526 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini berjudul “ANALISIS SEKTOR BASIS TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI DI PROPINSI D.I. YOGYAKARTA TAHUN 2003-2007”. Penelitian bertujuan Menganalisis Sektor yang relatif berpotensi terhadap Pertumbuhan ekonomi di sektor basis dan non basis di Propinsi D.I. Yogyakarta. Digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Pertanian, Pertambangan dan Penggalian, Industri Pengolahan, Listrik dan Air Bersih, Bangunan, Perdagangan Hotel dan Restoran, Pengangkutan dan komunikasi, Keuangan Persewaan dan jasa Perusahaan, Jasa-jasa di Propinsi D.I. Yogyakarta. Sedangkan Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah Location Quetient (LQ) dan Multiplier. Berdasarkan hasil Analisis Location Quetient (LQ) dari daerah penelitian PDRB dan PDB menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi memiliki nilai yang positif, yang dapat bersaing di Indonesia berdasarkan koefisien Location Quotient (LQ) adalah dari sektor Jasa-jasa 1,85, sektor Pengangkutan 1,58, sektor Bangunan 1,41, sektor Listrik dan Air Bersih 1,33, sektor Pertanian 1,29, sektor Perdagangan, Hotel dan Restoran 1,21, dan yang terakhir sektor Keuangan 1,02. Pengaruh ekspor basis terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi memiliki potensi dan sumber daya yang memadai didukung dengan prasarana, sarana, letak geografis, sumber daya manusia dan sumber daya lainnya yang ada sektor di Propinsi D.I. Yogyakarta. Untuk mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lebih baik, berkembang dan maju. Pertumbuhan dari banyak sektor ekonomi dapat mendukung satu sama lain. Oleh karena itu, harus diteliti sektor mana yang mempunyai potensi atau keunggulan untuk menjadi sektor basis dan sektor non basis. Beberapa kegiatan dari sektor ekonomi di dalam suatu daerah adalah dasar (basis), hal ini berarti bahwa pertumbuhan naik dan menentukan pengembangan menyangkut daerah seluruhnya, sedangkan bukan basis sektor ekonomi adalah konsekuensi menyangkut pengembangan seluruhnya di Propinsi D.I. Yogyakarta


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    Penelitian ini berjudul “ANALISIS SEKTOR BASIS TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI DI PROPINSI D.I. YOGYAKARTA TAHUN 2003-2007”. Penelitian bertujuan Menganalisis Sektor yang relatif berpotensi terhadap Pertumbuhan ekonomi di sektor basis dan non basis di Propinsi D.I. Yogyakarta. Digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Pertanian, Pertambangan dan Penggalian, Industri Pengolahan, Listrik dan Air Bersih, Bangunan, Perdagangan Hotel dan Restoran, Pengangkutan dan komunikasi, Keuangan Persewaan dan jasa Perusahaan, Jasa-jasa di Propinsi D.I. Yogyakarta. Sedangkan Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah Location Quetient (LQ) dan Multiplier. Berdasarkan hasil Analisis Location Quetient (LQ) dari daerah penelitian PDRB dan PDB menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi memiliki nilai yang positif, yang dapat bersaing di Indonesia berdasarkan koefisien Location Quotient (LQ) adalah dari sektor Jasa-jasa 1,85, sektor Pengangkutan 1,58, sektor Bangunan 1,41, sektor Listrik dan Air Bersih 1,33, sektor Pertanian 1,29, sektor Perdagangan, Hotel dan Restoran 1,21, dan yang terakhir sektor Keuangan 1,02. Pengaruh ekspor basis terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi memiliki potensi dan sumber daya yang memadai didukung dengan prasarana, sarana, letak geografis, sumber daya manusia dan sumber daya lainnya yang ada sektor di Propinsi D.I. Yogyakarta. Untuk mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lebih baik, berkembang dan maju. Pertumbuhan dari banyak sektor ekonomi dapat mendukung satu sama lain. Oleh karena itu, harus diteliti sektor mana yang mempunyai potensi atau keunggulan untuk menjadi sektor basis dan sektor non basis. Beberapa kegiatan dari sektor ekonomi di dalam suatu daerah adalah dasar (basis), hal ini berarti bahwa pertumbuhan naik dan menentukan pengembangan menyangkut daerah seluruhnya, sedangkan bukan basis sektor ekonomi adalah konsekuensi menyangkut pengembangan seluruhnya di Propinsi D.I. Yogyakarta

    Inbound and Outbound Marketing

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    Digital marketing has changed how businesses operate nowadays. When it comes to reaching and engaging consumers, effective marketing strategy is the key. Besides, in order to compete with the competitors, the companies should know everything about their customers from what their need is, how they can satisfy it and to what need they can further create (Hubspot, 2016) – of which a role mostly played by the marketing team

    Consumer protection regarding halal food in Malaysian and English law

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    The thesis will explore consumer protection in respect of the abuse of halal food law in Malaysia. It will argue that the protection of halal food consumers is not sufficient to protect consumers in Malaysia. It will identify potential halal food-law infringements in the areas of certifications, false labelling, adulteration of halal food, improper slaughtering practices, questionable hygiene, and misrepresentation of halal.This thesis will investigate the current legal framework of halal food by identifying the potential violation of law, and consequently, will explore possible remedies and legal protection in cases where there is halal food abuse in Malaysia. This thesis will also consider the issue of private remedies for consumers who suffer as a result of food abuses and will explore compensation as a remedy for the nuisance caused. In addition, it will explore the adequacy of administrative measures to address halal food issues in Malaysia and identify whether these measures are capable of preventing legal abuses and holding traders to account. The competent authorities who enforce halal standards face problems and difficulties in providing a sufficient level of policing. This thesis will explore the criminal remedies provided by Malaysian law to deal with halal food abuse.While the problems in Malaysia and the United Kingdom may be similar, there are differences in how both countries deal with halal food issues. This thesis seeks to identify practices and solutions provided by English law which may be implemented in Malaysia to offer increased or more effective protection and to prevent halal food infringement.This thesis will suggest that the law in Malaysia requires modification in order to improve consumer protection. It will indicate a need for effective implementation of legal and enforcement measures in Malaysia. Any consequences of the lack of resources will also be identified.The thesis will conclude by providing recommendations on the implementation of a set of rules and compliance measures that will effectively contribute towards improving consumer protection vis-à-vis halal food in Malaysia

    Adaptive Optical splitter Employing an Opto-VLSI Processor and a 4-f Imaging System

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    A novel adaptive optical splitter structure employing an Opto-VLSI processor and 4-f imaging system is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. By driving the Opto-VLSI processor with computer generated multicasting phase holograms, an input optical signal launched into an input optical fiber port can be split and coupled into many output optical fiber ports with arbitrary splitting ratios. A proof-of-principle 1 2 adaptive optical splitter structure driven by optimized multicasting phase holograms uploaded onto the Opto-VLSI processor is developed, demonstrating an arbitrary splitting ratio over a wavelength range exceeding 50 nm

    Gabungan Peta Pemikiran I-Think dan Aplokasi Quizizz Dalam PDPR [Combination of I-Think Thinking Map and Quizizz Application in PDPR]

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    Ez i-Think merupakan satu teknik pengajaran yang menggabungkan peta pemikiran i-Think dengan aplikasi Quizizz dan Google Classroom. Pembelajaran Abad ke-21 amat menekankan teknik pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP) yang menggunakan teknologi digital. Selaras dengan hasrat Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia dalam Gelombang ketiga iaitu meningkatkan inovasi dalam kalangan guru, maka ez i-Think menjadi idea kepada penggunaan peta pemikiran i-Think dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran secara online mahupun offline. Reka bentuk kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif jenis tinjauan. Data dianalisis daripada sampel soal selidik yang diadaptasi daripada Davis F.D (1989). Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 41 orang murid Tingkatan Dua di SM Sains Sultan Mahmud yang dipilih secara rawak daripada jumlah populasi seramai 112 orang. Analisis deskriptif yang digunakan ialah peratus, min dan sisihan piawai. Manakala analisis inferensi menggunakan ujian-T. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tahap kebolehgunaan dan kemudahgunaan terhadap pelaksanaan ez i-Think adalah berada pada tahap yang tinggi. Kajian ini juga mendapati tidak wujud perbezaan yang signifikan dalam kebolehgunaan dan kemudahgunaan dari aspek jantina. Hasil kajian ini dapat menjadi panduan kepada pihak sekolah dan KPM untuk meningkatkan penggunaan peta pemikiran i-Think agar seiring dengan hasrat Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia 2013-2025. Ez i-Think is a teaching technique that combines i-Think mind maps with Quizizz and Google Classroom applications. 21st Century Learning places great emphasis on teaching and learning techniques that use digital technology. In line with the intention of the Malaysian Education Development Plan in the third wave, which is to increase innovation among teachers, ez i-Think is an idea for the use of i-Think mind maps in online and offline teaching and learning. The design of this study uses a survey method type quantitative approach. Data were analyzed from a sample of questionnaires adapted from Davis. The study sample consisted of 41 Form Two students at SM Sains Sultan Mahmud who were randomly selected from a total population of 112 people. The descriptive analyzes used were percentage, mean and standard deviation. Whereas inferential analysis using T-test. The findings show that the level of usability and usability of the implementation of ez i-Think is at a high level. The study also found that there were no significant differences in usability and usability from the aspect of gender. The results of this study can be a guide to schools and MOE to increase the use of i-Think mind maps in line with the aspirations of the Malaysian Education Development Plan 2013-2025.Ez i-Think merupakan satu teknik pengajaran yang menggabungkan peta pemikiran i-Think dengan aplikasi Quizizz dan Google Classroom. Pembelajaran Abad ke 21 amat menekankan teknik pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang menggunakan teknologi digital. Selaras dengan hasrat Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia dalam Gelombang ketiga iaitu meningkatkan inovasi dalam kalangan guru, maka ez i-Think menjadi idea kepada penggunaan peta pemikiran i-Think dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran secara online mahupun offline. Reka bentuk kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif jenis kaedah tinjauan. Data dianalisis daripada sampel soal selidik yang diadaptasi daripada Davis. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 41 orang murid Tingkatan Dua di SM Sains Sultan Mahmud yang dipilih secara rawak daripada jumlah populasi seramai 112 orang. Analisis deskriptif yang digunakan ialah peratus, min dan sisihan piawai. Manakala analisis inferensi menggunakan ujian-T. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tahap kebolehgunaan dan kemudahgunaan terhadap pelaksanaan ez i-Think adalah berada di tahap yang tinggi. Kajian ini juga mendapati tidak wujud perbezaan yang signifikan dalam kebolehgunaan dan kemudahgunaan dari aspek jantina. Hasil kajian ini dapat menjadi panduan kepada pihak sekolah dan KPM untuk meningkatkan penggunaan peta pemikiran i-Think agar seiring dengan hasrat Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia 2013-2025


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    Objective: Despite advances in multimodal therapy, osteosarcoma (OS) still imposes big challenge due to its high rate of metastasis. The previousstudies reported that aberrant glycosylation in the cells mediates the invasion of several cancers including OS. However, its mechanism, particularlyN-glycosylation in OS progression, is still poorly understood. Thus, this study aims to investigate the effect of glycosylation inhibitions toward OS cellsinvasiveness.Materials and Methods: Both 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ) and 1-deoxymannojirimycin (1-DMJ) were used to inhibit the activities ofalpha-glucosidase-I/II and alpha-1,2-mannosidase, respectively. Invasion assay and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (quantitative PCR[qPCR]) analysis of extracellular matrix-related genes were performed at post 24 h of treatment with the inhibitors, 0.5 mM 1-DNJ and 0.5 mM 1-DMJ,respectively, on the OS cell line, MG-63.Results: Results showed that the inhibition of N-glycosylation with 1-DNJ decreases the invasion rate of MG-63 cells while the inhibition ofN-glycosylation by 1-DMJ caused the invasion rate of MG-63 cells to increase. qPCR analysis showed downregulated expression of matrixmetalloproteinase (MMP2) gene in both types of treatments while the expression of its inhibitor, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP2) wasupregulated in both types of treatments. In this study, MMP9 genes were not detected in both samples; however, the expression of its inhibitor, TIMP1was downregulated in MG-63 cells treated with 1-DNJ but upregulated in 1-DMJ treated cells.Conclusion: It is concluded that 1-DNJ reduced the invasion rate in MG-63 cells through downregulation of MMP2 gene which subsequently reduceddegradation of collagen type IV. However, the contrasting effect showed by 1-DMJ requires further investigation to elucidate its underlying mechanism

    Financial Technology: An Overview on Shariah and Legal Implication

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    Technological progress affects many things and practices in today’s life. In addition to the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic, it leads to a more open and almost comprehensive use of technology. This effect also occurs in the financial aspect. The emergence of various forms of technology-based transactions also has implications for legislation and sharia. This study was conducted qualitatively through the analysis of literature and legal sources from selected countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia. The study found that there is a law that has been drafted to regulate this aspect as well as a fatwa issued to lay the foundation for this transaction from a contractual point of view according to the Syariah perspective. However, further research still needs to be done considering that various forms of innovation involve transactions that have taken place and each of them requires clarification from a legal point of view as well as jurisprudence adaptation. Keywords: financial technology, Shariah, legal, implicatio

    Phylogenetic relationships of Waders (Charadriiformes: Scolopacidae) in Sarawak inferred from Cytochrome Oxidase I and Recombinant Activating Gene 1

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    Family Scolopacidae includes the sandpipers, shanks, snipes, godwits and curlews. Systematic classifications of shorebirds at the higher level have been successfully resolved. Nevertheless, the phylogeny of shorebirds in the familial level is still poorly understood. Thus, this phylogenetic study on Scolopacidae was conducted upon the framework provided by the first sequence-based species-level phylogeny within the shorebirds to determine the phylogenetic relationships among family members of Scolopacidae in West Borneo, Sarawak using combined gene markers, mtDNA Cytochrome Oxidise I (COI) and nucDNA Recombinant Activating Gene 1 (RAG1). A total of 1,342 base pair (bp) were inferred from both COI and RAG1 gene from 45 sequences constituted of 15 species Scolopacidae sampled from Sarawak namely Xenus cinereus, Actitis hypoleucos, Tringa totanus, Tringa glareola, Tringa stagnatilis, Heteroscelus brevipes, Calidris alba, Calidris ruficollis, Calidris ferruginea, Calidris tenuirostris, Calidris alpina, Gallinago stenura, Gallinago megala, Numenius arquata, and Numenius phaeopus. The phylogenetic tree was constructed with Charadrius mongulus derived as an outgroup. The Bayesian Inference (BI) tree constructed supported grouping of species into several lineages of Numeniinae, Calidrinae, Scolopacinae and Tringinae. The groupings of species into several lineages correlate with morphological features that contribute to their adaptation and ability of the species to fit to their ecosystems

    Effect of medium composition and cultural condition on cellulase production by Aspergillus terreus

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    The effect of medium composition and environmental condition on the production of cellulase by Aspergillus terreus was investigated using shake flask culture with oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) as substrate. The highest activity of FPase (0.76 U ml-1), CMCase (8.64 U ml-1) and β-glucosidase (6.81 U ml-1) was obtained in medium containing 6 g L-1 yeast extract and 10 g L-1 delignified OPEFB fiber. In fermentation with the addition of Tween 80 (2 ml L-1) as surfactant, the production of cellulase was increased by two-fold as compared to fermentation without surfactant. Cellulase production by A. terreus was also enhanced with the addition of calcium chloride (3 mM) and magnesium sulfate (5 mM) in the medium. Optimum pH and temperature for cellulase production by A. terreus was 5.5 and 28°C, respectively. Cellulase production in agitated shake flask fermentation at 200 rpm was four times higher as compared to fermentation in static flask.Key words: Optimization, Aspergillus terreus, submerged fermentation, cellulase, oil palm empty fruit bunch