241 research outputs found

    Biological and Social Links Between Eating Behavior and Stress Among College Students

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    Stress and eating behaviors are known to be correlated in all ages but is primarily associated with young adults. This correlation can be attributed to both biological and social links. In this review, I detail the effects of stress on the brain in a biological manner and the areas of the brain associated with eating behavior. I will also discuss social factors that could contribute to the correlation between stress and eating behavior in college students. Stress is a major factor in optimal digestion and health. A majority of students report experiencing times of stress or feeling overwhelmed throughout their college education. This stress can often cause students to find gratification through overindulging in food and the consumption of food with poor nutritional value. The stress students experience can be through academics, employment, financials, and organization responsibilities. Furthermore, this stress can vary through individual perception and gender. Some students use the consumption of food as a coping mechanism to deal with the stress they experience. Others may become stressed about their food consumption leading to a bidirectional effect between stress and eating. The stress students experience can negatively impact their academic success as well as their mental and physical health. College health promotion programs are vital in educating students on how to manage stress and eating behaviors to promote healthy behavior and wellbeing

    Empirisch-quantitative Erforschung des Internetnutzungsverhaltens von Jugendlichen in Internetcafés

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    Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit dokumentiert ein Forschungsprojekt zur Erfassung des Internetnutzungsverhaltens von Jugendlichen in Internetcafés. Es ist dies die erste Erhebung zu diesem Thema, da bisherige Studien zwar das Verhältnis und die Beziehung der Jugendlichen zum Medium Internet im Haushalt und Jugendorganisationen thematisieren, jedoch nicht auf die Nutzung in Internetcafés näher eingehen. Aus diesem Grund werden im Rahmen einer empirisch-quantitativ angelegten Querschnittstudie mittels standardisiertem Fragebogen Jugendliche vor Ort in Internetcafés zu ihrem Nutzungsverhalten befragt. Die Ergebnisse der Befragung werden in Form eines Persönlichkeits- und Nutzerprofils dargestellt und mit bisherigen Ergebnissen von Jugend- und Internetstudien verglichen. Obwohl heutzutage ein Großteil der Haushalte über einen privaten Internetzugang verfügt, nutzen Jugendliche das Angebot eines Internetzugangs in Internetcafés und nehmen diese somit als Bestandteil ihrer Alltagswelt wahr. Aus medienpädagogischer Sicht muss es daher Aufgabe sein, Jugendliche zu einem bewussten, kritischen und reflektierten Umgang mit diesem Medium zu erziehen, als bewahrpädagogische Überlegungen anzustellen und ihnen den Umgang mit dem Internet zu verbieten, denn Jugendliche finden einen Weg das Internet zu nutzen, auch in Internetcafés

    Hepatitis A Virus Infections in Travelers, 1988-2004

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    Background. Uncertainty exists about the current risk of hepatitis A virus infection in nonimmune travelers to destinations with high or intermediate risk of transmission. We analyzed recent epidemiological data on imported hepatitis A to determine region-specific attack rates and incidences. Methods. Surveillance data on hepatitis A virus infections diagnosed during 1988-2004 were evaluated on the basis of notification by laboratories, additional reports of physicians, and traveler's statistics. This study focuses on international travelers with hepatitis A virus infection detected after their return to Switzerland. Results. The rate of imported hepatitis A virus infections decreased 75% from 1988 to 2004 and accounted overall for 42% of all hepatitis A cases reported in Switzerland. The actual incidence of hepatitis A in travelers to countries of high or intermediate risk of transmission was 3.0-11.0 per 100,000 person-months abroad for all travelers and 6.0-28.0 per 100,000 for those presumed to be nonimmune. The actual proportion of those visiting friends and relatives among patients with hepatitis A has increased to 28.2%, with children aged 0-14 years predominating. Reductions in the incidence by hepatitis A vaccination were estimated to vary between 35.0% and 61.8% for different destinations. Conclusions. The risk of hepatitis A virus infections has decreased by a factor of 10-50-fold over time, compared with findings from older studies. The risk, however, remains very considerable at many destinations, including frequently visited places, such as Mexico. Children of immigrants are a high-risk population. Strategies are needed to reach those at highest ris

    Treating Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Newly Arriving Refugees: An Advanced Practice Nurse Initiative at the University of Louisville Global Health Center

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    Background: A review of newly arriving refugees referred to the local health department for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) treatment during 2013-2015 revealed a treatment gap of 73%, supporting the need to identify new approaches to treat vulnerable populations and mirrored results in the literature. Objectives: 1) Describe an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) led alternative approach to LTBI treatment in the refugee population; and 2) evaluate the impact of a 12-week regimen for LTBI on treatment acceptance, adherence and completion. Methods: During the initial health screening visit, treatment options were provided for those identified with LTBI consisting of either a 12-week regimen requiring weekly directly observed therapy (DOT) or the traditional 9-month treatment. Results: During March-December 2016, 50 refugees were referred and 24/50 were offered a 12-week regimen of Rifapentine and Isoniazid, administered with DOT. 23 of the 24 or 96% completed the entire treatment course. Conclusions: The new LTBI clinic process resulted in an increase in treatment acceptance and completion compared with the historic rate of 27%. Implications for Nursing: APRN initiatives such as this can result in positive benefits to patients and communities while serving to advance the nursing profession in all practice setting

    Scaling of droplet breakup in high-pressure homogenizer orifices. Part I: Comparison of velocity profiles in scaled coaxial orifices

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    Properties of emulsions such as stability, viscosity or color can be influenced by the droplet size distribution. High-pressure homogenization (HPH) is the method of choice for emulsions with a low to medium viscosity with a target mean droplet diameter of less than 1 µm. During HPH, the droplets of the emulsion are exposed to shear and extensional stresses, which cause them to break up. Ongoing work is focused on better understanding the mechanisms of droplet breakup and relevant parameters. Since the gap dimensions of the disruption unit (e.g., flat valve or orifice) are small (usually below 500 µm) and the droplet breakup also takes place on small spatial and time scales, the resolution limit of current measuring systems is reached. In addition, the high velocities impede time resolved measurements. Therefore, a five-fold and fifty-fold magnified optically accessible coaxial orifice were used in this study while maintaining the dimensionless numbers characteristic for the droplet breakup (Reynolds and Weber number, viscosity and density ratio). Three matching material systems are presented. In order to verify their similarity, the local velocity profiles of the emerging free jet were measured using both a microparticle image velocimetry (µ-PIV) and a particle image velocimetry (PIV) system. Furthermore, the influence of the outlet geometry on the velocity profiles is investigated. Similar relationships were found on all investigated scales. The areas with the highest velocity fluctuations were identified where droplets are exposed to the highest turbulent forces. The Reynolds number had no influence on the normalized velocity fluctuation field. The confinement of the jet started to influence the velocity field if the outlet channel diameter is smaller than 10 times the diameter of the orifice. In conclusion, the scaling approach offers advantages to study very fast processes on very small spatial scales in detail. The presented scaling approach also offers chances in the optimization of the geometry of the disruption unit. However, the results also show challenges of each size scale, which can come from the respective production, measurement technology or experimental design. Depending on the problem to be investigated, we recommend conducting experimental studies at different scales

    Die Relation von Medienkultur und sozialer Schicht.: Ergebnisse einer empirisch-quantitativen Fragebogenstudie bei Volksschulkindern und deren Lehrerinnen und Lehrern.

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    In der vorliegenden Studie wird die Medienkultur von Volksschülerinnen und -schülern, deren Eltern und deren Lehrerinnen und Lehrern mittels einer quantitativen Fragebogenerhebung in Wien verglichen. Die Erhebung wurde im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts der Wiener Medienpädagogik (Universität Wien) durchgeführt. Ausgangspunkt der Studie sind die Annahmen, dass Medienkultur (1) von geografischen und historischen Determinanten bestimmt und im soziokulturellen Kontext zu betrachten ist und (2) Auswirkungen auf die erfolgreiche Integration von Medienbildung und Media Literacy in Volksschulen hat. Zunächst werden der Kontext der Studie und allgemeine Überlegungen vorgestellt. Dem folgt eine Beschreibung der methodischen Umsetzung der Studie mit anschließender Präsentation und Diskussion ausgewählter Resultate. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf schichtspezifische Unterschiede der Medienkultur zwischen Schülerinnen bzw. Schülern und Lehrkräften hin

    Scaling of Droplet Breakup in High-Pressure Homogenizer Orifices. Part II: Visualization of the Turbulent Droplet Breakup

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    Emulsion formation is of great interest in the chemical and food industry and droplet breakup is the key process. Droplet breakup in a quiet or laminar flow is well understood, however, actual in-dustrial processes are always in the turbulent flow regime, leading to more complex droplet breakup phenomena. Since high resolution optical measurements on microscopic scales are extremely dif-ficult to perform, many aspects of the turbulent droplet breakup are physically unclear. To over-come this problem, scaled experimental setups (with scaling factors of 5 and 50) are used in con-junction with an original scale setup for reference. In addition to the geometric scaling, other non-dimensional numbers such as the Reynolds number, the viscosity ratio and the density ratio were kept constant. The scaling allows observation of the phenomena on macroscopic scales, whereby the objective is to show that the scaling approach makes it possible to directly transfer the findings from the macro- to the micro-/original scale. In this paper, which follows Part I where the flow fields were compared and found to be similar, it is shown by breakup visualizations that the turbulent droplet breakup process is similar on all scales. This makes it possible to transfer the results of detailed parameter variations investigated on the macro scale to the micro scale. The evaluation and analysis of the results imply that the droplet breakup is triggered and strongly influenced by the intensity and scales of the turbulent flow motion

    Attitudes of couples towards the destination of surplus embryos: results among couples with cryopreserved embryos in Switzerland

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    BACKGROUND The purpose of this study was to investigate attitudes towards the donation of surplus embryos among couples with cryopreserved embryos/zygotes, and to identify correlates associated with attitudes toward the destinations of surplus embryos/zygotes. METHODS Eleven of 19 Swiss in vitro fertilization (IVF) centers in existence in 2004 participated in the survey. Questionnaires were sent to 888 eligible couples; 458 men (52%) and 468 women (53%) returned them. RESULTS Fifty-two percent of the participants supported the donation of surplus embryos to other couples, but divided opinions on the disclosure of biological parents' identities were identified. About 70% of participants indicated that donations of surplus embryos for medical research or therapy should be allowed, following strict regulations. Multiple logistic regression analyses revealed couples' position on the moral status of an embryo as the strongest predictor of attitudes toward all destinations of surplus embryos. Having children due to IVF/Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) treatment was negatively associated with attitudes towards donations to other couples. Perceived importance of religion, age >40, being a resident of the French-speaking region and unsuccessful IVF/ICSI treatment experiences were predictive of supporting donations for medical research. CONCLUSIONS Swiss couples with cryopreserved embryos/zygotes are open to different options related to donating, rather than discarding, surplus embryo