703 research outputs found

    Improving Students’ Reading Achievement Through Self-questioning Strategy By Using Descriptive Text

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti apakah ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara nilai-nilai siswa sebelum dan setelah menerapkan self questioning strategy dan untuk mengetahui respon siswa setelah diajar. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah siswa SMAN 5 Bandar Lampung kelas X1 yang terdiri dari 33 siswa. Desain penelitian ini adalah pre test post test satu kelompok. Dalam pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan tes membaca dan kuesioner. Dalam penelitian ini, t-test pengukuran berulang digunakan untuk menganalisa data. Pada pre-test, nilai rata-rata siswa adalah 54,12 dan pada post-test menjadi 69,66. Dengan menggunakan t-test, telah ditemukan bahwa t-ratio (19.602) lebih tinggi daripada t-table (2.042), ini membuktikan bahwa ada peningkatan yang signifikan. Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner, ditemukan juga bahwa respons siswa positif terhadap self questioning strategy. Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa self questioning bisa digunakan untuk meningkatkan prestasi membaca siswa dalam teks deskriptif. The objectives of this research are to investigate whether there is significant difference between students’ reading achievement before and after the implementation of self questioning strategy and to find out the students’ response after the implementation. The sample of the research are the students of SMAN 5 Bandar Lampung class X1 consisting of 33 students. The design is one-group pretest posttest. In collecting the data, the researcher used reading test and the questionnaire. In this research, the repeated measures t-test is used to analyze the data. In pretest, the mean score is 54.12 and 69.66 in post test. By using t-test, it has been found that t-ratio (19.602) is higher than t-table (2.042), it proves that the increase is significant. Based on the result of questionnaire, it has also been found that there is positive students’ response toward self questioning strategy. The result shows that self questioning can be used to increase the students’ reading achievement of descriptive text

    The Role of Service-Learning on the Retention of First-Year Students to Second Year

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    Retention of college students is a priority of all colleges and universities. This research investigated whether or not student enrollment in a service-learning course in the fall semester of college was related to (a) intentions to stay on that campus, based on self-reports at the end of the semester, and (b) reenrollment the following fall on that campus, based on reports from campus registrars the following fall. Enrollment in a service-learning course was related to intentions to continue at the same campus and this relationship was mediated by the higher quality of service-learning courses (vs. non service-learning courses). This relationship between service-learning and intentions to re-enroll at the same campus held even when pre-course intentions were covaried out. Re-enrollment at the same campus the following year was found to be related to enrollment in a service-learning course. This relationship was mediated by the higher quality of the service-learning courses (vs. non-service-learning courses) and greater intention to continue education at the campus, but these relationships did not persist after controlling for pre-course intentions

    Larval rearing, spat production and juvenile growth of the blood clam Anadara granosa

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    The blood clam A d r u gmtwsa spawned in the Shdl6lsh Hatchery Laboratory, Tuf icorin on two occasions. The fertilised eggs measured 50-60~in diameter, morula larvae developed in 3 4h m and the trochophorc stage was reached in 5 hrs. The straigb t hinge stage was attained in 20-26 hrs after fertilimtion and these larvae measured 8 3I~en ah and 65.5~h eight. Advanced umbo stage was reached on day 12 (size 155.3 x 140.5~) and on day 16, majority of the larvae were in pedivcliger stage with an average size of 182.7 x 162.9~. SettIement began on day 16 and majority of the larvae were set on day 18. The growth of the spat in the hatchery is described by the exponential equation L - 0.0002739 D - where L is length in mm and D. days. On day 59, tbe spat attained an average size of 2.42 x 1.70 mm. A total of 8090 spat were produced. During tha nursery rearing in the field, the seed clam attained 20 mm average length in the following 5 months. In India, A.grund~llsecd were grodwdfor the Arst time. The significance of this study forthe mass production of the blood clam seed in the bat~herya nd its relevma to undertake blood clam culture are highlighted


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    The research deals with investigation of the effects of drillstring dynamics to mud flow behaviour. The drillstring motion and mud rheology have significant impact on pressure loss and cutting transport in drillstring. But this has not been explored for an Oil Based Mud (OBM) and other types of mud like Mixed Metal Hydroxide (MMH). The research will explore the pressure loss relationship among inlet velocity, eccentricity and rotational effect along inclination. The viscosity selection is based on Sisko’s model which fits the viscous behaviour fairly for an Oil Based Mud. A part from that, the results of two benchmark cases from Nouar et al. (1998) and Escudier et al. (2002) have been validated by selecting Carbopol 940 (non-Newtonian) as drilling fluid and solved under ANSYS CFX before proceed with an actual case using Bentonite (B128) properties as an Oil Based Mud. Besides regular meshing techniques, Design of Experiment (DOE) is another solving method were used to determine the pressure gradient among inlet velocity, eccentricity and rotational. The input parameters such as inlet velocity, eccentricity and rotation were maintained from and Escudier et al. (2002). The results from DOE method shows that pressure gradient increases with inlet velocity but decreases linearly along pipe radius under eccentric condition and it well illustrated using 2D and 3D Response curve that haven been solved under Latin Hypercube sampling techniqu

    Energetics and Compatibility of Plasticizers in Composite Solid Propellants

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    In this paper a comparative analysis on the energetics of ester type plasticizers such as dioctyl adipate (DOA), dioctyl phthalate (DOP),dibutyl sebacate (DBS), isodecyl pelargonate (IDP), trioctylphosphate (TOF), diethyl phthalate (DEP), tricresyl phosphate (TCP)and dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and hydrocarbon type plasticizers such as polybutene (PB), spindle oil, naphthenic oil, polymer extender oil(PEO) and poly isobutylene (PIB) and the impact of some of the plasticizers on the work ability, pot life and mechanical properties of propellants based on two selected polymeric binders namely polybutadiene-acrylic acid-acrylonitrile (PBAN) ter polymer andhydroxyl terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) have been reported. The compatibility of all the plasticizers on HTPB binder was also studied at different concentration levels and temperatures using Brookfield viscometer and reported. The mechanism of plasticization is also reviewed

    Bivalve Culture in Asia and the Pacific- India

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    India has a 6100-km coastline, numerous estuaries and backwaters, and abundant marine bivalve resources that are exploited on a subsistence level at several centres. The major bivalves, in order of importance, are clams, mussels, windowpane oysters, and edible oysters. Pearl oysters are intermittently exploited – sometimes not for several years