364 research outputs found


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    This paper is intended to expose the importance of cross-cultural competenc to improve English oral communication effectively. The background of this paper is due to my teaching experience in English Department of School of Bumiayu Islamic Teacher Training. (CCU)course is offered to the students in the sixth semester. To know the students’ knowledge about cross-culture, in the begining of semester session, before they got the materials, the writer instructed them to make a group of two or three, then practiced communicating in English. The number of the students in a class is thirty five, so there are about twelve groups. Each group was then extended one topic to perform in the role play. The writer took several topics from the guidance book entitled ‘Business Across Culture: Effective Communication Straegies’. Based on practicing to communicate in English with foreigners through role plays, most students still performed/showed Javanese or moslem attitude in which are not appropriate with foreign’s culture. Meanwhile, the cultural competence will affect practically some aspect of language use. It can influence the foreigners’ respond whether or not they accept the communicator’s attitude. Negative or inappropriate impression of English learners of course can inhibit the effective communication

    Solusi Qurani Membangun Masyarakat Anti Hoax

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    The hoax phenomenon has developed in the history of society from the past to the present. This can be caused by various factors of interest, such as in the hadithul ifki incident which happened to the Prophet's wife, Siti Aisyah, who was accused of adultery by hypocrites to divide Muslims at that time. Today, hoaxes are so thick with people's lives because they are easily spread through various social media platforms. Even though the impact felt due to the spread of hoaxes cannot be underestimated. Therefore, in this study it is important to know how to develop society in responding to hoax news. There are two things to be examined, First, what is the Islamic view of hoaxes? Second, what is the solution in the Quran to build an anti-hoax society? The method used in this research is qualitative, the type is library research, and the approach used is normative and sociological theology. While the data collection technique used was heurestics with descriptive data analysis techniques. The purpose of this research is to find out the Qur'anic solution in building society so that it is not easily affected by hoax news. Considering the hoax phenomenon has an impact that is not only detrimental to individuals but also society and state life, every Muslim is obliged to perform tabayyun and maintain his mouth and hands

    Pengaruh Pola Pikir Jabariyah Dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari

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    The creed of extremeJabariyah is considered heretical. Their leader were Ja`d bin Dirham and Jahm Ibn Safwan. Errors of it thougt can be seen from its teachings. It teaches that man was forced into everything (Jabara). Humans do not have the freedom, and free will. All that is done of human is because of compulsion. They blame God for all the sins they have committed. The error of its thought stems from the idea that man is an inanimate object. Like a puppet which is only driven by the puppeteer. Whatever man's done is masterminded by the puppet. The theology of this religious group is known as fatalism. Jabariyah extreme”s mindset makes its adherents become lazy. In addition, they are also passive and see theirself unable to do anything. They have lost before the match and died before the war

    Kesalahan Berbahasa Indonesia Mahasiswa S-1 Pgsd Stikip Nuuwar Fak-fak

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesalahan dalam penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia pada jurusan Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) STKIP Nuuwar Fak-fak. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 260 mahasiswa PGSD STKIP Nuuwar Fak fak. Objek yang akan diteliti adalah kesalahan penggunaan bahasa Indonesia, terutama pada penulisan kata baku. Data dihimpun dari kesalahan berbahasa dalam mata kuliah Keterampilan Berbahasa dan Sastra Indonesia pada tahun 2009. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik statistik deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) kesalahan yang paling banyak dilakukan mahasiswa dalam penulisan kata yang tidak sesuai dengan konteks kalimat sebesar 69,2% namun masih masuk dalam taraf kesalahan rendah; 2) untuk kategori sedang 17,4% terutama kesalahan dalam penulisan kata berimbuhan dan penggunaan kata depan; 3) taraf kesalahan dalam penulisan kata baku yang dipengaruhi oleh bahasa daerah atau bahasa percakapan; 4) kesalahan mahasiswa dalam penulisan kata yang rancu atau ambigu sebesar 13,4

    To Teach: the Journey of a Teacher (3rd Ed.) by William Ayers (New York: Teacher College Press, 2009) a Book Review

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    Why do we want to be teachers? It is a question that is commonly asked by a lot of peo-ple. William Ayers tries to look back on his moti-vation for being a teacher and attempts to answer the question. The challenges of being a teacher are revisited by looking at the misconceptions in teaching as well as providing the sensible argu-ments to explain the misunderstanding. To Teach: The Journey of A Teacher also challenges the teach-ers\u27 beliefs in viewing their students and in teach-ing practices in their classrooms. In addition, teachers are encouraged to be more proactive to embrace the policies rather than passively accept the mandated curriculum and other regulations enacted by the policy makers, administrators etc. This book presents a large number of classroom practices that are conducted in unconventional ways


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    Spiritualitas merupakan keyakinan dalam hubungannya dengan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Pada usia lanjut, kebutuhan akan spiritual semakin meningkat. Perkembangan spiritual yang baik dapat membantu lansia untuk menghadapi perubahan yang dialami dalam proses menua. Namun permasalah fisik yang muncul pada usia lanjut terkadang dapat menyebabkan hambatan dalam melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari termasuk melakukan kegiatan ibadah. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini untuk dijadikan sumber pengetahuan lansia mengenai pentingnya pemenuhan kebutuhan spiritual pada lansia. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berupa penyuluhan kesehatan. Metode penyuluhan yang digunakan yaitu menjelaskan materi melalui ceramah, diskusi atau tanya jawab terkait topik yang diberikan dan demonstrasi terkait cara thaharah/bersuci serta panduan sholat bagi orang sakit. Evaluasi kegiatan ini dilakukan melalui tanya jawab dan redemonstrasi. Sebagian besar peserta mampu menjawab pertanyaan dengan baik dan mampu redemonstrasi cara thaharah/bersuci dengan benar. Pemenuhan kebutuhan spiritual dapat dilanjutkan oleh keluarga sebagai pendamping lansia, sehingga dapat memberikan perawatan yang holistic tidak hanya fokus pada aspek fisik saja untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan lansia
