95 research outputs found

    Increased symplasmic permeability in barley root epidermal cells correlates with defects in root hair development

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    It is well known that the process of plant cell differentiation depends on the symplasmic isolation of cells. Before starting the differentiation programme, the individual cell or group of cells should restrict symplasmic communication with neighbouring cells. We tested the symplasmic communication between epidermal cells in the different root zones of parental barley plants Hordeum vulgare L., cv. ‘Karat’ with normal root hair development, and two root hairless mutants (rhl1.a and rhl1.b). The results clearly show that symplasmic communication was limited during root hair differentiation in the parental variety, whereas in both root hairless mutants epidermal cells were still symplasmically connected in the corresponding root zone. This paper is the first report on the role of symplasmic isolation in barley root cell differentiation, and additionally shows that a disturbance in the restriction of symplasmic communication is present in root hairless mutants

    Spectra of Positrons Lifetimes in Choose Gel Drugs

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    Spectra of positrons lifetimes in selected gel non-steride analgesic and antiphlogistic drugs were investigated. The basic components in them were sodium salts of diclophenac and they differed from one another with the chemical composition of other components. It was found that in all of the investigated spectra there occurred a component which testified to the formation of positronium. The differences in the values of ortho-Ps component lifetimes and their intensity can be attributed to the presence of ingredients modifying the effects of the drug

    Влияние уровня образования на неравенство доходов: сравнительный обзор четырнадцати стран Европы

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    На протяжении десятилетий проблема неравенства доходов и его причин остается в центре внимания исследователей. В данной статье проанализирована связь между неравенством доходов домохозяйств в странах Европы и уровнем образования. Выдвигается гипотеза, предполагающая, что неравенство доходов в разных странах может зависеть от уровня образования семьи. Основная цель данной статьи - объяснить, как уровень образования главы семьи влияет на неравенство доходов в четырнадцати странах Европейского союза. Основными задачами исследования было оценить расхождение в средних доходах выделенных подгрупп домохозяйств и исследовать влияние разницы между этими подгруппами на общее неравенство. Для расчета обобщенной энтропии были проанализированы репрезентативные микроданные, представленные в исследовании «Статистика доходов и условий жизни в EC» (EU-SILC). Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о существенном влиянии уровня образования на неравенство доходов домохозяйств с некоторыми различиями между странами. Исследование также выявило прямую зависимость между долей лиц с самым низким уровнем образования и межгрупповой дифференциацией доходов. Более того, низкий уровень неравенства на границе распределения характерен для большинства стран, в которых высока доля образованных людей. Соответственно, неравенство доходов можно контролировать, развивая систему образования.For years, income inequality and its sources have remained the focus of attention of many researchers. The present article aims to expand and update the knowledge concerning the dimensions of household income inequality in European countries. The paper focuses on the association between the educational attainment and income inequality. It is hypothesised that the different level of income inequality observed in different countries can depend on the educational attainment of the society. Therefore, the main research objective of the article is to explain how the education level of the head of household affects income inequality in fourteen West-EU countries. The analysis also has two empirical aims: to assess the divergence in the mean incomes of the distinguished subgroups of households and to measure how much of the overall inequality can be attributed to the distance between these subgroups rather than to inequalities within them. To this end, the Generalised Entropy measures were applied, using the representative microdata derived from the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC). The obtained results indicate that the education level has a significant impact on the income variability between households, with some differences between countries. The study also revealed that the higher proportion of people with the lowest level of education, the higher inter-group income differentiation. Moreover, the study demonstrates that most countries with a high proportion of well-educated people also show low levels of inequality at the bottom of the distribution.This suggests that income inequality could be controlled through the development of education.Статья подготовлена в рамках исследовательского проекта: Доходы и неравенство доходов европейских домохозяйств (Евростат, № 162/2018-EU-SILC) и основана на данных Евростата, Статистика доходов и условий жизни в EC — EU-SILC CROSS-SECTIONAL UDB 2018 — версия 2019-09. Ответственность за выводы, сделанные на основе данных, полностью лежит на авторах.The article has been prepared as part of the research project: Income and Inequality of Income of European Households (Eurostat, No. 162/2018-EU-SILC) and is based on data from Eurostat, EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions — EU-SILC CROSS-SECTIONAL UDB 2018 — version 2019-09. The responsibility for all conclusions drawn from the data lies entirely with the authors

    Experimental Study of Inconel 718 Surface Treatment by Edge Robotic Deburring with Force Control

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    We present the results of investigations into the application of robotics for deburring and chamfering to a predefined geometric quality. The robotic application was used for a part of the manufacturing process of an aircraft engine detail.Представлены результаты исследования по оценке использования робототехники для снятия заусенец и фасок с жестким геометрическим допуском. Робототехнические средства использовались для части процесса изготовления деталей авиационных двигателей

    Kinetics of the hydrogen abstraction ·C2H5 + alkane → C2H6 + alkyl reaction class: an application of the reaction class transition state theory

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    This paper presents an application of the reaction class transition state theory (RC-TST) to predict thermal rate constants for hydrogen abstraction reactions at alkane by the C2H5 radical on-the-fly. The linear energy relationship (LER), developed for acyclic alkanes, was also proven to hold for cyclic alkanes. We have derived all RCTST parameters from rate constants of 19 representative reactions, coupling with LER and the barrier height grouping (BHG) approach. Both the RC-TST/LER, where only reaction energy is needed, and the RC-TST/BHG, where no other information is needed, can predict rate constants for any reaction in this reaction class with satisfactory accuracy for combustion modeling. Our analysis indicates that less than 50% systematic errors on the average exist in the predicted rate constants using either the RC-TST/LER or RC-TST/BHG method, while in comparison with explicit rate calculations, the differences are within a factor of 2 on the average. The results also show that the RC-TST method is not sensitive to the choice of density functional theory used