130 research outputs found

    Development of Chemical Resistant Geopolymer As Waste Storage Containing Hazardous Material

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    This research paper is to develop a geopolymer as as waste storage containing radioactive material. This topic is very relevant to our current world as there is still no certain solution for the storage for the radioactive material. The rate at which other environmental problems are mounting is also alarming. The toxic dumps are filled at a rapid pace, with few sites being developed. Abandoned mining waste laden with heavy metals and acidic solutions are poisoning vast acres of once-virgin land. The world water quality is worsening and our river and sea are being contaminated with this chemical wastes. In order to fulfill the objective of this research in which to develop a sustainable radioactive waste container by using geopolymer material, number of tests and experiments need to be conducted. The tests that are need to undergone are water absorption test, sulfuric acid test on geopolymer, and also sodium sulfate test on geopolymer. The main purpose of these tests is to determine the best properties out from the geopolymer to be applied as waste storage. The length of this research is up to six months starting from March 2013 until September 2013

    Performance Analysis of Isolated Self-Excited Reluctance Generators Connected to Diode Bridge Rectifier

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    This paper presents the performance of a three-phase self-excited reluctance generator connected to a diode bridge rectifier. The steady-state mathematical model is used to perform the self-excited reluctance generator performance. The performance is presented under load and no load cases for different operation conditions. The experiments are performed using a prototype reluctance generator. MATLAB/SIMULINK softwar

    Degradacija surfaktanata primenom reaktora sa dielektričnim barijernim pražnjenjem.

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    Surfactants are a group of compounds, which are widely used in industrial, agricultural, and pharmaceutical markets in various products, including detergents, pesticides, petroleum products, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Surfactants and their degradation products are widely detected in domestic and industrial wastewater. Due to their significant effects on the aquatic environment, degradation of surfactants is subject of many research papers. In addition to the classical wastewater treatment a lot of research is addressed to the usage of advanced oxidation process for removal of various surfactants. The aim of this study was to investigate using of non-thermal plasma (water falling film dielectric barrier discharge plasma reactor) for degradation of two anionic surfactants (sodium dodecyl sulfate - SDS and sodium dodecylbenezene sulfonate - DBS) and two nonionic surfactant (Triton X-100 and nonylphenol ethoxylate - NPE ). Surfactants examined in this research are predominantly used in formulations of laundry detergents and for industrial cleaning application. The effects of two catalytic plasma systems,( iron (II) salt and hydrogen peroxide), were tested to improve the degradation of surfactants. Efficiency of degradation was determined by spectrophotometric determination of decrease of surfactants concentration. Decrease of chemical oxygen demand and total organic carbon were measured to determine degree of mineralization. In cases of two nonionic surfactants and sodium dodecylbenzene sulpfonate catalytic systems exhibited significant improvements in degradation efficiency especially in beginning of treatment. In the case of sodium dodecyl sulphate catalysts have no effect on surfactant degradation. Mineralization of surfactants in all cases was significantly improved in presence of catalyst. Toxicity test with Artemia salina (A. salina) test organisms showed that toxicity in all case were decreased after treatment of solutions in water falling film dielectric barrier discharge plasma reactor.Surfaktanti predstavljaju grupu jedinjenja koja se šitoko koristi u industriji, poljoprivredi i farmaceutskoj industriji u različitim proizvodima uključujući detergente, pesticide, proizvode petrohemijske industrije, kozmetičke proizvode i lekove. Surfaktanti i prozvodi njihove degradacije su vrlo često prisutni u kanalizacionim i industrijskim otpadnim vodama. Usled njihovog efekta na vodene organizme degradacija surfaktanata predstavlja značajnu oblast istraživanja. Pored klasičnih tretmana otpadnih voda istraživanja su usmerena i ka primeni unapređenih oksidacionih procesa za uklanjanje različitih surfaktanata iz otpadnih voda. Predmet ovoga rada je ispitivanje mogućnosti primene netermalne plazme (korišćenjem reaktora sa dielektričnim barijernim pražnjenjem kroz tanak film vode) za degradaciju dva anjonska surfaktanta (natrijum-dodecil-sulfata i natrijum-dodecilbenzensulfonata) i dva nejonska surfaktanta (Triton X-100 i nonilfenol etoksilata). Ovi surfaktanti se koriste u formulacijama detergenata za pranje veša i u procesima industrijskog pranja. Pored toga ispitani su i efekti homogenih katalizatora (soli gvožđa (II) i vodonik-peroksida na poboljšanje efikasnosti degradacije. Efikasnost degradacije je praćena spektrofotometrijskim određivanjem smanjenja koncentracije surfaktanata. U cilju određivanja stepena mineralizacije odnosno potpune razgradnje organske supstance određeni su hemijska potrošnja kiseonika i ukupan organski ugljenik nakon tretmana. U eksperimentima sa dva nejonska surfaktanta i natrijum-dodecilbenzen-sulfonata katalitički sistemi su pokazali značajan efekat u povećanju efikasnosti degradacije posebno pri nižim vrednsotima primenjene energije. U eksperimentu sa natrijum-dodecil-sulfatom katalizatori nisu pokazali uticaj na efikasnost degradacije. U svim eksperimentima katalizatori su pokazali značajan uticaj na mineralizaciju rastvora odnosno na razgradnju organske supstance. Testovi ispitivanja toksičnosti sa Artemia salina organizmima su pokazali da je u svim eksperimentima toksičnost rastvora smanjena nakon tretmana u reaktoru sa dielektričnim barijernim pražnjenjem

    Development of Chemical Resistant Geopolymer As Waste Storage Containing Hazardous Material

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    This research paper is to develop a geopolymer as as waste storage containing radioactive material. This topic is very relevant to our current world as there is still no certain solution for the storage for the radioactive material. The rate at which other environmental problems are mounting is also alarming. The toxic dumps are filled at a rapid pace, with few sites being developed. Abandoned mining waste laden with heavy metals and acidic solutions are poisoning vast acres of once-virgin land. The world water quality is worsening and our river and sea are being contaminated with this chemical wastes. In order to fulfill the objective of this research in which to develop a sustainable radioactive waste container by using geopolymer material, number of tests and experiments need to be conducted. The tests that are need to undergone are water absorption test, sulfuric acid test on geopolymer, and also sodium sulfate test on geopolymer. The main purpose of these tests is to determine the best properties out from the geopolymer to be applied as waste storage. The length of this research is up to six months starting from March 2013 until September 2013

    Nanomedicine Approaches to Negotiate Local Biobarriers for Topical Drug Delivery

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    AbstractTopical treatments have been widely adopted to address a broad range of conditions across multiple sites thanks to their convenience, versatility, and effectiveness. While bypassing systemic biobarriers and avoiding systemic side effects by delivering directly to the target tissue, topical treatments still face significant local biobarriers that limit their efficacy. The toolset available for nanodelivery systems and their inherent multifunctionality can contribute to simultaneously address otherwise intractable challenges related to barrier function evasion, drug solubility, bioavailability, pharmacokinetics, smart and sustained release, quantitative co‐delivery, and local targeting which are key to successful topical treatments. This review summarizes the outstanding challenges associated with the topical treatments of key diseases of the skin, mucosae, eyes, and ears, and highlights how nanodelivery systems are being developed to address them effectively

    Modulating Heat Shock Proteins 70 and 90 Expression by Low Power Laser Irradiation (635nm and 780nm) in Jurkat E6.1 T-lymphocyte Leukemia Cell Line

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    Introduction: Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are molecular chaperones involved in protein folding, stability and turnover, and due to their role in cancer progression, the effect of low power laser irradiation (LPLI) on the expression of HSP70 and HSP90 in Jurkat E6.1 T-lymphocyte leukemia (JELT) cell line was investigated in vitro.Methods: JETL cells were irradiated with LPLI at 635nm and 780m wavelengths (energy density 9.174 J/cm2), and assessed for the expression of HSP70 and HSP90 by flow cytometry after 24, 48 and 72 incubation time periods (ITPs).Results: At 24 hours ITP post-irradiation, control cultures showed that 10.7% of cells expressed HSP70, while LPLI cultures at 635nm and 780nm manifested a higher expression (32.1and 21.3%, respectively), and the difference was significant (P ≤ 0.05). However, at 48 hours ITP, the three means were decreased but approximated (5.6, 4.9 and 6.2%, respectively), while at 72 hours ITP, they were markedly increased (45.2, 76.5 and 66.7%, respectively). In contrast, HSP90 responded differently to LPLI. At 24 hours ITP, control cultures and 780nm cultures showed a similar expression (55.9 and 55.9%, respectively), but both means were significantly higher than that of 635nm cultures (24.0%). No such difference was observed at 48 hours ITP, and at 72 hours ITP, control cultures and 635nm cultures shared approximated means (31.7 and 35.6%, respectively); but both means were significantly higher than the observed mean in 780nm cultures (15.2%).Conclusion: The results highlighted that HSP70 and HSP90 expression responded differently to LPLI in JETL cells; an observation that may pave the way for further investigations in malignant cells

    Nanoneedles Induce Targeted siRNA Silencing of p16 in the Human Corneal Endothelium

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    Nanoneedles can target nucleic acid transfection to primary cells at tissue interfaces with high efficiency and minimal perturbation. The corneal endothelium is an ideal target for nanoneedle-mediated RNA interference therapy aimed at enhancing its proliferative capacity, necessary for tissue regeneration. This work develops a strategy for siRNA nanoninjection to the human corneal endothelium. Nanoneedles can deliver p16-targeting siRNA to primary human corneal endothelial cells in vitro without toxicity. The nanoinjection of siRNA induces p16 silencing and increases cell proliferation, as monitored by ki67 expression. Furthermore, siRNA nanoinjection targeting the human corneal endothelium is nontoxic ex vivo, and silences p16 in transfected cells. These data indicate that nanoinjection can support targeted RNA interference therapy for the treatment of endothelial corneal dysfunction