39 research outputs found

    Neuromarketing: Are there certain musical components to successfully transmit brand images through jingles?

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    Due to the increased complexity in advertising and branding, a shift towards a greater use of emotional branding can be observed. In this context music, especially sogos and jingles, are one of the main elements, which seem to allow organizations to reinforce the transmitted brand image towards the consumers. However, so far no guidelines have been developed, which musical components should be included in the jingle to transmit certain emotions and brand images. The following study examines the fit between 11 brand jingles and the corresponding television commercials and analyses how well the jingles represent the actual and targeted brand image. With the help of a quantitative online survey with 170 participants it could be shown that jingles are indeed powerful tools to transmit certain emotions and the connected brand images. Furthermore, several guidelines for the creation of jingles could be developed in order to create and implement these short and catchy tunes as an extension of the visual advertisement

    Conversion of cellulose to activated carbons for high-performance supercapacitors

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    Biomass-derived activated carbons are promising materials that can be used in various applications. Current work investigates the possibilities of the cellulose-derived activated carbons in substituting the commercial alternatives for the supercapacitors’ electrodes with high efficiency, stable performance and relatively low cost. Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) followed by chemical activation with KOH is used to convert cellulose into highly porous activated carbons. The effect of HTC parameters on the material porosity development and electrochemical properties of the electrodes is evaluated with several variations of the residence time and the weight ratio between cellulose and water during the pretreatment. The analysis shows that intensification of the HTC process (longer residence time and higher water/cellulose ratio) results in increase of the surface area of both hydrochar samples and subsequent activated carbons: with the highest surface area for the sample produced after 2 h HTC treatment with water/cellulose ratio of 6/1 – 2,645 m2 g -1 . As for the electrochemical analysis, the highest values of the specific capacitance are found for the samples produced from 2 h HTC treatment: 110.3 F g -1 (water/cellulose ratio of 3/1) and 102.5 F g -1 (water/cellulose ratio of 6/1). Additionally, it is noted that electrodes produced from the samples treated during 4 h have higher impedance at low operation frequency. The present study proves the possibility to substitute commercial activated carbons with cellulose-derived materials, the porosity of which can be tuned accordingly already during the pretreatment step

    History of the Hall Thrusters Development in USSR

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    Abstract: As it is well known two types of the so-called "Hall Thrusters" had been developed in USSR, namely: the stationary plasma thrusters (SPT) and thrusters with anode layer (TAL). In the SPT and TAL the ions acceleration by an electric field within the gas were designed, created and tested. They were able to operate with gaseous propellants (Xe, Kr, Ar) within the discharge voltage range of (100-600) V and discharge powers (1-5) kW with thrust efficiency till 40% and specific impulses (1000-1800) s. Obtained performance level was estimated as prospective enough because it was higher than that one of the other EP types within the mentioned range of specific impulses. Therefore at level of the State Committee of Atomic Energy (SCAE) of USSR it was decided to realize the first SPT flight test and in 1972 SPT was successfully * Chief scientist, professor, department of the stationary plasma thrusters, [email protected]. † Chief designer on EP direction, Dr, EPS design development department. ‡ General designer of EDB "Fakel", Dr. § Head of EP laboratory, Dr

    Applicability of heat generation data in determining the degradation mechanisms of cylindrical li-ion batteries

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    The applicability of heat generation data obtained after cylindrical Li-ion cells discharging with a constant current was analyzed thoroughly to determine cell degradation mechanisms. Different commercial and noncommercial cylindrical Li-ion cells, wherein graphite was used for negative electrode creation, were considered in this study and the degradation mechanisms were analyzed during cycling and storage. The heat generation in the cylindrical cells was estimated using heat flux and temperature measurements of the cell surface. The results obtained using analysis of the heat generation data were compared with those obtained using differential voltage analysis. The use of the heat generation data was shown to improve the detection and separation of the degradation mechanisms in Li-ion batteries during cycling and storage. The differential curve, which is based on the heat generation data, was proposed to investigate the degradation mechanisms. Moreover, the effects of the C-rate current and temperature on the form of the proposed differential curve were evaluated

    Ellinaite, CaCr2O4, a New Natural Post-Spinel Oxide from Hatrurim Basin, Israel, and Juína Kimberlite Field, Brazil

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    Ellinaite, a natural analog of the post-spinel phase β-CaCr2O4, was discovered at the Hatrurim Basin, Hatrurim pyrometamorphic formation (the Mottled Zone), Israel, and in an inclusion within the super-deep diamond collected at the placer of the Sorriso River, Juína kimberlite field, Brazil. Ellinaite at the Hatrurim Basin is confined to a reduced rankinite-gehlenite paralava, where it occurs as subhedral grains up to 30μm in association with gehlenite, rankinite and pyrrhotite or forms the rims overgrowing zoned chromite-magnesiochromite. The empirical formula of the Hatrurim sample is (Ca0.960Fe0.0162+Na0.012Mg0.003)0.992(Cr1.731V0.1833+Ti0.0683+Al0.023Ti0.0034+)2.008O4. The mineral crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, space group Pnma, unit-cell parameters refined from X-ray single-crystal data: A 8.868(9), b 2.885(3), c 10.355(11)Å, V 264.9(5)Å3 and ZCombining double low line4. The crystal structure of ellinaite from the Hatrurim Basin has been solved and refined to R1Combining double low line0.0588 based on 388 independent observed reflections. Ellinaite in the Juína diamond occurs within the micron-sized polyphase inclusion in association with ferropericlase, magnesioferrite, orthorhombic MgCr2O4, unidentified iron carbide and graphite. Its empirical formula is Ca1.07(Cr1.71Fe0.063+V0.06Ti0.03Al0.03Mg0.02Mn0.02)ς1.93O4. The unit-cell parameters obtained from HRTEM data are as follows: Space group Pnma, a 9.017, b 2.874Å, c 10.170Å, V 263.55Å3, ZCombining double low line4. Ellinaite belongs to a group of natural tunnel-structured oxides of the general formula AB2O4, the so-called post-spinel minerals: Marokite CaMn2O4, xieite FeCr2O4, harmunite CaFe2O4, wernerkrauseite CaFe23+Mn4+O6, chenmingite FeCr2O4, maohokite MgFe2O4 and tschaunerite Fe(FeTi)O4. The mineral from both occurrences seems to be crystallized under highly reduced conditions at high temperatures (>1000°C), but under different pressure: Near-surface (Hatrurim Basin) and lower mantle (Juína diamond). © 2021 Victor V. Sharygin et al.Raman spectroscopy and EBSD investigations for the Hatrurim ellinaite were done on state assignment of IGM SB RAS (IX.125.2) and the Initiative Project of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation (grant agreement no. 02.A03.21.0006)). SEM and microprobe studies for the Hatrurim ellinaite were supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 17-17-01056p). Crystallographic studies of the Hatrurim ellinaite were provided by the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 18-17-00079)

    Клинические аспекты рака предстательной железы у больных с выявленными герминальными и соматическими мутациями в генах репарации ДНК путем гомологичной рекомбинации

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    Background. In clinical practice, there is a need to predict clinical behavior of prostate cancer with germinal and somatic mutations in DNA homologous recombination repair (HRR) genes due to an atypical response to standard treatment methods. Also, the expediency of testing the mutational status of HRR genes is dictated by the possibility of using the PARP-inhibition strategy in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). In addition to expanding the possibilities for targeted therapy the necessity to inform the relatives of mutation carriers is underestimated. It is also important to realize the fact of accumulation of somatic changes both in the primary tumor and in the metastatic lesion during tumor evolution and under treatment, which dictates the possibility of repeated biopsy with exhausted therapy possibilities.Aim. Evaluation of prostate cancer clinical behavior features and response to drug therapy depending on the identified mutations in the HRR genes.Materials and methods. The study was performed at the Clinical Oncological Dispensary No. 1 (Krasnodar). Clinical and morphological data of 27 patients with prostate cancer and identified germinal and somatic mutations in HRR genes (BRCA1, BRCA2, ATM, BARD, BRIP1, CDK12, CHEK1, CHEK2, PALB2, RAD51B, RAD51C, RAD54L, FANCL) were retrospectively analyzed. Statistical analysis was performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics v.22 statistical package.Results and conclusion. The median age of patients was 61 years. The most frequent were mutations in the BRCA2 (37 %), CHEK2 (18.5 %), ATM (14.8 %) genes. More than half of the patients (69 %) had primary metastatic disease. The differentiation grade of G2 and G3 according to the classification of the International Society of Urological Pathologists (ISUP) with Gleason score of 7 (3 + 4) and 7 (4 + 3) were both detected in 27 % of cases. The type of mutation did not affect the time of castration resistance development (p = 0.216). The time to castration resistance increased close to statistical significance in the case of primary stage of T3–4N0M0 compared to other stages (log-rank p = 0.092). Progression-free survival (PFS) with docetaxel monochemotherapy was significantly longer when prescribed for metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer with mutations in HRR genes compared to mCRPC (p = 0.061) and to primary metastatic disease (p = 0.04). At the same time, the risk of progression during therapy was higher for presence of regional lymph node metastases with primary advancement (p = 0.005; hazard ratio 1.167; 95 % confidence interval 2.765–267). There was also an advantage in PFS when prescribing docetaxel for BRCA1/2 and ATM mutations in comparison with other mutations (p = 0.038). When prescribing therapy with 2nd generation antiandrogens or abiraterone, progression-free survival is higher in the group of patients with prostate cancer with Gleason score of 7 (4 + 3) compared to cohort with other morphological types, and this difference is almost statistically significant (log-rank p = 0.091, Breslow p = 0.076, Taron-Ware p = 0.074). Targeted therapy with the PARP inhibitor Olaparib in the performed trial was received by 10 patients with HRR mutations. At the same time, according to the data of the PROfound trial, the advantage of Olaparib in radiological PFS was shown in germinal and somatic mutations in group A (BRCA1, BRCA2, ATM) and in the general group (A and B – other HRR mutations).Введение. В клинической практике наблюдается необходимость прогнозирования клинического течения рака предстательной железы (РПЖ) при наличии герминальных и соматических мутаций в генах репарации ДНК путем гомологичной рекомбинации (HRR) ввиду нетипичного ответа на стандартные методы лечения. Также целесообразность тестирования мутационного статуса генов HRR обусловлена возможностью применения стратегии PARP-ингибирования Олапарибом при метастатическом кастрационно-резистентном РПЖ (мКРРПЖ). Помимо расширения возможностей таргетной терапии недооценена необходимость информирования родственников о вероятности носительства герминальных мутаций. Также важно осознание факта накопления соматических изменений как в первичной опухоли, так и в метастатическом очаге в процессе эволюции опухоли и под влиянием лекарственного лечения, что диктует возможность повторной биопсии при исчерпанных вариантах терапии.Цель исследования – изучение особенностей клинического течения и ответа на лекарственную терапию РПЖ в зависимости от выявленных мутаций в генах HRR.Материалы и методы. Исследование выполнено на базе Клинического онкологического диспансера № 1 (Краснодар). Ретроспективно проанализированы клинико-морфологические данные 27 больных РПЖ с выявленными герминальными и соматическими мутациями в генах HRR (BRCA1, BRCA2, ATM, BARD, BRIP1, CDK12, CHEK1, CHEK2, PALB2, RAD51B, RAD51C, RAD54L, FANCL). Статистический анализ выполнен с использованием статистического пакета IBM SPSS Statistics v.22.Результаты и заключение. Медиана возраста пациентов составила 61 год. Чаще выявлялись мутации в генах BRCA2 (37 %), CHEK2 (18,5 %), ATM (14,8 %). Более половины пациентов (69 %) имели первично-метастатическое заболевание. Чаще выявлены опухоли с суммой баллов по шкале Глисона 7 (3 + 4), прогностическая группа 2 (G2) и 7 (4 + 3), прогностическая группа 3 (G3) по классификации Международного общества урологических патологов (ISUP) – по 27 % соответственно. На время до развития мКРРПЖ не влиял тип мутации (р = 0,216). Время до развития кастрационной резистентности близко к статистической значимости увеличивается в случае первичной распространенности T3–4N0M0 по сравнению с другой распространенностью (log-rank р = 0,092). Выживаемость без прогрессирования (ВБП) при монохимиотерапии доцетакселом значимо дольше при назначении по поводу метастатического гормоночувствительного РПЖ с мутациями в генах HRR по сравнению с назначением препарата при мКРРПЖ (р = 0,061) и первично метастатическом заболевании (р = 0,04). При этом риск прогрессирования на фоне терапии выше при наличии поражения регионарных лимфатических узлов при первичной распространенности (р = 0,005; отношение рисков 1,167; 95 % доверительный интервал 2,765–267). Также выявлено преимущество в ВБП при назначении доцетаксела при мутациях в генах BRCA1/2 и ATM по сравнению с другими мутациями (р = 0,038). При назначении терапии антиандрогенами 2-го поколения или абиратерона время без прогрессирования близко к статистической значимости выше в группе пациентов с РПЖ с мутациями в генах HRR прогностической группы G3 (ISUP) по сравнению с другими прогностическими группами (log-rank р = 0,091, Breslow p = 0,076, Taron-Ware p = 0,074). Таргетную терапию PARP-ингибитором Олапарибом в представленном исследовании получили 10 пациентов с мутациями HRR. При этом по данным регистрационного исследования III фазы PROfound показано преимущество Олапариба при мКРРПЖ в выживаемости без рентгенологического прогрессирования как при герминальных, так и при соматических мутациях в группе А (BRCA1, BRCA2, ATM) и в общей группе (А и В – других мутаций HRR)

    Determination of li-ion battery degradation mechanisms at high c-rate charging

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    © 2019 IEEE. A modification of the differential voltage analysis method is developed. It allows determination of the degradation mechanisms during charging of Li-ion batteries. A constant current (CC) with relatively high C-rate can be used in the analysis method. The modification of the differential voltage analysis method is based on measuring the heat generated during CC charging of Li-ion batteries. The advantages and the applicability of the presented modified differential voltage analysis (MDVA) method are verified by a comparison with currently existing and proven methods used in determining the Li-ion battery degradation mechanisms