13 research outputs found

    PROGRAM BIMBINGAN BELAJAR DENGAN PENDEKATAN DIREKTIF UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI BELAJAR SISWA : Studi Pra- Eksperimen terhadap Siswa Kelas XI SMK Farmasi Purwakarta pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013

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    Penelitian dilatarbelakangi fakta banyaknya siswa yang memiliki nilai Bahasa Inggris rendah yang disebabkan beberapa faktor. Tujuan penelitian adalah menyusun program bimbingan belajar dengan pendekatan direktif yang efektif untuk meningkatan prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode pra-eksperiment dengan desain penelitian one-group pretest-posttest. Prosedur penelitian meliputi studi pendahuluan, penyusunan serta validasi prorgram dan instrumen, uji coba, dan revisi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: gambaran prestasi belajar siswa SMK Farmasi Kelas XI berada pada kategori cukup baik dengan rata-rata 64.52, upaya yang dilakukan guru Bahasa Inggris untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas XI SMK Farmasi sesuai dengan kurikulum sekolah, dan program bimbingan belajar efektif meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.Kata Kunci: Program bimbingan belajar, Direktif, Prestasi belaja


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    According to developmental psychology, primary school-age children (7-12 years) are at the period of concrete operational development, when parenting styles play a vital effect on children’s learning accomplishment. However, due to a dearth of literature evaluation on parenting and learning attainment in Indonesia, parents’ continue to pay less attention to parenting approaches that are appropriate for the child’s developmental stage, which might impai children’s academic accomplishment. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between parenting styles and academic success in children in the sixth grade of elementary school. Data was gathered through non-participant, structured interviews, and documentation. The instruments used in this study are structured questions that have been verified. The participants in this study were parents, students in class VI, and instructors in class VI at SDN Karang Asih 12. This study took a qualitative phenomenological method. According to the study’s findings, the use of parenting parents had a significant impact on the learning accomplishment of class VI students at SDN Karang Asih 12. Students with democratic parenting practices performed well academically. Meanwhile, the majority of students with authoritarian parenting styles accomplish at a medium level, while students with permissive parenting styles achieve at a lower level than students with other parenting types.&nbsp


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    According to developmental psychology, primary school-age children (7-12 years) are at the period of concrete operational development, when parenting styles play a vital effect on children’s learning accomplishment. However, due to a dearth of literature evaluation on parenting and learning attainment in Indonesia, parents’ continue to pay less attention to parenting approaches that are appropriate for the child’s developmental stage, which might impai children’s academic accomplishment. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between parenting styles and academic success in children in the sixth grade of elementary school. Data was gathered through non-participant, structured interviews, and documentation. The instruments used in this study are structured questions that have been verified. The participants in this study were parents, students in class VI, and instructors in class VI at SDN Karang Asih 12. This study took a qualitative phenomenological method. According to the study’s findings, the use of parenting parents had a significant impact on the learning accomplishment of class VI students at SDN Karang Asih 12. Students with democratic parenting practices performed well academically. Meanwhile, the majority of students with authoritarian parenting styles accomplish at a medium level, while students with permissive parenting styles achieve at a lower level than students with other parenting types.


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    Discipline is one of the behaviors that students have in complying with existing rules so as to create compliance in their lives. Students who have high discipline will get high learning outcomes as well, otherwise low discipline will hinder student learning outcomes. Besides that, teachers have an important role to improve discipline and student learning outcomes. The purpose of this research is to describe the teacher's role in improving discipline and student learning outcomes, to describe discipline and student learning outcomes, and to find out the factors that influence discipline and solutions to improve discipline in supporting student learning outcomes. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a type of field research. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The participants and the place of this research were class III teachers, class III students, school principals, and curriculum assistants located at SDIT Al-Fidaa. The results of the study concluded that class III teachers already have and carry out their role in improving discipline and student learning outcomes well. Discipline and learning outcomes of class III students have enough and apply discipline and learning outcomes well, although there are still some students who must always be reminded. Factors that influence discipline in supporting student learning outcomes are self-awareness, following and obeying rules, habituation, punishment, giving examples or role models, a disciplined environment, and being consistent in discipline. The solutions to improve discipline in supporting class III student learning outcomes are punishment, advice, and communication with parents or guardians of students.


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    According to developmental psychology, primary school-age children (7-12 years) are at the period of concrete operational development, when parenting styles play a vital effect on children’s learning accomplishment. However, due to a dearth of literature evaluation on parenting and learning attainment in Indonesia, parents’ continue to pay less attention to parenting approaches that are appropriate for the child’s developmental stage, which might impai children’s academic accomplishment. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between parenting styles and academic success in children in the sixth grade of elementary school. Data was gathered through non-participant, structured interviews, and documentation. The instruments used in this study are structured questions that have been verified. The participants in this study were parents, students in class VI, and instructors in class VI at SDN Karang Asih 12. This study took a qualitative phenomenological method. According to the study’s findings, the use of parenting parents had a significant impact on the learning accomplishment of class VI students at SDN Karang Asih 12. Students with democratic parenting practices performed well academically. Meanwhile, the majority of students with authoritarian parenting styles accomplish at a medium level, while students with permissive parenting styles achieve at a lower level than students with other parenting types.&nbsp


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    According to developmental psychology, primary school-age children (7-12 years) are at the period of concrete operational development, when parenting styles play a vital effect on children’s learning accomplishment. However, due to a dearth of literature evaluation on parenting and learning attainment in Indonesia, parents’ continue to pay less attention to parenting approaches that are appropriate for the child’s developmental stage, which might impai children’s academic accomplishment. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between parenting styles and academic success in children in the sixth grade of elementary school. Data was gathered through non-participant, structured interviews, and documentation. The instruments used in this study are structured questions that have been verified. The participants in this study were parents, students in class VI, and instructors in class VI at SDN Karang Asih 12. This study took a qualitative phenomenological method. According to the study’s findings, the use of parenting parents had a significant impact on the learning accomplishment of class VI students at SDN Karang Asih 12. Students with democratic parenting practices performed well academically. Meanwhile, the majority of students with authoritarian parenting styles accomplish at a medium level, while students with permissive parenting styles achieve at a lower level than students with other parenting types.


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    Discipline is one of the behaviors that students have in complying with existing rules so as to create compliance in their lives. Students who have high discipline will get high learning outcomes as well, otherwise low discipline will hinder student learning outcomes. Besides that, teachers have an important role to improve discipline and student learning outcomes. The purpose of this research is to describe the teacher's role in improving discipline and student learning outcomes, to describe discipline and student learning outcomes, and to find out the factors that influence discipline and solutions to improve discipline in supporting student learning outcomes. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a type of field research. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The participants and the place of this research were class III teachers, class III students, school principals, and curriculum assistants located at SDIT Al-Fidaa. The results of the study concluded that class III teachers already have and carry out their role in improving discipline and student learning outcomes well. Discipline and learning outcomes of class III students have enough and apply discipline and learning outcomes well, although there are still some students who must always be reminded. Factors that influence discipline in supporting student learning outcomes are self-awareness, following and obeying rules, habituation, punishment, giving examples or role models, a disciplined environment, and being consistent in discipline. The solutions to improve discipline in supporting class III student learning outcomes are punishment, advice, and communication with parents or guardians of students.

    Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter Peduli Lingkungan Siswa Kelas V di SDN Sindangkasih 01

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    Tujuan penelitian ini, yakni menjelaskan: 1) implementasi pendidikan karakter peduli lingkungan; 2) kendala dalam implementasi pembelajaran peduli lingkungan; 3) kiat-kiat untuk mendukung keberhasilan pendidikan karakter peduli lingkungan di sekolah dasar. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka yang berisi tentang teori-teori yang relevan dengan masalah penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan pendidikan karakter peduli lingkungan di sekolah dasar dilakukan melalui tiga tahap, yaitu: 1) perencanaan pembelajaran yang terintegrasi penguatan pendidikan karakter peduli lingkungan. 2) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang terintegrasi penguatan pendidikan karakter peduli lingkungan. Guru mengintegrasikan nilai peduli lingkungan dengan memanfaatkan lingkungan sebagai sumber belajar, dan mengatur kelas agar pelaksanaan karakter peduli lingkungan dapat berjalan denganbaik. 3) Penilaian pembelajaran yang terintegrasi pencapaian karakter peduli lingkungan melalui pembiasaan-pembiasaan positif baik di rumah, di sekolah, maupun masyarakat. Adapun kendala berupa rendahnya pemahaman siswa mengenai kebersihan lingkungan, fasilitas kurang memadai serta ketidaktegasan aturan yang dibuat oleh pihak sekolah. Kiat-kiat untuk mendukung keberhasilan pendidikan peduli lingkungan yakni: 1) pelaksanaan kurikulum berbasis lingkungan di sekolah; 2) kegiatan lingkungan berbasis partisipatif; dan 3) pengelolaan sarana pendukung yang ramah lingkungan. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter peduli lingkungan di sekolah dapat berjalan dengan baik apabila adanya kerja antara komponen penting dalam pendidikan yakni guru, siswa, orang tua, maupun masyarakat

    Pentingnya Memahami Perkembangan Peserta Didik bagi Guru dan Calon Guru Sekolah Dasar

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    Abstrak: Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa pentignya seorang guru dan calon guru dalam memahami perkembangan peserta didik khususnya di sekolah dasar. Pendidikan merupakan faktor penting dalam mengembangkan potensi peserta didik, dan keberhasilan program pendidikan di sekolah formal dipengaruhi oleh peserta didik, tenaga pengajar, kurikulum, sarana prasarana, dan lingkungan. Tenaga kependidikan harus memiliki kualifikasi akademik, kompetensi, sertifikat pendidikan, sehat jasmani dan rohani, serta memiliki tekad untuk mewujudkan pendidikan nasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian yang berfokus pada model pendekatan isi kajian, pembahasan, dan informasi yang dikumpulkan melalui media cetak dan teknologi. Ini juga berfokus pada penelitian perpustakaan atau kajian pustaka. Hasil dan pembahasan menjelaskan bahwa memahami perkembangan peserta didik dapat membantu guru memilih lingkungan belajar terbaik dan mengenal kepribadian siswanya dengan lebih baik. Ada dua manfaat dalam memahami perkembangan siswa: bagi pendidik, memberikan gambaran umum tentang bagaimana manusia atau individu berkembang sepanjang hidupnya dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan itu, dan bagi siswa, memberikan gambaran umum tentang bagaimana prosedur pembelajaran yang cocok untuk tahap perkembangan anak.Abstract: This paper aims to find out how important teachers and prospective teachers are in understanding the development of students, especially in elementary schools. Education is an important factor in developing the potential of students, and the success of education programs in formal schools is influenced by students, teaching staff, curriculum, infrastructure, and the environment. Education personnel must have academic qualifications, competencies, and educational certificates, be physically and mentally healthy, and have the determination to realize national education. This study uses research that focuses on the study content approach model, discussion, and information collected through print media and technology. It also focuses on library research or literature reviews. The results and discussion explain that understanding student development can help teachers choose the best learning environment and get to know their students' personalities better. There are two benefits to understanding student development: for educators, it provides an overview of how humans or individuals develop throughout their lives and the factors that influence that development, and for students, it provides an overview of how learning procedures are appropriate for a child's developmental stage

    Penerapan Model Kooperatif Tipe Think Pair Share pada Pembelajaran Tematik di Kelas IV SDN Karang Setia 01

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    Tujuan umum penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan model kooperatif Think Pair Share dalam pembelajaran tematik di kelas IV SDN Karang Setia 01. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data diperoleh dari observasi proses pembelajaran tematik terpadu menurut model Think Pair Share (TPS) di kelas IV meliputi kinerja dan hasil belajar siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, catatan lapangan, dan analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran Think Pair Share adalah model pembelajaran yang dapat mendorong mereka untuk lebih dinamis dan interaktif dalam belajar serta saling membantu. Salah satu pendekatan pembelajaran integratif (integrated instruction) adalah sistem pembelajaran yang memungkinkan siswa, baik secara individu maupun kelompok, untuk secara aktif mengeksplorasi dan mengidentifikasi konsep dan prinsip ilmiah secara tepat waktu, komprehensif, bermakna dan otentik. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran Think Pair Share dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar dan motivasi belajar siswa pada pembelajaran tematik terpadu di sekolah dasa