3,969 research outputs found

    Classical and quantum quasi-free position dependent mass; P\"oschl-Teller and ordering-ambiguity

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    We argue that the classical and quantum mechanical correspondence may play a basic role in the fixation of the ordering-ambiguity parameters. We use quasi-free position-dependent masses in the classical and quantum frameworks. The effective P\"oschl-Teller model is used as a manifested reference potential to elaborate on the reliability of the ordering-ambiguity parameters available in the literature.Comment: 10 page

    Position-dependent-mass; Cylindrical coordinates, separability, exact solvability, and PT-symmetry

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    The kinetic energy operator with position-dependent-mass in cylindrical coordinates is obtained. The separability of the corresponding Schr\"odinger equation is discussed within radial cylindrical mass settings. Azimuthal symmetry is assumed and spectral signatures of various z-dependent interaction potentials (Hermitian and non-Hermitian PT-symmetric) are reported.Comment: 16 page

    Magneto Acoustic Spin Hall Oscillators

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    This paper introduces a novel oscillator that combines the tunability of spin Hall-driven nano oscillators with the high quality factor (Q) of high overtone bulk acoustic wave resonators (HBAR), integrating both reference and tunable oscillators on the same chip with CMOS. In such magneto acoustic spin Hall (MASH) oscillators, voltage oscillations across the magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) that arise from a spin-orbit torque (SOT) are shaped by the transmission response of the HBAR that acts as a multiple peak-bandpass filter and a delay element due to its large time constant, providing delayed feedback. The filtered voltage oscillations can be fed back to the MTJ via a) strain, b) current, or c) magnetic field. We develop a SPICE-based circuit model by combining experimentally benchmarked models including the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (sLLG) equation for magnetization dynamics and the Butterworth Van Dyke (BVD) circuit for the HBAR. Using the self-consistent model, we project up to \sim 50X enhancement in the oscillator linewidth with Q reaching up to 52825 at 3 GHz, while preserving the tunability by locking the STNO to the nearest high Q peak of the HBAR. We expect that our results will inspire MEMS-based solutions to spintronic devices by combining attractive features of both fields for a variety of applications

    Pengaruh Ukuran Partikel Cangkang Kelapa Sawit terhadap Efisiensi Kalor pada Briket Cangkang Kelapa Sawit

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    The energy crisis is one of the problems facing mankind today. Because of the limitations of existing fossil energy on earth then much alternative energy development. One alternative energyi is developed briquettes. The briquettes are used in this study is the briquettes are made from raw material palm oil shell. Palm shell briquettes made by particle size variations. The measure used in the study are smaller than 8 mesh, between 8-12 mesh, between 12-20 mesh, and greater than 20 mesh. Grouping particle size sieve used to size 8 mesh, 12 mesh and 20 mesh. As the adhesives used briquettes cassava flour in the ratio 1:7 to palm shells. Briquettes with a mesh size of between 8 - 12 mesh has an average calorific value of the largest in the amount of 4696.2 cal / g. Briquettes with size greater than 20 mesh is the briquettes to trigger the shortest time and the amount of residual char slightly. Briquettes with size smaller than 8 mesh is briquettes with flame longest time with an average temperature of 65 ◦ C

    A singular position-dependent mass particle in an infinite potential well

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    We consider an unusual singular position=dependent-mass particle in an infinite potential well. The corresponding Hamiltonian is mapped through a point-canonical-transformation and an explicit correspondence between the target Hamiltonian and a Poschl-Teller type reference Hamiltonian is obtained. New ordering ambiguity parametric setting are suggested.Comment: 13 pages, no figures. To appear in Phys. Lett.

    Architecture Students Self-Report Wellbeing Assessment Based On Quality Learning Environment in Design Studio

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    Higher education students’ difficulties, especially students in architecture education lead students to health problems. The design studio is the heart of architecture education and students spent most of their time with staff. Students tend to do various activities in the studio such as demonstrating, model-making, drawing, and lecturing. Therefore, the learning environment in the studio should attract students to spend most of their time in the studio happily. This research focused on a mixed method to assess the relationship between students’ wellbeing and the quality learning environment in the design studio. The students’ self-report assessment for the wellbeing situation has been used that depends on students experience in the design studio. For this reason, architecture design studios at private universities in Erbil city have been selected as a case study. The statistical program SPSS has been used to test hypotheses and analyze data. The findings of this study represent the significant positive relationship between students’ wellbeing and the quality learning environment in the design studio. Furthermore, the study illustrates the significance of the quality learning environment in the design studio and its role in the development of the student’s wellbeing

    Assessment of pulmonary hypertension in patients with liver disease pre and post liver transplantation

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    AbstractBackgroundBoth hepatopulmonary syndrome and portopulmonary hypertension are associated with chronic liver disease. Liver transplantation is considered a controversial solution.AimThe aim of this work is to assess pulmonary hypertension in liver disease patients pre and post liver transplantation. Studying the impact of pulmonary hypertension on hemodynamic of the patients in hospital after liver transplantation.Patients and methodsEcho cardiographic examination pre and post liver transplantation after at least 3months was conducted on 20 patients with chronic liver diseases and pulmonary hypertension who underwent liver transplantation to estimate mean PAP and degree of tricuspid regurgitation.ResultsThe present study was conducted on 20 patients consisting of 18 males (90%) and two females (10%) with mean age 47.8±8.9. It showed that mean pulmonary arterial pressure improved after liver transplantation 24.65%±17.50.The tricuspid regurgitation before operation was mild in 17 patients (85%) and moderate in three patients (15%) and after operation it become normal in 40% and mild in 60% with improvement in 55% and no improvement in 45% of the patients. There was improvement in dyspnea scale after the operation with one grade change in 35%, two grade change in 55% and three grade change in 10% of patients.ConclusionLiver transplantation was effective in the reduction of pulmonary artery pressure. The degree of pulmonary hypertension affected the functional state according to WHO Classification of pulmonary hypertension patients

    Karakteristik Pantai dan Resiko Tsunami di Kawasan Pantai Selatan YOGYAKARTA

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    Gempa besar yang terjadi di selatan Jawa yang menimbulkan tsunami pada tanggal 17 Juli 2006, telah menimbulkan dampak kerusakan yang dialami oleh kawasan pantai di selatan Jawa, diantaranya pantai Yogyakarta dengan tinggi maksimum sekitar 3,4 meter. Gempa ini mempunyai magnitude M7,7 (USGS, 2006), pada kedalaman 10 km di bawah dasar laut. USGS menyatakan bahwa gempa ini memiliki mekanisme sesar naik dan berasosiasi dengan zona subduksi antara lempeng Indo-Australia dan lempeng Eurasia. Hasil penelitian terdahulu yang dilakukan oleh Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi Kelautan pada tahun 2002 memperlihatkan bahwa kondisi batimetri di perairan selatan Yogyakarta dari pantai hingga 12 mil ke arah laut lepas berkisar antara 5 hingga 350 meter, yang berangsur makin dalam ke arah laut dengan pola kontur batimetri yang sejajar dengan garis pantai. Berdasarkan karakteristik pantainya, kawasan pantai Yogyakarta dapat dibagi menjadi 2 zona resiko tsunami, yaitu: (1) Zona Resiko Tinggi terdapat pada lokasi dengan bentuk pantai berteluk dan pantai berkantong (pocket beach) di kawasan sepanjang pantai mulai dari Parangendog ke arah timur hingga pantai Sadeng, khususnya pada pantai-pantai yang dimanfaatkan sebagai kawasan wisata atau pemukiman nelayan yang dibangun relatif dekat dengan garis pantai; (2) Zona Resiko Rendah, diperlihatkan di kawasan sepanjang pantai mulai dari Parangtritis ke arah barat hingga pantai Pasir Congot, yang meskipun memiliki morfologi pantai relatif landai dengan garis pantai lurus, namun pemukiman dan bangunan wisat dibangun pada jarak yang relatif jauh dari garis pantai dan berada di belakang gumuk pasir (sand dune) yang berfungsi sebagai pelindung alami dari gelombang tsunami. Kata kunci : tsunami, karakteristik pantai, batimetri, zona resiko tsunami Great earthquake that has generated tsunami occurred offshore south of Java in July 17, 2006. The coast of Yogyakarta was one of the impacted areas by tsunami waves and the maximum tsunami height measured in this area about 3.4 meters. This earthquake has Magnitude M 7.7 (USGS, 2006) with depth of about 10 kms under the seafloor. USGS pointed out that this earthquake was thrust fault mechanism associated with subduction zone between Indo-Australia and Eurasian Plates. Study on marine and coastal geology at the coast of Yogyakarta has been carried out by Marine Geological Institute in 2002. Based on this study, it was known that bathymetry along the coast as far as 12 miles seaward are about 5 meters to 350 meter-depth which are gradually increase contour parallel to the shoreline. Coastal characteristic study along the coast of Yogyakarta indicate that this area can be divided into two zones of tsunami risk; (1) First zone is high tsunami risk, which is represented by coastal area along Parangendog to Sadeng, this area is bay-shape, settlement area generally close to the shoreline without sufficient protection; (2) Flat morphology, with sand dune along Parangtritis to the west, dominated by straight shoreline, and settlement area behind the sand dune, make this area has relatively low in tsunami risk. Keywords: tsunami, coastal characteristic, bathymetry, tsunami risk zone

    Factors affecting psychological well-being: Evidence from two nationally representative surveys

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    Financial status is thought to be an important determinant of psychological well-being. We investigate this relationship, and the effect of other factors, using a parametric mixed modelling approach for panel data, controlling the problem of unobservable heterogeneity. Two nationally representative surveys, the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) and the Understanding Society Survey (USS), were used to construct a unified data set which measured psychological well-being and associated factors using the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). The GHQ-12 score for the head of the household was used as the dependant variable and its relationship with multiple independent demographic and financial status variables was investigated. Following assessment of growth curve characteristics with linear, curvilinear and higher-order polynomial modelling; several variance-covariance structures were tested to assess the error covariance structure of the longitudinal data. The random intercept and random slope were allowed to vary across participants, and methods such as natural splines and B-splines were used to improve the fit of some variables. Our final model demonstrated the most important variables affecting self-reported psychological well-being, as determined by GHQ-12, were perception and expectation of future financial situation and problems meeting household expenditure. Gender, age, marital status, number of children at home, highest qualification and job status were also significantly implicated. Unlike previous studies however we did not find that size of income was significant. These results provide further strong evidence of the impact that financial concerns have on self-reported measures of psychological well-being