2,055 research outputs found

    Mitochondria and the regulation of free radical damage in the eye

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    Neuronal cell death can be determined by the overall level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) resulting from the combination of extrinsic sources and intrinsic production as a byproduct of oxidative phosphorylation. Key controllers of the intrinsic production of ROS are the mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (UCPs). By allowing a controlled leak of protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane activation of these proteins can decrease ROS and promote cell survival. In both primate models of Parkinsonā€™s disease and mouse models of seizures, increased activity of UCP2 significantly increased neuronal cells survival. In the retina UCP2 is expressed in many neurons and glial cells, but was not detected in rod photoreceptors. Retinal ganglion cell survival following excitotoxic damage was much greater in animals overexpressing UCP2. Traditional Chinese medicines, such as an extract of Cistanche tubulosa, may provide benefit by altering mitochondrial metabolism

    Firms' Main Market, Human Capital and Wages

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    Recent international trade literature emphasizes two features in characterizing the current patterns of trade: efficiency heterogeneity at the firm level and quality differentiation. This paper explores human capital and wage differences across firms in that context. We build a partial equilibrium model predicting that firms selling in more-remote markets employ higher human capital and pay higher wages to employees within each education group. The channel linking these variables is firmsā€™ endogenous choice of quality. Predictions are tested using Spanish employer-employee matched data that classify firms according to four main destination markets: local, national, European Union, and rest of the World. Employeesā€™ average education is increasing in the remoteness of firmā€™s main output market. Marketā€“destination wage premia are large, increasing in the remoteness of the market, and increasing in individual education. These results suggest that increasing globalization may play a significant role in raising wage inequality within and across education groups

    Manganese(II) Complexes with Schiff Bases Immobilized on Nanosilica as Catalysts of the Reaction of Ozone Decomposition

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    In this article, we submit the description of synthesis and identification of manganese(II) complexes with pyrogenic nanosilica-immobilized (d avā€‰=ā€‰10 nm; S spā€‰=ā€‰290 m2/g) hydroxyaldimine ligands (Mn(L)2/Si): salicilaldiminopropyl (L1); 5-bromosalicilaldiminopropyl (L2); 2-hydroxynaphtaldiminopropyl (L3); 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldiminopropyl (L4); 2-hydroxy-3,5-dichloroacetophenoniminopropyl (L5); and 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldiminopropyl (L6). The ligands and complexes were characterized by UV-VIS and IR spectrometry. Nanocomposites consisting of complexes Mn(L)2/Si showed a high catalytic activity in low-temperature ozone decomposition in the range of concentrations between 2.1ā€‰Ć—ā€‰10āˆ’6 and 8.4ā€‰Ć—ā€‰10āˆ’6 mol/l. The number of catalytic cycles increased for isostructural pseudotetrahedral complexes Mn(L)2/Si (L1ā€“L5) in the following order: Mn(L3)2ā€‰>>ā€‰Mn(L4)2ā€‰>ā€‰Mn(L1)2ā€‰>ā€‰Mn(L2)2ā€‰>ā€‰Mn(L5)2. In the case of pseudooctahedral complexes with L6, the change of coordination polyhedral does not influence the kinetics and stoichiometric parameters of the reaction

    Identification of a tyrosine residue responsible for N-acetylimidazole-induced increase of activity of ecto-nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 3

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    Chemical modification in combination with site-directed mutagenesis was used to identify a tyrosine residue responsible for the increase in ecto-nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 3 (NTPDase3) nucleotidase activity after acetylation with a tyrosine-selective reagent, N-acetylimidazole. The NTPDase3 ATPase activity is increased more than the ADPase activity by this reagent. Several fairly well conserved tyrosine residues (252, 255, and 262) that are located in or very near apyrase conserved region 4a (ACR4a) were mutated. These mutants were all active, but mutation of tyrosine 252 to either alanine or phenylalanine eliminated the activity increase observed after N-acetylimidazole treatment of the wild-type enzyme. This suggests that the acetylation of tyrosine 252 is responsible for the increased activity. Stabilization of quaternary structure has resulted in increased enzyme activities for the NTPDases. However, mutation of these three tyrosine residues did not result in global changes of tertiary or quaternary structure, as measured by Cibacron blue binding, chemical cross linking, and native gel electrophoretic analysis. Nevertheless, disruption of the oligomeric structure with the detergent Triton X-100 abolished the increase in activity induced by this reagent. In addition, mutations that abolished the N-acetylimidazole effect also attenuated the increases of enzyme activity observed after lectin and chemical cross-linking treatments, which were previously attributed to stabilization of the quaternary structure. Thus, we speculate that the acetylation of tyrosine 252 might induce a subtle conformational change in NTPDase3, resulting in the observed increase in activity

    Oncocytic carcinoma of parotid gland: a case report with clinical, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural features

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    BACKGROUND: Oncocytic carcinoma is an extremely rare neoplasm of the salivary glands. We report a case of oncocytic carcinoma arising in a parotid gland in a 66-year-old female. METHOD: An excisional biopsy of the parotid tumor was performed. The specimen was submitted for histology and after fixation in formalin solution and inclusion in paraffin, 3ā€“5 Ī¼m sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin for conventional evaluation and Periodic acid Schiff stain. Immunohistochemical studies were performed using antibodies against mitochondrial antigen, keratin, S-100, alpha-actin, vimentin, alpha-1-antichymotrypsin as well as an ultrastructural analysis was performed. RESULTS: Frozen sections revealed an infiltrative growth pattern and the diagnosis of a malignant epithelial lesion was made. Permanent sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin revealed a neoplasm that had replaced a wide area of the parotid gland and had invaded subcutaneous adipose tissue. Perineural invasion was evident, but vascular invasion was not found. Neoplastic elements were large, round or polyhedral cells and were arranged in solid sheets, islands and cords. The cytoplasm was abundant, eosinophilic and finely granular. The nuclei were large and located centrally or peripherally. The nucleoli were distinct and large. Periodic acid Schiff stain demonstrated a granular cytoplasm. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated mithochondrial antigen, keratin, and chymotrypsin immunoreactivity in the neoplastic cells. Ultrastructural analysis revealed numerous mitochondria packed into the cytoplasm of the neoplastic cells. Thus, the final diagnosis was that of oncocytic carcinoma of parotid gland. CONCLUSION: This neoplasm shows clinical, microscopical, histological and ultrastructural features of oncocytic carcinoma and this must be considered in the differential diagnosis of other proliferations in the parotid gland with abundant granular cytoplasm and metastatic oncocytic carcinomas

    HIV Disease Impact on Mothers: What They Miss During Their Childrenā€™s Developmental Years

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    Adjusting to chronic illness is very complicated for families with children, as they are already faced with the challenge of development and childrearing. In this study, qualitative interviews were conducted with HIV positive mothers on a number of issues related to being an HIV positive mother raising young children. One topic of the interview was whether or not they felt that HIV had caused them to miss activities with their children while the children were growing up, what types of activities they had missed, the age of the child for each example, and how HIV had led to missing these activities. Interviews were conducted in 2008 with a random sample of 57 mothers being followed in a longitudinal assessment study. All study participants were English or Spanish speaking. Mean age was 44.1 (SDĀ =Ā 5.6) years; 47% were Latina; 35% African American; 11% White; and 7% other race. About 60% of the mothers disclosed that their HIV status had caused them to miss out on activities with their children while their children were growing up, ranging from daily care activities to major school and extra-curricular activities. Some mothers missed significant amounts of time with their children due to hospitalizations. In some cases mothers felt forced into a choice between mothering ability and their own health, including adherence to medications. Implications for the mothers and the children are discussed

    Advancing Tests of Relativistic Gravity via Laser Ranging to Phobos

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    Phobos Laser Ranging (PLR) is a concept for a space mission designed to advance tests of relativistic gravity in the solar system. PLR's primary objective is to measure the curvature of space around the Sun, represented by the Eddington parameter Ī³\gamma, with an accuracy of two parts in 10710^7, thereby improving today's best result by two orders of magnitude. Other mission goals include measurements of the time-rate-of-change of the gravitational constant, GG and of the gravitational inverse square law at 1.5 AU distances--with up to two orders-of-magnitude improvement for each. The science parameters will be estimated using laser ranging measurements of the distance between an Earth station and an active laser transponder on Phobos capable of reaching mm-level range resolution. A transponder on Phobos sending 0.25 mJ, 10 ps pulses at 1 kHz, and receiving asynchronous 1 kHz pulses from earth via a 12 cm aperture will permit links that even at maximum range will exceed a photon per second. A total measurement precision of 50 ps demands a few hundred photons to average to 1 mm (3.3 ps) range precision. Existing satellite laser ranging (SLR) facilities--with appropriate augmentation--may be able to participate in PLR. Since Phobos' orbital period is about 8 hours, each observatory is guaranteed visibility of the Phobos instrument every Earth day. Given the current technology readiness level, PLR could be started in 2011 for launch in 2016 for 3 years of science operations. We discuss the PLR's science objectives, instrument, and mission design. We also present the details of science simulations performed to support the mission's primary objectives.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, 9 table

    Predictors of packed red cell transfusion after isolated primary coronary artery bypass grafting ā€“ The experience of a single cardiac center: A prospective observational study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Preoperative patients' characteristics can predict the need for perioperative blood component transfusion in cardiac surgical operations. The aim of this prospective observational study is to identify perioperative patient characteristics predicting the need for allogeneic packed red blood cell (PRBC) transfusion in isolated primary coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) operations.</p> <p>Patients and Methods</p> <p>105 patients undergoing isolated, first-time CABG were reviewed for their preoperative variables and followed for intraoperative and postoperative data. Patients were 97 males and 8 females, with mean age 58.28 Ā± 10.97 years. Regression logistic analysis was used for identifying the strongest perioperative predictors of PRBC transfusion.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>PRBC transfusion was used in 71 patients (67.6%); 35 patients (33.3%) needed > 2 units and 14 (13.3%) of these needed > 4 units. Univariate analysis identified female gender, age > 65 years, body weight ā‰¤ 70 Kg, BSA ā‰¤ 1.75 m<sup>2</sup>, BMI ā‰¤ 25, preoperative hemoglobin ā‰¤ 13 gm/dL, preoperative hematocrit ā‰¤ 40%, serum creatinine > 100 Ī¼mol/L, Euro SCORE (standard/logistic) > 2, use of CPB, radial artery use, higher number of distal anastomoses, and postoperative chest tube drainage > 1000 mL as significant predictors. The strongest predictors using multivariate analysis were CPB use, hematocrit, body weight, and serum creatinine.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The predictors of PRBC transfusion after primary isolated CABG are use of CPB, hematocrit ā‰¤ 40%, weight ā‰¤ 70 Kg, and serum creatinine > 100 Ī¼mol/L. This leads to better utilization of blood bank resources and cost-efficient targeted use of expensive blood conservation modalities.</p
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