2,819 research outputs found

    Urbanization and Labor Market Informality in Developing Countries

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    Rapid and uncontrolled migration created by the population moving from rural to urban areas causes serious problems from the viewpoint of labor markets. Increases in rural-urban migration flows is contributing to a larger urban labor supply. This increasing labor supply has produced an increasing urban unemployment rate and a deterioration in the quality of employment, as it is evident from the increased informal employment rates. One of the most distinctive features of the economies in developing countries is the fact that more than half of workers are employed in the urban informal sector. Urbanization and informal sector are joint and rising trends in these countries. The informal sector represents a significant part of the economy, and certainly of the labor market in developing economies, and plays a major role in employment creation, production and income generation.urbanization, informal labor market, urban labor market, rural- urban migration, developing countries

    Female Labor Force Participation in Urbanization Process: The Case of Turkey

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    Urbanization -as a worldwide pheonemenon- has increased its pace especially in the twentieth century in all over the World. Turkey is no exception of this process. In Turkey, urbanization has been accelerated since 1950 and it still carries on by increasing its speed. While only 25% of the population had lived in cities in 1927, nowadays this portion of the population has reached to aproximately 70.0 %. Like in many developing countries, women in rural labor markets of Turkey mostly work as unpaid family workers in agriculture and in some non-market activities such as home production and voluntary jobs. It is observed that from 1950’s to today women’s labor force participation rates (LFPRs) in urban areas have been diminished dramatically. Besides other factors that reduces women’s LFP in urban areas, ongoing migration from rural to urban areas seems to play the dominant role in this result. It appears that as a result of migration rural female workers are left without any jobs in the cities. Several factors can be taken into account to explain this transformation such as; cultural values against women’s participation in market work, women’s lack of education and marketable skills, unfavorable labor market conditions and increases in enrollment rates in all levels of schooling. In this paper, we have explained the characteristics, causes and dimensions of female labor force participation in urbanization process of Turkey.Urbanization, female labor force participation in Turkey, unemployment, gender discrimination

    Cahit Arf ve lise öğrencisi

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 357-Cahit ArfUnutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    Plasma screening effects on the energies of hydrogen atom under the influence of velocity-dependent potential

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    In order to examine the plasma screening and velocity-dependent potential effects on the hydrogen atom, the Schr€odinger equation including a more general exponential cosine screened Coulomb and velocity-dependent potential is solved numerically in the framework asymptotic iteration method. The more general exponential cosine screened Coulomb potential is used to model Debye and quantum plasma for the specific values of the parameters in its structure. However, in order to examine effects of velocity-dependent potential on energy values of hydrogen atom in Debye and quantum plasma, the isotropic form factor of velocity-dependent potential is given as harmonic oscillator type, q?r? ¼ qor2. Then, the energies of s and p states are calculated numerically without any approximation. In order to investigate thoroughly plasma screening effects and contribution of velocitydependent potential on energy values of hydrogen atom, the corresponding calculations are carried out by using different values of parameters of more general exponential cosine screened Coulomb potential and isotropic dependence, results of which are discusse

    Gerçekten özgür bir ortam kamplaşmayı önler

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 56-Ahmet-Samet-Süreyya-Tektaş-Mustafa Kemal Ağaoğlu. Not: Gazetenin "Sorular ve Sorunlar" köşesinde yayımlanmıştır.Unutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    Atatürk'ün vasiyeti

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya Adı: 1939-2000 Atatürk'ü Anma Törenler

    Greedy algorithms for distance-2 graph coloring and bipartite graph partial coloring

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    In parallel computing, a valid graph coloring yields a lock-free processing of the colored tasks, data points, etc., without expensive synchronization mechanisms. However, the coloring stage is not free and the overhead can be signi cant. In particular, for distance-2 graph coloring (D2GC) and bipartite graph partial coloring (BGPC) problems, which have various use-cases within the scienti c computing and numerical optimization domains, the coloring overhead can be in the order of minutes with a single thread for many real-life graphs, having millions and billions of vertices and edges. In this thesis, we propose a novel greedy algorithm for the distance-2 graph coloring problem on shared-memory architectures. We then extend the algorithm to bipartite graph partial coloring problem, which is structurally very similar to D2GC. The proposed algorithms yield a better parallel coloring performance compared to the existing shared-memory parallel coloring algorithms, by employing greedier and more optimistic techniques. In particular, when compared to the state-of-the-art, the proposed algorithms obtain 25 speedup with 16 cores, without decreasing the coloring quality. Moreover, we extend the existing distance-2 graph coloring algorithm to manycore architectures. Due to architectural limitations, the multicore algorithm can not easily be extended to manycore. Thus several optimizations and modi- cations are proposed to overcome such obstacles. In addition to multi and manycore implementations, we also o er novel optimizations for both D2GC and BGPC on social network graphs. Exploiting the structural properties of social graphs, we propose faster heuristics to increase the performance without decreasing the coloring quality. Finally, we propose two costless balancing heuristics that can be applied to both BGPC and D2GC, which would yield a better color-based parallelization performance with a better load-balancing, especially on manycore architecture


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    thesisKenilworth is situated in Carbon County, Utah, three miles east of Helper and is served by a branch line of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad that Joins the main line at Helper, Utah. The coal mine was first established by the Utah Fuel Company and has been operated since 1907. Geology The rocks exposed in this area belong to the Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Quaternary periods. The exposed upper Cretaceous beds are the Mancos shale. The Tertiary (Eocene) beds are the Wasatch formation, and the Quaternary beds are the terrace gravels and alluvium. The rocks dip about 6° North. The coal-bearing rocks are affected by a few faults; however, their displacement is small. Their vertical movement is not more than, 25 feet, and mining operations are not greatly disturbed by the faulting. The faults trend N 70° E or N 70° W. The coal, which is bituminous, crops out along the walls of the canyon. There are at least six known coal seams: Castlegate "A," 'Castlegate "B," Royal Blue, Castlegate "C," Kenilworth (Castlegate "D"), and a coal bed "?," having different thicknesses from 3 to 18 feet. The upper "D" seam is being mined at present. It dips about 6° to the north and northeast and has a thickness of 9 to 15 feet

    Competitiveness of Turkey’s Automotive Industry

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    This paper attempts to answer the question whether Turkey’s Automotive Industry, which was, in 2016, 14th largest automotive industry in the world, and the 5th in Europe, is competitive or not. To measure the competitiveness of the industry, Revealed Comparative Advantage index (RCA) has been benefited. What differs this study from the previous ones are the facts that: first, the time span that the study which covers a larger period than most of other studies benefiting RCA index, namely, the time coverage of the study is from 2001 to 2016, thus the results will also account for the RCA values of 2001 and 2008, which are the economic crisis years. Second, in addition to having a large time coverage, to the best of the author’s knowledge, this study’s results provides the most up-to-date RCA values for the industry

    Aligning digitalization and sustainability: Opportunities and challenges for corporate success and the achievement of sustainable development goals

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    Digitalization provides valuable benefts for entities and offers unique opportunities to strategically address challenges associated with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to ensure a sustainable society. This chapter discusses potential cross-fertilization effects between digitalization and sustainability to catalyze the benefts and challenges of digital transformation on the corporate level and SDGs’ perspective by focusing on sustainable practices. This chapter provides valuable insights for professionals and policymakers on the trends of digitalization and how they can support the SDGs that become a global compass for navigating sustainability challenges