6 research outputs found


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    Many aquatic plants grow in these rivers, one of which is the lotus. Lotus (Nymphaea) is a plant that often lives in the swamplands of South Kalimantan, especially Banjarmasin. The lotus is a wild plant in its natural habitat, which is not foreign to Indonesian people. Some Indonesian people only know about the beauty of this plant. It turns out that apart from its beauty, the lotus also has benefits for curing various diseases. The lotus plant can also be used as medicine because it contains several different chemical ingredients in each part. This research aims to determine the antioxidant activity of extracts from various parts of the White Lotus plant (Nymphaea nouchali L) using the DPPH method. The plant parts tested include: flower parts, flower stalks, leaves and petioles. Based on the research results, the highest antioxidant activity test was found in flower extract, namely with an IC50 value of 66.906 Îźg/mL, and the lowest was found in leaf extract, namely with an IC50 value of 99.449 Îźg/mL. Quercetin as a comparison standard has an IC50 value of 6.337 Îźg/mL with a "very strong" antioxidant activity category, while flower extract, flower stalk extract, leaf extract and leaf stalk extract have a "strong" antioxidant activity category

    Quality of Life of Patients Prescribed with Herbal Medicine

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    Abstract: Herbal medicine has been an alternative treatment, instead of modern medicines. However, some of patients could experience adverse drug reaction (ADR) due to the use of herbal medicines. The ADR can decrease patients’ quality of life (QoL). Objective. This study was aimed to understand the QoL of patients prescribed with herbal medicines. Methods. Patients prescribed with herbal medicines as complementary treatment, in two Public Health Centers of Yogyakarta were recruited. The patients were prescribed with herbal medicines one year before this study was started. Naranjo algorithm was used to identify the ADR. The SF-36 questionnaire was given to the patients as the instrument to measure patients’ QoL. Results. There were 47 patients participated in this study. Most of the patients are female (62.5%).Ten patients experienced ADR. There are no significant differences between QoL domains in patients experienced ADR and those without ADR. However, the scores of physical function, role physical, general health, social function, role emotional, and mental health in patients without ADR are higher than those with ADR ( p>0.05) . Conclusion. There are no significant differences of QoL between patients with and without ADR. In general, the QoL of patients’ without ADR is higher than those with ADR. Keywords: quality of life, SF-36, herbal, Yogyakart


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    Carnophen merupakan relaksan otot yang bekerja secara sentral, sering diresepkan untuk meringankan kejang otot dan rasa sakit. Bukti ilmiah terbaru menegaskan pada penyalahgunaan carisoprodol memunculkan efek samping yang berbahaya, seperti gangguan psikomotorik dan penghentian obat tiba-tiba mengakibatkan halusinasi, kejang dan kematian fatal. Penyalahgunaan relaksan otot ini di wilayah Kota Banjarmasin terus meningkat. Peredarannya juga semakin luas dan dapat dibeli dengan mudah serta harga yang murah oleh masyarakat. Padahal izin produksi dan izin edar obat ini telah di hentikan oleh BPOM sejak tahun 2009. Masyarakat ekonomi lemah dengan profesi pekerja kasar seperti buruh dan kuli bangunan seringkali mengkonsumsi obat zenith dengan alasan agar tidak mudah lelah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi efek neuropsikiatrik yang muncul pada   penyalahgunaan pil zenith (Carnophen) oleh kuli bangunan di Banjarmasin. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain observasional dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Teknik sampling accidental sampling. Pengambilan data dilakukan bulan Mei - Oktober 2018 dengan menggunakan instrumen kuisioner Depression Anxiety Stress Scale – 42 (DASS 42). Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis kualitatif  Mile’s dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 12 subjek penelitian untuk skala stress  66% mengalami stress ringan, 16,6% stress sedang dan 16,6% sisanya normal. Untuk skala kecemasan 8,33% mengalami kecemasan ringan, 75% mengalami kecemasan sedang dan 16,6% mengalami kecemasan parah. Untuk skala depresi 83,3% mengalami depresi sedang dan 16,6% mengalami depresi parah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyalahgunaan zenith (carnophen) dapat memunculkan efek neuropsikiatrik berupa stress, kecemasan dan depresi

    Studi pharmacovigilance obat di puskesmas X Yogyakarta

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    ABSTRACT The increasing  use of herbal medicine in community also increase adverse event and toxicity report. Adverse events and toxicity can be detected with pharmacovigilance system. Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) of herbal medicines are rarely studied in Indonesia. With the increasing use of herbal medicines in Indonesia, pharmacovigilance studies are necessary to detect the incidence of ADR. The purpose of this study is to describe the incidence of ADR on the use of herbal medicines. This research is a descriptive study using retrospective data. Research was conducted for 3 months by taking 10-month retrospective data backward using medical record. Interviews were conducted to identify the occurrence of ADR and assessment of quality of life using Naranjo algorithm.The result showed that three (13.63%) of 22 patients experiencing the ADR with probability of probable categories (1) and possible (2). The symptom of ADR that showed was the increased frequency of defecation, decreased in stool consistence and diuresis.The results of this study concluded that there are ADR event in patients who have been prescribed herbal medicine in Public Health Center X Yogyakarta. Keywords: ADR, herbal medicine, pharmacovigilance