83 research outputs found

    Global Diversity Management: Towards a Conceptual Framework

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    [Excerpt] Compared to research on cross-national differences in diversity management, more research has been conducted within the second key area of global diversity management – that on the effective management of culturally diverse teams and organizations, and on the development of global competence among employees. Indeed, research on multicultural teams (e.g. Earley and Gibson, 2002), global competence (e.g. Chang and Tharenou, 2004; Earley and Peterson, 2004), and conflict management in multicultural groups (e.g. Barkema et al., 2003) has been emerging in the last decade; it simply has not been labelled a part of global diversity management per se. However, to date, there are no unifying frameworks for studying global diversity, with the exception of one by Mor Barak (2000), which focuses on the connection between subsidiaries and the larger communities in which they are embedded. While we agree that this is an important issue, many leaders of global firms first want to know how to manage global diversity within the confines of their organization. Thus, one of our goals in introducing this special issue on global diversity is to propose one such framework, to serve two primary aims: (a) to provide a framework within which to situate the papers that appear in this special issue; and (b) to stimulate future research in the area. In what follows, we briefly describe this framework, and then we introduce the papers for the special issue

    Workforce diversity, diversity charters and collective turnover: Long-term commitment pays

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    Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Modern workplaces are becoming increasingly demographically diverse. However, the influence of workforce diversity on organizational outcomes is not fully understood. In this work, we study how and why workforce gender and racial diversity impacts collective turnover at the organizational level, and whether participation in and experience with diversity charters moderate this link. We particularly argue that greater workforce gender and racial diversity leads to greater collective turnover because it prompts social categorization and negative contagion in organizations. To mitigate these processes, organizations may participate in diversity charters, which are expected to provide support with managing workforce diversity and employee retention. We further argue that the influence of diversity charters follows a trajectory of maturity, so their benefits are magnified as an organization's experience with them increases. Drawing on a panel of UK universities, we find strong evidence that greater workforce racial diversity is associated with higher levels of collective turnover, but only weaker evidence for the positive link between workforce gender diversity and collective turnover. We further find that diversity charters may attenuate this link, but simply participating in them is not sufficient: instead, organizations must develop experience with charters over time

    Academic employment and gender: a Turkish challenge to vertical sex segregation

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    This article explores the paradox of women's academic employment in Turkey. There is a low rate of female labour market participation in the formal sector, yet a higher proportion of women professors than in any of the 25 European Union countries. We use a range of data to set the Turkish labour market and its higher education sector in comparative European perspective, then present findings from two qualitative studies of Turkish professors, concluding that ideological state support rather than legal frameworks of equal opportunities laid the foundations for women's hierarchical achievements in Turkey. However, the explanation is multilayered and lies in the cumulative and interrelated effect of state policy, institutional transparency, increased labour demand, the home-work interface, and the agency of the professors themselves

    Workforce Diversity, Diversity Charters and Collective Turnover: Long-term Commitment Pays

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    Modern workplaces are becoming increasingly demographically diverse. However, the influence of workforce diversity on organisational outcomes is not fully understood. In this work, we study how and why workforce gender and racial diversity impacts collective turnover at the organisational level, and whether participation in and experience with diversity charters moderate this link. We particularly argue that greater workforce gender and racial diversity leads to greater collective turnover because it prompts social categorisation and negative contagion in organisations. To mitigate these processes, organisations may participate in diversity charters, which are expected to provide support with managing workforce diversity and employee retention. We further argue that the influence of diversity charters follows a trajectory of maturity, so their benefits are magnified as an organisation's experience with them increases. Drawing on a panel of UK universities, we find strong evidence that greater workforce racial diversity is associated with higher levels of collective turnover, but only weaker evidence for the positive link between workforce gender diversity and collective turnover. We further find that diversity charters may attenuate this link, but simply participating in them is not sufficient: instead, organisations must develop experience with charters over time

    Between a rock and a hard place: corporate elites in the context of religion and secularism in Turkey

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    Drawing on discourse analyses of 36 in-depth interviews with elite business people from Turkey, the study identifies the networking patterns of new and established business elites in the context of economic liberalization and socioreligious transformation of the country. Through a comparative analysis of the so-called secular and religious elite networks, we demonstrate the role of institutional actors such as the government, and identity networks, based on religion and place of birth in shaping the form and content of social networks among business elites in Turkey. In order to achieve this, we operationalize Bourdieu's notion of theory of practice and Granovetter's theory of social networks, illustrating the utility of combining these approaches in explicating the form and content of social networks in their situated contexts, in which power and divergent interests are negotiated.Galatasaray University Research Fund [grant number 12.102.005]

    Effects of verteporfin-mediated photodynamic therapy in breast cancer cells

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    560-566Photodynamic therapy works with a photosensitizer that is stimulated when exposed to a light source of a specific wavelength and produces a form of oxygen that can be used in cancer treatments. In this study, we investigated the effect of laser on apoptosis on breast cancer cell lines (MDA-MB-231) treated with verteporfin in cell culture media. Verteporfin added MDA-MB-231 cells were incubated without light for 24 hours after applying laser light at a wavelength of 695 nm at an intensity of 50 J/cm2 at various times. Anti-proliferative effects were evaluated by immunoreactivity of anti-Bcl-2 and anti-Bax antibodies by immunocytochemical staining. When anti-Bax/Anti-Bcl-2 ratio are compared, the ratio of 1.5 in the control group cells decreases in short-term laser applications, while it approaches normal values in the 7th min after long-term laser application and reaches a very high value in the 9th min. Therefore, our results suggest that verteporfin-mediated PDT may be a potential combined therapy strategy against breast carcinoma by increasing apoptosis

    EPIdemiology of Surgery-Associated Acute Kidney Injury (EPIS-AKI) : Study protocol for a multicentre, observational trial

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    More than 300 million surgical procedures are performed each year. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common complication after major surgery and is associated with adverse short-term and long-term outcomes. However, there is a large variation in the incidence of reported AKI rates. The establishment of an accurate epidemiology of surgery-associated AKI is important for healthcare policy, quality initiatives, clinical trials, as well as for improving guidelines. The objective of the Epidemiology of Surgery-associated Acute Kidney Injury (EPIS-AKI) trial is to prospectively evaluate the epidemiology of AKI after major surgery using the latest Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) consensus definition of AKI. EPIS-AKI is an international prospective, observational, multicentre cohort study including 10 000 patients undergoing major surgery who are subsequently admitted to the ICU or a similar high dependency unit. The primary endpoint is the incidence of AKI within 72 hours after surgery according to the KDIGO criteria. Secondary endpoints include use of renal replacement therapy (RRT), mortality during ICU and hospital stay, length of ICU and hospital stay and major adverse kidney events (combined endpoint consisting of persistent renal dysfunction, RRT and mortality) at day 90. Further, we will evaluate preoperative and intraoperative risk factors affecting the incidence of postoperative AKI. In an add-on analysis, we will assess urinary biomarkers for early detection of AKI. EPIS-AKI has been approved by the leading Ethics Committee of the Medical Council North Rhine-Westphalia, of the Westphalian Wilhelms-University Münster and the corresponding Ethics Committee at each participating site. Results will be disseminated widely and published in peer-reviewed journals, presented at conferences and used to design further AKI-related trials. Trial registration number NCT04165369

    Analysis of the verbal and formal cerativity levels of primary school 4th grade students.

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    TEZ11956Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2019.Kaynakça (s. 81-93) var.xv, 100 s. : res., tablo ; 29 cm.Bu araştırma ilkokul dördüncü sınıf öğrencilerinin sözel ve şekilsel yaratıcılık düzeylerini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini Osmaniye ili Düziçi ilçesinde öğrenim gören ilkokul öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini ise üç farklı ilkokulda 4.sınıfta öğrenim gören toplam 79 öğrenci meydana getirmiştir. Nicel araştırma yönteminin kullanıldığı araştırma, ilişkisel tarama modelinde betimsel bir çalışmadır. Veri toplama aracı olarak “ Yaratıcı Düşünme Testi Şekilsel Form A ve Sözel Form A” kullanılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan öğrencilerin sene sonu Türkçe ve matematik dersi not ortalamaları akademik başarı düzeylerini yorumlamak için kullanılmıştır. Torrance Yaratıcı Düşünme Testi uygulandıktan sonra, bilgisayar ortamına aktarılan veriler SPSS 22.0 programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Analizlerden önce verilerin normal dağılım sayıltısını karşılayıp karşılamadığını anlamak için, veriler Kolmogorov-Smirnov test tekniğiyle analiz edilmiştir. İkili karşılaştırmalarda Man Whitney-U testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, öğrencilerin sözel yaratıcılık açısından en yüksek puanı akıcılık, en düşük puanı ise orijinallik alt başlığından aldıkları görülmüştür. Cinsiyet açısından öğrencilerin sözel yaratıcılığın alt boyutları arasında farklar olsa da, her iki grubun sözel puanlarının ortalamaları birbirine eşittir. Cinsiyete göre öğrencilerin sözel yaratıcılık düzeyleri arasında anlamlı düzeyde bir fark gözlenmezken, şekilsel testte kızlar lehine anlamlı düzeyde farklılıklar gözlenmiştir. Şekilsel yaratıcılık testinde en yüksek puan ortalamasının akıcılık, en düşük puan ortalamasının ise başlıkların soyutluğu alt boyunda olduğu belirlenmiştir. Öğrencilerin sözel yaratıcılık puanları ile şekilsel yaratıcılık puanları arasında pozitif yönde ve anlamlı düzeyde bir ilişki vardır. Akademik başarıyı yorumlamak için incelenen iki ders arasında, öğrencilerin akademik olarak en başarılı oldukları ders Türkçe, en başarısız oldukları ders ise matematiktir. Cinsiyet açısından öğrencilerin akademik başarı düzeyleri arasındaki anlamlı düzeyde bir fark yoktur. Öğrencilerin sözel ve şekilsel yaratıcılık düzeyleri ile akademik başarı düzeyleri arasında pozitif yönde ve anlamlı düzeyde bir korelasyon olduğu görülmüştür. Araştırma sonuçlarına bağlı olarak, eğitim programı ve öğretim bağlamında yaratıcı düşünme becerisinin geliştirilmesinin önemli bir amaç olarak yer alması ve özellikle yaratıcı düşünmenin esneklik ve orijinallik boyutlarına geliştirmeye yönelik olarak, okulda ve okul dışı ortamlarda eğitsel etkinliklerin yapılması önerilmiştir.This research was conducted to examine the verbal and formal creativity levels of fourth grade students in primary school. The population of the study consists of primary school students studying in Düziçi district of Osmaniye. The sample of the study consisted of 79 students attending 4th grade in three different primary schools. The research using quantitative research method is a descriptive study in relational survey model. “Creative Thinking Test Figural Form A and Verbal Form A” were used as data collection tools. Year-end Turkish and mathematics grade point averages of the students who participated in the research were used to interpret their academic achievement levels. After the Torrance Creative Thinking Test, the data transferred to computer were analyzed using SPSS 22.0 program. The data were analyzed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test technique to determine whether the data met the normal distribution count before the analysis. Man Whitney-U tests were used for paired comparisons and Kruskal Wallis-H tests were used for multiple comparisons. As a result of the research, it was seen that the students had the highest score in fluency and the lowest score in the subtitle of originality in terms of verbal creativity. Although there are differences between the sub-dimensions of verbal creativity of students in terms of gender, the mean scores of the verbal scores of both groups are equal. While there was no significant difference between the verbal creativity levels of the students according to gender, significant differences were observed in favor of the girls in the formal test. In the formal creativity test, the highest average score was found to be Fluency and the lowest average score was in the Abstraction of Titles sub-neck. There is a positive and significant relationship between verbal creativity scores and formal creativity scores. Among the two courses examined in order to interpret academic achievement, the most successful academic course is Turkish and the most unsuccessful is mathematics. There was no significant difference between the academic achievement levels of the students in terms of gender. There was a positive and significant correlation between verbal and formal creativity levels and academic achievement levels of the students. Depending on the results of the research, it has been suggested that the development of creative thinking skills should be an important objective in the context of education program and teaching, and educational activities should be carried out in school and out-of-school settings, especially in order to develop the creative thinking to the flexibility and originality dimensions


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