73 research outputs found

    The evolution of the OECD countries after the 2008 financial crisis : simultaneous data analysis of the “how’s life” datasets between 2009 and 2015

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    Internship Report presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceThe financial crisis of 2008 affected virtually every country in the World due to the connectivity of the global markets. Despite the significant contrasts in the starting points, there is the common perception that different economies recovered at distinct paces at least in part due to the policies and methods adopted by the authorities to address the financial crisis. In this context, the OECD “How’s Life” datasets were analyzed with the objective of trying to detect trajectories in countries that could partially be explained by the macroeconomic measures adopted after the crisis. With the support of the OECD secondary data for the period 2009-2015, this novel study involved not only univariate, bivariate, and cluster evaluations but also a three-way data analysis based on the STATIS method. Among the existing multivariate methodologies, STATIS is the most comprehensive and flexible method to assess the evolution of a large (and possibly varying) number of individuals and variables over several years. With the identification of country trajectories in association with the evolution of variables, the findings may be relevant for business organizations with regard to defining strategic directions and making operational decisions

    Solution Verification Studies of a Pressure-Based Compressible Flow Solver

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    Although considering the fluid to be incompressible is a common and valid approximation in most hydrodynamic simulations, certain phenomena like sloshing or slamming involve compressibility effects. In order to capture such effects, the maritime CFD code ReFRESCO is being extended with a compressible flow solver for the air in two-phase flow simulations. The compressible Navier-Stokes equations, discretized with a cell-centered, collocated finite volume method, are solved with a pressurebased SIMPLE algorithm that is compatible with the incompressible flow solver and enforces pressurevelocity-density coupling with a pressure-correction equation and an equation of state. In this paper, the compressible solver is tested for subsonic, transonic and supersonic flow of an inviscid perfect gas in a channel with an arc circular bump. We confirm that the pressure-based solver can indeed achieve iterative convergence to levels close to machine accuracy for all three regimes, with moderate decrease of convergence rate at higher Mach numbers and on finer grids. Grid refinement studies are performed to determine its accuracy and show observed orders of grid convergence between one and two for different quantities and different convection schemes, with lowest order for the supersonic regime, as expected. Finally, we notice that monotonic grid convergence can be attained if the grids are refined far beyond the levels typically reported in open literature

    Trabalhos arqueológicos no sítio do Texugo (Vila Nova de Foz Côa)

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    Uma história de dois vizinhos ao longo de 17 anos: Castelo Velho e Castanheiro do Vento (1989-2006)

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    As estações arqueológicas de Castelo Velho de Freixo de Numão e de Castanheiro do Vento localizam-se no concelho de Foz Côa (Nordeste de Portugal) e distam, em linha recta, 11 km. Tratam-se genericamente de colinas monumentalizadas datadas do III/ 1ª metade do II, milénios a.C. (Jorge, 2003; 2005; Jorge et al., 2003a; 2003b; 2003c; 2006a). Os trabalhos de escavação em Castelo Velho iniciaram-se em 19891 e, entre 2001 e 2003, o sítio foi alvo de um projecto de musealização (por iniciativa do então IPPAR), o que possibilitou uma escavação intensiva durante seis meses. Actualmente, quando o público chega a Castelo Velho de Freixo de Numão, é-lhe pedido que circule num passadiço, onde ele poderá apreender um “edifício” que comporta uma visão de síntese acerca dos principais elementos arquitectónicos decorrente da pesquisa até agora realizada. Tal “edifício” é constituído por um recinto superior definido a Norte, Este e Oeste por um murete e a Sul por uma rampa que termina numa plataforma suportada por outra rampa que se desenvolve grosso modo de Sul para Sudoeste. Tal visão é particularmente percepcionada na zona mais a Sul do referido passadiço. À medida que esta leitura é realizada, ao visitante é-lhe enfatizado determinados aspectos destes elementos, nomeadamente, as múltiplas passagens do murete bem como a presença de estruturas subcirculares. A este propósito, refira-se que no interior do recinto superior, o visitante depara-se também com uma “torre central” de planta subcircular e uma série de pequenas estruturas. Quando encaminhados para Este vê também um murete que se desenvolve de noroeste para sudeste interrompido por duas passagens que se desenvolvem entre dois afloramentos xistosos

    Sítio pré-histórico de Castanheiro do Vento (Horta do Douro, Vila Nova de Foz Côa) : principais conclusões das escavações de 2005

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    The authors describe, very briefly, the main conclusions of the last archaeological work in Castanheiro do Vento, a prehistoric settlement, located in the northeast of Portugal (in the municipality of Vª Nª de Foz Côa)

    Reflexões preliminares a propósito de formas de organização do espaço e de técnicas de construção em sítios pré-históricos recentes (Calcolítico/I. Bronze) do tipo de Castelo Velho e de Castanheiro do Vento (Vila Nova de Foz Côa) : semellhanças e diferenças em relação às construções megalíticas e afins

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    This paper is based in a experience of field work carried out in the prehistoric sites of Castelo Velho, Freixo de Numão (direction: SOJ, since 1989) and Castanheiro do Vento, Horta do Douro (direction: VOJ, JMC, LSP, ASC and, in the last years, also Ana Vale - since 1998). Both sites are located in the territory of the municipality of Vila Nova de Foz Côa, situated in the Portuguese High Douro). The study is focused in building techniques and the spatial organization of these huge architectonic displays. A very general comparison is made with the so-called Neolithic passage graves (Middle/Late Neolithic). The authors try to underlie the main contrasts that seem to exist between these “burial” monuments and the walled “precincts” of Copper and Bronze Ages. Those conclusions are presented as very contingent and schematic, and as being mainly applied to the archaeological reality of northern Portugal

    "CASTANHEIROS" - Base de Dados para a Gestão da Informação Arqueológica

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    O autor apresenta a base de dados de materiais e informação arqueológica do sítio arqueológico de Castanheiro do Vento