang melintas melewati teluk aden pantai somalia. Dan memberikan kelancaran kepada kapal-kapal yang melintas sehingga memberikan ekonomi yang signifikan kepada jepang dalam melaksanakan ekspor-inpor ke negara-negara di eropa. Kata Kunci : Jepang, Menjaga Keamanan, Teluk Aden Pantai Somali

    Crashworthiness performance of the designed concave hexagonal structures as filler element in cylindrical shell in multiple load cases

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    Safety Impact resistance is defined as the ability of a material to absorb impact energy through controlled failure mechanism. The greater the energy absorption by the crash safety structure, the greater the safety in preventing deformation of the main structure due to impact. In this study, numerical validation, mesh convergence studies and multiple load case studies were performed to investigate crash resistance under axial loading. Numerical validation results show that the similarity between this study and the reference reaches 95%. A deviation of 5% occurs due to different input material properties. The results show that the concave hexagons as filling elements have greater energy absorption capacity than conventional hollow tubes, and the more concave hexagonal structures, the better the energy absorption. Oblique compression was performed in this study and as a result the sample has good impact resistance at low angles and no effect at high angles like 20°

    Representative application of LNG-fuelled ships: a critical overview on potential GHG emission reductions and economic benefits

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    The shipping industry is the primary and most significant mode of international cargo transportation. The ship must comply with strict rules regarding reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as a dominant transportation mode. Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) is the primary alternative fuel option for several shipping companies. In essence, many studies recommend LNG as a transitional and alternative fuel because its emission characteristics are cleaner than other fossil fuels. Several previous investigations have been carried out to develop an action plan for integrating the use of LNG as a ship fuel. However, there have been few discussions on the estimation of GHG emission reduction and the economic efficiency of a representative LNG-fuelled ship. The recent progress on LNG-fuelled ships is systematically reviewed to summarize the pathways and highlight the core technological concepts, technical issues, current LNG-fuelled ship applications, and future outlooks regarding integrating LNG energy resources into ship power systems to measure GHG emission reductions and cost savings estimations. The report will discuss the current development in the maritime sector and the effects of the macroeconomic scale. The result reveals that future research on ship-based LNG energy systems will probably concentrate on integrating new energy source generating strategies with existing ship power systems to improve energy efficiency. Several potential research areas for future outlook were also discussed to anticipate future challenges

    Investigation of Honeycomb Sandwich Panel Structure using Aluminum Alloy (AL6XN) Material under Blast Loading

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    In this study, we focused on the large inelastic behavior of a sandwich panel made of two solid plates as a stiffener and a honeycomb core shell subjected to blast load. The loading scheme was carried out using an explosive charge bullet mounted at a standoff distance of 100 mm with three mass variations of trinitrotoluene: 1, 2, and 3 kg TNT. The numerical simulations performed using ABAQUS/CAE were validated with the experimental results of a previous study. The geometrical effects of the sandwich panel on intact and damaged models were also numerically investigated. The panel was designed using a square and hexagonal honeycomb core. The effect of honeycomb core height was also observed by modeling the core using three height variations: 31, 51, and 71 mm. The results showed that the hexagonal core was more resistant to blast loads than the square design. The core height parameter determines the energy absorption based on these results. The structural strength is also affected by the damage. The findings of this study can be used to improve structural designs that utilize sandwich panels to withstand blast loads. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-05-014 Full Text: PD

    Systematic Review of Solar and Wind Power Plants for 14-Meter Fishing Boats

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    The use of fossil fuels is becoming increasingly expensive, and the amount is limited. Utilizing wind and solar energy sources onboard fishing vessels during operation is one of the solutions to reduce operational costs. This article presents a study on applying solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind turbines for a 14-meter BSC (Blue Swimming Crab) fishing vessel in Rembang Regency, Indonesia. This study discusses the use of renewable energy sources that can be applied to meet  onboard electricity needs and their economic impact. This analysis considers to operating system scenario for seven days catching the BSC in the Java Sea. The calculation results show that the solar PV and wind turbine energy that can be utilized as electrical energy are 22,960-Watt h. The required battery is 20 units at 100 Ah 12 Volts and an investment cost of USD 21,084. The advantage of applying this technology is an operational cost saving of 16%, which can increase fishermen’s income by 11%. The challenge of a hybrid or electric propulsion system is fantastic, using the serial configuration of the power topology, and the result of preliminary estimates of the investment value is approximately 173,277 USD

    Crashworthiness performance of the designed concave hexagonal structures as filler element in cylindrical shell in multiple load cases

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    Safety Impact resistance is defined as the ability of a material to absorb impact energy through controlled failure mechanism. The greater the energy absorption by the crash safety structure, the greater the safety in preventing deformation of the main structure due to impact. In this study, numerical validation, mesh convergence studies and multiple load case studies were performed to investigate crash resistance under axial loading. Numerical validation results show that the similarity between this study and the reference reaches 95%. A deviation of 5% occurs due to different input material properties. The results show that the concave hexagons as filling elements have greater energy absorption capacity than conventional hollow tubes, and the more concave hexagonal structures, the better the energy absorption. Oblique compression was performed in this study and as a result the sample has good impact resistance at low angles and no effect at high angles like 20°

    Design of the Bengawan Unmanned Vehicle (UV) Roboboat: Mandakini Neo

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    Mandakini Neo is an autonomous vehicle that was designed and built by the students of the Universitas Sebelas Maret, which was included in the Bengawan Unmanned Vehicle (UV) Roboboat Team to compete in the annual international Roboboat competition of 2021. This competition requires participants to complete several missions; one of the main missions is to move through two gates made from four poles using full automatic navigation, in order to continue on with the other missions. To complete the course, we used Pixhawk and GPS to allow the ship to run automatically, while minimizing the ship’s movement tolerance. The use of Mission Planner software for monitoring, and also for color and shape image processing to help with the reading of objects, along with a sensor fitted on the ship, allowed the mission to be completed. Mandakini Neo was made with the capacity, speed, and comfort of the ship in mind, as well as the ship’s hydrodynamic performance, stability, volume, structural integrity, and construction cost. Following its development we conducted tests of stability, maneuverability, and seakeeping in order to achieve the smallest possible resistance rate; for this purpose, we used the Savitsky method. The manufacture of the ship also required the choosing of the material, the use of the sensor, and also selection of an appropriate system. Finally, the design that we developed was a ship with a catamaran hull type, for which the dimensions had already been calculated, and the proper materials decided, and simple electrical components were able to be obtained for the sensor and the system


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Glass Ceiling, Pelatihan dan Promosi Jabatan Terhadap Pengembangan Karir Perempuan pada PT. Mentari Mulia Sooko. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan perempuan PT. Mentari Mulia Sooko. Pemilihan sampel berdasarkan teknik pengambilan Sampel Jenuh yaitu teknik menentukan sampel dimana semua anggota populasi digunakan menjadi sampel. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh dan/atau beberapa karyawan perempuan PT. Mentari Mulia Sooko. Metodologi penelitian yang di gunakan yaitu menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda, dengan bantuan software Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) Version 16. Hasil pengujian variabel Glass Ceiling, variabel Pelatihan dan variabel Promosi Jabatan berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap Pengembangan Karir Perempuan dengan arah yang positif. Hal ini terlihat dari hasil analisis regresi linier berganda dari masing-masing variabel menunjukkan secara parsial ke arah yang positif. Demikian juga untuk hasil pengujian secara simultan variabel Glass Ceiling, Pelatihan Dan Promosi Jabatan berpengaruh terhadap Pengembangan Karir Perempuan dengan nilai yang cukup signifikan

    PABRIK FENOL DARI CUMEN Kapasitas 200.000 Ton/Tahun

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    The process used in this plant is Cumene Process, namely by reacting cumeen (main raw material) obtained by imports from Thailand as 39248.6812 kg / h and oxygen from the air as much 16384.7150 kg / h at a flow stirred tank reactors with bubbling process which produces cumen hydroperoxide. Cumen hydroperoxide decomposed using sulfuric acid catalyst (adjuvant) as much as 19.4637 kg / h in flow stirred tank reactor as the reaction runs optimally at acidic conditions. After obtaining phenol (primary products) as much 26010.1010 kg / h and acetone (product side) as much 16048.7857 kg / hour of cracking the cumen hydroperoxide, solution is then reacted with a mixture of sodium hydroxide (adjuvant) of 0.9535 kg / hours to neutralize the acidic solution. This phenol plant is planned to be located in Cilegon and occupies a land area of 4 ha. Cilegon has the basics of considerations in the selection of the plant site infrastructures adequate transportation facilities, land and water needs are available, availability of labor, geographical and climatic conditions are stable. In the design of cumen phenol plant with a capacity of 200,000 tonnes / year requires a total energy requirement of 62,498,508.23 kj / hour. This plant needs water at 760,258.0102 tons / year. Calculation of economic evaluations obtained a fixed capital of U.S. 13,696,707.22+USD.10,239,882,859.10workingcapitalofU.S. 13,696,707.22 + USD. 10,239,882,859.10 working capital of U.S. 20,683,227.13 + USD. 1,469,652,694.80, yielding cost of U.S. 74,579,253.27+USD.8,570,012,955.04.PublicexpenditureofU.S. 74,579,253.27 + USD. 8,570,012,955.04. Public expenditure of U.S. 6,437,174.50 + Rp. 1,191,713,807.19. Profit before tax of Rp. 37,290,421,358.62 profit after tax of Rp. 18,645,210,697.31. ROI before taxes 26.31%, 13.16% ROI after tax. POT before tax of 2.75 years, 4.32 years after tax POT. BEP capacity by 51.41%, SDP 28.62% of capacity, and DCFRR of 24.87%. Based on the economic calculations, this phenol plant from cumene with a capacity of 200,000 tonnes / year interesting for further investigatio