181 research outputs found

    Information provision improvement with a geofencing event-bases system

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    Nowadays there is a big percentage of the population, specially young users, which are smartphone users and there is a lot of information to be provided within the applications, information provision should be done carefully and should be accurate, otherwise an overload of information will be produced, and the user will discard the app which is providing the information. Mobile devices are becoming smarter and provide many ways to filter information. However, there are alternatives to improve information provision from the side of the application. Some examples are, taking into account the local time, considering the battery level before doing an action and checking the user location to send personalized information attached to that location. SmartCampus and SmartCities are becoming a reality and they have more and more data integrated every day. With all this amount of data it is crucial to decide when and where is the user going to receive a notification with new information. Geofencing is a technique which allows applications to deliver information in a more useful way, in the right time and in the right place. It consists of geofences, physical regions delimited by boundaries, and devices that are eligible to receive the information assigned to the geofence. When devices cross one of these geofences an alert is pushed to the mobile device with the information

    Biochemical and behavioral consequences of ethanol intake in a mouse model of metabolic syndrome

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    Ethanol abuse is a common issue in individuals with sedentary lifestyles, unbalanced diets, and metabolic syndrome. Both ethanol abuse and metabolic syndrome have negative impacts on the central nervous system, with effects including cognitive impairment and brain oxidative status deterioration. The combined effects of ethanol abuse and metabolic syndrome at a central level have not yet been elucidated in detail. Thus, this work aims to determine the effects of ethanol intake on a mouse model of metabolic syndrome at the behavioral and biochemical levels. Seven-week-old male control (B6.V-Lep ob/+JRj) and leptin-deficient (metabolic syndrome) (B6.V-Lep ob/obJRj) mice were used in the study. Animals were divided into four groups: control, ethanol, obese, and obese–ethanol. Ethanol consumption was monitored for 6 weeks. Basal glycemia, insulin, and glucose overload tests were performed. To assess short- and long-term memory, an object recognition test was used. In order to assess oxidative status in mouse brain samples, antioxidant enzyme activity was analyzed with regard to glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, glutathione, glutathione disulfide, lipid peroxidation products, and malondialdehyde. Ethanol intake modulated the insulin response and impaired the oxidative status in the ob mouse brain

    The Fake News during the sentence period of the process in Catalonia. Maldito bulo and Newtral cases

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    Las Fake News y la postverdad se encuentran en nuestro alrededor actualmente. La desinformación es real, aunque la sociedad no lo acepte. Además, a todo ello debemos añadir que los medios de comunicación han normalizado la difusión de noticias falsas, desde medios offline hasta medios digitales, lo que produce que las Fake News aumenten. Los bulos se duplican cuando ocurren acontecimientos importantes como es el ‘procés’ de Cataluña o el que estamos viviendo en la actualidad, el COVID-19. Sin embargo, las Fake News llevan en la sociedad desde tiempos más lejanos, remontándonos de esta forma a la época de Napoleón Bonaparte. Por lo tanto, las Fake News se han convertido en uno de los principales problemas para el periodismo, una profesión que se ha transformado en el cuarto poder por su papel crucial en el funcionamiento de los Estados de Derecho y las Democracias. Para combatir las noticias falsas la FAPE y otras organizaciones han elaborado una serie de mecanismos éticos periodísticos y algunas posibles soluciones, como por ejemplo la educomunicación o jornadas relacionadas con el tema. Además, las redes sociales también han desarrollado nuevas políticas con el fin de reducir la difusión y la creación de posibles bulos. Por esa razón, en esta investigación además de analizar aquellas páginas que desmienten las noticias falsas para que el periodismo recupere la credibilidad (Newtral y Maldito bulo), también analizaremos aquellas páginas que son propulsoras de proporcionar Fake News. Además, acotaremos nuestro periodo de tiempo desde el 14 al 21 de octubre ya que fue la semana donde ocurrieron más sucesos durante el ‘procés’. Para todo ello utilizaremos el análisis de contenido como método cuantitativo y las entrevistas como método cualitativo. Entrevistaremos a Yaiza Oliva, redactora en Newtral y a María José Ufarte Ruiz, profesora en la Facultad de Periodismo de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM).The Fake News and the post-truth are all around us now. Disinformation is real, even if society does not accept it. In addition, the media has normalized the spread of false news, from offline to digital media, causing Fake News to increase. The hoaxes are doubled when important events occur, such as the 'process' in Catalonia or the one we are currently experiencing, the COVID-19. However, Fake News has been in society for a long time, going back to the time of Napoleon Bonaparte. Fake News has therefore become one of the main problems for journalism, a profession that has become the fourth power because of its crucial role in the functioning of the rule of law and democracies. To combat false news, FAPE and other organizations have developed a series of ethical journalistic mechanisms and some possible solutions, such as education or related days. In addition, social networks have also developed new policies in order to reduce dissemination and the creation of possible hoaxes. For this reason, in this research, in addition to analyzing those pages that deny false news so that journalism can regain credibility (Newtral and Maldito bulo), we will also analyze those pages that are proponents of providing Fake News. In addition, we will limit our time period from October 14 to 21, since it was the week when most events occurred during the process. We will use content analysis as a quantitative method and interviews as a qualitative method. We will interview Yaiza Oliva, editor at Newtral and María José Ufarte Ruiz, professor at the Faculty of Journalism at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM)

    A Location Aware Mobile Tool for Direct and Indirect Climate Data Sensors

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    Access to GIS data from mobile platforms continues to be a challenge and there is a wide range of fields where it is extremely useful. In this work, we combined three key aspects: climate data sensors, mobile platforms and spatial proximity operations. We published and made use of a web 2.0 network of climate data, where content is user-collected, by means of their meteorological stations, and exposed as available information for the virtual community. Moreover, we enriched this data by giving the users the opportunity to directly inform the system with different climate measures. In general, management of this type of information from a mobile application could result in an important decision tool, as it enables us to provide climate-related data according to a context and a geographical location. Therefore, we implemented a native mobile application for iPhone and iPad platforms by using ArcGIS SDK for iOS and by integrating a series of ArcGIS webmaps, which allows us to perform geospatial queries based on the user's location, offering, at the same time, access to all the data provided by the climate data sensor network and from direct users

    Employability and competences in the geospatial sector for tomorrow professionals

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    El presente artículo reflexiona sobre la falta de profesionales en el sector europeo de la Geoinformática y Observación de la Tierra, a través del análisis de la demanda sectorial, la oferta formativa existente y la definición de perfiles ocupacionales. El proyecto europeo EO4GEO trabaja para analizar la creciente necesidad de profesionales en estos sectores y definir las directrices que alineen la demanda de profesionales con las estrategias y programas for-mativos existentes o a diseñar.The current paper reflects on the lack of professionals in the European sector of Geoinformatics and Earth Observation, through the analysis of the sectoral demand, the existing training offer and the definition of occupational profiles. The European project EO4GEO works to analyse the growing need of professionals in these sectors and to define guidelines to align the demand of professionals with existing or training strategies and programs to design

    Role of hippocampal NF-κB and GluN2B in the memory acquisition impairment of experiences gathered prior to cocaine administration in rats

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    Cocaine can induce severe neurobehavioral changes, among others, the ones involved in learning and memory processes. It is known that during drug consumption, cocaine-associated memory and learning processes take place. However, much less is known about the effects of this drug upon the mechanisms involved in forgetting.The present report focuses on the mechanisms by which cocaine affects memory consolidation of experiences acquired prior to drug administration. We also study the involvement of hippocampus in these processes, with special interest on the role of Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptor 2B (GluN2B), and their relationship with other proteins, such as cyclic AMP response element binding protein (CREB). For this purpose, we developed a rat experimental model of chronic cocaine administration in which spatial memory and the expression or activity of several proteins in the hippocampus were assessed after 36 days of drug administration. We report an impairment in memory acquisition of experiences gathered prior to cocaine administration, associated to an increase in GluN2B expression in the hippocampus. We also demonstrate a decrease in NF-κB activity, as well as in the expression of the active form of CREB, confirming the role of these transcription factors in the cocaine-induced memory impairment

    Puesta a punto de un método de cultivo Aire-Líquido para el estudio de la Discinesia Ciliar Primaria

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    [ES] RESUMEN: -INTRODUCCIÓN: La Discinesia Ciliar Primaria (DCP) es una enfermedad rara respiratoria con una prevalencia de 1/20000. Es una condición hereditaria y permanente causada por defectos congénitos en la ultraestructura de los cilios. Se manifiesta causando un funcionamiento deficiente del sistema de aclaramiento mucociliar, generando congestión nasal, tos, otitis o en casos más graves problemas pulmonares como las bronquiectasias. Se trata de una enfermedad con un diagnóstico tardío e infradiagnosticada por lo que actualmente se buscan nuevas técnicas para el estudio de la enfermedad. Es por ello por lo que un cultivo en interfaz Aire-Líquido (ALI) permite generar condiciones más similares a las fisiológicas, utilizándose como modelo para el estudio de la DCP. Sin embargo, las células están sometidas a un equilibrio sustancias oxidantes-sustancias antioxidantes, que puede verse alterado por los cambios en las condiciones del cultivo ALI, generando una situación de estrés oxidativo. -MÉTODOS: Establecimiento de un modelo celular para la investigación de la DCP mediante la técnica de cultivo ALI de células epiteliales nasales obtenidas del cornete nasal medio de un individuo sano. Este cultivo permite la diferenciación celular logrando así el desarrollo de un epitelio pseudoestratificado. En segundo lugar, se llevó a cabo, mediante RT-qPCR, el análisis de la expresión de diversos genes del sistema antioxidante en las diferentes etapas del cultivo ALI. -RESULTADOS: El cultivo se alcanzó con éxito, caracterizado por la presencia de células ciliadas generadoras de movimiento. Asimismo, las células en general en el cultivo, están sometidas a un mayor estrés oxidativo cuando se encuentran totalmente sumergidas, es decir, en la etapa de crecimiento y proliferación. -CONCLUSIÓN: Los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo indican que ha sido posible, la puesta a punto en nuestro laboratorio, del cultivo ALI caracterizado por el desarrollo de células epiteliales nasales, células productoras de mucosidades y células multiciliadas características del epitelio nasal humano. En este contexto, el cultivo ALI destaca por su beneficioso uso en el estudio de enfermedades respiratorias, favoreciendo la diferenciación celular, no adquirida en los cultivos en monocapa.[EN] SUMMARY: -INTRODUCTION: Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (DCP) is a rare respiratory disease with a prevalence of 1/20000. It is a hereditary and permanent condition caused by congenital defects in the ultrastructure of the cilia. It manifests itself by causing a deficient functioning of the mucociliary clearance system, generating nasal congestion, cough, otitis or in more severe cases pulmonary problems such us bronchiectasis. It is a disease with a late diagnosis and underdiagnosed, so new techniques for the study of the disease are currently being sought. This is why an Air-Liquid Interface (ALI) culture allows the generation of conditions more similar to physiological ones, being used as a model for the study of DCP. However, cells are subjected to an oxidant-antioxidant substance balance, which can be altered by changes in ALI culture conditions, generating oxidative stress. -METHODS: Establishment of a cellular model for the investigation of DCP using ALI culture technique of nasal epithelial cells obtained from the middle nasal concha of a healthy individual. This culture allows cell differentiation, thus achieving the development of a pseudostratified epithelium. Secondly, RT-qPCR was used to analyze the expression of various genes of the antioxidant system in the different stages of the ALI culture. -RESULTS: The culture was successfully achieved, characterized by the presence of motility-generating ciliary cells. Also, cells in general in the culture, are subjected to higher oxidative stress when they are fully submerged, that is in the growth and proliferation stage. -CONCLUSION: The results obtained in this work indicate that it has been possible, to develop in out laboratory, the ALI culture characterized by the development of nasal epithelial cells, mucus-producing cells and multiciliated cells characteristic of the human nasal epithelium. In this context, ALI culture stands out for its beneficial use in the study of respiratory diseases, favoring cell differentiation, not acquired in monolayer cultures.Muriach Pérez, V. (2021). Puesta a punto de un método de cultivo Aire-Líquido para el estudio de la Discinesia Ciliar Primaria. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/170870TFG

    Cocaine promotes oxidative stress and microglial-macrophage activation in rat cerebellum

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    Different mechanisms have been suggested for cocaine neurotoxicity, including oxidative stress alterations. Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), considered a sensor of oxidative stress and inflammation, is involved in drug toxicity and addiction. NF-κB is a key mediator for immune responses that induces microglial/macrophage activation under inflammatory processes and neuronal injury/degeneration. Although cerebellum is commonly associated to motor control, muscular tone, and balance. Its relation with addiction is getting relevance, being associated to compulsive and perseverative behaviors. Some reports indicate that cerebellar microglial activation induced by cannabis or ethanol, promote cerebellar alterations and these alterations could be associated to addictive-related behaviors. After considering the effects of some drugs on cerebellum, the aim of the present work analyzes pro-inflammatory changes after cocaine exposure. Rats received daily 15 mg/kg cocaine i.p., for 18 days. Reduced and oxidized forms of glutathione (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity and glutamate were determined in cerebellar homogenates. NF-κB activity, CD68, and GFAP expression were determined. Cerebellar GPx activity and GSH/GSSG ratio are significantly decreased after cocaine exposure. A significant increase of glutamate concentration is also observed. Interestingly, increased NF-κB activity is also accompanied by an increased expression of the lysosomal mononuclear phagocytic marker ED1 without GFAP alterations. Current trends in addiction biology are focusing on the role of cerebellum on addictive behaviors. Cocaine-induced cerebellar changes described herein fit with previosus data showing cerebellar alterations on addict subjects and support the proposed role of cerebelum in addiction

    Naltrexone Reverses Ethanol-Induced Rat Hippocampal and Serum Oxidative Damage

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    Naltrexone, an antagonist of �-opioid receptors, is clinically used as adjuvant therapy of alcohol dishabituation. The aim of the present work was to test the effect of 1 mg/kg body weight of naltrexone to revert oxidative stress-related biochemical alterations, in the hippocampus and serum of chronic alcoholic adult rats. Malondialdehyde concentration was increased and glutathione peroxidase activity was decreased in hippocampus and serum of alcohol-treated rats. Naltrexone treatment restored these alterations. The in vitro antioxidant ability of Ntx could not justify these effects considering the doses used. Thus this apparent protective effect of Ntx can only be attributed to its pharmacological effects, as herein discussed.Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia SAF2010-21317 Universidad Catolica de Valencia "San Vicente Martir" 2012-029-001 Plan Nacional sobre Drogas 2010/059 AI/ICB-Santander 07/1

    Towards Gender Equality in Education and Career in the Earth Observation and GI Sector

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    Ponència del XXIV ISPRS Congress, 5–9 July 2021. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLIII-B5-2021, 2021, pp.21-27Gender inequality is omnipresent in our society and in the field of education and training, the gender gap is especially evident in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines. While different studies have been conducted about potential reasons explaining this gap, little is known about gender inequality and underlying factors in the Earth Observation and Geoinformatics (EO*GI) domain. To close some parts of this knowledge gap, the initiative Women in Copernicus was established with the overall goal to make women working in the EO*GI field and especially in the Copernicus ecosystem more visible. This paper analyses the results of a survey of 462 women identifying reasons for not choosing STEM education and the barriers related to educational choices in their career path. The main obstacles that hinder choosing a STEM education for these women are stereotypes in society, missing female role models but also culture, television and society message transmitted by the media. The lack of self-confidence is an essential factor in this choice and is also experienced as a barrier during individual career paths. This analysis provides insights valuable for political decisions making targeting at a gender-balanced work environment and emphasizes the importance of attracting more girls and young women towards a STEM education and supporting them during their career to reach skills and occupational equality and strengthen the economic development of the EO*GI sector