12 research outputs found

    Abundance and distribution of the common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in the north of the Iberian Peninsula

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    Common dolphin s ( Delphinus delphis ) are one of the most abundant species of small cetacean in Northeast Atlantic Ocean and the most abundant in Atlantic shelf waters of the Iberian Peninsula. However, the abundance , distribution and population trends in the recen t years of this species are poorly known , but such information is needed to develop population dynamic models . Thus far, the only absolute abundance estimate in the shelf Atlantic waters of the Iberian Peninsula was obtained in 2005 during the SCANS - II survey. Along the north and northwest coast s of the Iberian Peninsula , t he Spanish Institute of Oceanography has carried out annual acoustic survey s to estimate pelagic fish biomass for the last two decades. Since 2007 , an observer program for top predators has been integrated in to these survey s , collecting sightings on cetaceans, seabirds and other species using line - transect method ology . Common d olphin sightings from 2007 to 201 4 were analyzed with Distance software to estimate relative population size . Because attraction to the vessel could inflate population estimates, c ommon dolphin a bundance was estimated using a detection function only from sightings where no attraction were recorded and also using Bayesian methods to combine previou s data on attraction collected during SCANS - II with data collected from the acoustic fish surveys. D olphin density estimated with both methods w as < 0.3 dolphin s/ Km 2 , which is similar to the density estimated by SCANS - II . T he Bayesian framework allows us to work with the scarcity and uncertainty of the data , particularly when obtaining annual estimates. Because c etacean sightings were collected during fish acoustic surveys , pelagic fish abundance ( e.g. S ardine and Blue whiting ) , obtained concurrently to the sightings, can be used , along with other environmental variables , to model dolphin habitat and to predict dolphin abundance and distribution

    Modelo cognitivo-motivacional para la promoción de la persistencia en Educación Superior: relación entre la organización docente, la competencia del alumnado y el «grit»

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    The teaching process and the success of learning are closely linked to cognitive and motivational factors. The purpose of this study was to test a multilevel model in higher education students on the relationship between the teaching organization and the dimensions of grit and perceived competence. Participated 3033 students, who answered utility dimension inventories and organization, competition and grit. The results show that at the individual level, the organization by the teaching staff focused on the utility and organization is positively related to the student's scream, this relationship being mediated by the perceived competence. The organizational improvement of the teacher generates student achievements through the positive impact on their competence.«El proceso de enseñanza y el éxito del aprendizaje están estrechamente vinculados a factores cognitivos y motivacionales. Este estudio tuvo como propósito poner a prueba un modelo multinivel en estudiantes de Educación Superior sobre la relación de la organización docente y las dimensiones del grit, mediada por la competencia percibida. Participaron 3.033 estudiantes de cinco países, a los que se les midió la utilidad y organización del docente, la competencia y el grit. Los resultados muestran que, a nivel individual, la organización por parte del profesorado centrada en la utilidad se relacionó positivamente con el grit del estudiante cuando estaba mediada por la competencia percibida. Se sugiere que el profesor mejore su tarea organizativa docente, pues genera mayores logros en el estudiante a través del impacto positivo sobre su competencia

    Modelización espacial de la distribución de cetáceos en el norte de la Península Ibérica: la importancia de incluir información de sus presas

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    Con el fin de identificar áreas ecológicamente significativas, necesitamos relacionar la distribución de especies con descriptores ecológicos que nos ayuden a comprender su distribución. En el medio marino, los modelos de distribución de especies (MDE) han sido tradicionalmente desarrollado en base a descriptores ecológicos indirectos (como clorofila y temperatura superficial del mar) recogidos a través de imágenes de satélite. Aunque las especies marinas pueden utilizar estas señales ambientales para localizar sus presas, el uso de información sobre la distribución de las mismas sería más informativo que el uso de estos descriptores indirectos. Gracias a las campañas oceanográficas multidisciplinares se puede recoger información simultánea de varios niveles tróficos, desde el plancton a los depredadores marinos, incluyendo sus principales presas pelágicas: los pequeños peces pelágicos. Por lo tanto, la inclusión de esta información en los MDE debería ser más relevante que las variables oceanográficas indirectas. Para testar esta hipótesis, desarrollamos MDE para las tres especies más abundantes de cetáceos que se registran en el norte de la Península Ibérica durante las campañas de primavera del Instituto Español de Oceanografía, PELACUS (2007-2013). Estas especies fueron el delfín común Delphinus delphis, el delfín mular Tursiops truncatus y el calderón común Globicephala melas. Dependiendo de las especies consideradas, se identificaron diferentes variables ambientales como importantes a la hora de explicar los patrones de distribución; pero las cifras globales ponen de manifiesto la principal contribución de la batimetría, seguido de la temperatura superficial del mar y la variabilidad espacial en la distribución de los pequeños peces pelágicos. Estos resultados tienen importantes implicaciones en reconocer la importancia de los estudios oceanográficos multidisciplinares para la obtención de descriptores ecológicos directos para mejorar los modelos de distribución de depredadores marinos

    Modelling the spatial abundance of a migratory predator: a call for transboundary marine protected areas

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    Aim During their migration, highly mobile species cross multiple jurisdictional boundaries and multiple not‐specic marine protected areas (MPAs). When identifying the critical habitats where individuals aggregate, these areas can be ideal candidates for MPAs. This study was focused on the endangered n whale (Balaenoptera physalus) for which there is little knowledge on its distribution and abundance in non‐breeding temperate latitudes. Location Bay of Biscay (BoB). Methods Firstly, we modelled the relative abundance of n whales by means of generalized additive models (GAMs) using data collected on the PELACUS (2007–2008) and JUVENA (2013–2016) oceanographic surveys during late summer. Secondly, we evaluated the reliability of the predictions by distinguishing environmental extrapolations and interpolations. Finally, we identied critical areas of highest predicted abundance and we assessed whether existing MPAs comprised within the Natura 2000 network and designated for other species oer protection to n whales in the BoB Results Fin whales were especially abundant in deep o‐shore waters, mainly associated with intermediate temperature water values in the inner part of the BoB. The years with the highest relative predicted abundances (an average of 1,500 whales) matched with years when warmer sea surface temperature extended into larger areas. In colder years, the average predicted abundance dropped to 400 whales. The main critical area for n whales (dened by the highest 40% of abundance) was common for both surveys, and it was located in the south‐eastern part of the BoB. Main conclusions Our study contributes to the identication of important concentration areas of n whales during late summer, based on reliable spatial predictions. The assessment of the current Natura 2000 network highlights the fact that only three MPAs marginally covered the critical area we have identied for n whales. We propose a transboundary potential MPA to aid the conservation of the species in the Bo


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    The Spanish acoustic-trawl times PELACUS 0314 was carried out on board R/V Miguel Oliver from 9th March to 8th April, covering the north Spanish waters (Atlantic and Bay of Biscay) from the coast to the 1000 m isobath on a systematic grid with tracks 8 nmi apart and equally spaced. Acoustic , fishing stations, fish egg counting, microplastic, and apical predators observations were done during daytime whilst the oceanographic characterisation was done during night time. A total of 1903 nautical miles were steamed, 1075 corresponding to the survey track. Besides 52 fishing stations were performed (Figure 2). PELCACUS 0314 was characterised by relative stable weather conditions along the surveyed area. Besides, there was an important increase in backscattering energy as compared with the previous year. This resulted in an increase of the biomass estimated for the majority of the fish species, but still sardine is at lowest productivity ever recorded. Good recruitment would be observed in horse mackerel, but for the rest of the fish species, no strong signals for age group 1 have been detected. The reasons for this increase would be related to the weather stability which could have increased the fish availability either for a change in the behaviour (i.e. spatial pattern distribution) or for an increase in the food availability. This is relevant accounting the increase of the occurrence of mackerel subsurface layers observed this year. As PELACUS is a multidisciplinary survey series (we collect environmental and biological ancillary information, stomach contents, including CTD cats, plankton tows or continuous records of plankton, eggs, S, T and flourometry), we will try to explain this change of behaviour. Our main hypothesis is that these species could follow mackerel when is undertaking vertical migration, probably related with the spawning activity, just for feeding eggs and, therefore, changing the expected schooling behaviour by the dispersed one, used during the feeding activity

    Modelo cognitivo-motivacional para la promoción de la persistencia en Educación Superior: relación entre la organización docente, la competencia del alumnado y el «grit»

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    The teaching process and the success of learning are closely linked to cognitive and motivational factors. The purpose of this study was to test a multilevel model in higher education students on the relationship between the teaching organization and the dimensions of grit and perceived competence. Participated 3033 students, who answered utility dimension inventories and organization, competition and grit. The results show that at the individual level, the organization by the teaching staff focused on the utility and organization is positively related to the student's scream, this relationship being mediated by the perceived competence. The organizational improvement of the teacher generates student achievements through the positive impact on their competence.«El proceso de enseñanza y el éxito del aprendizaje están estrechamente vinculados a factores cognitivos y motivacionales. Este estudio tuvo como propósito poner a prueba un modelo multinivel en estudiantes de Educación Superior sobre la relación de la organización docente y las dimensiones del grit, mediada por la competencia percibida. Participaron 3.033 estudiantes de cinco países, a los que se les midió la utilidad y organización del docente, la competencia y el grit. Los resultados muestran que, a nivel individual, la organización por parte del profesorado centrada en la utilidad se relacionó positivamente con el grit del estudiante cuando estaba mediada por la competencia percibida. Se sugiere que el profesor mejore su tarea organizativa docente, pues genera mayores logros en el estudiante a través del impacto positivo sobre su competencia