62 research outputs found

    GIS system and livestock field survey as tools to manage the potential reducing of fuel load for fire prevention

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    This study would mark the potential role of grazing by Podolian cattle for reducing fuel load of fire prevention and propagation. The interconnection of Geographic Information System (GIS) and livestock field survey allowed to monitor different grazing and nograzing areas in Basilicata region. Fifteen grazing areas were monitored for five years during the summer pasture, when the Podolian cattle graze on green grazing areas. These areas were monitored by using GIS system and GPS application. The potential impact of Podolian cattle was monitored for the same time period. The cattle consistency allowed to calculate different parameters: livestock unit, dry matter intake and stocking estimation of potential amount of dry matter intake to understand the removal biomass in order to reduce the fuel load for fire prevention. The spatial analysis (GIS) showed that there were only four grazing areas burned during the time sampling, compared to the surrounding areas used as control (no-grazing area). Therefore an efficient management of grazing by Podolian cattle could be an important tool to prevent the fire propagation

    use of technical and economical parameters for evaluating dairy cow ration efficiency

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    The aim of this study was the development of a model for evaluating dairy cow ration efficiency. This model took into account technical, metabolic, and economic parameters, which were divided into two main categories: input and output. Feeding (food administered and its nutritional characteristics) was considered as the input parameter. The output indicators were directly or indirectly correlated with feeding, and included: quality and quantity of milk, body condition score, live weight, reproductive parameters, incidence of animal diseases (laminitis), undigested fraction, fecal consistency, feed efficiency (FE), and income over feed cost (IOFC). The model was validated using ten dairy farms located in the northwest of Basilicata. The farms were divided into two groups (A and B) as a function of the urea level in bulk milk. In Group A, the urea level was between 25 and 31 mg/100 mL milk, whereas, in Group B, the range was 21-22.5 mg/100 mL milk. The model showed that the values of reproductive parameters were worse in Group A than in Group B. However, the Group A showed better milk qualitative and quantitative characteristics, such as a high average production per head (28.15 vs 26.93 kg), and a high fat (3.92 vs 3.71%) and protein (3.53 vs 3.37%) content of bulk milk. Moreover, the highest values of FE (1.45 vs 1.35 kg milk/kg dry matter) and IOFC (6.07 vs 5.32 €) were found in Group A. The model clearly showed that the administration of unbalanced rations, based on the physiological stage of the animals, negatively affected both the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of milk, as well as the reproductive performances. The administration of unbalanced rations for the energy/protein content caused dysmetabolic syndromes, which led to a reduction of both FE and IOFC. This, ultimately, caused a fall in the overall farm profitability

    Podolian cattle: reproductive activity, milk and future prospects

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    In the present study, an original article about Podolian cattle and its milk was performed. In detail, the following factors on reproductive career of Podolian cattle in semi-extensive and extensive rearing were analysed: age of calving, gestation lenght, calving interval length, abortions percentage, conception and calving period. Chemical and phisycal parameters (protein, fat and lactose), somatic cell count, lisozyme content and antiradical activity, with ABTS and DPPH assays, of Podolian milk in semiextensive and extensive rearing were evaluated. Finally, suggestions on future prospects of Podolian milk use were proposed: the preparation of hand soap with 5 percentage of podolian milk and the potential role of this breed for prevention and propagation of fire. The data concerning the reproductive career, milk and envinromental role of 677 cows registered in the Herdbook were analysed. The results showed that the 58.56% of the cows manifested a calving interval of 11-14 months. The reproductive activity occurred in spring; over 70% of the cows calved in the period February-April. The chemical-physical aspects of milk are in agreement with literature. It presents an high antioxidant activity values for each group (97.03% and 97.50% for ABTS and 52.09% and 52.60% for DPPH, semiextensive and extensive system respectively). The consumer test shows that the subjects appreciated the soap containing 5% of Podolian milk for different aspect. The data about environmental role were obtained from Podolian cows reared in fifteen grazing areas were monitored for five years during the summer pasture, when the Podolian cattle graze on green grazing areas located in Basilicata region (South of Italy). Therefore, an efficient management of grazing by Podolian cattle could be an important tool to prevent the fire propagation

    La zoocosmesi: nuova opportunitĂ  per l'allevamento bovino podolico.

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    Il latte di bovine podoliche, allevate su pascoli naturali di montagna non trattati con diserbanti e fertilizzanti chimici, rappresenta un ottimo costituente di base per la preparazione di cosmetici naturali essendo un tensore naturale, ricco in vitamine, sali minerali, antiossidanti, proteine, enzimi e lipidi, essenziali per la protezione e rigenerazione delle cellule. Nell’ambito di una più ampia ricerca inerente alla "Zoocosmesi per le imprese e l'innovazione di prodotto" si è svolta una prima indagine di mercato finalizzata alla valutazione della propensione all'acquisto di un nuovo prodotto cosmetico a base di latte podolico. L'indagine è stata condotta su un gruppo di 400 consumatori residenti in Basilicata, ai quali è stato somministrato un questionario semi-strutturato. I risultati hanno evidenziato che l’84% degli intervistati è disposta ad acquistare un prodotto definito "di nuova generazione" e il 69% evidenzia una propensione per prodotti innovativi a base di sostanze naturali

    Interplay between COVID-19, pollution, and weather features on changes in the incidence of acute coronary syndromes in early 2020

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused an unprecedented change in the apparent epidemiology of acute coronary syndromes (ACS). However, the interplay between this disease, changes in pollution, climate, and aversion to activation of emergency medical services represents a challenging conundrum. We aimed at appraising the impact of COVID-19, weather, and environment features on the occurrence of ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) in a large Italian region and metropolitan area

    Clinical characteristics and risk factors associated with COVID-19 severity in patients with haematological malignancies in Italy: a retrospective, multicentre, cohort study

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    Several small studies on patients with COVID-19 and haematological malignancies are available showing a high mortality in this population. The Italian Hematology Alliance on COVID-19 aimed to collect data from adult patients with haematological malignancies who required hospitalisation for COVID-19

    „Życie wisi na włosku”

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    Novel correlation to evaluate the pressure losses for different traffic jam conditions in road tunnel

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    The main aim of the present work is to provide a novel correlation between different traffic jam conditions (Filling Traffic Tunnel) in road tunnel and pressure losses, in order to calculate the thrust required to the jet fan to induce the needed ventilation. The correlation refers to a longitudinal ventilation system of impulsive fans placed in a road tunnel with a rectangular cross section. The data necessary to build the novel correlation here proposed were obtained by means of 3-D model that was validated experimentally in previous studies. To evaluate the influence on required ventilation thrust, several traffic jam conditions and different average air velocities were considered. The proposed correlation provides pressure losses as function of FTT and average air velocity in the tunnel. The pressure losses were evaluated as difference between the thrust required by the ventilation system in empty tunnel conditions and the thrust required in traffic jam condition. The mean percentage error of the novel correlation here proposed is about of 3% respect to CFD simulation results. Furthermore, a friction factor for different FTT was provided. It allows to evaluate the pressure losses due to the traffic jam as distributed ones with an error value about of 3%
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