13 research outputs found

    Science-related aspirations of career based on learning content in upper secondary level

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    This study used qualitative approach which involves interviews that are analyze using Nvivo software. Qualitative approach which uses phenomenological design to reflect on the experience of the former students towards their experience and learning contents of secondary school upper level science core subject which impacted their career aspirations today. Twelve experience workers were selected through purposeful sampling. The results show that most respondent just got C for their Science Subject in Malaysian Certificate of Education (MCE). The certain techniques including the use of the learning aids and room were very effective; while contents of fluid and organs were much related to works. This study has revealed the effective techniques of learning experiences that beneficial to all educators


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk:1). Menghitung besar baiaya produksi, penerimaan dan pendapatan terhadap usahatani padi sawah di Desa Bongoime Kecamatan Tilongkabila Kabupaten Bone Bolango, 2). Menganalisis kelayakan usahatani padi sawah diDesa Bongoime Kecamatan Tilongkabila Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Bongoime Kecamatan Tilongkabila Kabupaten Bone Bolango mulai dari bulan Mei sampai bulan Juli 2022 dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 67 orang petani. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah slovin. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah biayatotal,penerimaan dan pendapatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biaya total rata-rata Rp. 3,242,007/petani/panen. Sedangkan penerimaan yang diperoleh rata-rata Rp. 13,882,836/petani /panen dengan pendapatan bersih rata-rata Rp.10,640,828/petani/panen. Nilai Hasil analisis kelayakan usahatani padi sawah di Desa Bongoime Kecamatan Tilongkabila Kabupaten Bone Bolango R/Cratio adalah 24,161, ini berarti usahatani tersebut menguntungkan serta layak diteruskan dan dilanjutkan. Analisis BEP menunjukkan nilai yaitu BEP unit 1,488 dan BEP harga Rp. 13,392,725. Analisis kelayakan aspek non finansial diantaranya aspek pasar, aspek teknis, aspek hukum, aspek  manajemen dan SDM, aspek ekonomi sosial budaya dan aspek lingkungan juga menunjukkan bahwa usahatani padi sawah layak untuk terus diusahakan


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    Artikel ini membahas tentang pengabdian masyarakat dalam menumbuhkan jiwa wirausaha petani melalui pembuatan produk "Kubeko Scrub". Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membantu petani dalam meningkatkan keterampilan wirausaha dan memanfaatkan potensi alam di sekitar mereka untuk menciptakan produk bernilai ekonomi. Metode yang digunakan meliputi pelatihan, pendampingan, dan pengenalatn konsep wirausaha kepada petani. Hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat ini menunjukkan peningkatan kemampuan wirausaha petani dan keberhasilan dalam membuat dan memasarkan produk "Kubeko Scrub". Selain itu, petani juga mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang pentingnya pengembangan produk bernilai tambah sebagai upaya meningkatkan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan mereka. Artikel ini dapat menjadi inspirasi dan panduan bagi pihak- pihak yang tertarik dalam mengembangkan jiwa wirausaha petani melalui pengabdian masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Pengabdian masyarakat, Jiwa wirausaha petani, Produk Kubeko Scrub, Pembinaan keterampilan wirausaha

    Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan Pemasaran Berbasis Digital Dengan Menggunakan Media Sosial pada Kelompok Tani Desa Botumoputi Kecamatan Tibawa

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    ABSTRACTCorn is the most productive cereal crop in the world besides rice and wheat. Plants that can grow in high temperature areas, and cob maturation is determined by the accumulated heat obtained by the plant. Corn (Zea mays L.) is a single seed plant (monocotyledon) with rough stems ranging from 0.6 to 3 m and is a seasonal plant with an age of approximately 3 months. Botumoputi Village is one of the villages that has the largest corn producer in the Tibawa sub-district. There are 15 groups of corn farmers in the village and among them there are rice corn farmers. The results of the corn harvest are mostly sold directly without any processing into further products. Due to the lack of knowledge and knowledge they have, the harvest only flows in the market. Because marketing problems are so-so, there is a need for socialization and digital marketing training. The purpose of these activities is to provide insight and knowledge of skills and increase work creativity. Activities carried out in the hall of Botumoputi Village involved some members of the community, heads of farmer groups, PKK women and village officials. In its implementation using sustainable extension methods. The hope that can be achieved from this activity is that the people of Botumoputi Village can be more creative and can work to increase family economic income through internet networks. Keywords; marketing, corn, social medi


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    Pulut corn is one of the food commodities that has economic value and has the potential to be developed. Iloponu village has considerable pulut corn producing potential. The harvest of pulut corn is only sold in wet and dry form, there is no processing to become a new product that can add creativity to the community and can add economic value to the people of Iloponu village. Based on the existing problems, it is necessary to have innovative product innovations as an effort to take advantage of the potential of superior commodities in Iloponu village. The purpose of this activity is to increase community creativity in producing processed pulut corn commodities that have high selling power and increase public interest in denying family income. This counseling and training was carried out at the Iloponu Village Hall in stages and involved villagers and members of MSMEs assisted by Iloponu village. The method used is the commodity development model, which is an approach that involves the community directly as a subject and object in the implementation of counseling and training activities for making products from pulut corn. The results obtained during this activity the community understands the great benefits of the pulut corn commodity and increases people's creativity in product processing and the importance of entrepreneurship

    Socializing One Health: an innovative strategy to investigate social and behavioral risks of emerging viral threats

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    In an effort to strengthen global capacity to prevent, detect, and control infectious diseases in animals and people, the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT) PREDICT project funded development of regional, national, and local One Health capacities for early disease detection, rapid response, disease control, and risk reduction. From the outset, the EPT approach was inclusive of social science research methods designed to understand the contexts and behaviors of communities living and working at human-animal-environment interfaces considered high-risk for virus emergence. Using qualitative and quantitative approaches, PREDICT behavioral research aimed to identify and assess a range of socio-cultural behaviors that could be influential in zoonotic disease emergence, amplification, and transmission. This broad approach to behavioral risk characterization enabled us to identify and characterize human activities that could be linked to the transmission dynamics of new and emerging viruses. This paper provides a discussion of implementation of a social science approach within a zoonotic surveillance framework. We conducted in-depth ethnographic interviews and focus groups to better understand the individual- and community-level knowledge, attitudes, and practices that potentially put participants at risk for zoonotic disease transmission from the animals they live and work with, across 6 interface domains. When we asked highly-exposed individuals (ie. bushmeat hunters, wildlife or guano farmers) about the risk they perceived in their occupational activities, most did not perceive it to be risky, whether because it was normalized by years (or generations) of doing such an activity, or due to lack of information about potential risks. Integrating the social sciences allows investigations of the specific human activities that are hypothesized to drive disease emergence, amplification, and transmission, in order to better substantiate behavioral disease drivers, along with the social dimensions of infection and transmission dynamics. Understanding these dynamics is critical to achieving health security--the protection from threats to health-- which requires investments in both collective and individual health security. Involving behavioral sciences into zoonotic disease surveillance allowed us to push toward fuller community integration and engagement and toward dialogue and implementation of recommendations for disease prevention and improved health security

    Orientasi Kewirausahaan dan Pasar Serta Efeknya terhadap Kinerja Bisnis (Studi Kasus Pada Pelaku UMKM Olahan Pangan di Kabupaten Bone Bolango)

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    This research is expected to be able to determine the impact of entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation on business performance (Case Study on food processing MSME actors in Bone Bolango Regency) to a certain extent and at the same time. The data in this study were collected based on opinion polls or questionnaires. The number of respondents was 43 people.The research data was analyzed using multiple quantitative inferential regression.The results showed that (1) Enterprising direction significantly influences business implementation in food processing MSME actors in Bone Bolango Regency with a partial determination coefficient value of 22,30 %, (2) Market Orientation has an effect positive and significant impact on business implementation in food processing SMEs in Bone Bolango Regency with a partial determination coefficient of 35,10 % (3) Enterprising market and market orientation together have a positive and significant influence on business performance s in food processing SMEs in Bone Bolango Regency. The coefficient of determination is 57,40 % and the difference is 42,60 % which can be explained by other factors not analyzed in this review, such as management skills, business strategy, social capital, local wisdom and marketing mix effectiveness.Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menentukan dampak orientasi kewirausahaan dan orientasi pasar terhadap kinerja bisnis (Studi Kasus pada Pelaku UMKM olahan pangan di Kabupaten Bone Bolango) sampai batas tertentu dan pada waktu yang bersamaan. data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan berdasarkan jejak pendapat atau angket. Dengan banyaknya responden adalah 43 orang. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan inferensial kuantitatif regresi berganda. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1) Enterprising direction secara signifikan mempengaruhi pelaksanaan bisnis pada Pelaku UMKM olahan pangan di Kabupaten Bone Bolango dengan nilai koefisien Determinasi parsial adalah 22,30%. (2) Market Orientation berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pelaksanaan bisnis pada Pelaku UMKM olahan pangan di Kabupaten Bone Bolango dengan nilai koefisien determinasi parsial sebesar 35,10%. (3) Enterprising market and market orientation secara bersama-sama mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja bisnis pada Pelaku UMKM olahan pangan di Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Nilai koefisien determinasi 57,40% dan selisih sebesar 42,60% dapat dijelaskan oleh oleh faktor-faktor lain yang tidak dianalisis dalam ulasan ini, seperti seperti kualitas produk, promosi yang agresif, pengembangan kapasitas pelaku UMKM, komitmen pelaku UMKM dan kerja sama pelaku UMKM


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    Institutional Farmers poktan/Gapoktan provide institutional strengthening to farmers through non-formal education which includes activities in knowledge and skills that take place through the teaching and learning process. and well-being. In increasing the knowledge and skills of the community in utilizing agricultural crops, especially corn into plants that have high economic value. Specific targets to be achieved include increasing people's income through strengthening farmer group institutions by conducting counseling, coaching to farmers, especially the corn farmer group under Readsi's guidance.Assistance to farmers in Bunuo Village, Bulango District is very important, especially in terms of institutional strengthening of corn farmer groups. This Readsi assisted farmer group needs to build public awareness in terms of cooperation between extension officers and farmers and other related institutions.The main targets for institutional strengthening are farmer groups and the general public in Bunuo Village, North Bulango District, Bone Bolango Regency. Where the targets are farmers and a combination of farmer groups who are de facto regulators of the family economy and young people who come from farming families. The method used in this activity is training on Institutional Strengthening of Readsi's Corn Farmer Groups. The identification of the problem is how to strengthen the institutions of Combined corn farmer groups in Bunuo village, North Bulango sub-district.Keywords: Institutional, Farmer Group, Economic Valu

    Pengaruh MOL Bonggol Pisang terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Tomat (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

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    Bonggol pisang sebagai bahan organik dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi MOL yang dapat berperan sebagai dekomposer. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh MOL bonggol pisang terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman tomat. Penelitian ini disusun dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) Tunggal dengan satu faktor yakni konsentrasi pemberian MOL Bonggol Pisang (K) terdiri dari K0 = Kontrol; K1 = 25 ml MOL bonggol pisang / 1 liter air bersih; K2 = 50 ml MOL bonggol pisang / 1 liter air bersih; K3 = 75 ml MOL bonggol pisang / 1 liter air bersih. Masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali sehingga didapatkan 12 unit pengamatan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa: Pemberian MOL bonggol pisang 75 ml/liter air (K3) memberikan hasil terbaik terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman tomat. Pemberian MOL bonggol pisang 75 ml/liter air (K3) menghasilkan rata-rata tinggi tanaman 105 cm, rata-rata jumlah dau 96,67 helai, rata-rata jumlah bunga dan buah masing-masing 9,00 kuncup bunga dan 7,33 buah

    Analisis Pembangunan Sektor Pertanian Dalam Mereduksi Kemiskinan Kabupaten/Kota di Kawasan Teluk Tomini

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pembangunan sektor pertanian yang dipriksikan dengan PDRB sektor pertanian terhadap kemiskinan Kabupaten/Kota di Kawasan Teluk Tomini dengan menggunakan variabel kontrol variabel Industri kecil menengah (IKM) olahan pangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kauntitatif dengan metode korelasional. Data dalam penelitian diperoleh melalui situs resmi BPS sebanyak 85 data yang terdiri atas 17 daerah dan 5 tahun data. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni Regresi Berganda Data Panel. Hasil Penelitian ditemukan bahwa PDRB sektor pertanian dan industri kecil menengah (IKM) olahan pangan secara bersama-sama berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kemiskinan dengan nilai koefisien determinasi sebesar 98,987%. Pengaruh yang besar ini karena sumbangan penduduk miskin di Kabupaten/Kota Kawasan Teluk Tomini yakni pada penduduk dengan pekerjaan sebagai petani, peternak dan nelayan. Hasil secara parsial ditemukan bahwa PDRB sektor pertanian berpengaruh negatif tidak signifikan terhadap kemiskinan, sementara industri kecil menengah (IKM) olahan pangan berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap kemiskinan. Kata Kunci: Pembangunan Pertanian, Kemiskinan, IK