669 research outputs found

    Amphibia: Anura: Hylidae Scarthyla vigilans (Solano 1971): Range Extension and New Country Record for Trinidad, W.I. With Notes on Tadpoles, Habitat, Behaviour and Biogeographical Significance.

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    We report a range extension and new country record for Scarthyla vigilans in Trinidad, West Indies. The species was previously known only from populations on mainland South America. We include notes on behavior, habitat and tadpole development, and discuss the biogeographical significance of the species’ presence in Trinidad, particularly with respect to consequences for understanding colonization events on this Caribbean island

    Stringent bounds to spatial variations of the electron-to-proton mass ratio in the Milky Way

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    The ammonia method to probe variations of the electron-to-proton mass ratio, Delta_mu/mu, is applied for the first time to dense prestellar molecular clouds in the Milky Way. Carefully selected sample of 21 NH_3/CCS pairs observed in the Perseus molecular cloud provide the offset Delta V (CCS-NH_3)= 36+/-7_{stat}+/-13.5_{sys} m/s . A similar offset of Delta V = 40.8 +/- 12.9_{stat} m/s between NH_3 (J,K) = (1,1) and N_2H+ J = 1-0 has been found in an isolated dense core L183 by Pagani et al. (2009). Overall these observations provide a safe bound of a maximum offset between ammonia and the other molecules at the level of Delta V < 100 m/s. This bound corresponds to Delta_mu/mu < 1E-7, which is an order of magnitude more sensitive than available extragalactic constraints. Taken at face value the measured Delta V shows positive shifts between the line centers of NH_3 and these two other molecules and suggest a real offset, which would imply a Delta_mu/mu about 4E-8. If Delta_mu/mu follows the gradient of the local gravitational potential, then the obtained results are in conflict with laboratory atomic clock experiments in the solar system by 5 orders of magnitude, thus requiring a chameleon-type scalar field model. New measurements involving other molecules and a wider range of objects along with verification of molecular rest frequencies are currently planned to confirm these first indications.Comment: 7 pages +2 figures. Galileo Galilei Institute Conferences on Dark Matter and Dark Energ

    Elevated anticardiolipin antibodies in acute liver failure

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    AbstractAntibodies to cardiolipin (aCLA), a phospholipid primarily localized in inner mitochondrial membranes, were transiently elevated (P<0.01) when mice were exposed to an industrial surfactant and then infected with influenza B virus, a model of acute liver failure (ALF). Children with ALF also had elevated levels of aCLA

    Atomic calculations and search for variation of the fine structure constant in quasar absorption spectra

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    A brief review of the search for variation of the fine structure constant in quasar absorption spectra is presented. Special consideration is given to the role of atomic calculations in the analysis of the observed data. A range of methods which allow to perform calculations for atoms or ions with different electron structure and which cover practically all periodic table of elements is discussed. Critical compilation of the results of the calculations as well as a review of the most recent results of the analysis are presented.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Based on the talk at the Symposium on Atomic Physics: A Tribute to Walter Johnson, Notre Dame, 5 April 2008. Reference 26 is correcte

    Constraining fundamental constants of physics with quasar absorption line systems

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    We summarize the attempts by our group and others to derive constraints on variations of fundamental constants over cosmic time using quasar absorption lines. Most upper limits reside in the range 0.5-1.5x10-5 at the 3sigma level over a redshift range of approximately 0.5-2.5 for the fine-structure constant, alpha, the proton-to-electron mass ratio, mu, and a combination of the proton gyromagnetic factor and the two previous constants, gp(alpha^2/mu)^nu, for only one claimed variation of alpha. It is therefore very important to perform new measurements to improve the sensitivity of the numerous methods to at least <0.1x10-5 which should be possible in the next few years. Future instrumentations on ELTs in the optical and/or ALMA, EVLA and SKA pathfinders in the radio will undoutedly boost this field by allowing to reach much better signal-to-noise ratios at higher spectral resolution and to perform measurements on molecules in the ISM of high redshift galaxies.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    The Juno Magnetic Field Investigation

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    The Juno Magnetic Field investigation (MAG) characterizes Jupiter's planetary magnetic field and magnetosphere, providing the first globally distributed and proximate measurements of the magnetic field of Jupiter. The magnetic field instrumentation consists of two independent magnetometer sensor suites, each consisting of a tri-axial Fluxgate Magnetometer (FGM) sensor and a pair of co-located imaging sensors mounted on an ultra-stable optical bench. The imaging system sensors are part of a subsystem that provides accurate attitude information (to approx. 20 arcsec on a spinning spacecraft) near the point of measurement of the magnetic field. The two sensor suites are accommodated at 10 and 12 m from the body of the spacecraft on a 4 m long magnetometer boom affixed to the outer end of one of 's three solar array assemblies. The magnetometer sensors are controlled by independent and functionally identical electronics boards within the magnetometer electronics package mounted inside Juno's massive radiation shielded vault. The imaging sensors are controlled by a fully hardware redundant electronics package also mounted within the radiation vault. Each magnetometer sensor measures the vector magnetic field with 100 ppm absolute vector accuracy over a wide dynamic range (to 16 Gauss = 1.6 x 10(exp. 6) nT per axis) with a resolution of approx. 0.05 nT in the most sensitive dynamic range (+/-1600 nT per axis). Both magnetometers sample the magnetic field simultaneously at an intrinsic sample rate of 64 vector samples per second. The magnetic field instrumentation may be reconfigured in flight to meet unanticipated needs and is fully hardware redundant. The attitude determination system compares images with an on-board star catalog to provide attitude solutions (quaternions) at a rate of up to 4 solutions per second, and may be configured to acquire images of selected targets for science and engineering analysis. The system tracks and catalogs objects that pass through the imager field of view and also provides a continuous record of radiation exposure. A spacecraft magnetic control program was implemented to provide a magnetically clean environment for the magnetic sensors, and residual spacecraft fields andor sensor offsets are monitored in flight taking advantage of Juno's spin (nominally 2 rpm) to separate environmental fields from those that rotate with the spacecraft

    The outer halos of elliptical galaxies

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    Recent progress is summarized on the determination of the density distributions of stars and dark matter, stellar kinematics, and stellar population properties, in the extended, low surface brightness halo regions of elliptical galaxies. With integral field absorption spectroscopy and with planetary nebulae as tracers, velocity dispersion and rotation profiles have been followed to ~4 and ~5-8 effective radii, respectively, and in M87 to the outer edge at ~150 kpc. The results are generally consistent with the known dichotomy of elliptical galaxy types, but some galaxies show more complex rotation profiles in their halos and there is a higher incidence of misalignments, indicating triaxiality. Dynamical models have shown a range of slopes for the total mass profiles, and that the inner dark matter densities in ellipticals are higher than in spiral galaxies, indicating earlier assembly redshifts. Analysis of the hot X-ray emitting gas in X-ray bright ellipticals and comparison with dynamical mass determinations indicates that non-thermal components to the pressure may be important in the inner ~10 kpc, and that the properties of these systems are closely related to their group environments. First results on the outer halo stellar population properties do not yet give a clear picture. In the halo of one bright galaxy, lower [alpha/Fe] abundances indicate longer star formation histories pointing towards late accretion of the halo. This is consistent with independent evidence for on-going accretion, and suggests a connection to the observed size evolution of elliptical galaxies with redshift.Comment: 8 pages. Invited review to appear in the proceedings of "Galaxies and their Masks" eds. Block, D.L., Freeman, K.C. & Puerari, I., 2010, Springer (New York

    Rip/singularity free cosmology models with bulk viscosity

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    In this paper we present two concrete models of non-perfect fluid with bulk viscosity to interpret the observed cosmic accelerating expansion phenomena, avoiding the introduction of exotic dark energy. The first model we inspect has a viscosity of the form ζ=ζ0+(ζ1−ζ2q)H{\zeta} = {\zeta}_0 + ({\zeta}_1-{\zeta}_2q)H by taking into account of the decelerating parameter q, and the other model is of the form ζ=ζ0+ζ1H+ζ2H2{\zeta} = {\zeta}_0 + {\zeta}_1H + {\zeta}_2H^2. We give out the exact solutions of such models and further constrain them with the latest Union2 data as well as the currently observed Hubble-parameter dataset (OHD), then we discuss the fate of universe evolution in these models, which confronts neither future singularity nor little/pseudo rip. From the resulting curves by best fittings we find a much more flexible evolution processing due to the presence of viscosity while being consistent with the observational data in the region of data fitting. With the bulk viscosity considered, a more realistic universe scenario is characterized comparable with the {\Lambda}CDM model but without introducing the mysterious dark energy.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted to EPJ-

    Ground-state correlation properties of charged bosons trapped in strongly anisotropic harmonic potentials

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    We study systems of a few charged bosons contained within a strongly anisotropic harmonic trap. A detailed examination of the ground-state correlation properties of two-, three-, and four-particle systems is carried out within the framework of the single-mode approximation of the transverse components. The linear correlation entropy of the quasi-1D systems is discussed in dependence on the confinement anisotropy and compared with a strictly 1D limit. Only at weak interaction the correlation properties depend strongly on the anisotropy parameter.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure
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