86 research outputs found

    Perbandingan indeks kelestarian hidup dan kemudahancaman komuniti minoriti Orang Asli di Semenanjung Malaysia

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    Kelestarian hidup yang dikecapi masyarakat Orang Asli masih kurang memuaskan di negara ini. Harapan untuk mereka berkembang maju seiring dan sederap dengan kelompok-kelompok lain di negara ini menjelang tahun 2020 masih kabur. Kertas ini menawarkan suatu analisis perbandingan kelestarian hidup komuniti minoriti Orang Asli dari kumpulan Negrito, Senoi dan Melayu Proto. Selain itu, tulisan ini juga bertujuan menganalisis tekanan-tekanan dari faktor alam sekitar, sosial, ekonomi dan budaya yang turut menyumbang kepada keterancaman beberapa kumpulan minoriti Orang Asli di negara ini. Andaian asas kajian ini bahawa penguasaan anggota sesuatu komuniti ke atas enam domain modal (modal kewangan, modal sosial, modal budaya, modal fizikal, modal semulajadi, dan modal manusia) dapat memperkasakan kedudukan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup mereka. Namun begitu, kepelbagaian ancaman yang wujud dalam bentuk kejutan, perubahan tren dan bersifat bermusim telah memberi impak negatif ke atas pemilikan aset dan kelestarian hidup mereka. Bagi menanggani faktor keterancaman ini, intervensi polisi pemerintah dan inisiatif lokal setempat perlu dipertingkatkan bagi menghadapi segala macam ancaman yang wujud

    Utilitarian tumbuhan ubatan di Tamu Pantai Barat Sabah

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    Utilitarian atau kepenggunaan tumbuhan bagi memenuhi keperluan hidup merupakan nic ekologi manusia. Ia merupakan proses kebergantungan manusia terhadap sumber bagi kelangsungan hidup. Tujuan kertas kerja ini adalah untuk menghuraikan utilitarian tumbuhan ubatan oleh masyarakat di Pantai Barat sabah dalam memahami kebergantungan masyarakat di kawasan kajian terhadap sumber tumbuhan untuk kelangsungan kesihatan. Sebanyak 77 spesies daripada 43 famili telah direkodkan melalui kajian lapangan di 15 buah tamu (pasar tempatan) di Pantai Barat Sabah. Manakala 119 kegunaan tumbuhan ubatan telah didokumentasikan berdasarkan kepada maklumat daripada 107 orang responden. Kedah penyediaan tumbuhan sebagai ubat dan akses terhadap sumber tersebut juga dihuraikan bagi memahami cara pengurusan sumber tumbuhan tersebut

    Ubudiyah practices and the usage of communication channels at Yayasan Daarut Tauhiid (DT), Bandung Indonesia: An exploratory study

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    Understanding Islamic management principles could help to develop a more appropriate type of management best practice in Islamic countries while still benefiting from the transfer of relevant Western management techniques and Western technology.Thus, this paper discussed the results of the exploratory study conducted at Yayasan Daarut Tauhiid (DT), Bandung Indonesia.This study utilized interviews and participative observation methods in order to explore the practice of Ubudiyah and the use of communication channels in conveying messages related to Ubudiyah.Ubudiyah or reliance on Allah is an element in the Islamic management - Islam as a whole, which includes the management of self, family, or organization.The findings revealed that DT implements the principle of Ubudiyah as the main basis in the management of their Islamic missionary, schools, businesses, and social responsibilities.The principle of Ubudiyah comprises the elements of Confident with Allah, Trust in Allah, and Sincere in Allah have been found emerged in this study. This study identified that DT has fully utilized communication channels such as printed advertising and collateral advertising, social media - Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and WOM in communicating about Ubudiyah, the Islamic missionary, and their businesses. Each communication channel is meant to extend to different target audiences, but the main view in all messages must be based on Ubudiyah or reliance on Allah.The study also found that DT has been successful in their mission to embed Ubudiyah and communicate about it in their management and daily routines.This article has identify key issues for Islamic management implementation in developing an understanding of Islamic management systems.The paper also contributes to the sparse literature on Islamic management and communication

    Benthic mollusc assemblages in subtidal coastal waters of Penang National Park, Malaysia

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    Benthic molluscs were sampled bimonthly from October 2010 to September 2011. Four sampling sites were selected (Teluk Bahang, Teluk Aling, Teluk Ketapang and Pantai Acheh) based on difference human activities in surrounding coastal waters of Penang National Park. Sampling activities were done starting at 200 m from the subtidal shoreline until 1200 m offshore. A total of 432 benthos samples were collected using 6’ X 6’ Ponar grab. From this study, 25 species from 21 families and 25 genera were identified. Particle size analysis was done and revealed Penang National Park coastal waters is a muddy area with more than 80% of the sediment samples diagnosed as mud. Whereas, in Teluk Bahang and Teluk Aling, the starting transects (200 m to 400 m) were consisted mixture of particle size but the proportion of particle size gradually changed to mud towards the shore. Based on Pearson’s Correlation, it was found that Nuculanidae, Megastomia sp., and Timoclea sp. showed positive correlations with sandy particles (1000 ;m-250 ;m) with r values ranging 0.88 to 0.96 at p0.01. The density of benthic molluscs was found highest in Teluk Bahang followed by Teluk Aling, Teluk Ketapang and Pantai Acheh with overall mean value 613.6 molluscs/m2. Penang National Park coastal waters are all considered shallow as the depth never exceeding 10 m

    Strategic direction setting of DFIS: A qualitative review based on performance model

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    DFIs are specialized financial institution, appointed by the government and been entrusted for specific mandated roles on socio-economic development. In Malaysia, the mandate of DFIs is merely similar to Islamic economic objective that is for society benefit. Hence, the study been carried out to analyze on the Islamic economic objectives coverage by the DFIs and to explore on the involvement of the Shari’ah committee member of DFIs in the direction setting of the institution. All six Malaysian DFIs which prescribed under DFIA 2002 been included in the study. The result from content analysis shows that there is one Maqasid dimension which not been covered in the DFIs’ vision and mission statement. Furthermore, there is none DFI covers all nine PMMS model’s dimensions as the most covered is six dimensions. Based on interviews, it is found that the Shari’ah committee member is not involved directly in the direction setting of the institution but rather involved in the supervision and assisting the DFIs in Shari’ah matters. It is recommended the DFIs to shape their direction towards fulfilling the Islamic economic objectives since they are mandated so besides their intent to be as full-fledged Islamic. In ensuring the truthful attainment of Islamic economic objective, it is also suggested the Shari’ah committee member to be included as they could contribute on Maqasid Shari’ah perspective in determining and shaping the strategic direction of the institution

    An application of barnacles mating optimizer for solving economic dispatch problems

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    This paper presents an application of a new nature-based optimization algorithm namely Barnacles Mating optimizer (BMO) to solve the well-known economic dispatch (ED) problem in power system operation. ED is one of the classical optimization problems which draws a lot of attention of power engineers as well as researchers globally in order to obtain the minimum cost of power generation by fulfilling all the constraints and demand. The practical constraints will be considered in this paper such as prohibited operating zones, ramp rate limits and generation operating limits. BMO on the other hand is the new algorithm based on behavior of barnacles seeking for mating. BMO will be adopted in finding the optimal combination of power generation so that the minimum cost can be achieved without violating any constraints. 6-units and 15-units case systems will be utilized to show the effectiveness of BMO compared with other recent algorithms

    Emerging Natural Fiber-Reinforced Cement Materials and Technology for 3D Concrete Printing: A Review

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    Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology has been widely used in various industries like automotive, manufacturing and construction. The application of AM technology in the construction industry is a chance of significant improvement and advancement for constructing processes. AM is consist of creating layer by layer of slices to print 3-dimensional (3D) construction parts. In this regard, along with the technology and process of 3D printing in construction; many researchers worked on different materials included natural fibre reinforced cement for the 3D construction advancement. On such, the review has been done for 3D printing technology, process, latest machinery for construction, the construction flow process and emerging materials for 3D construction. For this, the most recent and critical research work since last 8-years was highlighted and argued. Different research articles and numerous latest reports from web blogs are used for furnishing this review work. Based on the review, few research gaps are discovered. Finally, the use of 3D printing in the construction industry depends on the accuracy of the printing job. Not only that, the availability of printing materials and the cost of the printing process and the time taken to print also become the factors in the technology revolution in the construction industry

    The description of fast food employees' job involvement

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    Employees’ job involvement is crucial in determining the success of an organization. However, studies related to employees’ job involvement in Malaysian fast food restaurants are still limited. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe the job involvement of fast food employees of restaurants in Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, Malaysia. A quantitative study was conducted, and questionnaires were distributed to 688 fast food employees. Result reveals that most of the fast food employees are moderately involved in their job. This is probably due to the nature of the fast food industry that requires a repetitive job, long working hours, provides low job security, and less competitive work. Additionally, moderate job satisfaction, uncomfortable working environment, and tasks overload are also factoring that are considered to be influencing moderate job involvement in this study. This implies that organizations need to encourage their employees to become more involved in their job in the future to improve employees’ satisfaction and performance

    A study on palm fiber reinforces as a filament in portable FDM

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    The growth of renewable energy has been identified globally to ensure minimal environmental harm. Due to this situation, the development of green technology has enhanced the growth of renewable energy in the country. One of lignocellulosic biomass feedstock, oil palm frond was the raw material for a potential second-generation bioethanol production. Meanwhile, the sample characterizations were conducted by using the melt flow index. In addition, the 10% of oil palm fronds (OPF) was used and mixed with the HDPE which produce the composite grains. The main goals of the present work are the evaluation of the influence of several variables and test parameters on the melt flow index (MFI) of thermoplastics, and the determination of the uncertainty associated with the measurements. Hence, the capillary flow of a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) melts was studied. The shearing flow of polymeric fluids is encountered in a number of polymer processing operations. In other words, viscosity under simple shear is an important material parameter used for determining the pumping efficiency of an extruder, the pressure drop through a die, designing balanced flow runner systems in multiple cavity injection molding, computing the temperature rise due to viscous heat generation during processing. In this works, Thermagravimetric Analysis (TGA) is one of the branches under the thermal analysis, which is to determine the decomposition of the raw material that has been heat in certain temperature according the standard temperature of specific materials. Most of the thermal analysis, testing uses the weight of the sample within milligram or gram. Next, the process in the sample under DTA study is manifested by deviation of temperature difference from its background. This difference ΔT is not directly proportional to the rate of the process (dα/dt) but includes also the effect of heat inertia proportional to the slope dΔT/dt as it was derived. The filaments are inferior to the fibers for cement–matrix composites, but are superior to the fibers for polymer–matrix composites

    Modelling steam generator system of pressurized water reactor using fuzzy state space

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    Steam generator is one of the components in pressurized water reactor (PWR) system. It is known as the bridge between the primary and secondary systems which is also famous as the place for phase changes from water into steam. The aim of this paper is to model and investigate the performance of steam generator using Fuzzy State Space Model (FSSM). The influence between input and output of the steam generator is established. The result from the model is then verified against published data
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