Ellinaite, CaCr2O4, a New Natural Post-Spinel Oxide from Hatrurim Basin, Israel, and Juína Kimberlite Field, Brazil


Ellinaite, a natural analog of the post-spinel phase β-CaCr2O4, was discovered at the Hatrurim Basin, Hatrurim pyrometamorphic formation (the Mottled Zone), Israel, and in an inclusion within the super-deep diamond collected at the placer of the Sorriso River, Juína kimberlite field, Brazil. Ellinaite at the Hatrurim Basin is confined to a reduced rankinite-gehlenite paralava, where it occurs as subhedral grains up to 30μm in association with gehlenite, rankinite and pyrrhotite or forms the rims overgrowing zoned chromite-magnesiochromite. The empirical formula of the Hatrurim sample is (Ca0.960Fe0.0162+Na0.012Mg0.003)0.992(Cr1.731V0.1833+Ti0.0683+Al0.023Ti0.0034+)2.008O4. The mineral crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, space group Pnma, unit-cell parameters refined from X-ray single-crystal data: A 8.868(9), b 2.885(3), c 10.355(11)Å, V 264.9(5)Å3 and ZCombining double low line4. The crystal structure of ellinaite from the Hatrurim Basin has been solved and refined to R1Combining double low line0.0588 based on 388 independent observed reflections. Ellinaite in the Juína diamond occurs within the micron-sized polyphase inclusion in association with ferropericlase, magnesioferrite, orthorhombic MgCr2O4, unidentified iron carbide and graphite. Its empirical formula is Ca1.07(Cr1.71Fe0.063+V0.06Ti0.03Al0.03Mg0.02Mn0.02)ς1.93O4. The unit-cell parameters obtained from HRTEM data are as follows: Space group Pnma, a 9.017, b 2.874Å, c 10.170Å, V 263.55Å3, ZCombining double low line4. Ellinaite belongs to a group of natural tunnel-structured oxides of the general formula AB2O4, the so-called post-spinel minerals: Marokite CaMn2O4, xieite FeCr2O4, harmunite CaFe2O4, wernerkrauseite CaFe23+Mn4+O6, chenmingite FeCr2O4, maohokite MgFe2O4 and tschaunerite Fe(FeTi)O4. The mineral from both occurrences seems to be crystallized under highly reduced conditions at high temperatures (>1000°C), but under different pressure: Near-surface (Hatrurim Basin) and lower mantle (Juína diamond). © 2021 Victor V. Sharygin et al.Raman spectroscopy and EBSD investigations for the Hatrurim ellinaite were done on state assignment of IGM SB RAS (IX.125.2) and the Initiative Project of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation (grant agreement no. 02.A03.21.0006)). SEM and microprobe studies for the Hatrurim ellinaite were supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 17-17-01056p). Crystallographic studies of the Hatrurim ellinaite were provided by the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 18-17-00079)

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