879 research outputs found

    Evaluation and Proposal of Company Expansion to the Foreign Markets

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    Cílem diplomové práce „Zhodnocení a návrh expanze společnosti na zahraniční trhy“ je zhodnocení kroku společnosti vstoupit na zahraniční trhy, se zaměřením na vstup společnosti na slovenský trh formou dceřiné společnosti a zhodnocení a navrhnutí dalších možností expanze společnosti do zahraničí. Diplomová práce popisuje vývoj a současný stav mateřské společnosti a současný stav dceřiné společnosti.The aim of the thesis “Assessment and proposal of company’s expansion to foreign markets” is an evaluation of company’s decision to enter foreign markets. Evaluates company’s entry to the Slovak market via establishing a subsidiary company, assesses situation and proposes further follow-on courses of action for foreign expansion. The thesis strives to describe history and current status of controlling company as well as newly established subsidiary company.

    Variational Sequences, Representation Sequences and Applications in Physics

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    This paper is a review containing new original results on the finite order variational sequence and its different representations with emphasis on applications in the theory of variational symmetries and conservation laws in physics

    Thermotolerant strains application for preparation of selected metabolites on waste hydrolysates

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    Táto bakalárska práca sa zaoberá prípravou vybraného metabolitu na hydrolyzátoch odpadov využitím termotolerantných kmeňov. Zvoleným odpadom sú pomarančové šupy – odpad, ktorého množstvo každoročne stúpa, pretože sú zložené zo štruktúrnych polysacharidov, ako celulóza, hemicelulóza a pektín, ktorých vhodnou úpravou vznikajú skvasiteľné cukry. Na fermentačný proces sa kvôli jeho výnimočným vlastnostiam vybral termotolerantný kmeň Bacillus coagulans, ktorého primárnym metabolitom je kyselina mliečna, látka s veľkou perspektívou. Na začiatku experimentu sa stanovili optimálne podmienky pre rast zvoleného mikroorganizmu, ktoré sa uplatňovali pri fermentáciách. Fermentácií sa vykonalo niekoľko za rôznych podmienok, pokým sa nezistili tie podmienky, za ktorých kyselina mliečna vznikala. Výťažky fermentácií sa stanovili metódou HPLC a úbytok sacharidov sa určil metódou Somogyiho a Nelsona. Aby kyselina mliečna vznikala bolo nevyhnutné pripraviť z pomarančových šúp hydrolyzáty, ktoré pred samotnou hydrolýzou bolo nutné extrahovať organickým činidlom, aby sa odstránili látky spôsobujúce inhibíciu rastu mikroorganizmov, ako napr. d limonén. Metódou SHF sa získali vyššie výťažky, no najväčšie výťažky sa získali pomocou kmeňa Lactobacillus casei.This Bachelor´s Thesis deals with the preparation of the selected metabolite on hydrolysates of orange fruit waste, specifically on orange peel hydrolysates using thermotolerant strains. The thermotolerant Bacillus coagulans strain having lactic acid as the primary metabolite, a substance with a great perspective, was selected for the fermentation process for its exceptional properties. At the beginning of the experiment, optimal conditions for the growth of the selected microorganism were determined; these were applied during the fermentations. Several fermentations were performed under various conditions until those conditions were determined, in which lactic acid was produced. The fermentation production was determined by the HPLC method and the saccharide decrease by the Somogyi-Nelson method. To achieve lactic acid production, it was necessary to extract the orange peels by an organic agent before fermentation, in order to eliminate substances causing inhibition of micro-organism growth. Higher yields were achieved by the SHF method, but the highest by using the Lactobacillus casei strain.

    Public Financial Supports Provided from Municipal Budgets

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    Import 01/09/2009Prezenční153 - Katedra veřejné ekonomikyvelmi dobř

    Analysis of germanium in food

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    Bakalářská práce pojednává o chemických, fyzikálních a léčebných vlastnostech germania. Jsou zde také popsány vhodné analytické metody pro stanovení germania.This bachelor‘s thesis deals with chemical, physical and medical characteristics of germanium. It also describes suitable analytical methods for determination of germanium.

    Perception of colour scales used in thematic cartography by young people aged 15-17

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    There are many different types of datasets represented by maps in thematic cartography. It is possible to represent features and phenomenon referencing to area as well as to point. Furthermore, it is possible to represent qualitative data as well as quantitative data. There are many different ways to represent them. One of the most important and most used cartographic symbols of lettering is colour, resp. colour scales, which are chosen according to shown data. This article is focused on the perception of colour scales in relation to character of data. For experiment, a new questionnaire was created on the basis of colour scales classification. This questionnaire was posed to the students of years 1 and 2 of high school in order to find out how they perceive the colour scales. The study analyzes three main questions; whether students differentiate qualitative and quantitative datasets and corresponding colour scales, whether they prefer representing of features by context colours or by the colour they like more and whether they are familiar with principles of diverging colour scales. When processing it, the correlation between certain agents and the answers was established

    Scientific technology park Telč

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    Zadáním bakalářské práce je návrh budovy Vědeckotechnického parku s laboratořemi v Telči pro Energoklastr. Energoklastr je kompetenčně orientovaný klastr zaměřený na spolupráci malých a středních podniků, výzkumných organizací, univerzit a veřejného sektoru v oblasti aplikovaného výzkumu a transferu technologií. Svou existencí významnou měrou přispívá k rozvoji inovací, aplikovaného výzkumu a transferu technologií v oblasti snižování energetické náročnosti. Svoji činnost zaměřuje zejména na technologie snižující míru emisí a udržitelnost v oblasti energetiky a to v odvětvích jako jsou výroba elektrických zařízení, letecký průmysl, automobilový průmysl, IT a stavebnictví. Pozemek určený pro výstavbu VTP s laboratořemi efektivního využívání biomasy v energetice se nachází v katastrálním území obce Telč v severovýchodní části města v sousedství stávajících průmyslových a zemědělských objektů. Pozemek svou severní hranicí přiléhá ke komunikaci I. třídy č. 23 (Třebíč – Jindřichův Hradec), která je jednou z hlavních příjezdových komunikací od dálnice D1. Budova VTP a laboratoří je navržena jako částečně dvoupodlažní, nepodsklepená dřevostavba s plochou střechou. Budova má lichoběžníkový půdorys, který se přizpůsobuje tvaru pozemku. Dle podlaží je objekt rozdělen na část laboratorní a část administrativní. Ve foyer je navrženo nerezové částečně zavěšené schodiště, které je řešeno v části D – Architektonický detail.The subject of bachelor thesis is a design of a building of a Scientific Technology Park with laboratories for Energoklastr in Telč. Energoklastr is competency oriented cluster focusing on co-operation of small and medium size businesses, research organizations, universities and public sector in field of applied research and transfer of technologies. It significantly contributes to development of innovations, applied research and transfer of technologies in field of lowering energy demand. Energoklastr especially focuses its activity on technology lowering emission levels and sustainability of energetics in fields like a production of electric devices, aerial industry, car industry, IT and construction. Building site for meant for the construction of VTP with laboratories of effective use of biomass in energetics is to be found in cadastral area of Telč. It is located in north-west part of town, in neighborhood of existing industrial and agricultural buildings. The property is adjacent to a first class road number 23 (Třebíč – Jindřichův Hradec), that is one of the main connection to highway D1. VTP building with the laboratory is designed like a two story wooden structure with a flat roof and no cellar. The building is trapezoidal shaped, which is adjusted to a shape of the property. The building is divided to laboratory part and administrative part according to a story. There is a suspension stainless steel staircase designed in a lobby, which is discussed in part D – Architectonical detail.

    Trivial lagrangians in field theory

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    AbstractThe paper presents a complete description of trivial lagrangians in field theory. It is shown that any higher order trivial lagrangian can be expressed as the horizontal component of the exterior derivative of a projectable form

    Nowcasting for the road maintenance during winter in the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute

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    Póster presentado en: 3rd European Nowcasting Conference, celebrada en la sede central de AEMET en Madrid del 24 al 26 de abril de 2019

    Proteins of potatoes in relation to the content of cadmium in their tubers

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    In the work the influence of cadmium in soil on the range of cumulating in tubers of potatoes and in proteins of potatoes grown under model conditions of pot trial experiment and under the real conditions of locality Imeľ in Danube Lowland was surveyed. Under conditions of pot trial the increased contents in tubers positively correlated with contents of cadmium applied into soil; the highest content of Cd was assessed in variety Junior (from 0.211 mg.kg-1 FM in 1st variant to 0.715 mg.kg-1 FM in 4th variant). The influence of increased content of Cd was manifested statistically significant in the content of proteins also in the content of Cd in protein fractions (1st var. 0.026 (Asterix) – 0.045 (Agria) mg.kg-1 FM; 2nd var. 0.047 (Livera) – 0.085 (Asterix) mg.kg-1 FM; 3rd var. 0.06 (Livera) – 0.117 (Junior) mg.kg-1 FM; 4th var. 0.068 (Livera) – 0.142 (Asterix) mg.kg-1 FM). Contents of Cd in potatoes from locality Imeľ did not exceed the value 0.1 mg.kg-1 FM defined in PK SR. The average contents of proteins were in range from 1.19 % (Victoria) to 1.489 % (Adora), the average content of Cd cumulated in proteins was the highest in variety Vivaldi (1.317 μg.kg-1 FM). Positive correlation was confirmed between the content of Cd in potato tubers and in proteins only in Livera variety