19 research outputs found

    Brain Distribution of 10 cart Transcripts and Their Response to 4 Days of Fasting in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.)

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    Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) has been known to be involved in feeding and energy balance in mammals, acting as an anorexigenic neuropeptide in hypothalamus. In Atlantic salmon, little is known about Cart brain localization and its function. In this study, in silico analysis revealed the existence of 10 cart paralogs, here named cart1a, 1b1, 1b2, 2a, 2b1, 2b2, 3a1, 3a2, 3b, and 4. The Atlantic salmon Cart sequences shared from 19 to 50% of identity with the human homolog and between 25 and 90% of sequence identity among paralogs, except for Cart4 which only shared 18–23% of identity. We further explored cart mRNA expressions in 8 brain regions (Olfactory Bulb-OB, Telencephalon-TEL, Midbrain-MB, Cerebellum-CE, Hypothalamus-HYP, Saccus vasculosus-SV, Pituitary-PT, and Brain Stem-BS) of Atlantic salmon smolt under 4 days of fasting and continuous fed conditions. The cart paralogs analyzed were widely distributed among the brain regions and OB, TEL, HYP, MB, and BS seemed to be the major sites of expression. The expression of cart1a and 1b showed quite similar pattern in MB, HYP, and BS. The expression of cart2a had the highest in MB followed by HYP and TEL. The cart3a transcript was widely distributed in rostrocaudal regions of brain except in OB and SV whereas cart3b was predominantly expressed in BS followed by MB. Expression of cart4 was high in HYP followed by TEL. With regards to effect of feeding status the Atlantic salmon cart2b, which is the most abundant among the paralogs, was upregulated after 4 days of fasting in OB, MB, and HYP compared to fed group. This may suggest an unexpected, but possible orexigenic role of cart2b in Atlantic salmon or a fasting induced stress effect. No other significant effect was observed. Collectively, the differential expressions of the cart paralogs in different brain regions suggest that they may have roles in regional integration of appetite signals and are possibly involved in regulating other brain functions in Atlantic salmon. The fact that salmon has 10 cart paralogs, while mammalians only one, opens interesting perspectives for comparative research on evolutionary adaptations of gene function in the control of appetite and energy homeostasis.publishedVersio

    Leptin receptor-deficient (knockout) zebrafish: Effects on nutrient acquisition

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    In mammals, knockout of LEPR results in a hyperphagic, morbid obese, and diabetic phenotype, which supports that leptin plays an important role in the control of appetite and energy metabolism, and that its receptor, LEPR, mediates these effects. To date, little is known about the role(s) of lepr in teleost physiology. We investigated a zebrafish (Danio rerio) homozygous lepr knockout (lepr−/−) line generated by CRISPR/Cas9 in comparison to its wt counterpart with respect to nutrient acquisition, energy allocation, and metabolism. The metabolic characterization included oxygen consumption rate and morphometric parameters (yolk sac area, standard length, wet weight, and condition factor) as proxies for use and allocation of energy in developing (embryos, larvae, and juveniles) zebrafish and showed no particular differences between the two lines, in agreement with previous studies. One exception was found in oxygen consumption at 72 hpf, when zebrafish switch from embryonic to early larval stages and food-seeking behavior could be observed. In this case, the metabolic rate was significantly lower in lepr−/− than in wt. Both phenotypes showed similar responses, with respect to metabolic rate, to acute alterations (22 and 34 °C) in water temperature (measured in terms of Q10 and activation energy) compared to the standard (28 °C) rearing conditions. To assess lepr involvement in signaling the processing and handling of incoming nutrients when an exogenous meal is digested and absorbed, we conducted an in vivo analysis in lepr−/− and wt early (8 days post-fertilization) zebrafish larvae. The larvae were administered a bolus of protein hydrolysate (0%, 1%, 5%, and 15% lactalbumin) directly into the digestive tract lumen, and changes in the mRNA expression profile before and after (1 and 3 h) administration were quantified. The analysis showed transcriptional differences in the expressions of genes involved in the control of appetite and energy metabolism (cart, npy, agrp, and mc4r), sensing (casr, t1r1, t1r3, t1r2-1, t1r2-2, pept1a, and pept1b), and digestion (cck, pyy, try, ct, and amy), with more pronounced effects observed in the orexigenic than in the anorexigenic pathways, suggesting a role of lepr in their regulations. Differences in the mRNA levels of these genes in lepr−/− vs. wt larvae were also observed. Altogether, our analyses suggest an influence of lepr on physiological processes involved in nutrient acquisition, mainly control of food intake and digestion, during early development, whereas metabolism, energy allocation, and growth seem to be only slightly influenced.publishedVersio

    Identification and characterization of the Atlantic salmon peptide transporter 1a

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    Peptide transporter 1 (PepT1) mediates the uptake of dietary di-/tripeptides in vertebrates. However, in teleost fish gut, more than one PepT1-type transporter might operate, because of teleost-specific whole gen(om)e duplication event(s) that occurred during evolution. Here, we describe a novel teleost di-/tripeptide transporter, i.e., the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) peptide transporter 1a [PepT1a; or solute carrier family 15 member 1a (Slc15a1a)], which is a paralog (77% similarity and 64% identity at the amino acid level) of the well-described Atlantic salmon peptide transporter 1b [PepT1b, alias PepT1; or solute carrier family 15 member 1b (Slc15a1b)]. Comparative analysis and evolutionary relationships of gene/protein sequences were conducted after ad hoc database mining. Tissue mRNA expression analysis was performed by quantitative real-time PCR, whereas transport function analysis was accomplished by heterologous expression in Xenopus laevis oocytes and two-electrode voltage-clamp measurements. Atlantic salmon pept1a is highly expressed in the proximal intestine (pyloric ceca ≈ anterior midgut > midgut >> posterior midgut), in the same gut regions as pept1b but notably ~5-fold less abundant. Like PepT1b, Atlantic salmon PepT1a is a low‐affinity/high‐capacity system. Functional analysis showed electrogenic, Na+-independent/pH-dependent transport and apparent substrate affinity (K0.5) values for Gly-Gln of 1.593 mmol/L at pH 7.6 and 0.076 mmol/L at pH 6.5. In summary, we show that a piscine PepT1a-type transporter is functional. Defining the role of Atlantic salmon PepT1a in the gut will help to understand the evolutionary and functional relationships among peptide transporters. Its functional characterization will contribute to elucidate the relevance of peptide transporters in Atlantic salmon nutritional physiology.acceptedVersio

    Leptin receptor-deficient (knockout) zebrafish: Effects on nutrient acquisition

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    In mammals, knockout of LEPR results in a hyperphagic, morbid obese, and diabetic phenotype, which supports that leptin plays an important role in the control of appetite and energy metabolism, and that its receptor, LEPR, mediates these effects. To date, little is known about the role(s) of lepr in teleost physiology. We investigated a zebrafish (Danio rerio) homozygous lepr knockout (lepr−/−) line generated by CRISPR/Cas9 in comparison to its wt counterpart with respect to nutrient acquisition, energy allocation, and metabolism. The metabolic characterization included oxygen consumption rate and morphometric parameters (yolk sac area, standard length, wet weight, and condition factor) as proxies for use and allocation of energy in developing (embryos, larvae, and juveniles) zebrafish and showed no particular differences between the two lines, in agreement with previous studies. One exception was found in oxygen consumption at 72 hpf, when zebrafish switch from embryonic to early larval stages and food-seeking behavior could be observed. In this case, the metabolic rate was significantly lower in lepr−/− than in wt. Both phenotypes showed similar responses, with respect to metabolic rate, to acute alterations (22 and 34 °C) in water temperature (measured in terms of Q10 and activation energy) compared to the standard (28 °C) rearing conditions. To assess lepr involvement in signaling the processing and handling of incoming nutrients when an exogenous meal is digested and absorbed, we conducted an in vivo analysis in lepr−/− and wt early (8 days post-fertilization) zebrafish larvae. The larvae were administered a bolus of protein hydrolysate (0%, 1%, 5%, and 15% lactalbumin) directly into the digestive tract lumen, and changes in the mRNA expression profile before and after (1 and 3 h) administration were quantified. The analysis showed transcriptional differences in the expressions of genes involved in the control of appetite and energy metabolism (cart, npy, agrp, and mc4r), sensing (casr, t1r1, t1r3, t1r2-1, t1r2-2, pept1a, and pept1b), and digestion (cck, pyy, try, ct, and amy), with more pronounced effects observed in the orexigenic than in the anorexigenic pathways, suggesting a role of lepr in their regulations. Differences in the mRNA levels of these genes in lepr−/− vs. wt larvae were also observed. Altogether, our analyses suggest an influence of lepr on physiological processes involved in nutrient acquisition, mainly control of food intake and digestion, during early development, whereas metabolism, energy allocation, and growth seem to be only slightly influenced

    The Melanocortin System in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) and Its Role in Appetite Control

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    The melanocortin system is a key neuroendocrine network involved in the control of food intake and energy homeostasis in vertebrates. Within the hypothalamus, the system comprises two main distinct neuronal cell populations that express the neuropeptides proopiomelanocortin (POMC; anorexigenic) or agouti-related protein (AGRP; orexigenic). Both bind to the melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) in higher order neurons that control both food intake and energy expenditure. This system is relatively well-conserved among vertebrates. However, in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), the salmonid-specific fourth round whole-genome duplication led to the presence of several paralog genes which might result in divergent functions of the duplicated genes. In the current study, we report the first comprehensive comparative identification and characterization of Mc4r and extend the knowledge of Pomc and Agrp in appetite control in Atlantic salmon. In silico analysis revealed multiple paralogs for mc4r (a1, a2, b1, and b2) in the Atlantic salmon genome and confirmed the paralogs previously described for pomc (a1, a2, and b) and agrp (1 and 2). All Mc4r paralogs are relatively well-conserved with the human homolog, sharing at least 63% amino acid sequence identity. We analyzed the mRNA expression of mc4r, pomc, and agrp genes in eight brain regions of Atlantic salmon post-smolt under two feeding states: normally fed and fasted for 4 days. The mc4ra2 and b1 mRNAs were predominantly and equally abundant in the hypothalamus and telencephalon, the mc4rb2 in the hypothalamus, and a1 in the telencephalon. All pomc genes were highly expressed in the pituitary, followed by the hypothalamus and saccus vasculosus. The agrp genes showed a completely different expression pattern from each other, with prevalent expression of the agrp1 in the hypothalamus and agrp2 in the telencephalon. Fasting did not induce any significant changes in the mRNA level of mc4r, agrp, or pomc paralogs in the hypothalamus or in other highly expressed regions between fed and fasted states. The identification and wide distribution of multiple paralogs of mc4r, pomc, and agrp in Atlantic salmon brain provide new insights and give rise to new questions of the melanocortin system in the appetite regulation in Atlantic salmon

    Regional Expression of npy mRNA Paralogs in the Brain of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar, L.) and Response to Fasting

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    Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is known as a potent orexigenic signal in vertebrates, but its role in Atlantic salmon has not yet been fully established. In this study, we identified three npy paralogs, named npya1, npya2, and npyb, in the Atlantic salmon genome. In silico analysis revealed that these genes are well conserved across the vertebrate’s lineage and the mature peptide sequences shared at least 77% of identity with the human homolog. We analyzed mRNA expression of npy paralogs in eight brain regions of Atlantic salmon post-smolt, and the effect of 4 days of fasting on the npy expression level. Results show that npya1 was the most abundant paralog, and was predominantly expressed in the telencephalon, followed by the midbrain and olfactory bulb. npya2 mRNA was highly abundant in hypothalamus and midbrain, while npyb was found to be highest expressed in the telencephalon, with low mRNA expression levels detected in all the other brain regions. 4 days of fasting resulted in a significant (p < 0.05) decrease of npya1 mRNA expression in the olfactory bulb, increased npya2 mRNA expression in the midbrain and decreased npyb mRNA expression in the pituitary. In the hypothalamus, the vertebrate appetite center, expression of the npy paralogs was not significantly affected by feeding status. However, we observed a trend of increased npya2 mRNA expression (p = 0.099) following 4 days of fasting. Altogether, our findings provide a solid basis for further research on appetite and energy metabolism in Atlantic salmon

    Hypothalamic agrp and pomc mRNA Responses to Gastrointestinal Fullness and Fasting in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar, L.)

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    The orexigenic agouti-related protein (AgRP) and the anorexigenic pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) are crucial players in the control of feed intake in vertebrates, yet their role in teleosts has not been fully established. Triplicate groups of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) post smolts were subjected to (1) fasting for 3 days (fast) and (2) normal feeding (fed), resulting in a significant (p < 0.05) upregulation of hypothalamic agrp1 transcripts levels in the fast group. Moreover, the mRNA abundance of agrp1 was significantly (p < 0.05) correlated with the stomach dry weight content. Corresponding inverse patterns were observed for pomca2, albeit not statistically significant. No significant differences were found for the other paralogues, agrp2 and pomca1 and b, between fed and fast groups. The significant correlation between stomach fullness and agrp1 mRNA expression suggests a possible link between the stomach filling/distension and satiety signals. Our study indicates that hypothalamic agrp1 acts as an orexigenic signal in Atlantic salmon.publishedVersio

    Effect of a plant-based low-fishmeal diet on digestive physiology in yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata

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    To characterize the effects of a plant-based low-fishmeal (LFM) diet on the digestive physiology of yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata, we prepared two isonitrogenous and isolipidic diets; an FM-based diet (diet Control, FM 50%) and a plant protein (soybean meal and corn gluten meal)-based low fishmeal diet (diet LFM, FM 15%), and examined the acute and chronic effects of the diets on the digestive physiology of the fish were examined. In the acute effect trial (fed only a single meal), the fish fed the LFM diet displayed faster gastric emptying, lower pH of the gastrointestinal content and suppressed pancreatic digestive enzymes (trypsin, chymotrypsin and amylase) secretions. In the chronic effect trial (feeding for six weeks), in addition to the effects observed in the acute trial, the fish fed the LFM diet also displayed suppressed stomach pepsin secretion and pancreatic digestive enzymes production (gene expression). Furthermore, gene expression levels of digestion-regulating hormones, gastrin, cholecystokinin and peptide yy were also disrupted by the long-term administration of the LFM diet. Taken together, these results indicate that a plant protein-based low fish meal diet appears to not fully activate or stimulate the digestive system of yellowtail in either the short or long term and that its inhibitory/disruptive effects become more pronounced on a long-term basis. The effects we have identified on yellowtail digestive physiology could serve as important indicators to improve the plant-based low-fishmeal diets

    Effect of a plant-based low-fishmeal diet on digestive physiology in yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata

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    To characterize the effects of a plant-based low-fishmeal (LFM) diet on the digestive physiology of yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata, we prepared two isonitrogenous and isolipidic diets; an FM-based diet (diet Control, FM 50%) and a plant protein (soybean meal and corn gluten meal)-based low fishmeal diet (diet LFM, FM 15%), and examined the acute and chronic effects of the diets on the digestive physiology of the fish were examined. In the acute effect trial (fed only a single meal), the fish fed the LFM diet displayed faster gastric emptying, lower pH of the gastrointestinal content and suppressed pancreatic digestive enzymes (trypsin, chymotrypsin and amylase) secretions. In the chronic effect trial (feeding for six weeks), in addition to the effects observed in the acute trial, the fish fed the LFM diet also displayed suppressed stomach pepsin secretion and pancreatic digestive enzymes production (gene expression). Furthermore, gene expression levels of digestion-regulating hormones, gastrin, cholecystokinin and peptide yy were also disrupted by the long-term administration of the LFM diet. Taken together, these results indicate that a plant protein-based low fish meal diet appears to not fully activate or stimulate the digestive system of yellowtail in either the short or long term and that its inhibitory/disruptive effects become more pronounced on a long-term basis. The effects we have identified on yellowtail digestive physiology could serve as important indicators to improve the plant-based low-fishmeal diets