18 research outputs found

    Fatty Acids Composition of Blood Cell Membranes and Peripheral Inflammation in the PREDIMED Study: A Cross-Sectional Analysis

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    There is limited evidence from epidemiological studies for the inflammatory or anti-inflammatory properties of fatty acids in blood cell membranes. Therefore, this study examined associations between baseline (n = 282) and 1-year (n = 143) changes in the levels of fatty acids in blood cell membranes with circulating inflammatory markers in older adults at high cardiovascular risk. The data for this cross-sectional analysis was obtained from a case-control study within the PREDIMED study. Linear regression with elastic net penalty was applied to test associations between measured fatty acids and inflammatory markers. Several fatty acids were associated with interferon-γ (IFNγ) and interleukins (ILs) IL-6, IL-8, and IL-10 at baseline and additionally also with IL-1b at 1 year. Omega-6 fatty acids were consistently positively associated with pro-inflammatory IL-6 and IL-8 at baseline. Omega-3 fatty acids including C20:5n3 and C18:3n3 were negatively associated with IFN-γ at 1 year. It is interesting to note that the cis and trans forms of C16:1n7 at 1 year were oppositely associated with the inflammatory markers. C16:1n7trans was negatively associated with IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and IL-1b, whereas C16:1n7cis was positively associated with IL-1b. This study adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting potential differences in inflammatory or anti-inflammatory properties of fatty acids in blood cell membranes

    Mediterranean lifestyle, gut microbiota, and cardiovascular risk: Match made in heaven

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    L'obesitat i la síndrome metabòlica són problemes importants de salut pública que estan en augment a tot el món. S'ha establert que la microbiota intestinal juga un paper important en l'obesitat, el metabolisme energètic de l'hoste i és essencial comprendre el seu paper en el context de la salut. Com a objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi, avaluem l'efecte que va tenir 1 any d'intervenció intensiva de pèrdua de pes, en el context de l'estudi PREDIMED-Plus, en la composició de la microbiota intestinal. Vàrem observar que la pèrdua de pes mediada per la intervenció indueix canvis en la microbiota intestinal i alguns d’aquests gèneres microbians es van associar amb canvis en els paràmetres d'adipositat. En segon lloc, vàrem explorar les diferències en la composició microbiana pel que fa a diverses fonts d'ingesta de proteïnes, i vàrem observar que el consum de proteïnes d'origen animal pot tenir una influència superior a la de les proteïnes d'origen vegetal. Finalment, a partir de la revisió narrativa realitzada sobre els greixos d'origen vegetal i la microbiota intestinal, es conclou que el reemplaçament de greixos saturats per fonts vegetals de greixos insaturats podria ajudar en la modulació positiva de la microbiota intestinal. Remarquem que es necessiten més estudis en humans per comprendre els efectes de diferents fonts de greixos i proteïnes sobre la microbiota intestinal i, en conseqüència, sobre la salut. En conclusió, la dieta mediterrània hipocalòrica, juntament amb l'activitat física i canvis de comportament, poden tenir efectes beneficiosos en l'hoste, potencialment modulats a través de la microbiota intestinal. Les fonts de proteïnes o greixos vegetals poden tenir efectes positius sobre la composició i funcionalitat microbiana intestinal. Ens esperen en el futur una gran quantitat de desafiaments i oportunitats per a comprendre millor les interaccions dieta-hoste-microbioma.La obesidad y el síndrome metabólico son importantes problemas de salud pública que están en aumento en todo el mundo. Se ha establecido que la microbiota intestinal juega un papel importante en la obesidad, el metabolismo energético del huésped y es esencial comprender su papel en el contexto de la salud. Como objetivo principal de esta tesis, evaluamos el efecto que tuvo 1 año de intervención intensiva de pérdida de peso, en el contexto del estudio PREDIMED-Plus, en la composición de la microbiota intestinal. Observamos que la pérdida de peso mediada por la intervención induce cambios en la microbiota intestinal y que estos géneros microbianos se asociaron con cambios en los parámetros de adiposidad. En segundo lugar, exploramos las diferencias en la composición microbiana con respecto a varias fuentes de ingesta de proteínas y observamos que el consumo de proteínas de origen animal puede tener una influencia superior que la de las proteínas de origen vegetal. Por último, a partir de la revisión descriptiva realizada sobre las grasas de origen vegetal y la microbiota intestinal, se concluye que el reemplazo de grasas saturadas por fuentes vegetales de grasas insaturadas podría ayudar en la modulación positiva de la microbiota intestinal. Remarcamos que existe una gran necesidad de estudios en humanos para comprender los efectos de diferentes fuentes de grasa y proteínas sobre la microbiota intestinal y, en consecuencia, sobre la salud. En conclusión, una dieta mediterránea hipocalórica, junto con la actividad física y cambios comportamentales, puede tener efectos beneficiosos en el huésped, potencialmente modulados a través del microbiota intestinal. Las fuentes de proteínas o grasas vegetales pueden tener efectos positivos sobre la composición y funcionalidad microbiana intestinal. Nos esperan en el futuro una gran cantidad de desafíos y oportunidades para comprender mejor las interacciones dieta-huésped-microbioma.Obesity and metabolic syndrome are major public health issues increasing worldwide. Gut microbiota has established to play an important role in obesity, host energy metabolism and understanding its role in the context of health is essential. As the primary objective of this thesis, we evaluated the effect of 1-year intensive weight-loss intervention in the context of PREDIMED-Plus study on gut microbiota composition. We observed that weight loss mediated by the intervention induces changes in gut microbiota and some of these microbial genera were associated with changes in adiposity parameters. Secondly, we explored the differences in microbial composition with respect to various sources of protein intake, we observed that consuming animal-based proteins may have a stronger influence than plant-based proteins on gut microbiota. Finally, from the narrative review conducted on plant-based fats and gut microbiota, it can be concluded that replacement of saturated fats with plant sources of unsaturated fats could help in positive modulation of gut microbiota. We remark that there is a great need for human studies in the context of understanding the effects of different fat and protein sources on gut microbiota and consequently on health. Overall, we conclude from this Doctoral thesis that hypocaloric Mediterranean diet, along with physical activity and behavioral changes can have beneficial effects on the host, potentially modulated via gut microbiota. Plant based protein or fat sources may have positive effects on gut microbial composition and functionality. Huge amount of challenges and opportunities awaits in front of us to better understand diet-host-microbiome interactions

    Postpartum psychosis as a presentation of panhypopituitarism

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    We describe a young patient diagnosed with postpartum psychosis, and managed with antipsychotics. She presented with hyponatremia after an episode of gastroenteritis. Further probing revealed a history of amenorrhea after the delivery. Workup showed panhypopituitarism. This treatable cause can mimic postpartum psychosis

    Effect of Nut Consumption on Erectile and Sexual Function in Healthy Males: A Secondary Outcome Analysis of the FERTINUTS Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Lifestyle risk factors for erectile and sexual function include smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, lack of physical activity, psychological stress, and adherence to unhealthy diets. In the present study, we evaluated the effects of mixed nuts supplementation on erectile and sexual function. Eighty-three healthy male aged 18–35 with erectile function assessment were included in this FERTINUTS study sub-analysis; a 14-week randomized, controlled, parallel feeding trial. Participants were allocated to (1) the usual Western-style diet enriched with 60 g/day of a mixture of nuts (nut group; n = 43), or (2) the usual Western-style diet avoiding nuts (control group; n = 40). At baseline and the end of the intervention, participants answered 15 questions contained in the validated International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF), and peripheral levels of nitric oxide (NO) and E-selectin were measured, as surrogated markers of erectile endothelial function. Anthropometrical characteristics, and seminogram and blood biochemical parameters did not differ between intervention groups at baseline. Compared to the control group, a significant increase in the orgasmic function (p-value = 0.037) and sexual desire (p-value = 0.040) was observed during the nut intervention. No significant differences in changes between groups were shown in peripheral concentrations of NO and E-selectin. Including nuts in a regular diet significantly improved auto-reported orgasmic function and sexual desire

    Exposure to (Poly)phenol Metabolites after a Fruit and Vegetable Supplement Intake: A Double-Blind, Cross-Over, Randomized Trial

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    Dietary (poly)phenol intake derived from the daily consumption of five portions of fruits and vegetables could protect against the development of non-communicable diseases. However, the general population does not meet the recommended intake. Supplementation with (poly)phenol-rich ingredients, within a varied and balanced diet, could help in filling this nutritional gap. This study aimed to validate the proof-of-concept of a (poly)phenolic supplementation developed to enhance the daily consumption of potentially bioactive compounds. Oxxynea® is a (poly)phenol-rich ingredient developed to provide the quantity and the variety corresponding to five-a-day fruit and vegetable consumption. In this double-blind, randomized cross-over study, 10 participants were supplemented with 450 mg of a (poly)phenol-based supplement or a placebo. Pharmacokinetics and urinary excretion profiles were measured for 24 and 48 h, respectively, using UPHLC-MS/MS analysis. The pharmacokinetic profile displayed a triphasic absorption, indicating peaks of circulating metabolites at 1.75 ± 0.25 h, 4.50 ± 0.34 h, 9.50 ± 0.33 h and an average Tmax (time of maximal plasma concentration) of 6.90 ± 0.96 h. Similarly, the urinary profile showed maximum metabolite excretion at 3–6 h, 6–10 h and 14–24 h after supplement consumption. Compared to individual metabolites belonging to different (poly)phenolic subfamilies, the total circulating and excreted metabolites showed a reduced coefficient of variation (CV 38%). The overall bioavailability estimated was 27.4 ± 3.4%. Oxxynea® supplementation may provide a sustained exposure to several (poly)phenolic metabolites and catabolites and reduces the inter-individual variation that could arise from supplementing only one class of (poly)phenol

    Nutrikinetics and urinary excretion of phenolic compounds after a 16-week supplementation with a flavanone-rich ingredient

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    : Background: Polyphenols are a broad group of compounds with a complex metabolic fate. Flavanones and their metabolites provide cardiovascular protection and assistance in long-term body composition management. Objective: This study evaluates the nutrikinetics and the bioavailability of phenolic compounds after both acute and chronic supplementation with a flavanone-rich product, namely Sinetrol® Xpur, in healthy overweight and obese volunteers. Design: An open-label study including 20 volunteers was conducted for 16 weeks. Participants received Sinetrol® Xpur, either a low dose (900 mg per day) or a high dose (1800 mg per day), in capsules during breakfast and lunch. They were advised to follow an individualized isocaloric diet and avoid a list of polyphenol-rich foods 48 hours before and during the pharmacokinetic measurements. Results: Over 20 phase II and colonic metabolites were measured in the plasma. Two peaks were observed at 1 h and 7h-10 h after the first capsule ingestion. No significant differences in the AUC were observed in circulating metabolites between both doses. In urine excretion, 53 metabolites were monitored, including human phase II and colonic metabolites, at weeks 1 and 16. Cumulative urine excretion was higher after the high dose than after the low dose in both acute and chronic studies. Total urinary metabolites were significantly lower in week 16 compared to week 1. Conclusion: Although the urinary excreted metabolites reduced significantly over 16 weeks, the circulating metabolites did not decrease significantly. This study suggests that chronic intake might not offer the same bioavailability as in the acute study, and this effect does not seem to be dose-dependent. The clinical trial registry number is NCT03823196

    Pistachio consumption modulates DNA oxidation and genes related to telomere maintenance: a crossover randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Telomere attrition may play an important role in the pathogenesis and severity of type 2 diabetes (T2D), increasing the probability of β cell senescence and leading to reduced cell mass and decreased insulin secretion. Nutrition and lifestyle are known factors modulating the aging process and insulin resistance/secretion, determining the risk of T2D. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of pistachio intake on telomere length and other cellular aging-related parameters of glucose and insulin metabolism. Methods: Forty-nine prediabetic subjects were included in a randomized crossover clinical trial. Subjects consumed a pistachio-supplemented diet (PD, 50 E% [energy percentage] carbohydrates and 33 E% fat, including 57 g pistachios/d) and an isocaloric control diet (CD, 55 E% carbohydrates and 30 E% fat) for 4 mo each, separated by a 2-wk washout period. DNA oxidation was evaluated by DNA damage (via 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine). Leucocyte telomere length and gene expression related to either oxidation, telomere maintenance or glucose, and insulin metabolism were analyzed by multiplexed quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction after the dietary intervention. Results: Compared with the CD, the PD reduced oxidative damage to DNA (mean: -3.5%; 95% CI: -8.07%, 1.05%; P = 0.009). Gene expression of 2 telomere-related genes (TERT and WRAP53) was significantly upregulated (164% and 53%) after the PD compared with the CD (P = 0.043 and P = 0.001, respectively). Interestingly, changes in TERT expression were negatively correlated to changes in fasting plasma glucose concentrations and in the homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance. Conclusions: Chronic pistachio consumption reduces oxidative damage to DNA and increases the gene expression of some telomere-associated genes. Lessening oxidative damage to DNA and telomerase expression through diet may represent an intriguing way to promote healthspan in humans, reversing certain deleterious metabolic consequences of prediabetes

    Fatty Acids Composition of Blood Cell Membranes and Peripheral Inflammation in the PREDIMED Study: A Cross-Sectional Analysis

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    There is limited evidence from epidemiological studies for the inflammatory or anti-inflammatory properties of fatty acids in blood cell membranes. Therefore, this study examined associations between baseline (n = 282) and 1-year (n = 143) changes in the levels of fatty acids in blood cell membranes with circulating inflammatory markers in older adults at high cardiovascular risk. The data for this cross-sectional analysis was obtained from a case-control study within the PREDIMED study. Linear regression with elastic net penalty was applied to test associations between measured fatty acids and inflammatory markers. Several fatty acids were associated with interferon-γ (IFNγ) and interleukins (ILs) IL-6, IL-8, and IL-10 at baseline and additionally also with IL-1b at 1 year. Omega-6 fatty acids were consistently positively associated with pro-inflammatory IL-6 and IL-8 at baseline. Omega-3 fatty acids including C20:5n3 and C18:3n3 were negatively associated with IFN-γ at 1 year. It is interesting to note that the cis and trans forms of C16:1n7 at 1 year were oppositely associated with the inflammatory markers. C16:1n7trans was negatively associated with IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and IL-1b, whereas C16:1n7cis was positively associated with IL-1b. This study adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting potential differences in inflammatory or anti-inflammatory properties of fatty acids in blood cell membranes

    Fatty Acids Composition of Blood Cell Membranes and Peripheral Inflammation in the PREDIMED Study : A Cross-Sectional Analysis

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    There is limited evidence from epidemiological studies for the inflammatory or anti-inflammatory properties of fatty acids in blood cell membranes. Therefore, this study examined associations between baseline (n = 282) and 1-year (n = 143) changes in the levels of fatty acids in blood cell membranes with circulating inflammatory markers in older adults at high cardiovascular risk. The data for this cross-sectional analysis was obtained from a case-control study within the PREDIMED study. Linear regression with elastic net penalty was applied to test associations between measured fatty acids and inflammatory markers. Several fatty acids were associated with interferon-γ (IFNγ) and interleukins (ILs) IL-6, IL-8, and IL-10 at baseline and additionally also with IL-1b at 1 year. Omega-6 fatty acids were consistently positively associated with pro-inflammatory IL-6 and IL-8 at baseline. Omega-3 fatty acids including C20:5n3 and C18:3n3 were negatively associated with IFN-γ at 1 year. It is interesting to note that the cis and trans forms of C16:1n7 at 1 year were oppositely associated with the inflammatory markers. C16:1n7trans was negatively associated with IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and IL-1b, whereas C16:1n7cis was positively associated with IL-1b. This study adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting potential differences in inflammatory or anti-inflammatory properties of fatty acids in blood cell membranes