291 research outputs found


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    An efficient financial market in any economy stimulates the economic growth through mobilizing the savings and promoting the investments. The Albanian economy has passed through a long period of transition which means a transformation of all the financial market and institutions. But not all the financial institutions are uniformly developed. Actually more attention is given to the transformation and development of the banking industry and less to the non-banking markets i.e. insurance, pension funds and securities market. Our paper is focused on these segments of the financial market, which account about 10 percent of the overall financial market. This little interest about these markets is explained by the mentality and culture of the population, the lack of knowledge about financial products, the passive role of government etc. There are many ways to stimulate and promote the development of these markets by the government and the market operators as well. The economic literature and the world experience show that fiscal system is one of the ways the government can and should use to promote the development of the financial institutions. The inclusion of tax facilities in the fiscal system will positively affect the progress of these institutions.non-banking financial institutions, voluntary pension schemes, insurance, securities market

    Functional Cramer-Rao bounds and Stein estimators in Sobolev spaces, for Brownian motion and Cox processes

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    We investigate the problems of drift estimation for a shifted Brownian motion and intensity estimation for a Cox process on a finite interval [0,T][0,T], when the risk is given by the energy functional associated to some fractional Sobolev space H01⊂Wα,2⊂L2H^1_0\subset W^{\alpha,2}\subset L^2. In both situations, Cramer-Rao lower bounds are obtained, entailing in particular that no unbiased estimators with finite risk in H01H^1_0 exist. By Malliavin calculus techniques, we also study super-efficient Stein type estimators (in the Gaussian case)

    Hate speeching and old tipology (folclore) language in social media of politicans.

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    Is there a language typology in social media communication policy and serves as message tracking interactive with the public; realistically how this information and news are included in this communication? Hate speeching, discrimination, stereotyping and verbal conflict in compliance with the best online political communication from the necessity to transmit online These assumptions and other questions will be raised in this paper to get answers and to come to conclusions that are necessary and lacking in studies on social media, as an important part of mediatization of politics. Just the phrase "mediatization of politics" in social sites will be the starting point of its theoretical approach will be connected to the ethics and norms of online communication. The paper will be discussed during the monitoring and twitter fb pages and blogs politicians some political news portals. Semantic content will be treated on both sides of communication: the message of the politician, therefore contentIn status and comments in response to an audience question on the other side of online communication. The reality of political communication in the media, especially social sites is unethical terminology overcrowded and filled with hatred and prejudice, which are of lower standard level of a productive communication -publik politician. On the other side in this war Dictionary aggravating, the message is lost and also feedbacku mespalesh required. We will refer to paper and European practice on "hate speeching" and the likelihood that the Albanian constituency benefit from this practical reality. Meanwhile Albania has a legal gap and studies on communication ethics of social media as media that are orient us with the public and other science disciplines like politics

    Komunikimi mes Parlamentit dhe OJQ-ve, kontradiktat e një raporti mes informimit publik dhe marketingut politik

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    Një nga dilemat e transparencës mes publikut dhe Parlamentit është pikërisht raporti i komunikimit mes Parlamentit, si institucioni më përfaqësues politik i publikut (sovrani) dhe shoqërisë civile, organizatave joqeveritare (që pretendojnë se përfaqësojnë interesat e publikut). Në komunikimin parlamentar , marrëdhëniet me OJQ-të janë një eksperiencë relativisht e re (pas viteve 2000), e cila ka ardhur duke u përafruar me cilësitë e eksperiencave ndërkombëtare. Produkti i kësaj marrëdhënieje, më tepër se një proces informimi për publikun, apo dhe transmetimit të problematikës së tij në aforën e Parlamentit, ka ndjekur më së shumti vektorin e “një strategjie mediatizimi”, si pjesë e publicitetit të marrëdhënieve me publikun nga të dy palët. Në këtë trajtesë shkencore, në fokus do të jetë komunikimi Parlament–OJQ në zbërthim të dilemave të informimit të publikut nga njëra anë dhe, rolit të transparencës apo llogaridhënies parlamentare nga ana tjetër, si pjesë e marrëdhënieve publike të vetë institucionit. Opinioni i mediave si aktor kyç në informim, konsiderohet i nevojshëm në vlerësimin e komunikimit Parlament- Shoqëri civile. Në këtë pikëpamje, raporti i komunikimit Parlament–OJQ, vjen si problematikë ende e pazgjidhur në përcaktimin e termave të informimit apo marrëdhënieve me publikun, ku përfshihet dhe marketingu politik, si pjesë e kësaj strategjie. Tema do të përfshijë trajtimin e të dhënave dokumentare, tregues statistikorë, të integruar, me interpretim dhe cilësime nga përfaqësues të të dyja palëve dhe gazetarëve që mbulojnë aktivitetin parlamenta

    Practical performance of image retrieval methods

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    Abstract. Image retrieval is an important category of machine vision which examines the distances and similarities between images. It has many use-cases in archiving, object detection, localization and few-shot recognition. This thesis examines the problem of image retrieval in which set of images are retrieved from large-scale database based on their similarity to a query image. The problem and its different aspects are examined in this thesis as well as its history. The influence of recent development of deep learning is also covered. We experiment few different types of image retrieval problems with some recent, open-source methods and see how deep learning methods specialising in image retrieval outperform in cases where image contents are more important and classical feature extraction work better with purely visual tasks. The best results with visual tasks achieved at most two thirds accurate retrievals while with the semantic task only one in two. This implies that there is still work to do for efficient image retrieval methods.Kuvahaun menetelmien käytännön suorituskyky. Tiivistelmä. Kuvahaku on konenäön tärkeä osa-alue, joka tarkastelee kuvien välisiä etäisyyksiä ja samankaltaisuuksia. Sillä on useita käyttökohteita arkistoinnissa, objektin havaitsemisessa, paikannuksessa ja muutaman otoksen tunnistamisessa. Tämä työ käsittelee kuvahaun ongelmaa, jossa tietokannasta haetaan hakukuvalla saman näköisiä kuvia. Tätä ongelmaa ja sen eri kulmia käsitellään niinkuin myös sen historiaa. Viimeaikojen tekoälyn kehityksen vaikutus käsitellään myös. Työssä testataan paria erilaista kuvahakuongelmaa muutamalla viimeaikaisella, avoimella metodilla, ja nähdään kuinka syväoppivat, erikoistuneet metodit pärjäävät paremmin tapauksissa, joissa kuvan sisällöllä on väliä ja klassiset piirteenirroittajat paremmin visuaalisemmissa ongelmissa. Parhaimmat tulokset visuaalisissa tehtävissä saivat kaksi kolmasosaa hauista oikein ja semanttisissa tehtävissä vain puolet. Tämä viittaa siihen, että tehokkaiden kuvahakumetodien saavuttaminen vaatii vielä työtä

    Perbandingan Kekuatan Tekan Campuran Gipsum Tipe II dan Portland Composite Cement (PCC), Tipe III dan Portland Composite Cement (PCC) dengan Gipsum Tipe IV

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    PERBANDINGAN KEKUATAN TEKAN CAMPURAN GIPSUM TIPE II DAN PORTLAND CEMENT COMPOSITE (PCC), TIPE III DAN PORTLAND CEMENT COMPOSITE (PCC) DENGAN GIPSUM TIPE IV Arif Paria Musta*, Fadil Oenzil**, Surya Nelis** ABSTRAK Latar Belakang : Gipsum merupakan mineral yang ditambang dari berbagai belahan dunia yang merupakan hasil dari beberapa proses kimia. Gipsum yang digunakan dalam bidang kedokteran gigi secara kimiawi adalah kalsium sulfat dihidrat (CaSO4, 2H2O) murni yang terdiri atas beberapa tipe yaitu tipe I, tipe II, tipe III, tipe IV, dan tipe V. Pembuatan model dan die merupakan tahap penting dalam sejumlah prosedur kedokteran gigi, gipsum yang biasa digunakan adalah gipsum tipe IV karena memiliki kekuatan, kekerasan dan ekspansi pengerasan yang minimal, namun pada beberapa tempat sulit didapatkan dan harga yang relatif mahal. Material lain yang sifat dan strukturnya menyerupai gipsum yaitu portland composite cement (PCC) yang mudah didapatkan dengan harga yang lebih murah. Campuran gipsum tipe II dan portland composite cement (PCC), tipe III dan portland composite cement (PCC) dapat menjadi alternatif penggunaan gipsum tipe IV. Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menganalisis perbandingan kekuatan tekan campuran gipsum tipe II dan portland composite cement (PCC), tipe III dan portland composite cement (PCC) dengan gipsum tipe IV menggunakan universal testing machine (UTM). Metode : Sampel dibuat dari gipsum tipe IV, campuran gipsum tipe II dan tipe III 25%, 50%, 75% dengan portland composite cement yang dibuat dalam bentuk tabung dengan diameter 20 mm dan tinggi 40 mm sebanyak 35 buah. Pengujian kekuatan tekan sampel dilakukan setelah sampel dibiarkan kering selama 24 jam. Sampel diuji menggunakan alat Universal Testing Machine (UTM). Hasil : Rata - rata kekuatan tekan gipsum tipe IV sebesar 36.60 MPa. Kekuatan tekan tertinggi adalah campuran gipsum tipe III 25% dan portland composite cement 75% sebesar 41.00 MPa, sedangkan kekuatan tekan terendah adalah campuran gipsum tipe II 50% dan portland composite cement 50% sebesar 6.40 MPa. Kesimpulan : Kekuatan tekan tertinggi adalah campuran gipsum tipe III 25% dengan portland composite cement 75% dan kekuatan tekan terendah adalah campuran gipsum tipe II 50% dengan portland composite cement 50%. Kata kunci : die, Gipsum, portland composite cement (PCC), universal testing machine (UTM), Kekuatan Teka
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