9 research outputs found

    Validating the Eating Disorder Inventory-3 (EDI-3): A Comparison Between 561 Female Eating Disorders Patients and 878 Females from the General Population

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    The Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) is used worldwide in research and clinical work. The 3rd version (EDI-3) has been used in recent research, yet without any independent testing of its psychometric properties. The aim of the present study was twofold: 1) to establish national norms and to compare them with the US and international norms, and 2) to examine the factor structure, the internal consistency, the sensitivity and the specificity of subscale scores. Participants were Danish adult female patients (N = 561) from a specialist treatment centre and a control group (N = 878) was women selected from the Danish Civil Registration system. Small but significant differences were found between Danish and international, as well as US norms. Overall, the factor structure was confirmed, the internal consistency of the subscales was satisfactory, the discriminative validity was good, and sensitivity and specificity were excellent. The implications from these results are discussed

    A school-based program implemented by community providers previously trained for the prevention of eating and weight-related problems in secondary-school adolescents : the MABIC study protocol

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    Background: The prevention of eating disorders and disordered eating are increasingly recognized as public health priorities. Challenges in this field included moving from efficacy to effectiveness and developing an integrated approach to the prevention of a broad spectrum of eating and weight-related problems. A previous efficacy trial indicated that a universal disordered eating prevention program, based on the social cognitive model, media literacy educational approach and cognitive dissonance theory, reduced risk factors for disordered eating, but it is unclear whether this program has effects under more real-world conditions. The main aim of this effectiveness trial protocol is to test whether this program has effects when incorporating an integrated approach to prevention and when previously-trained community providers implement the intervention. Methods/design: The research design involved a multi-center non-randomized controlled trial with baseline, post and 1-year follow-up measures. Six schools from the city of Sabadell (close to Barcelona) participated in the intervention group, and eleven schools from four towns neighboring Sabadell participated in the control group. A total of 174 girls and 180 boys in the intervention group, and 484 girls and 490 boys in the control group were registered in class lists prior to baseline. A total of 18 community providers, secondary-school class tutors, nurses from the Catalan Government's Health and School Program, and health promotion technicians from Sabadell City Council were trained and delivered the program. Shared risk factors of eating and weight-related problems were assessed as main measures. Discussion: It will be vital for progress in disordered eating prevention to conduct effectiveness trials, which test whether interventions are effective when delivered by community providers under ecologically valid conditions, as opposed to tightly controlled research trials. The MABIC project will provide new contributions in this transition from efficacy to effectiveness and new data about progress in the integrated approach to prevention. Pending the results, the effectiveness trial meets the effectiveness standards set down by the Society for Prevention Research. This study will provide new evidence to improve and enhance disordered eating prevention programs

    Morphodynamics of coastal areas represented in the new geomorphologic map of Italy: draw the landforms of the past to outline the future.

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    In the framework of the revision of Italian geomorphological legend (CARG Project) published in 1994 by the National Geological Service, the AIGeo-Working Group Coastal Morphodynamic (WGCM) dealt with the revision of the legend concerning the landforms of the coast. The aims of the work were the updating of the symbology on the basis of the post-1994 results in the geomorphological researches and creating a legend more vocated to the solution of the problems of applied geomorphology and more suitable to be managed in GIS environment. The WGCM started from the critical analysis of the classifications of coastal landforms proposed during the last century and it continued through a scientific discussion on the work that the members of the group performed by means of 12 case studies in which a correlation between landforms, processes and, dynamics was made. The geomorphological legend proposed by the WGCM has to be considered as a starting point and a work in progress. It remains, indeed, open so that new data can be added and updated as required. Besides, the WGCM tried to contribute to the morphodynamic classification of the coasts around the Mediterranean basin

    Geomorphological map of the Italian coast: From a descriptive to a morphodynamic approach.

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    This study was conducted within the framework of the \u201cCoastal Morphodynamics\u201d Working Group (WG) of the Italian Association of physical Geography and Geomorphology (AIGeo), according to the Institute for the Protection and Environmental Research (ISPRA) for the updating of the legend for the \u201cGeomorphological Map of Italy\u201d. The WG deals with the legend for the coastal areas, focusingits work on marine, lagoon and aeolian landforms, processes and deposits. In particular, the legend aims to classify coastal landforms in order to contribute to hazard and risk assessment,for supportingland-use planning and management. The legend allows the mapping of each landform in function of its genesis as well as its evolution and present dynamics, providing information about morphological characteristics at small and large scales. The relict morphological features and the active ones are reported along with the quantitative parameters useful for the description of the present wave/climate conditions and morphodynamics. As a result of the activities and experiments carried out by the \u201cCoastal Morphodynamics\u201d AIGeo WG during the last years, some examples of coastal geomorphological mappings at different scales (1:5,000 and 1:25,000) have been developed and are presented in this paper. The maps focus both on littoral plains and rocky coast dynamics as well as on the interactions with anthropic modifications