12 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK PERBEDAAN KADAR PROTEIN C DAN PROTEIN S ANTARA PREEKLAMSIA DAN KEHAMILAN NORMAL Rini Mustikasari Kurnia Pratama World Health Organization (WHO) menyatakan bahwa preeklamsia/ eklamsia merupakan penyebab utama kedua pada morbiditas dan mortalitas ibu setelah perdarahan postpartum. Penyebab angka kematian ibu di Indonesia adalah preeklamsia bersama dengan perdarahan dan infeksi, yang merupakan tertinggi di ASEAN yaitu 307 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup pada tahun 2005 dan 359 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup tahun 2012. Pada preeklamsia, disfungsi endotel menyebabkan terganggunya keseimbangan antara koagulasi dan antikoagulasi. Sitokin proinflamasi menghambat antikoagulan dengan mengurangi sintesis protein C dan protein S oleh sel-sel endotelium sehingga kadar protein C dan protein S menjadi lebih rendah pada preeklamsia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar protein C dan kadar protein S antara preeklamsia dan kehamilan normal. Desain penelitian dengan cross sectional, penelitian dilakukan di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang, RS TK III Dr. Reksodiwiryo, dan Puskesmas Lubuk Buaya pada bulan November 2016 – April 2017. Sampel penelitian ini ibu hamil dengan usia kehamilan di atas 20 minggu yang terdiagnosa preeklamsia dan ibu hamil normal. Kadar protein C dan protein S diperiksa dengan metode ELISA. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan rerata kadar protein C pada preeklamsia 6,627 ± 0,720 µg/ml, hasil ini lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kehamilan normal 7,306 ± 1,657 µg/ml (p value = 0,231, p>0,05). Rerata kadar protein S pada preeklamsia 18,826 ± 1,716 µg/ml, hasil ini lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kehamilan normal 19,510 ± 2,173 µg/ml (p value = 0,368, p>0,05). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan kadar protein C dan protein S antara preeklamsia dan kehamilan normal. Kata Kunci : Protein C, Protein S, Preeklamsi

    Hematological Analysis of Preeclampsia Patients at Regional Public Hospital RadenMattaher Jambi - Indonesia

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    The cause of maternal death may vary from bleeding, preeclampsia, abortion complication, obstructed labor or labor dystocia, and sepsis. Preeclampsia is considered as the main cause of maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity which is defined as a syndrome characterized by hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Hematology factors such as hemoglobin level, hematocrit level, and platelets count influenced the preeclampsia incidence. Therefore, this research aimed to analyze level of hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelets count on the preeclampsia incidence. Case-control was applied as a method with 110 sample numbers consisted of 55 expectant mothers as case samples and 55 expectant mothers as control samples with a ratio of 1:1. Chi-square test was applied in this research with 95% level of certainty. The research results indicated that most expectant mothers with preeclampsia (55%) had hemoglobin at risk level, 64.3% had abnormal hematocrit level, and 55.5% had platelets count at risk level as well. Chi-square statistical analysis concluded that hemoglobin level, hematocrit level, and platelets count influenced the preeclampsia incidence with p-value of 0.002 and OR value of 3.656 (CI: 1.654-8084); p-value of 0.31 and OR value 2.571; and p-value 0.002 and OR value 3.656 (CI: 1.654-8.084), respectively

    Mental well-being among COVID-19 patients in isolation house

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    Psychosocial effects of COVID-19 patients have a long-term impact. Isolation is carried out to prevent transmission of the virus for several months causing anxiety, saturation, and even patients experiencing insomnia. Well-being is very subjective, differing from one individual to another, and where well-being can be used as an indicator of a person's happiness or not. The sample this study was amounted to 50 people who were COVID-19 patients. They were undergoing self-isolation in the isolation house of Jambi Province, Indonesia. The study was conducted using self report questionarre 29 (SRQ 29) and subjective well-being scale. In this study, most of the respondents experienced mental emotionaldisorders, negative emotions, and felt satisfied in living their lives. They experienced insomnia or sleep disorders

    Herbal galactogogue supplementation on average zinc and iron levels in breast milk

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    The problem often encountered concerning failed exclusive breastfeeding is the insight of the mothers into little or less milk production, causing fear of being incapable to satisfy the baby’s needs. The quasi-experimental research design was used in this study. There was a control group and two intervention groups. The intervention group was given moringa leaf extract and banana flower extract for 14 days. Mother’s milk was examined with atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) at Labkesda (regional health laboratory) Jambi Province, Indonesia. Data were analyzed using 1-way- ANOVA. The zinc levels variable in breast milk obtained a p-value of 0.160, indicating that the zinc level in mother’s milk between the control group, moringa leaf extract, and banana flower extract did not show any meaningful difference. The iron levels variable in breast milk obtained a p-value of 0.497, indicating that the Fe levels of mother’s milk in the control group, moringa leaf extract, and banana flower extract did not show considerable distinctions. As a result, zinc and iron levels in the mother’s milk showed no prominent differentiation in the control, moringa leaf extract, as well as banana flower extract groups


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    Nutritional problems that arise at a young age are triggered by various factors such as poor eating habits, wrong understanding of nutrition, excessive preferences for food types, excessive promotion of food product graphics in the mass media and imported food products. Knowledge of food and nutrition is also one of the factors that influence nutritional status, so formal and non-formal nutrition education is needed. The level of knowledge is very flexible, young people will be positive when choosing the best alternative and tend to do good things. Knowledge is also one of a person's considerations in choosing and consuming food. The purpose of this research is to find out effect of balanced nutrition counseling on Adolescent knowledge and attitudes. This study used a one group pretest-posttest design. Total population of 173 respondents, sampling using probability sampling, namely proportional stratified random sampling, with a total of 63 respondents. Data analysis using t-test. The results of this study found that there was an effect of balanced nutrition counseling on knowledge (p-value 0.000) and attitudes (p-value 0.000) of adolescents. The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that there is an influence of balanced nutrition counseling coupled with the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents


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    Preeklampsia adalah penyebab utama mortalitas dan morbiditas ibu dan janin. Preeklampsia adalah sindrom yang ditandai dengan hipertensi dan proteinuria yang timbul setelah 20 minggu kehamilan. Penyebab kematian ibu sebagian besar disebabkan karena perdarahan, preeklampsia, komplikasi abortus, partus macet dan sepsis. Preeklampsia merupakan penyebab nomor dua, yaitu sebanyak 13% kematian ibu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan kadar trombosit ibu terhadap kejadian preeklampsia di RSUD Raden Mattaher Provinsi Jambi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian  case-control dengan pendekatan  Retrospektive. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu hamil yang mengalami preeklampsia sebesar 55 responden untuk kasus dan 55 responden  untuk kontrol di RSUD Raden Mattaher Provinsi Jambi Tahun 2017. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling, Analisis data menggunakan chi-square untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar trombosit ibu terhadap kejadian preeklampsia. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan bahwa ibu yang mengalami preeklampsia sebagian besar memiliki kadar trombosit yang berisiko (55,5%), dan kadar trombosit yang  tidak berisiko (44,5%). Hasil uji statistik chi-square  diperoleh nilai p-value 0,002 (p<0,05) disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan kadar trombosit ibu terhadap kejadian preeklampsia, dengan nilai (OR) 3,656  (1,654 - 8.084). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan kadar trombosit ibu terhadap kejadian preeklampsia

    Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Keikutsertaan Kelas Ibu Hamil di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Muaro Tembesi

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    Pregnant Women Class is a study group for pregnant women with a gestational age between 20 weeks to 32 weeks (before delivery) with a maximum number of 10 participants. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors related to the participation of pregnant women in the working area ofthe Muaro Tembesi Health Center.This research is a type of analytical research with a cross sectional design. The variables studied were age, occupation, availability of information, family support and knowledge, on class participation of pregnant women, population 44 people and the sampling technik uses total sampling so that the  research sample 44 people. Sources of data in this study through primary data, data obtained through questionnaires adobted which been tested  for validity and reliability, Bivariate and Univariate analysts uses statistic test Chi-Square. The results showed that there was a relationship between age and class participation of pregnant women with (p-value = 0.101>0.05), availability of information (p-value = 0.002>0.05), family support (p-value = 1.00> 0.05), and there is no relationship between work and class participation of pregnant women with (p-value = 0.000>0.05), knowledge (p-value = 0.000>0.05). It is hoped that the results of this research can be an input for health workers, especially midwives to improve the provision of health care, especially in the implementation of guidance, coaching and counseling activities in an effort to increase pregnant women in carrying out class activities for pregnant women

    Pengaruh Penyuluhan Kesehatan Reproduksi terhadap Pengetahuan Remaja tentang Seksual Pra Nikah di MTs Nurul Iman Kota Jambi

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    Adolescence is a period of transition between childhood to adulthood at this time which is often a problem for adolescents, namely knowledge which is influenced by education level, age, environment, culture, socio-economics.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of reproductive health knowledge on premarital sex before and after being given counseling.This research is a type of pre-experimental research with a one group pretest-posttest research design. The variables studied were the effect of reproductive health counseling on adolescent knowledge about premarital sex, population 115teenagers, the research sample is 90 teenagers The source of data in this study was primary data, data obtained through questionnaires. The analysis used Bivariate and Univariate analysis. The research obtained 90 respondents to this study experienced an increase in knowledge before being given counseling an average answer score of 11.5, after counseling the average answer score is 14.1 and the p-value is 0.000 <0.05 then there is a significant influence on adolescent knowledge before and after counseling

    Kadar ZINK ASI pada Ibu Postpartum Minggu Pertama

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    One third of the world's people in developing countries are deficient in zinc. The zinc concentration of pregnant women has decreased by up to 20-30% due to increased zinc absorption, especially in the second and third trimesters compared to those who are not pregnant. The research method used is descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach. The research was conducted in the Talang Bakung Community Health Center Jambi City. The sampling technique was purposive sampling in April - August 2020, the samples was 11 postpartum mothers the first week with anemia and 11 postpartum mothers the first week without anemia. Univariate analysis was used for zinc levels in breast milk in first week postpartum women with anemia and no anemia. Research conducted using the Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) method to see the zinc levels in breast milk (ASI) can prove that there is no significant difference in zinc levels in breast milk in postpartum mothers with anemia and first week postpartum mothers without anemia. Thanks to the Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency (Kemenristek / National Agency for Research and Innovation) as a source of funding for research implementatio