961 research outputs found

    Забезпечення погодженого управління процесом перевалки вантажів у загальнотранспортних вузлах

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    Developing the proposed approach to the transport hub management is initiated by the fact that during the second half of the last century proponents of classical management theory focused on building economic-mathematical models of cargo transshipment management in terms of well-developed mathematical disciplines. In the beginning of this century, scientists have shifted to approaches to the transport hub management organization, proposed by Western European scientists, based on modern theories of business conduct.In this paper, an original approach to ensuring the coordinated transport hub management, based on combining the methodology of classical science of optimal management and constructive ideas, new progressive concepts of business conduct in conjunction with the social management theory was proposed.It was found that the proposed approach should be realized in two stages: first it is necessary to coordinate cargo transshipment process parameters, and then ensure optimal implementation of this process.The provisions set forth in the paper have theoretical significance since they are characterized by scientific novelty and are useful in practical terms as they improve operation efficiency both of transport hubs, and their customers.В статье предложен оригинальный подход к обеспечению согласованного управления транспортными узлами, основанный на сочетании методологии классической науки оптимального управления и конструктивных идей прогрессирующих в настоящее время новых концепций делового поведения и социального управления. При этом установлено, что реализацию предлагаемого подхода необходимо осуществлять в два этапа: вначале необходимо согласовать параметры процесса перевалки грузов, а затем обеспечить осуществление этого процесса в оптимальном режиме.У статті запропоновано оригінальний підхід до забезпечення погодженого управління транспортними вузлами, заснований на сполученні методології класичної науки оптимального управління й конструктивними ідеями прогресуючих у цей час нових концепцій ділового поводження й соціального управління. При цьому встановлено, що реалізацію запропонованого підходу необхідно здійснювати у два етапи: спочатку необхідно погодити параметри процесу перевалки вантажів, а потім забезпечити здійснення цього процесу в оптимальному режимі


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    Setting time norms for the cargo processing of vehicles is, undoubtedly, urgent for all participants of not only transshipment, but also cargo delivery in the logistic chain “from door to door”. At the stage of consent in managing transshipment the key role is paid by the task, connected with setting compromise time norms for vehicles processing. The interpretation of time norms for vehicles processing as the most important parameter of the coordinated management of transshipment is conditioned by the fact that just this parameter influences other transshipment indicators. So, the determination of time norms for vehicles processing must be based on the idea of determining the duration of loading-unloading ships (carriages) as a function of transmission capacity of cargo fronts. Today the problem is to determine the technological line’s productivity, because it is interpreted as a determined value in the transport science. At the same time under conditions of real production it is observed that the technological line’s productivity varies in a certain diapason, so, time intervals for loading-unloading ships and carriages must be identified with factual realization of time norms for vehicles processing and interpreted as random variables.  Certain values of time norms for vehicles processing are considered as a base for consent between interested subjects of transport nodal points that act as partners and market competitors at the same time at organizing and realizing transshipmen

    Is China a Threat to Mesoamerica\u27s Development

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    Is China a Threat to Mesoamerica\u27s Development

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    A typology of elementary forms of human-nature relations: a contribution to the valuation debate

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    This article aims to contribute to the debate about the role of relational values in environmental decision making, by putting forward a typology of human-nature relational models . We argue that human-nature relational models, which stress the notion of cognitive frameworks, can be useful to understand core drivers of individual and social behavior that underlie environmental change and socio-environmental conflicts. A relational models approach calls for taking into consideration the diversity of cognitive frameworks conditioning our interaction with nature, with the ultimate goal of avoiding, mitigating, transforming and resolving socio-environmental conflicts and achieving a wiser relationship with the natural environment. © 2018 Elsevier B.V

    Payments for Environmental Services in Watersheds: Insights From a Comparative Study of three Cases in Central America

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    We have compared three cases of payments for water-related environmental services (PES) in Central America, in terms of socioeconomic background, opportunity costs of forest conservation and stakeholders’ perceptions on the conditions of water resources and other issues. We found that, in general, the foregone benefits from land uses alternative to forest cover are larger than the amount paid, which apparently contradicts the economic foundation of PES schemes. A number of possible explanations are explored. The results also suggest that trade-offs between different environmental and social goals are likely to emerge in PES schemes, posing some doubts on their ability to be multipurpose instruments for environmental improvement and rural development. We also found that PES schemes may work as a conflictresolution instrument, facilitating downstream -upstream problem solving, though at the same time they might introduce changes in social perceptions of property rights.environmental services, watershed management, rural development, property rights, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua.

    Justification and Scope of the Book

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    Academic schools are important institutions for consolidating and disseminating ideas. They can be defined as diffused communities held together by a collectively constructed body of knowledge, a shared worldview and a network of social relations. Identifying and delimiting academic schools might be a hard endeavor, since they are embedded in a fluid "state of spirit," which is context- and time-specific, and not always easy to systematize and communicate. However, we still think that the notion (or metaphor) of "school" still makes sense to characterize the bonding elements that hold together and give coherence to the diverse ideas, debates and approaches represented in this book