39 research outputs found

    About the stabilization of the dendritic structure of GG brand copper powder

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    In industry copper powder is recieved under constant current load. Surface roughening occurs during evolution of the dendritic particles. It is suggested to create a new impulse of current equal to the initial current density of 3200 A/m2 in order to obtain uniform structure of the precipitate. Current load was evaluated by the result of chronopotentiometry research of the dynamics of the dendritic precipitate on cylindrical electrode. Four-impulse galvanostatic electrolysis was investigated for the copper powder GG. New current impulse shifts the electrode potential to the cathodic area, crystallization process flows more rapidly.This work was done under financial support from RFBR № 11-03-002296

    Исследование процесса окислительного хлорирования метана при повышенных давлениях

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    The process of the oxidative chlorination of methane carried out in a flow reactor was investigated in the temperature range of 370–400°C under a pressure of 1–9 ata. The catalyst is a mixture of copper chloride, potassium chloride and lanthanum chloride on a porous support. The molar ratio CuCl2:KCl:LaCl3 is 1:1:0.3. The process was studied in an excess of methane at the reactants ratio CH4:HCl:O2 12:2:1 and 13.5:1:0.5. It was shown experimentally that the productivity of the methane oxychlorination reactor increases proportionally to pressure in the degree ~ 0.85. It was found that an increase in the selectivity of the methane oxychlorination process to the desired product – methyl chloride – (more than 90%) is achieved by increasing the ratio of methane to the sum of hydrogen chloride and oxygen.Процесс окислительного хлорирования метана, проводимый в проточном реакторе, изучался в интервале температур 370–400°С при давлении 1–9 ата. В качестве катализатора использовалась смесь хлоридов меди, калия и лантана в мольном соотношении 1:1:0.3, нанесенная на пористый носитель. Процесс изучался в избытке метана при соотношении реагентов CH4:HCl:O2, равном 12:2:1 и 13.5:1:0.5

    Multiple rare-earth ion environments in amorphous (Gd2_2O3_3)0.230_{0.230}(P2_2O5_5)0.770_{0.770} revealed by gadolinium K-edge anomalous x-ray scattering

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    A Gd K-edge anomalous x-ray scattering (AXS) study is performed on the rare-earth (R) phosphate glass, (Gd2_2O3_3)0.230_{0.230}(P2_2O5_5)0.770_{0.770}, in order to determine Gd⋯Gd separations in its local structure. The minimum rare-earth separation is of particular interest given that the optical properties of these glasses can quench when rare-earth ions become too close to each other. To this end, a weak Gd⋯Gd pairwise correlation is located at 4.2(1)Å, which is representative of a metaphosphate R⋯R separation. More intense first-neighbor Gd⋯Gd pairwise correlations are found at the larger radial distributions, 4.8(1), 5.1(1), and 5.4(1)Å. These reflect a mixed ultraphosphate and metaphosphate structural character, respectively. A second-neighbor Gd⋯Gd pairwise correlation lies at 6.6(1)Å which is indicative of metaphosphate structures. Meta- and ultraphosphate classifications are made by comparing the R⋯R separations against those of rare-earth phosphate crystal structures, R(PO3_3)3_3 and RP5_5O14_{14}, respectively, or difference pair-distribution function (ΔPDF) features determined on similar glasses using difference neutron-scattering methods. The local structure of this glass is therefore found to display multiple rare-earth ion environments, presumably because its composition lies between these two stoichiometric formulae. These Gd⋯Gd separations are well-resolved in ΔPDFs that represent the AXS signal. Indeed, the spatial resolution is so good that it also enables the identification of R⋯X(X=R, P, O) pairwise correlations up to r∼9Å; their average separations lie at r∼7.1(1), 7.6(1), 7.9(1), 8.4(1), and 8.7(1)Å. This is a report of a Gd K-edge AXS study on an amorphous material. Its demonstrated ability to characterize the local structure of a glass up to such a long range of r heralds exciting prospects for AXS studies on other ternary noncrystalline materials. However, the technical challenge of such an experiment should not be underestimated, as is highlighted in this work where probing AXS signal near the Gd K edge is found to produce inelastic x-ray scattering that precludes the normal AXS methods of data processing. Nonetheless, it is shown that AXS results are not only tractable but they also reveal local structure of rare-earth phosphate glasses that is important from a materials-centered perspective and which could not be obtained by other materials characterization methods

    The influence of the moisture weight ratio and the activity of the invertase enzyme on the crystallization rate of natural honey

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    The article presents studies on the dependence of the crystallization rate of natural honey on the moisture weight ratio, the activity of the invertase enzyme. Based on the results presented, preliminary conclusions can be drawn, which indicate that the higher the activity of the invertase enzyme, the sooner the crystallization of the honey begins

    Prevention of scaling and corrosion by reagent KISK-1

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    The influence of the reagent KISK-1 (Russia) on the rate of corrosion of Steel 3 in mineralized (“hard”) waters of two industrial plants was studied. The water supply system of the two plants used in the study had sufficient difference in chemical composition. Thermostability of these waters was investigated in the presence of KISK-1 (the complex inhibitor of scaling and corrosion). It was shown that when used at correct dosage, KISK-1 is capable of significantly reducing the rate of corrosion of Steel 3 while also providing the water system’s thermostability in evaporation, i.e. preventing the formation of sediments and deposits of salts. It was shown that the optimum dosage of KISK-1 remains relatively stable, while the tested waters were evaporated by 1.7–2.5 times. At the same time, the existence of some threshold concentration, above which the increase in the concentration of KISK-1 does not produce a proportional decrease in the rate of corrosion of Steel 3 was established. The approach offered in this study provides a useful framework to conduct comparative analysis and choose suitable reagents for the prevention of scaling and corrosion in water supply systems in a variety of industrial plants. © 2015 Balaban Desalination Publications. All rights reserved


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    В статье рассматривается использование «зеленых» стандартов в реализации инвестиционно-строительных проектов для улучшения экологической обстановки увеличение прибыли от продажи недвижимости со знаком «эко».The article discusses the use of "green" standards in the implementation of investment and construction projects to improve the environmental situation, increase the profit from the sale of real estate with the sign "eco"

    The new cerium-rich intermetallic phase Ce13Ru2Sn5 Crystal structure and physical properties

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    International audienceA new intermetallic compound with a high content of cerium, Ce13Ru2Sn5, was found during the systematic investigation of the Ce-Ru-Sn ternary system. The crystal structure has been studied by a single crystal X-ray diffraction experiment and was found to be a new structure type of the intermetallic compounds space group I4/mcm, the lattice parameters a = 22.8999(2) Å, c = 9.1668(1) Å, Z = 8. Ce13Ru2Sn5 structure is characterized by eight independent crystallographic Ce sites and some shortened Ce-Ru contacts dCe1-Ru1 = 2.7693(3) Å, dCe2-Ru1 = 2.7925(12) Å and dCe3-Ru1 = 2.7612(12) Å. The low temperature measurements of electrical resistivity and magnetization of Ce13Ru2Sn5 reveal the complex behavior of the magnetoresistance occurring below 20 K but with an additional positive component below 7.5 K. This behavior is discussed in light of the magnetic measurements showing two transitions at ∼16 K and ∼6 K together with hysteretic loops in the M(H) below 20 K. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The new cerium-rich intermetallic phase Ce13Ru2Sn5 Crystal structure and physical properties

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    International audienceA new intermetallic compound with a high content of cerium, Ce13Ru2Sn5, was found during the systematic investigation of the Ce-Ru-Sn ternary system. The crystal structure has been studied by a single crystal X-ray diffraction experiment and was found to be a new structure type of the intermetallic compounds space group I4/mcm, the lattice parameters a = 22.8999(2) Å, c = 9.1668(1) Å, Z = 8. Ce13Ru2Sn5 structure is characterized by eight independent crystallographic Ce sites and some shortened Ce-Ru contacts dCe1-Ru1 = 2.7693(3) Å, dCe2-Ru1 = 2.7925(12) Å and dCe3-Ru1 = 2.7612(12) Å. The low temperature measurements of electrical resistivity and magnetization of Ce13Ru2Sn5 reveal the complex behavior of the magnetoresistance occurring below 20 K but with an additional positive component below 7.5 K. This behavior is discussed in light of the magnetic measurements showing two transitions at ∼16 K and ∼6 K together with hysteretic loops in the M(H) below 20 K. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    About the stabilization of the den-dritic structure of copper powder brand GG

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    В промышленности порошок меди получают при поддержании постоянной токовой нагрузки. По мере развития дендритного осадка происходит огрубление поверхности. Для получения более равномерного по структуре осадка предложено через определенные промежутки времени задавать новый импульс тока, равный исходной плотности тока 3200 А/м2. Токовую нагрузку определяли по результатам хронопотенциометрических исследований динамики развития дендритного осадка на цилиндрическом электроде. Проведено исследование четырехимпульсного гальваностатического электролиза для порошка меди марки GG. Новый импульс тока сдвигает потенциал электрода в более отрицательную область, процесс кристаллизации металла начинает протекать более интенсивно