47 research outputs found


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    The practice of good village governance has been pioneered and implemented since the outbreak of the reform era, during which the reformation of the government system led to a clean democratic process so that good governance is one of the reform tools that is absolutely necessary in the new government. However, if you look at the development of the implementation of good governance in Indonesia, especially in Ayumolingo Village, which has been running for about 15 years, it has not been fully successful in accordance with the aspirations of reform. This qualitative research by prioritizing primary data and secondary data, focuses on seeing how the application of the principle of transparency in governance towards good village governance in Ayumolingo Village and the factors that influence it? The conclusion is that the implementation of the principles of Good Village Governance in Ayumolingo Village, Gorontalo Regency, resulted in the application of the principle of transparency in Ayumolingo Village being good, but there is still a need for improvement from the aspect of community involvement in monitoring and supervising the governance of Ayumolingo Village. The factors that influence the application of the principle of transparency in the governance of Ayumolingo Village in realizing good village governance are coordination factors, physical factors and power factors

    Analisis Kompetensi Rekrutmen Pejabat Pemerintah Kabupaten Gorontalo

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    The appointment of civil servants in government structural positions is based on competence so that placement in government structural positions using the merit system considers aspects of qualifications, competence, and good performance. This research aims to analyze managerial, technical and socio-cultural competencies in the aspects of knowledge, skills, attitudes of officials who will be placed in the Gorontalo Regency government. The research approach uses qualitative methods, data collection is done through interviews, participatory observation, field notes, and document studies. Data analysis used an interactive model with three steps: condensing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions or verification. Data condensation refers to the process of selecting, narrowing down, simplifying, summarizing, and transforming data. The findings in this research in the recruitment of Gorontalo Regency Government officials have referred to Law Number 5 of 2014, Regent Regulation Number 10 of 2017 which emphasizes aspects of technical competence, managerial competence and socio-cultural competence. In addition, the regulation also refers to the recruitment of officials who also pay attention to other aspects of competence such as integrity, cooperation, communication and skills. However, there are still interventions by groups of people who support candidates without regard to competence and educational background. Furthermore, in the mutation of structural officials in central and regional government agencies, although it has been carried out in accordance with statutory provisions, there is still political intervention. This research suggests that ASN must have adaptation competence or the ability to adjust to new or changing situations


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    The problems faced by the Village Government of Panca Karsa I Taluditi District are related to the management of village finances and village assets. Among them, the readiness of the Human Resources (HR) owned by the Panca Karsa I Village Government in managing village finances and assets. This is also due to the unpreparedness of the village officials in line with developments and changes in regulations and also the lack of reliable human resources in their fields. This qualitative descriptive research by prioritizing primary data and secondary data, focuses on seeing how prepared the village government is in managing village finances and assets, in Panca Karsa I Village, Taluditi District and what factors influence it? The conclusion is that the readiness of the village government of Panca Karsa I, Taluditi District, in general, is quite good, where the village government has a fairly good mental and emotional attitude, namely having the ability and great will to manage village finances and assets. The several factors that influence it are: organizational commitment, human resources and information systems


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    Prinsip dari sebuah negara demokrasi adalah dengan menjunjung tinggi Konstitusi dan ideologi dalam sebuah negara. Kebebasan dalam hak sosial dan politik menjadi sebuah jaminan yang sangat diperlukan untuk dapat mencapai sebuah negara yang menjunjung tinggi demokrasi sehingga aspirasi yang ada dapat tersalurkan dengan baik. Permasalahan yang muncul yaitu Bagaimana Prinsip Dan Jaminan Hak Warga Negara Menurut UUD 1945 dan Bagaimana Dinamika Sosial Politik Dalam Sistem Demokrasi di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan berupa penelitian hukum yuridis normatif yang merupakan penelitian kepustakaan, yaitu penelitian terhadap bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder yang terdiri dari peraturan perundang-undangan dan literatur-literatur terkait untuk memecahkan persoalan hukum atau permasalahan yang akan dibahas. Kemerdekaan menyampaikan pendapat dimuka umum harus dilaksanakan dengan bertanggung jawab, sejalan dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Oleh karena itu negara wajib dapat mengelola dan mengendalikan dominasi iklim kapitalis agar tetap berjalan pada koridor yang tidak merugikan warga. Negara juga harus membuka dan memberdayakan ruang publik secara optimal sebagai instrumen warga dalam menyalurkan aspirasinya, serta menutup keran tumbuh suburnya praktek politik uang baik di kalangan elit politik maupun di kalangan masyarakat, karena dengan membiarkan politik uang berlangsung, maka tidak hanya berimpilkasi melahirkan politisi yang korup dan mengekang hati nurani masyarakat dalam memberikan partisipasi politiknya, namun juga berakibat tercederainya suatu pemilu yang demokratis

    Exchange interaction, disorder, and stacking faults in rhombohedral graphene multilayers

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    We apply the mean-field Hartree Fock theory of gapped electronic states at charge neutrality in bilayer graphene to thin films of rhombohedral graphite with up to thirty layers. For the ground state, the order parameter (the separation of bands at the valley center) saturates to a constant non-zero value as the layer number increases, whereas the band gap decreases with layer number. We consider chiral symmetry breaking disorder in the form of random layer potentials and chiral preserving disorder in the form of random values of the interlayer coupling. The former reduces the magnitude of the mean band gap whereas the latter has a negligible effect, which is due to self-averaging within a film with a large number of layers. We determine the ground state in the presence of an individual stacking fault which results in two pairs of low-energy bands and we identify two separate order parameters. One of them determines the band gap at zero temperature, the other determines the critical temperature leading, overall, to a temperature dependence of the band gap that is distinct to that of pristine rhombohedral graphite. In the presence of stacking faults, each individual rhombohedral section with m layers contributes a pair of low-energy flat bands producing a peak in the Berry curvature located at a characteristic m-dependent wave vector. The Chern number per spin-valley flavor for the filled valence bands in the ground state is equal in magnitude to the total number of layers divided by two, the same value as for pristine rhombohedral graphite

    Solitons in binary compounds with stacked two-dimensional honeycomb lattices

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    We model the electronic properties of thin films of binary compounds with stacked layers where each layer is a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice with two atoms per unit cell. The two atoms per cell are assigned different onsite energies in order to consider six different stacking orders: ABC, ABA, AA, ABC', ABA', and AA'. Using a minimal tight-binding model with nearest-neighbor hopping, we consider whether a fault in the texture of onsite energies in the vertical, stacking direction supports localized states, and we find localized states within the bulk band gap for ABC, ABA, and AA' stacking. Depending on the stacking type, parameter values, and whether the soliton is atomically sharp or a smooth texture, there are a range of different band structures including soliton bands that are either isolated or that hybridize with other states, such as surface states, and soliton bands that are either dispersive or flat, the latter yielding narrow features in the density of states. We discuss the relevance of our results to specific materials including graphene, hexagonal boron nitride and other binary compounds

    Deconstruction of Bapemperda's Functions in Improving the Effectiveness of Establishing Regional Regulations

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    This article aims to analyze the function of Bapemperda in increasing the effectiveness of the formation of Regional Regulations in the Bone Bolango Regency. The Regional Regulations Formation Agency (Bapemperda) of the Bone Bolango DPRD is one of the council's equipments for forming regional regulations. The type of research used in this article is empirical normative, which combines a normative legal approach with the addition of various elements of empirical studies. The results show that the implications of political intervention sometimes affect the issues and local regulations issued and do not represent the community's interests but are dominated by political interests. Ideally, local regulations must be responsive and meet usual policy standards that at the implementation level can be used and can answer problems that develop in the community. Human resources have an essential role in an organization, such as the rapid development of information technology, globalization, and changes in the world of positions and work, and are tied to the existing system. Members of Bapemperda and local governments play a role in forming regional regulations and other policy designs. To increase the effectiveness of the formation of Regional Regulations, it is necessary to have a relationship between human resources and the objectives that apply to Bapemperda itself. The researcher then offers a prototype product called CIS-Approach, a development concept from the results of the research and data analysis of the previous authors, which is expected to be a consideration for the government in formulating regional regulatory policies. CIS-Approach indicators are: 1) human resources with the system; 2) human resources with the issue; 3) human resources with regulations


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    Nowadays, Indonesia as a developing country has been developed in various sectors. Globalization is a process of organizational change from the function of capitalism which is marked by the emergence of the integration of markets and transnational companies and the lagging of supranational institutions. With this, it is possible for it to affect the work patterns of Indonesian society. For this reason, a further legal remedy will be needed if the party that feels disadvantage is not satisfied with the outcome of the dispute resolution that arises due to the development of globalization. The intended legal remedies are administrative efforts as referred to in Article 48 of Law Number 51 of 2009 concerning Amendments to Law Number 9 of 2004 concerning Amendments to Law Number 5 of 1986 concerning State Administrative Court (PTUN). The aim of this article is to find out the authority for dispute resolution of State Administrative Court (PTUN) toward dismissal with no reverence verdict and dispute resolution efforts for State Administrative Court (PTUN) toward dismissal with no reverence verdict. Juridical normative is applied as research method. This research concludes that dispute resolution on personnel is done through the State Administrative Court except it is caused by violations of the disciplinary rules of the State Civil Apparatus which will be resolved through administrative appeals to the Court of Civil Service