54 research outputs found

    Bill of Materials Report Management System

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    In any manufacturing company, Bill of Materials (BOM) is like their backbone or secret recipe to manufacture their product. It is very crucial to have a very accurate data of BOM and the way the BOM are handled is one of the main challenges faced by the team or department that handle it. Scomi Rail Berhad (SRB) Engineering Services Department right now is facing some difficulties to manage BOM where their main task is to analyze the BOM report before it goes to purchasing department. Currently their approach is just by using manual checking which leads to human error thus, inaccuracy of data. So there is a need for a system that can manage and simplify their task. The objective of this project is to develop a computer-based system, Bill of Materials Report Management System for Engineering Services Department in SRB to analyze and manage their BOM reports. Besides, this system also has a picture of the part where it can benefit the newcomers of the company. This system will be developed as a standalone (executable) system using Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft Access as the database. As a result, this system will help SRB Engineering Services Department staff to improve the way they analyze and manage the BOM reports which lead to the accuracy of their BOM

    Effects of Sa 2 and Sa 2.5 Blast Cleaning Surface Preparation on the Adhesion and Corrosion Protection Properties of Coating

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    Corrosion is a major problem for oil and gas operators as the cost consumed each year in fighting corrosion are staggeringly high. Along with the implementation of cost-effective corrosion prevention methods, the race for reducing cost consumption still goes on. Protective coating is considered to be one of the most economical methods there is. However, in the application of protective coating, the cost allocated for surface preparation exceeds the coating material costs itself by 21 %. The typical standards currently used by PETRONAS required the steel substrates to be blast cleaned to the ISO cleanliness standard of Sa 2.5. Thus this project aims for the practice of a cheaper alternative of cleanliness standards which is Sa 2. Three samples (carbon steel) are blast-cleaned to the standard of Sa 2.5 and three others to the standards of Sa 2. All samples are coated based on coating system No. lA in PTS. Corrosion test (ASTM B117-90) and adhesion test (scratch test) are conducted exclusively to measure the performance of coating system under different surface cleanliness standards. Four samples (two samples with Sa 2 and others with Sa 2.5 cleanliness standards) had undergone corrosion test. Remaining two samples, each with Sa 2 and Sa 2.5 cleanliness respectively, had undergone adhesion test. Calculation on corrosion rate using mass loss method and visual examination for evaluating the rust grade are done to determine the corrosion properties. Inspection using 3D non-contact measurement is conducted to confrrm the critical load experienced by the coating thus demrmining the adhesion properties. Findings for corrosion test shows a equal performance of coating between samples prepared under Sa 2 and Sa 2.5 cleanliness standards - corrosion rate of 0 millimeter per year and a rust grade of 10. Findings for adhesion test shows the critical load experienced by sample prepared under Sa 2 is 51N and higher than the sample prepared under Sa 2.5 which is 43N. However, acoustic emission shows a higher intensity profile from the sample prepared under Sa 2 standards compared to the sample prepared under Sa 2.5. Thus, for the success implementation of surface cleanliness of Sa 2, the performance of the chosen coating system are to result in similar or better performance in comparison to the application of Sa 2.5

    Sejarah Kerajaan Turki Usmani

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    The kingdom of Turkish Usmani was one of the longest-ruling Islamic kingdoms and the most extensive territory. This kingdom is recorded to have conquered many areas of Europe so that the Turkish Kingdom is always interesting to study. This research will discuss  how the History of the Kingdom of Turkish Usmani with an emphasis on progress and the Causes of its destruction.  This paper is compiled based on data in the form of library research materials with descriptive-historical methods. The results of this study show that one of the greatest advances of the Kingdom of Turkish Usmani was progress in the military field where this is evidenced by the vast areas of conquest carried out by the Usmani Turkish Kingdom. One of the causes of the destruction of the Kingdom of Turkish Usmani was the regeneration of the Sultan which did not go well so that the quality of the Sultan from time to time was declining so that he could no longer control the expanding fiefdom.   Dinasti Turki Usmani merupakan salah satu kerajaan Islam yang paling lama berkuasa dan paling luas wilayah kekuasaannya. Kerajaan ini tercatat menguasi banyak wilayah Eropa sehingga Kerajaan Turki selalu menarik untuk dikaji. Penelitian ini akan membahas bagaimana Sejarah Kerajaan Turki Usmani dengan menekankan pada kemajuan dan Penyebab kehancurannya. Tulisan ini disusun berdasarkan data-data berupa bahan pustaka ‘library research’ dengan metode deskriptif-historis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa salah satu kemajuan terbesar dari Kerajaan Turki Usmani adalah kemajuan di bidang militer dimana hal ini dibuktikan dengan luasnya daerah-daerah penaklukan yang dilakukan oleh Kerajaan Turki Usmani. Adapun salah satu penyebab hancurnya Kerajaan Turki Usmani adalah regenerasi Sultan yang tidak berjalan baik sehingga kualitas Sultan dari masa ke masa semakin menurun sehingga tidak dapat lagi mengendalikan daerah kekuasaan yang semakin meluas.&nbsp

    Gosip dalam Pandangan Hadis (Suatu Kajian Tematik)

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    Skripsi yang berjudul Gosip Dalam Pandangan Hadis (Suatu Kajian Tematik) membahas masalah pokok yaitu analisis kritik terhadap hadis tentang gosip, baik hadis yang terkait dengan pengertian gosip, jenis-jenisnya, fungsi maupun tujuannya serta kedudukannya terhadap kualitas hadis khususnya yang terdapat dalam kitab standar hadis yaitu kutub al-tis’ah. Dalam mengungkap gosip dalam hadis, penulis menggunakan metode tematik dan kegiatan takhrij dengan mengumpulkan lafaz-lafaz dan topik-topik yang terkait dengan gosip, kemudian menganalisa dengan logika berpikir induksi dan deduksi serta meneliti kualitas hadis tersebut. Adapun tujuan dan manfaat dari penelitian tersebut yaitu untuk menguji kebenaran suatu hadis yang berkaitan dengan pandangan tentang gosip, memberikan informasi tentang kualitas hadits berdasarkan hasil penelitian matan maupun sanadnya, memberikan kemudahan bagi orang yang mau mengamalkan atau tidak, setelah tahu maqbul (diterima) atau mardud (ditolak)-nya hadis serta menguatkan keyakinan bahwa suatu hadits adalah benar-benar berasal dari Rasulullah saw. yang harus diikuti karena adanya bukti-bukti yang kuat tentang kebenaran hadis tersebut, baik dari segi sanad maupun matan. Gosip sebagaimana makna etimologinya merupakan berita negatif yang masih simpang siur kebenarannya atau samar-samar sehingga arah gosip menurut hadis dapat diklasifikasi dalam dua bagian, yaitu dalam bentuk gibah jika berita tersebut pada kenyataannya benar, namun jika berita tersebut tidak terjadi dan tidak nyata maka hal itu akan berujung pada buhtan atau fitnah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hadis-hadis pokok yang terkait dengan gosip dapat dipertanggungjawabkan kehujjahannya karena sanad dan matan tidak mengalami kecacatan

    Implementasi Amar Makruf dan Nahi Mungkar (Studi Analitis terhadap Hadis Nabi من رأى منكم منكرا

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    Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hadis من رأى منكم منكرا yang menjadi dasar hukum dilaksanakannya amar makruf dan nahi mungkar berkualitas sahih, sehingga keharusan melaksanakannya pun menjadi sesuatu yang mutlak. Adapun dalam implementasinya, Rasulullah saw. telah memberikan petunjuk yang mendasar, baik mengenai syarat-syarat pelaku amar makruf nahi mungkar, sifat yang harus dimilikinya, serta sikap yang tepat dalam mengimplementasikannya. Perbedaan sikap dan tindakan dalam implementasi amar makruf dan nahi mungkar ini menurut pesan Rasulullah saw. sangat bergantung pada keadaan dan kondisi pelaku amar makruf dan nahi mungkar dan masyarakat yang menjadi sasaran dakwah

    Effects of Sa 2 and Sa 2.5 Blast Cleaning Surface Preparation on the Adhesion and Corrosion Protection Properties of Coating

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    Corrosion is a major problem for oil and gas operators as the cost consumed each year in fighting corrosion are staggeringly high. Along with the implementation of cost-effective corrosion prevention methods, the race for reducing cost consumption still goes on. Protective coating is considered to be one of the most economical methods there is. However, in the application of protective coating, the cost allocated for surface preparation exceeds the coating material costs itself by 21 %. The typical standards currently used by PETRONAS required the steel substrates to be blast cleaned to the ISO cleanliness standard of Sa 2.5. Thus this project aims for the practice of a cheaper alternative of cleanliness standards which is Sa 2. Three samples (carbon steel) are blast-cleaned to the standard of Sa 2.5 and three others to the standards of Sa 2. All samples are coated based on coating system No. lA in PTS. Corrosion test (ASTM B117-90) and adhesion test (scratch test) are conducted exclusively to measure the performance of coating system under different surface cleanliness standards. Four samples (two samples with Sa 2 and others with Sa 2.5 cleanliness standards) had undergone corrosion test. Remaining two samples, each with Sa 2 and Sa 2.5 cleanliness respectively, had undergone adhesion test. Calculation on corrosion rate using mass loss method and visual examination for evaluating the rust grade are done to determine the corrosion properties. Inspection using 3D non-contact measurement is conducted to confrrm the critical load experienced by the coating thus demrmining the adhesion properties. Findings for corrosion test shows a equal performance of coating between samples prepared under Sa 2 and Sa 2.5 cleanliness standards - corrosion rate of 0 millimeter per year and a rust grade of 10. Findings for adhesion test shows the critical load experienced by sample prepared under Sa 2 is 51N and higher than the sample prepared under Sa 2.5 which is 43N. However, acoustic emission shows a higher intensity profile from the sample prepared under Sa 2 standards compared to the sample prepared under Sa 2.5. Thus, for the success implementation of surface cleanliness of Sa 2, the performance of the chosen coating system are to result in similar or better performance in comparison to the application of Sa 2.5

    Bill of Materials Report Management System

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    In any manufacturing company, Bill of Materials (BOM) is like their backbone or secret recipe to manufacture their product. It is very crucial to have a very accurate data of BOM and the way the BOM are handled is one of the main challenges faced by the team or department that handle it. Scomi Rail Berhad (SRB) Engineering Services Department right now is facing some difficulties to manage BOM where their main task is to analyze the BOM report before it goes to purchasing department. Currently their approach is just by using manual checking which leads to human error thus, inaccuracy of data. So there is a need for a system that can manage and simplify their task. The objective of this project is to develop a computer-based system, Bill of Materials Report Management System for Engineering Services Department in SRB to analyze and manage their BOM reports. Besides, this system also has a picture of the part where it can benefit the newcomers of the company. This system will be developed as a standalone (executable) system using Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft Access as the database. As a result, this system will help SRB Engineering Services Department staff to improve the way they analyze and manage the BOM reports which lead to the accuracy of their BOM

    Impact of Job Stress, Work Family Conflict, and Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intention: A Study at PT. Bank Nagari West Sumatra

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    The purpose of this research is to find out impact of job stress, work-family conflict, and job satisfaction on turnover intention at PT. Bank Nagari West Sumatra. The sample of this research is 60 employees who work at Bank Nagari. This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires directly to employee. The sampling method used is simple random sampling techniques and analyzed the data by using SPSS software. This study found the higher job stress and work-family conflict will move closer to turnover intention, meanwhile the higher job satisfaction didn’t influence to turnover intention. Implication and recommendation were discussed

    Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata Tsunami di Kota Banda Aceh (Studi Implementasi Kebijakan Qanun Aceh Nomor 8 Tahun 2013 Tentang Kepariwisataan)

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    This research is important because until now the local revenue of Kota Banda Aceh from tourism is still low, whereas there are still many tourism potentials that can still be dug for, if there is tourism activity is not lively and not festive and generally not maintained, including supporting facilities for such activities not well maintained. Many debates about tourism post disaster. During this time the disaster is considered a threat, but the facts on the ground show that many people are interested to see and enjoy the impact of the Tsunami disaster. The formulation of the problem in this research is how to arrange / facilitate the development of tourist attraction in Banda Aceh City, how to organize tourism training, how to maintain and preserve the tourist attraction in Banda Aceh City, how to organize guidance of the conscious society of tourism in Banda Aceh City, how to do promotion tour. This research uses qualitative approach. Because the researchers intend to get a picture of a profound phenomenon about a symptom. Technique of data collecting is by interview, observation and documentation study. the data source consists of primary data source and secondary data source. In conducting research of informant search done by purposive sampling technique. The informant consisted of the Head of the Tourism Office of Banda Aceh City, Secretary of Tourism Office, Kabid. Tourism, Sub-Head of Planning, Head of Marketing and Development Section, Owner of Hotel Arabia, Sub-district of Meuraxa, Public figure, Tourist owner Iboh, Hotel Owner of Tourism, Business Owner of Floating Ship Object. From the results of the research shows that the development of tourist attraction continues in galakkan by the city of Banda Aceh, the implementation of tourism training followed by the entrepreneurs and the community around the tourist attraction. Maintenance and preservation of tourist attraction in do not meet the expectations of visitors, the guidance of the community aware of tourism in greet the community is less serious, the promotion is not so vigorous and attract many tourists. From the result of the research, it can be concluded that the development of tsunami tourism area in Banda Aceh City still needs improvement and the government's attention for further development

    Sistem Kendali Proporsional, Integral, Dan Derivatif (Pid) Pada Persamaan Panas

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    This research showed the application of Proportional, Integral, and Derivative (PID) control system on heat equations that has non-integer ordered solutions on Laplace domain. Zala tuning method and Ziegler-Nichols method; which is ultimate cycle and process reaction method, are used to determine the value of Kp, Ti and Td as constants in PID to maintain the temperature of 1oC on the position of x = 3 m from the heat source with k = 0,042 m2s-1 diffusivity. Based on the results, there were ten systems that were closest in the desired criteria. With regards to overshoot and the time taken to reach the stable position, therefore the ten systems that are produced have not many differences in strengths and weaknesses
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