901 research outputs found

    MODEL SUPERVISI GURU PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM Studi Multi Situs di SMP Muhammadiyah Dan SMP Al-Ihsan Hidayatullah Tanjung Redeb

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi model supervisi guru pendidikan agama Islam di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Muhammadiyah Tanjung Redeb dan Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Al-Ihsan Tanjung Redeb Berau. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif dan jenis penelitian studi kasus, penelitian ini mengeksplorasi peran kepala sekolah dalam melakukan supervisi terhadap pengajar dan dampaknya terhadap prestasi belajar serta kualitas sekolah. Metode pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang komprehensif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model supervisi yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah memiliki dampak positif terhadap kualitas pembelajaran dan prestasi belajar siswa. Temuan ini menyoroti pentingnya peran kepala sekolah sebagai supervisor dalam meningkatkan profesionalisme guru dan kualitas pendidikan agama Islam di sekolah. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengidentifikasi beberapa kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan supervisi, seperti keterbatasan personil, waktu, dan peraturan yang mengatur tanggung jawab supervisi. Dengan menggunakan metode triangulasi untuk memastikan keabsahan data, penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi penting dalam pengembangan pendidikan di Indonesia. Implikasi dari penelitian ini dapat menjadi landasan bagi pengembangan model supervisi yang lebih efektif dan inovatif dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran dan prestasi belajar siswa, khususnya dalam konteks pendidikan agama Islam

    Metrology of Complex Refractive Index for Solids in the Terahertz Regime Using Frequency Domain Spectroscopy

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    Frequency domain spectroscopy allows an experimenter to establish optical properties of solids in a wide frequency band including the technically challenging 10 THz region, and in other bands enables metrological comparison between competing techniques. We advance a method for extracting the optical properties of high-index solids using only transmission-mode frequency domain spectroscopy of plane-parallel Fabry-Perot optical flats. We show that different data processing techniques yield different kinds of systematic error, and that some commonly used techniques have inherent systematic errors which are underappreciated. We use model datasets to cross-compare algorithms in isolation from experimental errors, and propose a new algorithm which has qualitatively different systematic errors to its competitors. We show that our proposal is more robust to experimental non-idealities such as noise or apodization, and extract the complex refractive index spectrum of crystalline silicon as a practical example. Finally, we advance the idea that algorithms are complementary rather than competitive, and should be used together as part of a toolbox for better metrology.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, 4 appendice

    Far-infrared free-electron lasers and their applications

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    CHANDRA Observations of the X-ray Halo around the Crab Nebula

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    Two Chandra observations have been used to search for thermal X-ray emission from within and around the Crab Nebula. Dead-time was minimized by excluding the brightest part of the Nebula from the field of view. A dust-scattered halo comprising 5% of the strength of the Crab is clearly detected with surface brightness measured out to a radial distance of 18 arcminutes. Coverage is 100% at 4 arcminutes, 50% at 12 arcminutes, and 25% at 18 arcminutes. The observed halo is compared with predictions based on 3 different interstellar grain models and one can be adjusted to fit the observation. This dust halo and mirror scattering form a high background region which has been searched for emission from shock-heated material in an outer shell. We find no evidence for such emission. We can set upper limits a factor of 10-1000 less than the surface brightness observed from outer shells around similar remnants. The upper limit for X-ray luminosity of an outer shell is about 10e34 erg/s. Although it is possible to reconcile our observation with an 8-13 solar mass progenitor, we argue that this is unlikely.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures, accepted by Ap

    Restriction of salt intake and other dietary modifications for the treatment of Meniere's disease or syndrome

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    This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: To determine the effectiveness of dietary modifications, specifically restriction of salt, alcohol and caffeine intake, in patients suffering from Ménière's disease or syndrome. We will also review other dietary modifications but we will limit analysis of these studies to a narrative review

    Photon assisted tunneling in pairs of silicon donors

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    Shallow donors in silicon are favorable candidates for the implementation of solid-state quantum computer architectures because of the promising combination of atomiclike coherence properties and scalability from the semiconductor manufacturing industry. Quantum processing schemes require (among other things) controlled information transfer for readout. Here we demonstrate controlled electron tunneling at 10 K from P to Sb impurities and vice versa with the assistance of resonant terahertz photons

    New Constraints on the Energetics, Progenitor Mass, and Age of the Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8 Containing PSR J1124-5916

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    We present spatially resolved spectroscopy of the supernova remnant (SNR) G292.0+1.8 with the Chandra X-ray observatory. This SNR contains the 135 ms pulsar, J1124-5916. We apply non-equilibrium ionization (NEI) models to the data. By comparing the derived abundances with those predicted from nucleosynthesis models, we estimate a progenitor mass of 30-40 solar masses. We also derive the intrinsic parameters of the supernova explosion such as its energy, the age of the SNR, the blast wave velocity, and the swept-up mass. In the Sedov interpretation, our estimated SNR age of 2,600 years is close to the pulsar's characteristic age of 2,900 years. This confirms the pulsar/SNR association and relaxes the need for the pulsar to have a non-canonical value for the braking index, a large period at birth or a large transverse velocity. We discuss the properties of the pulsar wind nebula (PWN) in the light of the Kennel and Coroniti model and estimate the pulsar wind magnetization parameter. We also report the first evidence for steepening of the power law spectral index with increasing radius from the pulsar.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. To appear in ApJL, Feb 1 2003 (submitted Oct 9 2002, accepted Dec 19 2002

    Far-flung Filaments of Ejecta in the Young Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8

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    New optical images of the young SNR G292.0+1.8, obtained from the 0.9-m telescope at CTIO, show a more extensive network of filaments than had been known previously. Filaments emitting in [O III] are distributed throughout much of the 8 arcmin diameter shell seen in X-ray and radio images, including a few at the very outermost shell limits. We have also detected four small complexes of filaments that show [S II] emission along with [OIII]. In a single long-slit spectrum we find variations of almost an order of magnitude in the relative strengths of oxygen and sulfur lines, which must result from abundance variations. None of the filaments, with or without [S II], shows any evidence for hydrogen, so all appear to be fragments of pure SN ejecta. The [S II] filaments provide the first evidence for undiluted products of oxygen burning in the ejecta from the supernova that gave rise to G292.0+1.8. Some oxygen burning must have occurred, but the paucity of [S II]-emitting filaments suggests that either the oxygen burning was not extensive or that most of its products have yet to be excited. Most of the outer filaments exhibit radial, pencil-like morphologies that suggest an origin as Rayleigh-Taylor fingers of ejecta, perhaps formed during the explosion. Simulations of core-collapse supernovae predict such fingers, but these have never before been so clearly observed in a young SNR. The total flux from the SNR in [OIII] 5007 is 5.4 * 10**-12 ergs/cm**2/s. Using a distance of 6 kpc and an extinction correction corresponding to E(B-V) = 0.6 (lower than previous values but more consistent both with our data and radio and X-ray estimates of NH), this leads to a luminosity of 1.6 * 10**35 ergs/s in the 5007 Ang. line.Comment: 32 pages including 10 figures, and 3 tables, accepted for publication in AJ. Vol 132, July 2006. Higher resolution versions of the figures and a pdf of the manuscript can be found at http://www-int.stsci.edu/~long/papers/g292_optical

    Perancangan Preheating Boiler Feed Water Package Boiler#2 dengan Memanfaatkan Panas Kompresor Plant Air, Thermal Section Pt. Vale Indonesia

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    Plant air dalam peleburan nikel atau smelter plant merupakan penunjang terpenting dimana plant air tersebut memproduksi udara yang bertekanan yang digunakan sebagai bagian proses dalam pabrik peleburan tersebut. Adapun boiler dalam proses produksi smelter plant digunakan untuk memproduksi uap dimana uap tersebut bersifat saturated atau jenuh dengan nilai properties pada 11,500 KPa dengan temperature 185-190oC. Dalam proses produksi udara kompressor sentrifugal udara yang ditekan akibat putaran impeller mengakibatkan terjadinya panas sehingga udara yang masih panas tersebut didinginkan lagi pada cooler yang disebut intercooler ataupun aftercooler. Di PT Vale Indonesia Utilities, Thermal Section jumlah kompresor sentrifugal terdapat 14 unit dengan rata-rata produksi 47,572 – 56,067 m3/h dengan laju pendinginan air rata sekitar 0.23 – 0.3 m3/s, sedangkan Package boiler#2 memproduksi uap sekitar 10,5-13 ton/joule, dimana energi untuk menghasilkan 1 ton steam dibutuhkan sekitar 1.024.000 kkal, sehingga penulis melihat ada peluang untuk memanfaatkan panas kompresor dimana berdasar data pengamatan selisih kenaikan temperatur antara air masuk dan keluar rata-rata 9 oC, jika panas buang itu dimanfaatkan dengan membuat jalur baru dimana sumber air pendingin kompresor berasal dari feedwater boiler maka dapat mengurangi pemakaian bahan bakar dengan energy sebesar 193,126 kkal/jam atau mengurangi biaya penggunaan energy seberar 300.000,- setara Rp 4.4 Milyar setahun. ================================================================================================ Plant air at nickel processing plant is the most important support where the air plant produces pressurized air which is used as part of the process in the smelter. The boiler in the production process of the smelter plant use to produce steam saturated at 11,500 bar of pressure and 185-190oC of temperature. In the process of producing air, the centrifugal compressor compressed the air and result in high temperature of air, in the next process this heat temperature is cooled by cooler (intercooler or aftercooler). At PT Vale Indonesia’s Utilities departmenet, Thermal Section have 14 units of centrifugal compressors with an average production of air about 47,572 – 56,067 m3/h and cooled by cooling water with an average flow about 0.23-0.3 m3/s while Package boiler # 2 produces steam around 10.5-13 ton/hour where to produces 1 ton of steam will require around 1,024,000 kCal of energy. So the authors chance an opportunity to utilize compressor waste heat where base on observational data, there is differentiation between inlet and outlet compressor about 9 oC, if this temperature differentiation can be utilized to increase feed water temperature thru a new line of cooling system than it will potential to increase a boiler efficiency about 1,5 to 2 %, when it converts to fuel, it will save about 193,126 kkal / hour of fuel or save 300.000,- equivalent IDR 4.4 M in a year
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