62 research outputs found

    Physical characterization of colorectal cancer spheroids and evaluation of NK cell Infiltration through a flow-based analysis

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    To improve pathogenetic studies in cancer development and reliable preclinical testing of anti-cancer treatments, three-dimensional (3D) cultures, including spheroids, have been widely recognized as more physiologically relevant in vitro models of in vivo tumor behavior. Currently, the generation of uniformly sized spheroids is still challenging: different 3D cell culture methods produce heterogeneous populations in dimensions and morphology, that may strongly influence readouts reliability correlated to tumor growth rate or antitumor natural killer (NK) cell-mediated cytotoxicity. In this context, an increasing consensus claims the integration of microfluidic technologies within 3D cell culture, as the physical characterization of tumor spheroids is unavoidably demanded to standardize protocols and assays for in vitro testing. In this paper, we employed a flow-based method specifically conceived to measure weight, size and focused onto mass density values of tumor spheroids. These measurements are combined with confocal and digital imaging of such samples. We tested the spheroids of four colorectal cancer (CRC) cell lines that exhibit statistically relevant differences in their physical characteristics, even though starting from the same cell seeding density. These variations are seemingly cell line-dependent and associated with the number of growing cells and the degree of spheroid compaction as well, supported by different adenosine-triphosphate contents. We also showed that this technology can estimate the NK cell killing efficacy by measuring the weight loss and diameter shrinkage of tumor spheroids, alongside with the commonly used cell viability in vitro test. As the activity of NK cells relies on their infiltration rate, the in vitro sensitivity of CRC spheroids proved to be exposure time- and cell line-dependent with direct correlation to the cell viability reduction. All these functional aspects can be measured by the system and are documented by digital image analysis. In conclusion, this flow-based method potentially paves the way towards standardization of 3D cell cultures and its early adoption in cancer research to test antitumor immune response and set up new immunotherapy strategies

    A space-time clustering model for historical earthquakes

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    Space-time models, cluster point processes, earthquake modelling, self-exciting process, spatial branching process, epidemic models,

    Archaeological data and geophysical survey at Masseria Grasso (BN, Italy): Ancient Appia landscapes project

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    Since 2011, the Ancient Appia Landscapes project has improved the knowledge of the territory east of Benevento by reconstructing settlement dynamics and ancient landscapes in a large chronological range. It also has studied cyclical elements and human activities influenced by landscape shapes and vocation. The project aims the use of a multidisciplinary approach. Different archeogeophysical methodologies was carried out in order to detect anomalies potentially correlated with buried archaeological evidences. This integrated approach has allowed to identify the site of Nuceriola, located at the fourth mile from Benevento along the Appia road

    Pioderma gangrenoso paradosso da Abatacept.

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    Il pioderma gangrenoso è una rara dermatosi neutrofilica non infettiva che colpisce solitamente gli arti inferiori. Si presenta più comunemente con pustole sterili che evolvono in ulcerazioni dolorose con bordi sottominati eritemato-violacei. È spesso associato a malattie autoimmuni e può insorgere secondariamente all’utilizzo di farmaci. Una donna di 68 anni affetta da artrite reumatoide long standing (non responsiva a molteplici terapie convenzionali e biologiche) sviluppava, in corso di terapia con Abatacept, elementi eritemato-nodulari a livello delle gambe che andavano incontro a rapida ulcerazione; la diagnosi istologica deponeva per pioderma gangrenoso. Si instaurava, pertanto, terapia steroidea sistemica con progressivo miglioramento del quadro cutaneo e si sospendeva Abatacept, sospettando suo eventuale ruolo eziologico. Abatacept è una proteina di fusione costituita dalla porzione Fc modificata di IgG1 e dal dominio extracellulare di CTLA-4; si lega a CD80/86, espresse su APC, inattivando la via di costimolazione mediata dell’interazione tra il recettore CD28 (espresso sui linfociti T) e le molecole CD80/86. L’insorgenza del pioderma gangrenoso (ritenuta patologia autoinfiammatoria), durante terapia con Abatacept, si configura come effetto paradosso in considerazione dell’azione immunoregolatrice del farmaco. La patogenesi di tale nesso causale resta ignota; non sono ancora noti i pathway immunologici coinvolti

    Occupational systemic allergic dermatitis in a football player sensitized to colophonium

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    Colophonium, also known as rosin, is a solid yellowish-transparent pine tree resin. It is used in the production of adhesives, in particular glues, mastics, insulating tapes, adhesive tapes, cosmetics, and products for depilation. Contact allergy to colophonium is relatively common and apparently increasing in frequency. We report an unusual case of systemic occupational allergic dermatitis in a professional football player

    Thermal injury caused by the explosion of a lithium-ion mobile phone battery

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    Mobile phones are part of everyday life. They are generally considered safe for our health, but they may sometimes elicit contact dermatitis, especially due to metals. Furthermore, they are under investigation for being involved in the development of defective testicular function and gliomas. We report a case of thermal burn caused by the explosion of a lithium-ion mobile phone battery

    Contaminanti Inorganici di Recente Introduzione in Suoli Urbani. Caso di Studio: i Parchi della Città di Roma.

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    Abstract not availableJRC.H-Institute for environment and sustainability (Ispra

    Dermoscopy of patch test reactions: study of applicability in differential diagnosis between allergic and irritant reactions

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    Background: differentiating allergic from irritant patch test reactions may be rather hard, especially when objective features are not distinctive and clinical assessment is scarcely supportive. Objectives: to describe the main dermoscopic features of patch test reactions and to assess the suitability of dermoscopy in differentiating allergic from irritant reactions in clinical setting. Patients/Materials/Methods: consecutive adult outpatients patch tested at our Allergy Unit during a 6-month period who developed any skin reaction were eligible. At the 72-hour reading, allergic and irritant patch test reactions were captured with both a digital camera and a digital dermoscopic system. For each reaction, clinical and dermoscopic variables were separately assessed, scored and then compared. Results: in 94 allergic reactions dermoscopy showed i) intense erythema (100%), ii) dense polymorphic vessels (97.9%), iii) whitish vesicles varying in size, number and arrangement (95.7%), iv) orange-yellowish patchy areas and crusts (35%). Scores of erythema and vessels were significantly higher in allergic than in the 33 irritant reactions, in which vesicles and orange-yellowish patches were a sporadic finding. “Poral pattern” was observed in 85.7% of irritant reactions to cobalt. Conclusions: the dermoscopic patterns of allergic and irritant patch test reactions significantly differ. Highly sensitive and/or specific dermoscopic features may support differential diagnosis