370 research outputs found

    Social and Cultural Theory Exposed by Gunasekaran’s Drama of ‘THODU’

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    A country controls and rules another country by its social, political and economical power as it is called colonization. This colonization activity has started from Aryan invasion on Dravidian people and their culture. From 19th century many countries ruled by Portuguese, Dutch, Roman countries. They explored on another country and ruled it as slave. Later The slavery system tried to break its chain and got freedom by political way. Even though the colonized countries got freedom from rued country, their footpath of colonization never vanished and developed based on new world and technology. K.A. Gunasekaran written a drama of “Thodu” which discloses that every nation must have self thinking and its effects on their country by their principle. By this play he wants to recover the Corner people and Tribes people from slavery system

    The Universal Views in Thirukkural from the Point of View of European Rationalism

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    The Vedas, which are regarded as dominating the Indian philosophical tradition, speak of an illusory nature in their conceptions of the world. The universal philosophies emerged and developed to be based on the world and to ignore the idea of God. They are dependency, materialism, Buddhism, and Jainism. These philosophies make human beings aware of an intelligent life based primarily on the world. In European philosophies, post-Enlightenment ideas ignored the conceptions of God by the ancient Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle, who claimed that their thinking was flawed and that only worldly truths should be taken first. Rationalism puts knowledge first. Ignored the usual religious views. The rationalist tradition and the Indian materialistic tradition prioritize knowledge. On that basis, Thirukkural was regarded as a mixed copy of Tamil when it was created. Though people of different religions claim that Thirukkural is based on their views, it can be seen that they put worldly life first, with knowledge as the foremost priority. This article proves that Thirukkural, which focuses on the material life of man, is rich in rational and universal concepts

    A comparative study between corridor walking (CW) and treadmill walking (TMW) for assessment of exercise tolerance in chronic bronchitis patients

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    INTRODUCTION: Chronic bronchitis patients experience shortness of breath when the use their arms and shoulders. This in turn can lead to loss of strength and further increases problems of breathing. Exercises can help the patients to lead an active life style. Chronic bronchitis defined as excessive mucus secretions (or) recurrent mucus producing cough that lasts 3 (or) more months and recurs year after year. In diagnosis chronic bronchitis it is important to rule out all the other causes that can produce recurrent cough. Cigarette smoking is the most important risk factor for the development of chronic bronchitis. Over 90% of patients with chronic bronchitis have smoking habits. Although only 15% of all cigarette smokers are ultimately diagnosed with some form of obstructive airway disease. AIM OF THE STUDY: To assess the exercise tolerance in chronic bronchitis patients using walking distance, heart rate and Borg scale by means of corridor walking and Treadmill walking. OBJECTIVES To improve respiratory fitness through breathing exercise and improver exercise tolerance and improve walking distance in chronic bronchitis patients. METHODOLOGY: STUDY DESIGN: A comparative study. STUDY SAMPLING: A total of 15 subjects those who have chronic bronchitis patients have taken from Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Apollo Hospital, Madurai. STUDY SETTING: The study was conducted at Ultra Mission Hospital and study sample taken from physiotherapy department of Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Apollo Hospital, Madurai with consultation concerned authority. CREITERIA FOR SELECTION: Inclusion Criteria: Males, Age group 40-50, Mild airway obstruction, FEV 1 40-50%. Exclusion Criteria: Cardio vascular disease, Neurological disease, Locomotor disease, Diabetes, Hypertension. MATERIALS USED: Treadmill, Stethoscope, Corridor. TREADMILL: Treadmill consist of a motor driven conveyor belt and provides sufficient space for fast running One end of the treadmill may be elevated. So that can upgrade locomotion id possible. It involves larger muscle mass of body. In this study the researcher tried to find the exercise tolerance of chronic bronchitis patient. CORRIDOR WALKING: 12, 6, 2 Minutes of free corridor walking in which the patients is asked to cover as much distance as possible during a defined period with stops for a breather when necessary. At least two practice walks are required to improve subsequent reproductibility of the test and like most exercise studies. Motivation is an important factor. DISCUSSION: The maximal distance walked in a given time period is frequently used as a simple method to evaluate exercise tolerance in patients suffering from chronic bronchitis. Typically patients walk on a treadmill or in a corridor at a self-paced speed little information is available about the differences between exercise performances in patients with chronic bronchitis when using the two tests. Therefore, we compared 12 minute corridor walking and 12 minute self paced treadmill walking in 11 patients with severe chronic bronchitis. Distances covered in 12, 6, 2 minutes and walking speeds were significantly higher during corridor walking than during treadmill walking. Heart rate values during the two procedures were not significantly different and the same degree of breathlessness was found after both walking tests. The study illustrates that corridor walking is a simple and adequate form of exercise testing based on heart rate responses. Corridor walking appears to be more efficient than treadmill walking in a corridor than on a treadmill corridor walking is therefore a useful method to evaluate exercise tolerance and the effects of exercise training programs in patients with chronic bronchitis. The measurement of maximal walking distances evaluates exercise tolerance in patients suffering from chronic bronchitis. Timed maximal walking distances are frequently used to monitor responses to exercise training programs. CONCLUSION: The comparative study between corridor walking and treadmill walking suggests that there was increased walking distance in corridor walking than treadmill walking. This study shows that corridor walking produced effective exercise tolerance in chronic bronchitis patients. Thus the study shows that heart rate was beneficial for exertion in corridor walking than treadmill walking. From this study it is concluded that corridor walking seems to be beneficial for chronic bronchitis patients whose lung function improved during this study

    Theatrical Elements in Silappathikaaram (An Epic)

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    Silappathikaaram is a short epic story, it has written by the pioneer of Tamil epic writer Elangovadikal. This story begins with Kovalan and Kannagi marriage life, unfortunately a beautiful dancer Maadhavi, who interefere their life and kovalan living with Maathavi. Later Kovalan and Maadhavi separated by their conflict and Kovalan joined with Kannagi to reached the Madurai. Where he wrongly punished by the King, Kannagi heard news of Kovalan murder and cursed the Madurai.This story opens in happy mood and ends in sad feeling,it has pleasure, morose and mockery and tragedy. Those are coming vice versa. Even though Kannagi anklet rings (silambu) is the reason for happy beginning and sad ending in dramatic way.This short epic shows Maadhavi's eleven types of dance and songs. Which songs reveal and attribute mono-song method of Vaettuvary, Aaitchiyar Kuravai

    Processor Microarchitecture for Implementation of Ephemeral State Processing within Network Routers

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    The evolving concept of Ephemeral State Processing (ESP) is overviewed. ESP allows development of new scalable end-to-end network user services. An evolving macro-level language is being developed to support ESP at the network node level. Three approaches for implementing ESP services at network routers can be considered. One approach is to use the existing processing capability within commercially available network routers. Another approach is to add a small scale existing ASIC based general-purpose processor to an existing network router. This thesis research concentrates on a third approach of developing a special-purpose programmable Ephemeral State Processor (ESPR) Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) and implementing microarchitecture for deployment within each ESP-capable node to implement ESP service within that node. A unique architectural characteristic of the ESPR is its scalable and temporal Ephemeral State Store (ESS) associative memory, required by the ESP service for storage/retrieval of bounded (short) lifetime ephemeral (tag, value) pairs of application data. The ESPR will be implemented to Programmable Logic Device (PLD) technology within a network node. This offers advantages of reconfigurability, in-field upgrade capability and supports the evolving growth of ESP services. Correct functional and performance operation of the presented ESPR microarchitecture is validated via Hardware Description Language (HDL) post-implementation (virtual prototype) simulation testing. Suggestions of future research related to improving the performance of the ESPR rnicroarchitecture and experimental deployment of ESP are discussed


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    In modern computer systems, memory accesses and power management are the two major performance limiting factors. Accesses to main memory are very slow when compared to operations within a processor chip. Hardware write buffers, caches, out-of-order execution, and prefetch logic, are commonly used to reduce the time spent waiting for main memory accesses. Compiler loop interchange and data layout transformations also can help. Unfortunately, large data structures often have access patterns for which none of the standard approaches are useful. Using smaller data structures can significantly improve performance by allowing the data to reside in higher levels of the memory hierarchy. This dissertation proposes using lossy data compression technology called ’Compressive Hashing’ to create “surrogates”, that can augment original large data structures to yield faster typical data access. One way to optimize system performance for power consumption is to provide a predictive control of system-level energy use. This dissertation creates a novel instruction-level cost model called the variable-n-gram model, which is closely related to N-Gram analysis commonly used in computational linguistics. This model does not require direct knowledge of complex architectural details, and is capable of determining performance relationships between instructions from an execution trace. Experimental measurements are used to derive a context-sensitive model for performance of each type of instruction in the context of an N-instruction sequence. Dynamic runtime power prediction mechanisms often suffer from high overhead costs. To reduce the overhead, this dissertation encodes the static instruction-level predictions into a data structure and uses compressive hashing to provide on-demand runtime access to those predictions. Genetic programming is used to evolve compressive hash functions and performance analysis of applications shows that, runtime access overhead can be reduced by a factor of ~3x-9x

    Life values represented by the Eight Anthologies

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    Love is an expression of the inner feelings of the people who have been living continuously since the Sangam period and the purpose of philosophy is to express men's bravery and to live and prosper through them. The people of the Sangam period were divided into two groups as internal and external. The ancient Tamil suppressed the love life internally and divided the inner life into two types: theft and chastity. Tholkkappiyar and iraiyanar have explained the theft and chastity through poems. The excellence of Mens love the theft and womens love the chastity are explained thoroug it. The internal messages of folk songs are similar as the sangam poems. which are oral songs that have been performed in Tamil Nadu since time immemorial. Oral songs appeared long before writing. So it can be said that oral songs are the source of internal messages found in literature

    Effectiveness of deep breathing and walking exercise in reducing menopausal symptoms among women at Karadivavi, India

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    Background: Menopause has been defined as the point in time of the last menstrual bleeding in a women’s life. Menopausal symptoms affect about 70% of women. The objectives of the study were assessment of the women for menopausal symptoms, assessment of the effectiveness of exercises in reducing menopausal symptoms and associate the demographic variables with menopausal symptoms.Methods: One group pre test and post test design was adopted for the study. Allowable error method was adopted to select the desired sample. The sample size was 30. Demographic profile and menopausal symptoms information were collected. Menopausal symptoms were assessed by Menopausal rating scale. The data collected were analyzed by using both descriptive and inferential statistics method. Paired ‘t’ test was used to compare the pretest and posttest level of menopausal symptoms.Results: Majority of the women (80%) had moderate menopausal symptoms before practice of deep breathing and walking exercise. After practicing exercises only four women had mild menopausal symptoms and 70% of the women relieved from joint pain. Association was found between age at first conception, number of conception, medical problems with pretest menopausal symptoms score.Conclusions: This study review shows that Deep breathing and walking exercise was helpful in reduction of menopausal symptoms among menopausal women. This result can be potentially employed as one of the complementary therapy in the reduction of menopausal symptoms.

    Sharks in Sangam Literary Fishermen's Lives and Contemporary Fishermen's Lives

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    The Sangam literature consists of texts that explain the internal lives of peoples from five ancient Tamil land divisions. In this anthology, Neythal explains the life of the sea and the fishermen who are dependent on the sea and also describes the sea creatures of marine life. Records of fishes are also found among these species. 18 types of fish are found in this way. Similarly, the writer conducted a field survey of fishermen living in Pamban village in Rameswaram circle, Ramanathapuram district, and found 204 types of fish. The five types of fish found in Sangam literature are lobster fish, codfish, shark fish, swordfish, and sawshark fish, and they are found in the lives of modern fishermen. The main occupation of fishermen is fishing. These fishing methods were documented in Sangam literature by poets of the time. Sharks mentioned in Sangam literature are also found among fishermen living in four places: Pondicherry, Cuddalore District, Mandapam, and Pampan (Ramanathapuram District). Here, the names of these sharks, their types, their habitats, characteristics of sharks, hunting of sharks, food of sharks, breeding patterns, worship of sharks, and other uses of sharks have been investigated

    Effect of Yoga Therapy with Ayurvedic Diet on Sleep Quality Among Aged Insomniac Women

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    This study investigates the impact of a holistic approach combining Yoga therapy and Ayurvedic dietary interventions on sleep quality in aged women suffering from insomnia. A single group study was conducted, involving aged women (age range: 60 to 70years) diagnosed with insomnia based on standardized assessment criteria. The intervention group attended supervised Yoga sessions six times a week for 12 weeks, complemented by personalized Ayurvedic dietary recommendations. The primary outcome measure was sleeping quality, assessed using standardized sleep quality indice, Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), administered at baseline and post-intervention (12 weeks). Secondary outcome measure was anxiety and fear acessed by VAS (Visual Analog Scale). Preliminary results indicate a significant improvement in sleep quality in the intervention group, as evidenced by reductions in ISI scores, anxiety and fear (p < 0.001). These results imply that the integration of Yoga therapy with Ayurvedic dietary practices can have a positive and long-lasting impact on quality of sleep and general wellbeing in aged women with insomnia. In conclusion, this study highlights the potential benefits of a holistic approach to addressing insomnia in aged women, emphasizing the role of complementary therapies such as Yoga and Ayurvedic dietary interventions in improving sleep quality and enhancing overall quality of life. Further research is needed to explore the long-term effects and mechanisms underlying these positive outcomes
