635 research outputs found

    Representation of the German transmission grid for Renewable Energy Sources impact analysis

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    The increasing impact of fossil energy generation on the Earth ecological balance is pointing to the need of a transition in power generation technology towards the more clean and sustainable Renewable Energy Sources (RES). This transition is leading to new paradigms and technologies useful for the effective energy transmission and distribution, which take into account the RES stochastic power output. In this scenario, the availability of up to date and reliable datasets regarding topological and operative parameters of power systems in presence of RES are needed, for both proposing and testing new solutions. In this spirit, I present here a dataset regarding the German 380 KV grid which contains fully DC Power Flow operative states of the grid in the presence of various amounts of RES share, ranging from realistic up to 60\%, which can be used as reference dataset for both steady state and dynamical analysis.Comment: The dataset to which this paper refers can be found in: Mureddu, M. (2016). Representation of the German transmission grid for Renewable Energy Sources impact analysis.figshare. http://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.4233782.v

    A comparison of PUF cores suitable for FPGA devices

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    A PUF extracts a unique identifier per die using physical random variation caused by variability of the manufacturing process. PUFs can be used for hardware authentication, but also as generators of confidential keys. This paper presents the comparison of RO-PUF and TERO-PUF cores implemented on Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA. The objective is to evaluate their design when operating at the same conditions. We show that no ideal PUF exists and therefore designers will always have to choose the PUF matching the security application. In addition to design parameters like area, number of bits per challenge and power consumption, we discuss the feasibility of the design in FPGAs. This will help designers select the best PUF according to their requirements

    La Cappella musicale di Alghero

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    L'article ens aproxima a la història de la institució de les capelles musicals a Sardenya, amb una particular atenció per la de l'Alguer. El paper que ocupa la capella algueresa és estretament relacionat amb la vida ciutadana; per tal com consisteix en un petit grup coral molt flexible en la seva formació i amb diferents funcions, que van des del servei musical a la catedral i a festes civils i religioses, fins a la participació en espectacles teatrals organitzats pels jesuïtes. El Mestre de la capella dirigia una escola de música per als joves, escola que probablement representava un recurs per a la formació d'altres entitats i per a la continuïtat de la mateixa capella, de la qual els algueresos eren tan orgullosos que la van mantenir viva fins a les portes del nostre segle

    A novel complex system approach for the determination of renewable energy sources impact on electricity infrastructures

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    The increasing environmental awareness, associated with the increasing demand and price of fossil fuels, is leading to the implementation of novel energy models based on renewable energy sources (RES) and sustainable mobility. However, the actual physical and economic models on which power system management rules are based on, are not able to properly manage the high amount of unwanted power fluctuations introduced by RES power generation. For such reason, major issues has been pointed out in term of energy security and access, inspiring changes in methods and paradigms associated to energy supply management. Moreover, the transaction towards an emission free mobility must be based on the interaction between RES generation and Electric Vehicles (EV) mobility, pointing out the need of a new approach able to combine mobility and energy supply infrastructures. In order to describe and model power systems with an high amount of RES generation, is important to indicate that such systems are made by a great number of microscopical interacting elements which behave in a stochastic way. For this reason, these systems can not easily be described in a deterministic way, but must be described by a statistical representation of the system observables. In this thesis, a novel approach based on statistical mechanics methods is presented, able to model the impact of such sources over the system. By using such approach, has been possible to evaluate the possible impact of such sources in terms of power system stability and sustainable mobility

    Reminiscencias indígenas en el culto a Guadalupe

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    El autor hace una reconstrucción de la aparición de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe desde la perspectiva correspondiente a la cosmovisión toltecanáhuatl y la enmarca en la tremenda crisis de valores que sobrevino a la conquista españolaThe autor proposes a reconstruction of the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe from a perspective corresponding to the tolteca-nahuatl cosmovision and sets it in a framework of the terrible crisis of social values that followed the Spanish conquest

    Harbour sites as a support to the reconstruction of networks and influences: the case of the Mistras Lagoon (Sardinia, Italy)

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    Ancient harbours and anchorages are valuable contexts to investigate the different material culture that could reach a region, and to reconstruct ancient commerce and connections between different areas. Moreover, as they usually present waterlogged and anoxic sedimentation conditions, organic materials are preserved in addition to ceramics and other inorganic objects, giving more elements to the archaeological reconstruction. This is the case of the Mistras lagoon in Central-West Sardinia. The lagoon has been identified as the harbour of the city of Tharros, active during the Punic period, from the 7th to the 3rd century BC. It is characterised by an interior sandy barrier, recognised as a palaeobeach; here the University of Cagliari held two archaeological excavations during the years 2014 and 2015, revealing a natural stratigraphy rich in archaeological materials, typical of a waterlogged site. The analysis of the carpological remains, seeds, and fruits, recovered by sampling 29 different stratigraphic units, reveals the presence of a great number of cultivated species. Some of the species identified were possibly introduced during that period to the island, together with agricultural practices and technologies that improved local cultivations. Concerning the xylological remains found in the excavations, some fragments of manufactured wood provide important information about objects of common use, while other fragments are attributable to remains of ships.Gli antichi porti e approdi sono siti di grande valore per ricostruire le antiche rotte commerciali e più in generale le connessioni tra diverse regioni. Inoltre, grazie alla frequente presenza di condizioni di sedimentazione anossiche, essi possono restituire non solo ceramiche e altri materiali inorganici, ma anche elementi organici, raramente preservati sui siti terrestri, che forniscono elementi aggiuntivi alla ricostruzione archeologica e paleoambientale. È questo il caso della laguna di Mistras, nella Sardegna centro-occidentale. La laguna è stata identificata come porto della città di Tharros in età punica, tra il VII e il III sec. a.C. Essa è caratterizzata nella parte interna da una cuspide sabbiosa, riconosciuta come una paleospiaggia; in quest’area, durante gli anni 2014 e 2015, l’Università degli Studi di Cagliari ha condotto due campagne di scavo archeologico che hanno consentito di indagare una stratigrafia di formazione naturale ricchissima di materiali archeologici, tipica di un sito impregnato d’acqua. L’analisi dei reperti carpologici, semi e frutti recuperati grazie al campionamento sistematico dei sedimenti, sta rivelando la presenza di un gran numero di resti di specie coltivate. Alcune di queste furono probabilmente introdotte nell’Isola durante il periodo in questione, altre sono già attestate durante i periodi precedenti e continuano ad essere sfruttate con nuovo impulso. Per quanto riguarda i resti xilologici rinvenuti negli scavi, alcuni frammenti di legno lavorato forniscono importanti informazioni su oggetti di uso comune, mentre altri sono attribuibili a resti di imbarcazion

    Community core detection in transportation networks

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    This work analyses methods for the identification and the stability under perturbation of a territorial community structure with specific reference to transportation networks. We considered networks of commuters for a city and an insular region. In both cases, we have studied the distribution of commuters' trips (i.e., home-to-work trips and viceversa). The identification and stability of the communities' cores are linked to the land-use distribution within the zone system, and therefore their proper definition may be useful to transport planners.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure
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