22 research outputs found


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    Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) or Local government-owned Corporate is a legal entity created by local government to undertake activities on behalf local government as one of local revenue resources according to article 3 of Domestic Affairs Minister No. 3 of 1998 about type of BUMD as public corporate and limited company. Structural form and type of BUMD need a concept or model of BUMD management suitable with characteristic and type of the BUMD. With total asset of more than IDR. 340.118 trillion of the end of 2011 and profit ratio of 3.0% produced by BUMD, it is an unbalanced condition related to existence of the BUMD. Condition above reflects that several types of BUMD have good potency and others are not optimally managed yet. In attempts of achieving a professional BUMD management that is agreeing with good corporate governance and goal of its establishment in providing best service for public’s or society’s interest, then a synchronization and harmonization of legal products regulating management of BUMD is needed. Alternative model of management of BUMD in attempts of good corporate governance can be performed by using a type of non-company management with ‘independent self-management’ concept. Local government as the authority can apply ‘policy intervention’ by publishing rule of local government such as rule of Governor/Mayor/Regent substantially regulating strategic plan of the local government-owned business. Concept of limited company management for BUMD can be conducted by using a concept of companies group of Holding Company model with several types. One of the types is ‘Programmed procedure of combined businesses group’. The holding company model with the type of programmed procedure is selected based on various types and characters of business owned by local government and business classification of the region. Key words: Alternative, Management model of BUMD, Good Corporate Governance Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) merupakan usaha yang dimiliki oleh pemerintah daerah, dimana tujuannya adalah sebagai salah satu sumber penerimaan daerah (PAD). Menurut ketentuan pasal 3 dalam Permendagri No 3 tahun 1998 tentang bentuk BUMD berupa perusahaan daerah dan BUMD berbentuk perseroan. Kedua kontruksi bentuk dan jenis BUMD tersebut diperlukan sebuah konsep atau model pengelolaan BUMD yang sesuai dengan karakeristik dan jenis BUMD itu sendiri. Total asset lebih dari Rp. 340,118 T sampai dengan akhir tahun 2011 dengan rasio laba 3,0 % yang dihasilkan dari BUMD merupakan kondisi yang tidak seimbang terkait keberadaan BUMD. Kondisi diatas mencerminkan ada beberapa jenis usaha BUMD yang berpotensi dan beberapa jenis yang kurang dapat dioptimalkan. Dalam rangka wewujudkan pengelolaan BUMD secara profesional dan sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip good corporate governance serta sesuai dengan tujuan didirikanya sebuah badan usaha yang sebagai sebuah badan usaha yang didirikan untuk melayani kepentingan publik atau masyarakat, perlu dilakukan sinkronisasi dan harmonisasi produk hokum yang mengatur tentang pengelolaan BUMD. Alternatif model pengelolaan BUMD dalam rangka wewujudkan Good Corporate Govesrnance dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan konsep pengelolaan BUMD non persero dengan konsep “swakelola mandiri”. Kewenangan pemerintah daerah selaku pemegang otoritas dapat melakukan ”intervensi kebijakan” dengan menerbitkan peraturan kepala daerah baik peraturan Gubenur/Walikota/bupati yang secara subtansi mengatr tentang rencana strategis BUMD tersebut. Konsep pengelolaan BUMD persero dapat dilakukan dengan konsep perusahaan grup dengan model Holding Company dengan beberapa tipe, salah satunya adalah ”Prosedur terprogram dengan group usaha kombinasi” dipilihnya model holding company dengan tipe prosedur terprogram didasari berbagai pertimbangan tipe atau karakter jenis usaha yang ada di pemerintah daerah, serta berdasarkan penggolongan usaha yang ada di daerah. Keyword : Alternatif, Model Pengelolaan BUMD, Good Corporate Governance


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    Decentralized Finance (DeFI) has positively impacted the development of crypto asset trading and has been adopted by various countries except for Indonesia. This study aims to identify the urgency of regulating DeFi as the development of crypto asset trading in Indonesia and construct the ideal regulation. This research is normative legal research with a statutory and conceptual approach. The research results stated the urgency of regulating DeFi as the development of crypto asset trading is: a) other countries have used DeFi because it can develop crypto asset trading for the better by creating value stability in crypto assets, having a function for lending and borrowing crypto assets, having transparency in transactions and lower crypto asset trading fees; b) DeFi technology adopted in the development of the Digital Rupiah project by BI and adopted by physical traders of crypto assets in Indonesia; c) as a form of legal protection from risks arising from technical or non-technical negligence or intention to protection from crime. Ideal legal regulation for decentralized finance as the development of Indonesia crypto asset trading is the formation of a regulation by CoFTRA in the form of technical guidelines and implementation mechanisms, in the form of a new written CoFTRA Regulation, in the form of a decree from the Head of CoFTRA whose focus is to regulate DeFi as development Crypto asset trading


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    Bank merupakan salah satu lembaga keuangan yang dapat berperan sebagai salah satu dari sumber permodalan, salah satunya adalah berbentuk kredit. Mekanisme dalam pemberian kredit ini dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai metode, salah satu metodenya adalah dengan melaksanakan perjanjian dengan adanya jaminan. Bentuk jaminan kredit ialah cessie. Penerapan perjanjian kredit, tidak menutup kemungkinan salah satu pihak melaksanakan wanprestasi atau kelalaian pada kewajiban-kewajiban yang telah disepakati bersama dan tercantum pada perjanjian kredit tersebut. Tujuan dalam penulisan ini ialah agar dapat mengetahui mengenai akibat hukum debitur wanprestasi yang terdapat dalam perjanjian kredit dengan adanya jaminan cessie pada PT. Bank BPR BKK Cabang Jepara. Metode penelitian yang dapat digunakan pada penulisan ini merupakan penelitian hukum empiris dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumen. Penelitian hukum ini memperoleh hasil yang dapat menunjukkan bahwa akibat hukum debitur wanprestasi yang terdapat pada perjanjian kredit dengan adanya jaminan cessie pada PT. Bank BPR BKK Cabang Jepara adalah kredit tersebut akan ditetapkan dalam kategori kredit macet maka dari itu akan dilaksanakan proses penyelesaian kredit yang bermasalah dengan melakukan eksekusi pada jaminan cessie dengan metode penjualan dibawah tangan serta segala biaya baik yang merupakan ganti rugi dan denda yang muncul dari berakhirnya perjanjian kredit yang di akibatkan wanprestasi tersebut telah dibebankan kepada debitur

    Legal Review of Cooperation Links Between Notary and Banks with the Provisions of Article 16 Paragraph (1) Letter (A) of Law Number 2 of 2014 Concerning Amendment to Law Number 30 of 2004 Concerning the Position of Notary

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    The role of the Notary is very important in helping to create legal certainty and protection for the community, because the Notary as a public official has the authority to make authentic deeds, as long as the making of the authentic deed is not specific to other public officials. Legal certainty and protection can be seen through the authentic deed he made as perfect evidence in court. Perfect evidence because an authentic deed has three evidentiary powers, namely outward evidentiary strength (uitwendige bewijsracht), formal evidentiary power (formele bewijskracht) and material evidentiary power (materiele bewijskracht). (G. H. S. Lumban Tobing, 1999: 55-59) However, over time, competition among Notaries has encouraged several Notaries to practice the philosophy of picking up the ball, such as actively visiting Prospective appearers, offering services, negotiating honorariums and engaging in business-like agreements, including cooperation agreements between Banks and Notaries required in making deeds in the field of credit. Referring to the provisions of the Law on Notary Position and the Notary Code of Ethics, it does not explicitly prohibit a Notary from entering into an agreement with any party, but in practice the implementation of a cooperation agreement between a Bank and a Notary is not in line with the Law on Notary Office and the Notary Code of Ethics. As a result, the Notary becomes independent and sided with the Bank. Whereas in Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning the Position of Notary (UUJN) Article 16 paragraph (1) letter (a) it is stated that "In carrying out his position, the Notary is obliged to: act honestly, thoroughly, independent, impartial and protect the interests of parties involved in legal actions. In line with these rules, in the provisions of the Amendment to the Notary Code of Ethics at the Extraordinary Congress of the Banten Indonesian Notary Association, May 29-30 2015, namely in Article 3 paragraph (4) which states "Notaries and other persons who assume and carry out the position of Notary are obliged to: act honestly, independent, impartial, full of responsibility, based on laws and regulations and the contents of the Notary's oath of office. (Perubahan Kode Etik Notaris Kongres Luar Biasa Ikatan Notaris Indonesia. Banten, 29-30 Mei 2015

    Geographical Indications As An Alternative To Save The Potential Product Of Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) In Sragen Regency

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    This research was conducted as an effort to analyze the MSMEs’ products of Sragen Regency which have not been known and have the potential to be granted legal protection through geographical indications. This research is an empirical legal research with primary and secondary legal basic materials. The research location was carried out in Kalijambe Sub-district with data collection techniques through literature study and direct interviews with local governments and businessmen in Sangiran. The result of the research is that in Sragen Regency, there is a product which can be categorized as geographical indication and has good prospects for the long term and is able to maintain the reputation of the existing area in Sragen. The product is Sangiran’s fossil stone handicraft, which is a potential superior product to be registered through geographical indications, so that registration with geographical indications can be used as an effort to save potential MSMEs’ products in Sragen Regency by the fossil stone handicrafts in Kalijambe Sub-district. This effort is also a form of legal protection for superior regional products of Sragen Regency in accordance with the mandate of Sragen Regency Regional Regulation Number 3 Year 2013 concerning MSMEs

    Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi dan Berdampak Faktor dengan Judul "Mandatory Escrow Account As A Manifestation Of Good Faith In Peer-To-Peer Lending"

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    This study was aimed at analyzing manifestation of the principle of good faith in financial services business 4.0 Peer to Peer Lending (P2P Lending) in the form of mandatory escrow accounts in financial system used by the P2P Lending in Indonesia as referred to in Article 24 paragraph (1) POJK No. 77/POJK.01/2016. This studybelongs toa normative legalresearch that is prescriptive and technical/applied. This study is the result of legal research using a legal approach and a conceptual approach. It used primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. The legal materials were collected through technique of literature study and analyzed using qualitative methods. The results of this study indicated that P2P lending cannot provide credit, it can only act as an intermediary between the fund lenders and borrowers, therefore fundraising and bookbuilding must be stored in an Escrow Account for a maximum of 2 days to avoid fund misappropriation as well as a means of money laundering and distribution of terrorism funds. Such rule, on one hand, does not provide a conducive space for organizers to maximize the funds (not in accordance with Posner’s Pareto efficiency) since the prevention instrument has not been optimally used until the Escrow Account as a good faith in the P2P Lending applies to lenders and borrowers, but not to loan providers. On the other hand, the banking sector also does not agree because having to transfer funds to other banks in a short period of time can affect banking liquidity, meanwhile the instrument for preventing these concerns has not been optimally used. For this reason, the impact on the P2P Lending performance is not optimal as a driver of financial inclusion in developing financial business in the digital era 4.0

    Prosiding Internasional Bereputasi dengan Judul "The Urgency of Regulating Fintech Peer to Peer Lending Sharia in Indonesia"

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    This reserch aims to analyze the urgency of Fintech Peer to Peer Lending (P2P Lending) Sharia law in Indonesian Muslim communities. This research is normative legal research that is authoritative and technical/applied. The research approach uses the law approach. The licensed material of this research uses primary and secondary legal materials. The technique of collecting legal materials through library research or document research (library research), then analyzed using qualitative methods. The results of this research are applying the theory of utilitarian and sharia principles in the legal arrangement of Fintech P2P Lending Sharia is expected to meet the Indonesian Muslim community's sense of security in choosing the best alternative for P2P Lending financial services. although the parties feel safe, the Fatwa as the legal basis for the implementation of sharia P2P fintech does not have a position in a positive source of Indonesian law so that it is not binding; and to be valid and binding, the fatwa must be regulated in a statutory regulation

    Prosiding Internasional Bereputasi dengan Judul "The Urgency of Regulating Fintech Peer to Peer Lending Sharia in Indonesia"

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    This reserch aims to analyze the urgency of Fintech Peer to Peer Lending (P2P Lending) Sharia law in Indonesian Muslim communities. This research is normative legal research that is authoritative and technical/applied. The research approach uses the law approach. The licensed material of this research uses primary and secondary legal materials. The technique of collecting legal materials through library research or document research (library research), then analyzed using qualitative methods. The results of this research are applying the theory of utilitarian and sharia principles in the legal arrangement of Fintech P2P Lending Sharia is expected to meet the Indonesian Muslim community's sense of security in choosing the best alternative for P2P Lending financial services. although the parties feel safe, the Fatwa as the legal basis for the implementation of sharia P2P fintech does not have a position in a positive source of Indonesian law so that it is not binding; and to be valid and binding, the fatwa must be regulated in a statutory regulation