21 research outputs found

    Resource Allocation in Paddy Farming Under Different Tenure Categories in Two Villages in East Java Indonesia

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    The present study provides empirical evidence on resource allocation in paddy farming under different tenure categories based on data collected from 105 paddy farms by The Agro-Economic Survey of Indonesia (SAE), for the 1980/ 1981 wet season at two villages in East Java. To observe resource allocation in different tenure categories, Cobb-Douglas production function analysis was employed by introducing dummy variables for owner operator, fixed rental and mixed tenant. In this analysis the assumption that no difference exists in the slope of production function between share tenant and the other three tenure categories A dummy variable for village was also introduced to differences in production functions between the two being studied. The difference between pure owner tenant in terms of their constant terms or parameter and output elasticity of input or slope of the production function was also observed in this analysis . Analysis of resource use efficiency was done by using the ratio of Marginal value product (MVP) to its marginal factor cost to examine the allocation of the resources in paddy farming under different tenure categories. Results obtained from Least Square estimates based on the Cobb-Douglas type production function indicated significant differences between share tenant farms in their production function. Share tenant appeared to be in the lowest category in their paddy production, while the highest was mixed tenant followed by owner operator and fixed rental farms. Between pure owner and pure tenant there were significant differences in their constant term and their slopes of production function with respect to land and human labour input. This implied that there were significant differences in their land and human labour productivity. Pure owner appeared to be more productive in using their land input relative to pure tenant, and tenant appears more productive in using their human labour input than pure owner. Paddy farm income of share tenant was observed to be the lowest relative to the other tenure categories (significant at 1%). The average annual per capita income also appeared to be the lowest as compared to owner operator or fixed rental farmer, although statistically was not significant. Analysis of resource use efficiency indicated that for all categories of tenure input factors allocated. This implied that re-al1ocation were inefficiently of resources would have important impact on the yield of paddy. In this analysis, it was observed that hired human labour and current inputs, which consist of expenses on seed, insecticide, fertilizer and the rent of sprayer, were used below optimum level

    Price Determination of Palm Oil Fresh Fruit Bunches on Imperfect Competition Market in Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia

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    The inequilibrium between the supplies of palm oil fresh fruit bunches (FFB) and the availability of palm oil mill causes the exploitation of palm oil fresh fruit bunches prices of farmers’ production, especially supply from estate smallholders (independent and plasma farmers). The exploitation of prices occur because of: a) market structure of palm oil fresh fruit bunches is oligopsony market, b) the value of conjectural elasticity is high, and c) the price elasticity value of supply and demand are small (0.19 and 0.048 are inelastic). This condition shows that oligopsony market power has sizeable and dominant influence on price determination of palm oil fresh fruit bunches in the input market. As the result, income, productivity and production of farmers are low. However, if farmers join in a cooperative institutional use oligopoly market power, so farmers can sell palm oil fresh fruit bunches at higher price or up to 34.86% of farmers’ real prices. Therefore, the price policy of government should consider to the elements of market power (conjectural elasticity) and the factors that influence market power (demand and supply price elasticities). The approach of bilateral monopoly market model can be an alternative solution of oligopsony market structure. Keywords: palm oil fresh fruit bunches, price, oligopsony, oligopoly, bilateral monopol

    Economic Performance of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Malang Regency, Indonesia

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    Rice has been widely known as a basic commodity for Indonesian people as a source of energy and carbohydrate. Indonesian institution for agricultural research and development is Indonesian government institution whose program is to increase rice production and keep up food security, especially with the use technological innovation. One of the environment friendly technology innovations is through System of Rice Intensification (SRI). The objectives of this study are analyze the net profit and the level of the farmers' practice in SRI project, analyze the correlation between the level of practice and the net profit in SRI project, and analyze the problems and obstacles of SRI project in the practice. Descriptive statistics such as; mean, frequency, and percentage to know the net profit and the level of the farmers' practice in SRI project. Quantitative analysis is correlation analysis by Rank Spearman Correlation Coefficient to analyze the correlation between the level of practice and the net profit in SRI project. The result of the study revealed that the net profit of rice farming obtained by SRI farmers is IDR 16,045,593 per hectare. While that Q-SRI farmers is IDR 9,321,610 per hectare. So that, the net profit of SRI farmers higher than Q-SRI farmers around 40 percent per hectare. The high level of practice such as; seeds selection with salt water, make the seedbed before cultivating, transplant seedlings at young age - 7 to 12 days old, transplanting one-two seeds per hole, transplanting wide spacing, and practicing the intermittent irrigation. The result of the correlation between the level of practice and the net profit in SRI project is relatively high. This implies that the higher the level of practice of the SRI projects principles, the higher of the positive correlation with the net profit.

    Analisis Efisiensi Alokatif Penggunaan Faktor-Faktor Produksi pada Usahatani Padi (Oryza Sativa L.) (Studi Kasus di Desa Puhjarak, Kecamatan Plemahan, Kabupaten Kediri)

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    Penelitian tentang analisis efisiensi alokatif USAhatani padi di Desa Puhjarak penting dilakukan karena rendahnya produktivitas dan rendahnya pula pendapatan petani di Desa Puhjarak. Petani masih dapat meningkatkan produksi dan produktivitas tanaman padi dengan penggunaan faktor-faktor produksi yang efisien, sehingga dapat meningkatkan pendapatan petani. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis sejauh mana efisiensi alokatif penggunaan faktor-faktor produksi oleh petani berpengaruh pada pendapatan petani padi. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas dan melihat nilai produk marginal NPM/Px dengan menggunakan stratified random sampling. Dari hasil analisis regresi diperoleh faktor-faktor produksi yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap produksi USAhatani padi adalah benih, pestisida padat, pestisida cair, dan tenaga kerja. Nilai NPMx/Px semua faktor-faktor produksi yang berpengaruh > 1 sehingga penggunaannya belum efisie

    The Causality Relationship between Management in Supply Chain Collaboration with the Prosperity of Corn Farmers in West Nusa Tenggara – Indonesia

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    The objective of this research is to analyze factors determining the supply chain management and the prosperity of corn farmers. Data was collected using survey method by interviewing 120 farmers. The chain sampling was determined using snowballing technique from farmers to intermediate traders and consumers. Result of the research indicates that the supply chain management is influenced by business process integration, supply chain collaboration and organizational performance. The prosperity rate of the farmers is directly influenced by supply chain management, supply chain collaboration, and organizational performance, but it is indirectly influenced by business process of integration and of competitive advantage. Keywords: supply chain collaboration, business process integration, supply chain management, organizational performance, and the prosperity of corn farmers

    Spatial Equilibrium of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus bleeker) Market in South Borneo Province, Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the spatial equilibrium of tilapia marketing system in South Borneo Province. The analysis method used is quantitative analysis of two approaches, named (a) Spatial Price Equilibrium Analysis and (b) Programming Linier Analysis.  The analysis showed that the price equilibrium decrease after the optimization, while the producer and consumer surplus increase, which caused the increasing of consumer and producer welfare in the tilapia commodity market.  In the optimal distribution concept, the transportation cost must be minimum, to achieve the better tilapia marketing system. Therefore, government needs to increase the information access in the tilapia marketing system in South Borneo Province, so that the allocation of tilapia commodity to any area can be control. Keyword: Tilapia, Price equilibrium, Optimal distribution, Welfar

    Analisis Efisiensi Alokatif Penggunaan Faktor-Faktor Produksi pada Usahatani Padi (Oryza Sativa L.) (Studi Kasus di Desa Puhjarak, Kecamatan Plemahan, Kabupaten Kediri)

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    Penelitian tentang analisis efisiensi alokatif USAhatani padi di Desa Puhjarak penting dilakukan karena rendahnya produktivitas dan rendahnya pula pendapatan petani di Desa Puhjarak. Petani masih dapat meningkatkan produksi dan produktivitas tanaman padi dengan penggunaan faktor-faktor produksi yang efisien, sehingga dapat meningkatkan pendapatan petani. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis sejauh mana efisiensi alokatif penggunaan faktor-faktor produksi oleh petani berpengaruh pada pendapatan petani padi. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas dan melihat nilai produk marginal NPM/Px dengan menggunakan stratified random sampling. Dari hasil analisis regresi diperoleh faktor-faktor produksi yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap produksi USAhatani padi adalah benih, pestisida padat, pestisida cair, dan tenaga kerja. Nilai NPMx/Px semua faktor-faktor produksi yang berpengaruh > 1 sehingga penggunaannya belum efisie

    Agricultural Sector Investment Impact of Economy Province Maluku

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    Development of the agricultural sector is part of the economic development undertaken over the years. The agricultural sector used as a leading sector in improving society and government revenue. One response indicated by the central government is a change of policy more autonomy to the regions, namely the granting of authority to local governments to determine the direction of regional development policies that are expected to affect national development targets, such as economic growth, job creation and distribution of income will be affected by the investment. To see the impact of agricultural investment on the economy of Maluku used two approaches that approaches based on data input and output are formed using process simulation approach to the agricultural sector investment activities. Impact Investment agricultural sector is capable of forming revenues of 455.00 billion dollars and form as much as 333 314 people jobs. The role of the agricultural sector is still quite dominant in the Moluccas economy, while the downstream industry sector has not evolved significantly. This condition is a challenge and an opportunity for economic development of the Moluccas. Development opportunities are open to industrial processing and preserving of fish and other food processing. This condition will be achieved if accompanied by investment, improving the quality of human resources, entrepreneurship, and the development of appropriate technology. Keywords: Output, Income, and Labo

    Multiplier Income Impact of Economy on Maluku Province – Analisys Input Outpout

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    Economic development has been undertaken to improve the community and government revenue. One response indicated by the central government is a change of policy more autonomy to the regions, namely the granting of authority to local governments to determine the direction of regional development policies that are expected to affect national development targets, such as economic growth, job creation and distribution of income will be affected by the investment. To see the impact on the economy of Maluku revenue based on data input and output. Economic sectors Maluku province that has the largest income multiplier value indicates that if there is an increase in revenue of the unit in these sectors will have an impact on improving people's income multiplier of income in the sector. Maluku Province as an archipelago in various capacities or local potential (local specific), would have the ultimate goal of the development process does. For that if the local government wants to achieve a goal or a target goal to be achieved is to increase the income of the people of Maluku province and local governments should encourage each sector in accordance with the income multiplier value. As the field actors (stakeholders) society can allocate each unit earned income that can be spent to output the sectors that have the greatest income multiplier value. Thus if the income multiplier becoming a target or targets local governments must optimize the increase in revenue to the economy in the province of Maluku. Keywords: Output, Income, Economic and Maluku

    Pengaruh harga di tingkat petani ter Hadap keputusan petani menghasilkan Kopi bermutu tinggi (kasus di desaSukorejo kecamatan Tirtoyudo Kabupaten Malang =The Influence of Farmgate Price on Farmer\u27s Decision toProduce Hig

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    The aim of this research is to estimate the relationship between quality and coffee bean prices at farm level, and to analyse its influence on farmer\u27s decision to produce a different quality coffee beans. Cross-section primary selected using stratified-sampling method based on farmer\u27s land-size holding.The quality of coffee beans was simply represented mechanical and hulling method conducted by farmers, namely, was used to analyse the effect of different quality of model was fitted to the data using Maximum Likelihood procedure in estimating factors affecting farmer\u27s decision. The result showed that the price of better quality of coffee per kg was 42 rupiahs higher the lower one This implies that hedonic price established on market was able to affect farmer\u27s decision to produce a higher quality of coffee beans by hulling mechanically. This research suggests that in encouraging farmers to produce a better quality of coffee is not necessary conducted by implementing standardization and grading system at farm level. Key words: price -- quality -- farmer\u27s decisio