72 research outputs found

    Model Pengembangan Kurikulum dan Strategi Pembelajaran Berbasis Sosiologi Kritis, Kreativitas, dan Mentalitas

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    Pengembangan kurikulum tidak hanya melibatkan orang yang terkait langsung dengan dunia pendidikan saja, namun di dalamnya melibatkan banyak pihak, seperti politikus, pengusaha, orangtua peserta didik, serta unsur-unsur masyarakat lainnya. Prinsip-prinsip yang akan digunakan dalam kegiatan pengembangan kurikulum pada dasarnya merupakan kaidah-kaidah atau hukum yang akan menjiwai suatu kurikulum. Strategi pembelajaran pada pendidikan sekolah harus diberi fondasi terlebih dahulu dengan internalisasi sosiologi kritis, inovasi, kreativitas, dan mentalitas. Selain itu, juga mengubah strategi pembelajaran yang selama ini berdasarkan pada konsep reproductive view of learning menjadi constructive view of learning. Stagnasi kurikulum pendidikan sekolah diawali dari replikasi dan adopsi kurikulum yang tidak sesuai karakter siswa. Adanya pemasungan kreativitas pada kurikulum tersebut mengakibatkan terhambatnya daya inovasi, inspirasi, dan imajinasi sekaligus menumpulkan intuisi dalam pengembangan pendidikan sekolah. Nilai mentalitas, seperti kejujuran, keadilan, kasih, dan sayang masih belum nampak di dalam kurikulum pendidikan sekolah. Model pengembangan kurikulum yang berbasis pada sosiologi kritis, kreativitas, dan mentalitas harus didukung dengan strategi pembelajaran yang inovatif atau berbeda dengan strategi-strategi sebelumnya. Kebebasan berkreasi dalam pengembangan kurikulum pendidikan menjadikan kunci lahirnya kreator yang mampu memenuhi semua kebutuhan masyarakat dan tuntunan zaman

    Restrukturisasi Pendidikan Menuju Bangsa Berkarakter

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    Prioritas pembangunan nasional sebagaimana yang dituangkan dalam Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang (RPJP) Nasional Tahun 2005-2025 (UU No. 17 Tahun 2007) antara lain adalah dalam mewujudkan masyarakat yang berakhlak mulia, bermoral, beretika, berbudaya, dan beradab berdasarkan falsafah pancasila. Salah satu upaya untuk merealisasikannya adalah dengan cara memperkuat jati diri dan karakter bangsa melalui pendidikan.Pendidikan karakter menjadi kunci terpenting kebangkitan Bangsa Indonesia dari keterpurukan untuk menyongsong datangnya peradaban baru. Krisis multidimensi yang menjadi persoalan bangsa. Hal ini terjadi karena bangsa ini tidak percaya diri dalam membangun dan mengkonsep untuk kemajuan bangsa. Menjadi bangsa yang berdiri di atas kaki sendiri, akan mengembalikan kedaulatan, menjagi bangsa yang berbudaya dan bermartabat. Pendidikan yang didesign bukan lagi pendidikan yang meniru Negara lain. Konsep pendidikan dibuat berdasarkan karakter masyarakat dengan mengedepankan norma, nilai, dan budaya yang berkembang


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    Plastic, which is originated from petrolum, is possible to turn it to alternative fuel. Moreover in 2008, the estimated amount of midden in Indonesia reached 38.5 million tons per year with the largest compositions are organic waste (58%), waste plastics (14%), waste paper (9%) and wood waste (4%) (Ministry of Environment, 2008). Meanwhile in Depok City, the amount of waste which goes to Depok City’s landfill waste is 350-400 tonnes / day (Head of Technical Unit Landscape Depok City Sanitation Department, 2012). From the data, above, can be confirmed using plastic waste as an alternative fuel can be superior because plastic waste is the raw material which is cheap, easily processed, and can reduce environmental pollution. The processing of plastic waste into fuel conversion is done using a plastic waste machine with a continuous system, the working principle of heating at high temperature. Tests which are conducted in this study is to test the octane rating by bomb calorie meter, test anylizer gas emissions, and test octane gas chromatography. Plastic waste fuel, which is the outcome from plastic waste conversion machine with continuous system, can be used as fuel for vehicles, it is because the plastic oil calorific value 10 519 cal / g equivalent calorific value premium. This research is expected to address the scarcity of fossil fuels, and increasing public awareness of using alternative fuel, especially plastic waste fuel

    The Empowerment of Small Enterprises in Construction Sector for Government Procurement of Goods and Services: Mandatory Study of Role and Risk

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    This study aims to investigate the empowerment of small enterprises in construction sector and the risks since the issuance of Perpres No.16 Year 2018 and PermenPUPR No 7 Year 2019. The accuracy of the procurement and the development of small-medium enterprise role have been parts of the objectives of government procurement. Then, the policy states that government should give opportunities to small enterprises. Qualitative study was conducted using the approach of applied law research. Literature study and observation on the stake holders were done. The results showed that small enterprises in construction sector played more roles with the procurement package up to Rp 10,000,000,000.00 (ten billion rupiah). However, the implementation in 2018 showed that the role of small enterprises declined compared to the previous year, the participation of small enterprises in construction sector was still low compared to non-small enterprises. Besides that, the small enterprises that received the procurement package were prone to criteria violation of small enterprises as in UU No. 20 Year 2008 about micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME). The identified risk was that the small enterprises received the package for small enterprises in construction sector. This risk should be maintained and handled by procurement agents through effective qualification verification, by government instances that issue the construction permit by developing the potency of the small enterprises to level up, and government instances through association of construction enterprises by cooperating in building good governance in the management of construction procurement.Keywords: small enterprises, empowerment, risks, good governanc


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    The diversity of religions necessitates the recognition and respect of religions other than ours. Islam is a religion that is peaceful and full of love. The spread of radicalism in religious communities in Indonesia illustrates the lack of tolerance in the recognition of religious diversity and the religious diversity of others. This literary research uses a qualitative approach with content analysis and comprehensive interpretation for the Qur'anic text about reciprocity verses. This study concludes that the Qur'an provides enthusiasm and solutions in terms of management and counteracts religious radicalism in the spirit of 'mutual'. Recitation of reciprocal verses as illustrated by the Quran with the editorial and unique arrangement of language in the al-Nisa’ verse 86 and al-An'am verse 108 provides a 'mutual' solution. The principle of mutual respect (al-Nisa ': 86) and not berating each other (al-An'am: 108) with a better attitude in religious life


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    This study aims to determine whether the pricing perception, promotion, distribution, product quality, and market segmentation affect the success of products in Yamaha Motor motorcycles Agung Semarang and analyze the most dominant factor in influencing the success of products in Yamaha Motor motorcycles Agung Semarang. The population in this study are the users and buyers of Yamaha motorcycles in Yamaha Motor Agung Semarang, and loyal users of Yamaha motorcycles. Samples taken were 100 respondents. Data was collected using a survey method through questionnaires filled out by consumers. then the data obtained by using multiple regression analysis. This analysis includes The Test Validity, Reliability Test, Test Classical Assumptions, and Multiple Regression Analysis, Hypothesis Testing by F test and t test, and analysis of coefficient of determination (R2). Based on the results of the study, obtained the regression equation : Y= 0,164X1 + 0,196X2 + 0,254X3 + 0,241X4 + 0,169X5, based on the statistical data analysis, the indicators in this study are valid and the variables are reliable On testing the assumption of classical, model-free regression multikolonieritas, heterokedastisitas not happen, and normally distributed. Individually, the variables that have the most impact is the variables distribution with the regression coefficient of 0,254, then the effect is the smallest is price variables with regression coefficient of 0,164. Hypothesis testing using t Test showed that the five independent variables under study is found to significantly affect the dependent variable product success. Then though the F Test can be seen that the independent variables feasible to test the of the dependent variable success product. Figures Adjusted R Square of 0,595 indicates that the variable success can be explained by the variabl


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    The research was conducted as a decline in sales at Grand Panorama Resto Semarang for several month, so we have to know what factors that influence the purchase decision. This study aims to determine the effect of quality of product, price, quality of service and location on purchase decision on Grand Panorama Resto Semarang and which ones have the most impact The research data was collected from 100 consumers Grand Panorama Resto Semarang. Samplingin this study using accidental sampling technique. The analysis used in this study is multiple regression analysis . Before multiple regression analysis also do validity and reliability testing and classical assumption testing. And after that also do the hypothesis testing and coefficient of determination. The data have met, test the validity of realibility ,and the assumption of the classical tillable so as to produce the regression equation is as follows : Y = 0,431 X1 + 0,079 X2 + 0,274 X3 + 0,255 X4 Regression analysis showed variable of quality of product, price, quality of service, and location have a positive influence to the purchase decision. The most influential variable was a quality of product 0,431 followed by quality of service 0,274, location 0,255, and price 0,079. The analysis result using t test showed that quality of product ,quality of service , and location individually have a significant influence on purchasing decisions except price not influence on purchasing decision. The equation model had F value of 104,152 with a significance level of 0,000. The analysis result using coeffficient of determination was discovering about 80,6% variable of purchasing decision can be summarized by the variant of variable quality of product, price, quality of service, and location, whilst 19,4% summarized by other variable which unexplained in this research

    Peran DPRD dalam Pengawasan terhadap Pelaksanaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) di Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai

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    Dewan perwakilan rakyat daerah  (DPRD) adalah salah satu lembaga yang mewakili seluruh lapisan masyarakat dalam pemerintahan, namun dalam realitanya selama ini dalam menjalankan peran dan fungsi sebagai wakil rakyat belum bisa memberikan sumbangsih yang maksimal terhadap kepentingan masyarakat. Hal ini dapat dilihat dengan adanya kenyataan bahwa seringnya kebijakan kebijakan yang telah ditetapkan atau diputuskan oleh pemerintah bersama DPRD sama sekali tidak memihak terhadap kepentingan masyarakat ataupun tidak sesuai dengan aspirasi masyarakat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif melalui observasi. Penelitian deskriptif adalah suatu metode penelitian yang tujuannya adalah  untuk membuat deskripsi, gambaran atau lukisan secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat mengenai fakta fakta, sifat sifat serta hubungan antara fenomena yang diselediki. Pengawasan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) juga dapat berlangsung pada berbagai tingkatan kebijakan, program, proyek maupun yang ada di daerah. Tingkatan ini ditentukan oleh arti pentingnya secara politik strategis. Seperti halnya fungsi pengawasan pada umumnya, fungsi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) berdasarkan pada rencana yang dilengkapi dengan standard atau ukuran yang jelas untuk menentukan sebuah kegiatan lembaga atau kebijakan publik “berhasil”, “gagal”, atau “menyimpang” dalam pelaksanan rencana atau kegiatan tersebut. Fungsi pengawasan ini menunjukkan terwujudnya dalam tata pemerintahan. Dimana DPRD sebagai unsur penyelenggara pemerintahan daerah telah menjalankan tugas pengawasan. Salah satu indikator keberhasilan dalam pengawasan ini adalah adanya peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) dari tahun ke tahun. &nbsp
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