12 research outputs found

    Adecuación estructural del bloque 2 y de los espacios de interés común dentro de la universidad de la costa, para garantizar el desplazamiento a personas con discapacidades motrices y movilidad reducida

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    Ingeniería CivilThis thesis aims to describe and analyze the existing situation of the setting-up of the Universidad de la Costa, CUC, and likewise to propose a prototype of structural solutions that significantly improves accessibility standards in the layout of spaces of common interest, so that it will eliminate physical barriers that prevent the free movement of persons in disability status. Although these changes go unnoticed for most users, patently for people with reduced mobility, these will be an increase in their quality of life being that they will get a high degree of autonomy, safety and comfort to arrive and move into the Universidad de la Costa.El presente trabajo tiene como objeto describir y analizar la situación actual de las instalaciones de la Universidad de la Costa, CUC, y así mismo plantear un prototipo de soluciones estructurales que mejoren notablemente los estándares de accesibilidad en la disposición de los espacios de interés común, de manera que se eliminen las barreras físicas que impiden el libre desplazamiento a personas en condición de discapacidad. Aunque estos cambios pasen desapercibidos para la mayoría de los usuarios, evidentemente para las personas con movilidad reducida, será un aumento en su calidad de vida ya que lograrán un alto grado de autonomía, seguridad y confort al llegar y movilizarse dentro de la Universidad de la Costa

    Desempenho da resistência ao fogo de elementos construtivos de vedação vertical de concreto com formas permanentes de PVC

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    O concreto consiste em um material com baixa condutividade térmica e considerada capacidade de isolamento, com propriedades adequadas para fornecer proteção ao fogo, sempre dependendo da sua composição química e molecular, pois as propriedades finais deste material estão relacionadas aos seus materiais constituintes. Diante disso, vem sendo desenvolvidos complementos de proteção contra incêndio, aos mecanismos de vedação e paredes, a fim de melhorar o desempenho térmico destes ao serem expostos ao incêndio. Alguns desses materiais são: cloreto de polivinil (PVC), polipropileno, gesso, fibras, vidro, retardantes de chama, tintas intumescentes, entre outros. Em paralelo, as formas permanentes são uma alternativa mais prática em comparação com as formas tradicionais de aço ou madeira, devido à sua melhor construtibilidade e durabilidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o desempenho de resistência ao fogo de painéis de concreto estruturais e não estruturais com formas permanentes de PVC. Nesta pesquisa, três painéis de concreto com formas permanentes PVC de dimensões 3150 mm x 2800 mm x 80 mm foram testados e comparados entre si. Todos os painéis foram envelhecidos por 28 dias, depois expostos à curva de incêndio padrão baseada na norma ISO 834: 2014, e finalmente as temperaturas em cada superfície desses painéis foram registradas. Os resultados indicam que a resistência do concreto influenciou significativamente na estabilidade estrutural e o tempo de resistência ao fogo dos painéis (sob carga), mesmo neste tipo de painéis ao serem expostos a altas temperaturas. Verificou-se que o revestimento de PVC melhorou a propriedade de isolamento térmico, um dos critérios de desempenho de resistência ao fogo. De maneira geral, a importância desta forma alternativa é a redução do uso de recursos florestais, a conscientização da sua conservação e a promoção do seu uso racional, por ser este, um material amigável ao meio ambiente, e, portanto, mais sustentável.It has been demonstrated that concrete, being a material with low thermal conductivity and considered insulation capacity, has adequate properties to provide protection against fire always depending on its chemical and molecular composition, because the final properties of this are always in relation to the constituent materials. In the same way fire protection complements have been developed to seal mechanism, walls, in order to improve their thermal performance when exposed to fire. Some of these materials are: polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene, gypsum, fibers, glass, flame retardants, intumescent paints, among others. In parallel, stay-in-place (SIP) formwork is a more-practical alternative to traditional steel or wood formworks due to its improved constructability and durability. The aim of this paper was to study the fire resistance performance of structural and non-structural concrete panels with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) SIP formwork. Three 3150 mm x 2800 mm x 80 mm panels of PVC SIP formwork were tested and compared to one another. All panels were aged for 28 days, then exposed to the standard fire curve based on the ISO 834:2014 standard, and finally the temperatures in each panel surface recorded. The results indicate that concrete strength significantly influenced the structural stability and the fire resistance time of the panels (under load), even in this type of panels when exposed to high temperatures. It was found that the PVC encasement enhanced the thermal insulation property, one of the fire resistance performance criteria. Overall, the importance of this alternative formwork is the reduction in the use of forest resources, the raise of awareness of their conservation, and the promotion of their rational use as this a material is friendly to the environment, and therefore more sustainable

    Las influencias de las percepciones en la demanda de bicicletas para los usuarios con las mismas características socioeconómicas

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    Con esta investigación se analizó la demanda potencial para el uso de la bicicleta como alternativa de transporte para estudiantes universitarios y empleados en un área de la ciudad de Barranquilla, donde actualmente no se cuenta con una infraestructura para este modo. Para el análisis, se evaluó un modelo simple de elección discreta incluyendo variables de percepciones. Nuestros resultados indican que la existencia de una adecuada y suficiente infraestructura puede afectar positivamente la decisión de los individuos, y podría mejorar si se brindaran ciclo facilidades en las instalaciones, como aparcamientos y duchas o lugares donde las personas se puedan cambiar y guardar ropa de ser necesario. Además se demostró que los individuos con las mismas características socioeconómicas y con las mismas alternativas disponibles, pueden elegir distintos modos de transporte ya que sus percepciones pueden influir en su elección.In this paper we analyzed the potential demand for the use of the bicycle as an alternative transport for college students and employees commuting in any area of the city of Barranquilla where currently there is not an infrastructure for this mode. For the analysis, we evaluated a simple discrete choice model incorporating perceptions variables. Our results indicate that the existence of an adequate and sufficient road infrastructure can positively affect the individuals’ decision, and could be improved by providing cycle facilities in campus like parking spots and showers or places where people can change and save clothes if necessary. We also demonstrated that individuals with the same socioeconomic characteristics and the same available alternatives, can choose different modes of transport, and their perceptions can influence their choice

    Indicies de movilidad urbana orientados a la sostenibilidad en las capitales de la región sur de Brasil

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    Con la creciente de los problemas desdoblados por las altas tasas de motorización individual, aliados a la expansión de las ciudades y el crecimiento poblacional, se hace importante la comprensión de los desplazamientos relacionados a la movilidad urbana de las ciudades, correlacionados a los elementos organizadores de la estructura urbana como los factores económicos y sociales que influyen en la producción y el consumo en el espacio urbano y suburbano. El objetivo general de este artículo es identificar los índices de movilidad urbana de las capitales Curitiba, Florianópolis y Porto Alegre, a partir del levantamiento del conjunto de datos que conforman la configuración espacial urbana con la aplicación de las herramientas de análisis espaciales SIG (Sistemas de información geográfica). Fueron actualizados los Índices de Dispersión Urbana, que reflejan un mayor alejamiento de la población con relación al Centro de Comercio y Servicio – CCS. A partir de estos análisis, se verificaron características comunes en Porto Alegre y Curitiba donde hay una mayor dispersión en las regiones periféricas, mientras que en Florianópolis se identificó un elevado Índice de Dispersión. La capital Curitiba presentó mejor desempeño en términos de integración del usuario con el sistema vehicular y accesibilidad a la infraestructura urbana, en comparación con Porto Alegre y Florianópolis

    Analysis of the effects of the cost and benefit in the channeling of the stream of the 84 street in the city of Barranquilla

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    To date the problem of streams is a reality that all Barranquilleros face in Winter time, where the sectors of economy and industry in the city are affected, causing economic, material and in some cases human losses. One of the solutions by the District of Barranquilla has been the implementation of conducting rainwater through box-culverts and underground pipes, as it is for the case of the stream of the 84 street (Siape). The main objective of this research is to analyze the most relevant effects from the social, economic and environmental point of view during all stages of this construction project. In the first phase of the research, different techniques were used to search and collect information, which allowed finding the most important effects in the social, economic and environmental aspects that this project generated. The tools used for this were official technical documents of the designs, tenders, environmental management plans and statistical techniques such as surveys and interviews, which served to expand knowledge of the area of influence. The results show that the negative effects occur during the construction phase; however there are more positive effects that result in the implementation of the project, being in this case a significant valorization of the area and increase in the quality of life of the inhabitants, the most relevant effects of this construction project.Hasta la fecha la problemática de los arroyos es una realidad que todos los barranquilleros afrontan en época de invierno, donde se ven afectados los sectores de la economía y de la industria en la ciudad, provocando pérdidas económicas, materiales y en algunos casos humanas. Una de las soluciones por parte del Distrito de Barranquilla ha sido la implementación de conducir las aguas lluvias por medio de box-culverts y tuberías subterráneas, como lo es para el caso del arroyo de la calle 84 (Siape). El objetivo principal de esta investigación es analizar los efectos más relevantes desde el ámbito social, económico y ambiental durante todas las etapas de este proyecto de construcción. En la primera fase de la investigación se empelaron diferentes técnicas para la búsqueda y recolección de información, que permitiera hallar los efectos más importantes en los aspectos sociales, económicos y ambientales que este proyectó generó. Las herramientas utilizadas para esto fueron: documentos técnicos oficiales de los diseños, licitaciones, planes de manejo ambiental y técnicas estadísticas como encuestas y entrevistas, que sirvieron para ampliar el conocimiento de la zona de influencia. Los resultados demuestran que los efectos negativos ocurren durante la etapa de construcción, sin embargo son más los efectos positivos que resultan en la puesta en marcha del proyecto, siendo para este caso una significativa valorización de la zona y aumento en la calidad de vida de los habitantes, los efectos más relevantes de este proyecto de construcción

    Current legal regulations applicable during the life cycle stages of civil projects of public works in the city of Barranquilla

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    Los proyectos civiles de obras públicas en la ciudad de Barranquilla han jugado un papel muy importante en el desarrollo de la ciudad y es por ello que se hace necesario el conocimiento de las normativas que se deben cumplir en cada una de las etapas de sus ciclos de vida, ya que cada día el número de proyectos aumenta y esta necesidad crece. Atendiendo a esta necesidad, con esta investigación se pretende compilar la normativa legal vigente aplicable durante las etapas del ciclo de vida de los proyectos civiles de obras públicas en la ciudad de Barranquilla. En primer lugar se realiza la identificación de las etapas del ciclo de vida de los proyectos y las entidades que las regulan a nivel nacional, partiendo así del análisis de la información recolectada. Las herramientas utilizadas para la realización de este estudio fueron la guía del PMBOK, entrevistas realizadas a profesionales del área, opiniones de participantes indirectos y las fuentes bibliográficas.Civil projects of public works in the city of Barranquilla have played a very important role in the development of the city and that is why it becomes necessary to know the regulations that must be fulfilled in each of the stages of its life cycles, being that each day the number of projects increases and this need grows. In response to this need, this research aims to compile the current legal regulations applicable during the life cycle stages of civil projects of public works in the city of Barranquilla. Firstly, the identification of the stages of the life cycle of the projects and the entities that regulate them at the national level is carried out, starting from the analysis of the information collected. The tools used to carry out this study were the PMBOK guide, interviews with professionals in the field, opinions of indirect participants and bibliographic sources

    Política de movilidad pública brasileña orientada a la funcionalidad del transporte público urbano en una ciudad intermedia

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    La movilidad urbana en las ciudades intermedias brasileñas es un asunto de continua evaluación, debido a los crecientes números de motorización y población residente. La incompatibilidad entre las políticas públicas y la atención al usuario con relación al transporte colectivo (autobús) resalta la necesidad de estudios que comprendan las funcionalidades de las ciudades y de los transportes públicos a través de sus Planes de Movilidad Urbana. Los Planes de Movilidad Urbana establecen directrices a la eficiencia y a la sostenibilidad de las ciudades, plasmando alternativas hacia la mejora del tráfico vehicular y a la priorización del transporte público urbano eficiente para el desplazamiento de la población. El objetivo general de este artículo es evaluar el alineamiento del Plan de Movilidad Urbana de Passo Fundo (PMUP) con la Política Nacional de Movilidad Urbana (PNMU), para diagnosticar y evaluar las medidas reales aplicadas por el poder público en la ciudad de Passo Fundo (Brasil). Los resultados obtenidos muestran la importancia de esta investigación para la verificación y monitoreo de los indicadores de calidad del tráfico vehicular establecidos en el sistema de transporte público urbano brasileño, con la necesidad inmediata de un paso vehicular para el desplazamiento exclusivo de autobuses en la vía principal de esta ciudad, con el fin de evitar la congestión del tráfico vehicular en la malla urbana de la misma

    Fire resistance performance of concrete-PVC panels with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) stay in place (SIP) formwork

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    Stay-in-place (SIP) formwork is a more-practical alternative to traditional steel or wood formworks due to its improved constructability and durability. The aim of this paper was to study the fire resistance performances of structural and non-structural concrete panels with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) SIP formwork. Three 124.01 in × 110.24 in × 3.15 in panels of PVC SIP formwork were tested and compared to one another. All panels were aged for 28 days, then exposed to the standard fire curve based on the ISO 834:2014 standard, and the temperatures in each panel surface recorded. The results indicate that concrete strength significantly influenced the structural stability and the fire resistance time of the panels (under load), even in this type of panels when exposed to high temperatures. It was found that the PVC encasement enhanced the thermal insulation property, one of the fire resistance performance criteria. Overall, the importance of this alternative formwork is the reduction in the use of forest resources, the raise of awareness of their conservation, and the promotion of their rational use as this a material is friendly to the environment

    Multianalytical approach of stay-in-place polyvinyl chloride formwork concrete exposed to high temperatures

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    This work presents results of the first study of the variation by exposure to high temperatures from two stay-in-place polyvinyl chloride (SIP-PVC) formwork concrete exposed to the ISO 834 fire curve. A systematic sampling based on the proximity of the fire and the spalling of the concrete was carried out and microstructural, thermal, crystallographic and spectroscopic changes were studied according to the degree of affectation by fire using SEM, TGA-DTA, XRD and FTIR. The response to high temperature exposure of the microstructure of SIP-PVC formwork concrete after fire was established using the experimental results. Results show a relationship between the microstructure of concrete paste and exposure temperature, as well as, the relationship between exposure temperature and dehydration of calcium hydrates, CSH gel and Portlandite and decarbonation of Calcite. These reactions can be considered as tracers of the degree of exposure to high temperatures from stay-in-place PVC formwork concrete

    Desempenho da resistência ao fogo de elementos construtivos de vedação vertical de concreto com formas permanentes de PVC

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    O concreto consiste em um material com baixa condutividade térmica e considerada capacidade de isolamento, com propriedades adequadas para fornecer proteção ao fogo, sempre dependendo da sua composição química e molecular, pois as propriedades finais deste material estão relacionadas aos seus materiais constituintes. Diante disso, vem sendo desenvolvidos complementos de proteção contra incêndio, aos mecanismos de vedação e paredes, a fim de melhorar o desempenho térmico destes ao serem expostos ao incêndio. Alguns desses materiais são: cloreto de polivinil (PVC), polipropileno, gesso, fibras, vidro, retardantes de chama, tintas intumescentes, entre outros. Em paralelo, as formas permanentes são uma alternativa mais prática em comparação com as formas tradicionais de aço ou madeira, devido à sua melhor construtibilidade e durabilidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o desempenho de resistência ao fogo de painéis de concreto estruturais e não estruturais com formas permanentes de PVC. Nesta pesquisa, três painéis de concreto com formas permanentes PVC de dimensões 3150 mm x 2800 mm x 80 mm foram testados e comparados entre si. Todos os painéis foram envelhecidos por 28 dias, depois expostos à curva de incêndio padrão baseada na norma ISO 834: 2014, e finalmente as temperaturas em cada superfície desses painéis foram registradas. Os resultados indicam que a resistência do concreto influenciou significativamente na estabilidade estrutural e o tempo de resistência ao fogo dos painéis (sob carga), mesmo neste tipo de painéis ao serem expostos a altas temperaturas. Verificou-se que o revestimento de PVC melhorou a propriedade de isolamento térmico, um dos critérios de desempenho de resistência ao fogo. De maneira geral, a importância desta forma alternativa é a redução do uso de recursos florestais, a conscientização da sua conservação e a promoção do seu uso racional, por ser este, um material amigável ao meio ambiente, e, portanto, mais sustentável.It has been demonstrated that concrete, being a material with low thermal conductivity and considered insulation capacity, has adequate properties to provide protection against fire always depending on its chemical and molecular composition, because the final properties of this are always in relation to the constituent materials. In the same way fire protection complements have been developed to seal mechanism, walls, in order to improve their thermal performance when exposed to fire. Some of these materials are: polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene, gypsum, fibers, glass, flame retardants, intumescent paints, among others. In parallel, stay-in-place (SIP) formwork is a more-practical alternative to traditional steel or wood formworks due to its improved constructability and durability. The aim of this paper was to study the fire resistance performance of structural and non-structural concrete panels with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) SIP formwork. Three 3150 mm x 2800 mm x 80 mm panels of PVC SIP formwork were tested and compared to one another. All panels were aged for 28 days, then exposed to the standard fire curve based on the ISO 834:2014 standard, and finally the temperatures in each panel surface recorded. The results indicate that concrete strength significantly influenced the structural stability and the fire resistance time of the panels (under load), even in this type of panels when exposed to high temperatures. It was found that the PVC encasement enhanced the thermal insulation property, one of the fire resistance performance criteria. Overall, the importance of this alternative formwork is the reduction in the use of forest resources, the raise of awareness of their conservation, and the promotion of their rational use as this a material is friendly to the environment, and therefore more sustainable