13 research outputs found

    Quantum correlated light pulses from sequential superradiance of a condensate

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    We discover an inherent mechanism for entanglement swap associated with sequential superradiance from an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate. Based on careful examinations with both analytical and numerical approaches, we conclude that as a result of the swap mechanism, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR)-type quantum correlations can be detected among the scattered light pulses.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum darwinism in a composite system: Objectivity versus classicality

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    We investigate the implications of quantum Darwinism in a composite quantum system with interacting constituents exhibiting a decoherence-free subspace. We consider a two-qubit system coupled to an N-qubit environment via a dephasing interaction. For excitation preserving interactions between the system qubits, an analytical expression for the dynamics is obtained. It demonstrates that part of the system Hilbert space redundantly proliferates its information to the environment, while the remaining subspace is decoupled and preserves clear non-classical signatures. For measurements performed on the system, we establish that a non-zero quantum discord is shared between the composite system and the environment, thus violating the conditions of strong Darwinism. However, due to the asymmetry of quantum discord, the information shared with the environment is completely classical for measurements performed on the environment. Our results imply a dichotomy between objectivity and classicality that emerges when considering composite systems

    The Semiclassical and Quantum Regimes of Superradiant Light Scattering from a Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We show that many features of the recent experiments of Schneble et al. [D. Schneble, Y. Torii, M. Boyd, E.W. Streed, D.E. Pritchard and W. Ketterle, Science vol. 300, p. 475 (2003)], which demonstrate two different regimes of light scattering by a Bose-Einstein condensate, can be described using a one-dimensional mean-field quantum CARL model, where optical amplification occurs simultaneously with the production of a periodic density modulation in the atomic medium. The two regimes of light scattering observed in these experiments, originally described as ``Kapiza-Dirac scattering'' and ``Superradiant Rayleigh scattering'', can be interpreted as the semiclassical and quantum limits respectively of CARL lasing.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures - to appear in Journal of Optics

    Cold atoms in space: community workshop summary and proposed road-map

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    We summarise the discussions at a virtual Community Workshop on Cold Atoms in Space concerning the status of cold atom technologies, the prospective scientific and societal opportunities offered by their deployment in space, and the developments needed before cold atoms could be operated in space. The cold atom technologies discussed include atomic clocks, quantum gravimeters and accelerometers, and atom interferometers. Prospective applications include metrology, geodesy and measurement of terrestrial mass change due to, e.g., climate change, and fundamental science experiments such as tests of the equivalence principle, searches for dark matter, measurements of gravitational waves and tests of quantum mechanics. We review the current status of cold atom technologies and outline the requirements for their space qualification, including the development paths and the corresponding technical milestones, and identifying possible pathfinder missions to pave the way for missions to exploit the full potential of cold atoms in space. Finally, we present a first draft of a possible road-map for achieving these goals, that we propose for discussion by the interested cold atom, Earth Observation, fundamental physics and other prospective scientific user communities, together with the European Space Agency (ESA) and national space and research funding agencies

    Entanglement transfer via chiral and continuous-time quantum walks on a triangular chain

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    We investigate the chiral quantum walk (CQW) as a mechanism for an entanglement transfer on a triangular chain structure. We specifically consider two-site spatially entangled cases in short-time and long-time regimes. Using the concurrence as an entanglement measure; fidelity, and the Bures distance as the measure of the quality of the state transfer, we evaluate the success of the entanglement transfer. We compare the entangled state transfer time and quality in CQW against a continuous-time quantum random walk. We also observe the effect of mixed states on the entanglement transfer quality

    Thermal entanglement of a two-qutrit Ising system with Dzialoshinski-Moriya interaction

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    Thermal entanglement of a two-qutrit Ising system in the presence of an external homogeneous magnetic field and Dzialoshinski-Moriya (DM) interaction is investigated. Influences of magnetic field, temperature, and DM interaction on the entanglement have been characterized in terms of negativity for a wide range of parameters. The cases of parallel, antiparallel and transverse magnetic fields are considered. Results of detailed numerical calculations are explained using the analytically determined ground and excited states of the system. It is shown that at a given temperature, control of entanglement can be optimized by utilizing competing effects of the magnetic field and the DM interaction. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved