254 research outputs found

    Influence of Grazing Intensity on Nutrient Concentrations in Grass Tissue: Evidence from Two Savannah Grass Species

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    High grazing intensity can accelerate the recycling of animal nutrients on savannah rangelands through the deposition of dung and, subsequently, nutrient mineralisation, uptake and concentration in grass tissue. The actual magnitude of this influence can vary depending on the grazing system. This study derived grazing system-dependent magnitudes of the influence of grazing intensity on concentrations of major (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na) and trace (B, Co, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Se, Zn) animal nutrients in above ground grass tissue. Two grass species were examined: Brachiaria nigropedata, a decreaser, and Eragrostis lehmanniana, an increaser. For the species, leaf, stem and flower samples were collected in close proximity from respective sampling points in wildlife and livestock grazing sites, and a no-grazing control site. Sampling was conducted at the end of the rainy season in the semi-arid savannah rangelands of north-western South Africa. The concentrations of the nutrients were determined in the laboratory using standard methods. B. nigropedata had higher nutrient concentrations than E. lehmanniana. Samples from high grazing intensity sites had higher nutrient concentrations than the control site, an effect more pronounced in B. nigropedata. Such sites also had low grass cover, a characteristic of grazing lawns. They included the open access communal rangelands and the vicinity of artificial water holes. The two species manifested inter-site covariance in nutrient concentrations, indicating that sites under high grazing intensity generally had high nutrient concentrations in grass tissue, and vice versa. The short, nutrient-rich grass in grazing lawns is attractive to grazers, which can widen the lawns by perpetuating high grazing intensity and low grass biomass. However, not all grazers are adapted to grazing short lawn grass, which can have implications on grazer diversity. The study concludes that grazing-induced increase in nutrient concentrations in grass tissue manifests more in inherently high-nutrient species

    Wetland change assessment on the Kafue Flats, Zambia : a remote sensing approach

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    The Kafue Flats floodplain wetland system in southern Zambia is under increasing climate and human pressures. Firstly, drought episodes appear more prevalent in recent years in the region and secondly, two dams were built on the lower and upper ends of the wetland in 1972 and 1978, respectively, across the Kafue River which flows through the wetland. The study uses multi-temporal remote sensing to assess change in extent and vigour of green vegetation, and extent of water bodies and dry land cover on the Kafue Flats. The change detection's management value is assessed. Four normalised, co-registered digital Landsat images from 24 September 1984, 3 September 1988, 12 September 1991 and 20 September 1994 were used. The main change detection method used was comparison of classifications, supplemented by Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) change detection. Ancillary land use and environmental data were used in interpreting the change in the context of cause and effect. The results indicate inconsistent trends in the changes of most land cover classes, as a result of manipulation of the wetland by man through annual variations in the timing and magnitude of regulated flows into the wetland, as well as burning. However, the results also show spatial reduction in the wetland's dry season dense green reed-grass vegetation in upstream sections which are not affected by the water backing-up above of the lower dam. Sparse green vegetation is replacing the dense green vegetation in these upstream areas. It is inferred that this dry season degradation of the wetland threatens bird species which may use the reeds for dry season nesting. It is proposed that ground surveying and monitoring work at the micro-habitat level is necessary to ascertain the implications of the losses. It is concluded that, in spite of difficulties, multi-temporal remote sensing has a potential role in wetland change assessment on the Kafue Flats at the community level, but that it needs to be supplemented by targeted, micro-habitat level ground surveys

    Geospatial analyses in support of heavy metal contamination assessments of soil and grass along highways at Mafikeng, South Africa

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    Heavy metals in the environment are of concern due to detrimental effects, which include disturbance of plant physiology. This paper presents an exploratory assessment of heavy metal contamination along the main highways in Mafikeng, and illustrates how spatial analyses of the contamination for environmental management purposes can be supported by GIS and Remote Sensing. Roadside soil and grass (Stenotaphrum sp.) samples were analysed for total content per heavy metal. Spatial patterns in soil metal concentrations were evaluated using IDW interpolation. Effects of the contamination on the vigour of roadside grass were assessed using NDVI transects within 30m of the roads, on a pan-sharpened 5m resolution SPOT 5 HRG multispectral image. The results showed that NDVI values increased with distance from roads (R2 0.508-0.965; p < 0.05), indicating that proximity to roads reduced grass vigour. Metal concentrations in grass tissue were lower than in soil by an average factor of nine, but varied as the soil concentrations. The concentrations of the heavy metals that are associated with motor vehicles along roads were in the order [Fe]>[Mn]>[Zn]>[Pb]>[Ni]>[Cu]>[Cr]>[Cd], but were much lower than in cities that have higher motor vehicle traffic. IDW interpolation of metal concentrations revealed traffic-related spatial variations that can support environmental management. In this limestone mineralogy soil the relative abundance of Mn (range 2.4-11.4mg/kg) is attributable to lead replacement fuels that are in use, while the Pb concentrations (range 0.20-1.29mg/kg) indicate persistence of Pb in the urban environment some ten years after the phasing out of leaded petrol


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat terhadap lingkungan sekitar yang harus ditanamkan sejak dini, salah satunya mengenai permasalahan sampah yang hanya menumpuk di tempat pembuangan sampah tanpa adanya pengelolaan atau memanfaatkan kembali sampah tersebut agar lebih bermanfaat yang dapat memelihara lingkungan sekitar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kegiatan daur ulang yang dapat meningkatkan ekoliterasi anak usia dini dan mengetahui peningkatan ekoliterasi anak usia dini melalui kegiatan daur ulang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan (action research) desain Pelton pada anak kelompok usia 5-6 tahun yang berada di sebuah desa Kecamatan Arjawinangun, Kabupaten Cirebon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekoliterasi anak usia dini dapat ditingkatkan melalui kegiatan daur ulang berbeda yang meliputi pemilahan sampah sesuai dengan jenisnya, medaur ulang sampah jenis botol plastik menjadi pot tanaman, dan bercocok tanam menggunakan wadah dari pot botol plastik. Dengan demikian kegiatan daur ulang dapat meningkatkan ekoliterasi anak usia dini. ----- This research is motivated by the low awareness of the community towards the surrounding environment that must be instilled from an early age, one of them is about the problem of garbage that only piles up in landfills without any management or reuse of the waste so that it is more useful to preserve the surrounding environment. The purpose of this study was to determine recycling activities that can improve early childhood eco-literacy and determine the increase in early childhood eco-literacy through recycling activities. The research method used in this research is action research designed by Pelton in children aged 5-6 years who are in a village of Arjawinangun District, Cirebon Regency. The results showed that the eco-literacy of early childhood can be improved through different daur ulang activities which include sorting waste according to its type, recycling plastic bottle type waste into plant pots, and farming using containers from plastic bottle pots. Thus, recycling activities can increase the eco-literacy of early childhood

    Effects of Proximity to Roads on Tissue Surface PH, Conductivity and Heavy Metal Contents of a Grazing Grass Species

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    Globally, road networks are expanding in the countryside. Though beneficial to society, the roads potentially have detrimental effects on grazing quality. The effects are seldom quantified. In this study Eragrostis lehmanniana, a common native grazing grass in parts of the world, was examined for indicative data on the impacts of roads on grasses. Aboveground tissue samples were collected monthly on three occasions during the growing season, at the same respective locations near three high traffic highways. Non-senescent specimens were sampled along transects of up to 400 m perpendicular to the highways, starting from the road edge and then at intervals of at least 10 m. Concurrent control samples were collected at a site more than 3 km from a road. In the laboratory, a whole stem of each specimen was washed in 40 ml of distilled water, whose pH and electrical conductivity were then measured. Heavy metal concentrations (HMC) in dry grass tissue were determined using ICP-MS analysis. Consistently, tissue surface pH was lower, and electrical conductivity higher, close to the road edge than farther away. Heavy metal concentrations were high close to the road edge, some (Fe, Ni) beyond the tolerable limits of cattle and gazelle-like grazers. Using the respective control site means as thresholds, linear regression of pH and conductivity against distance showed that the effects were pronounced for 70 m – 600 m from the road edge. The low pH was due to acidity caused by motor vehicle- emmited nitrogen and sulpher oxides (NOx, SOx) reacting with atmospheric water vapour. High conductivity and HMC were judged to be due to motor vehicle-sourced metal elements and particulate matter. Spacing roads at least 1.2 km apart in grazing areas is recommended to reduce the detrimental effects

    Analisis Kesulitan Belajar Siswa Kelas X Ditinjau dari Keterampilan Guru Mengajar dan Belajar Kelompok di SMK Negeri 6 Sukoharjo

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    The purpose of this research are: (1) Influence of teacher's skill in teaching to student's learning difficulties, (2) Influence of study group to student's learning difficulties, (3) Influence of teacher skill in teaching and study group to student's learning difficulties. The population in this study are the students of class X SMK Negeri 6 Sukoharjo as many as 324 students. Sampling method using proportional random sampling. Data collection techniques used observation, literature study, and questionnaire. Instrument test conducted on 20 students of class X SMK Negeri 6 Sukoharjo. The analysis used is multiple regression analysis, including t test, F test, R2 test, Relative Contribution, and Effective Contribution. The result of multiple regression shows Y = 31,563 + 0,133X1 + 0,138X2. The results obtained (1) The skills of teachers in teaching have a significant effect on student learning difficulties. It is proven based on regression analysis that get tcount > ttable that is 2,202 > 1,653. (2) Group learning has a significant effect on students' learning difficulties. This is proven based on regression analysis that get tcount > ttable that is 2,226 > 1,653. (3) The skills of teachers in teaching and learning groups have a significant effect on student learning difficulties. It is proven by regression analysis that get Fcount > ftable that is 5,292 > 3,05. (4) Teachers' skill variables in teaching provide 49,5% Relative Contribution and Effective Contribution 2,85%, while the group learning variable gives Relative Contribution of 50,5%, and Effective Contribution of 2,95%. (5) The result of conclusion R2 obtained value 0,058 which mean 5,8%, while the rest 94,2% influenced by other variable outside research

    Teachers' Mole Concept Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Developing the Model for the mole Concept Content Representations Framework

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    Teaching and learning difficulties have been documented in numerous studies in literature. However not much has been done to develop a model of the mole concept Content Representations (CoRes) framework to simultaneously enhance teachers' mole concept Content Knowledge (CK) and Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). Thus the study sought to fill up this gap in literature by developing the model of the mole concept CoRes framework through the assessment of teachers’ mole concept PCK. The study was conducted in 6 selected secondary schools in Kitwe district in the Copperbelt province of Zambia with a study sample of 30 grade 11 chemistry teachers. The data was collected using the questionnaire, lesson observations, Content Representations (CoRes) framework, and focus group discussion. The data was analysed by categorising it into themes captured by the conceptual framework of the study.  The findings of the study revealed that teachers’ mole concept PCK was weak and this was largely attributed to their conceptual limitations exhibited in their mole concept CK.  Their presentation of the topic was characterised by algorithmic approaches, semantics mistakes and didactic difficulties. The developed mole concept CoRes framework focuses on addressing the conceptual and didactic limitations identified in literature and by the study. Keywords: Mole concept, content knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-8-08 Publication date:March 31st 201


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    Actinomycetes diketahui mampu menghasilkan senyawa bioaktif alami, yang dapat berfungsi sebagai antibakteri, antijamur, antikanker dan antivirus. Metabolisme sekunder Actinomycetes menghasilkan beberapa antibiotik seperti tertrasiklin, eritromisin, vankomisin, kloramfenikol dan streptomisin. Antibiotik ini diketahui berperan dalam mengatasi infeksi K. pneumoniae.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan isolat Actinomycetes dari tanah mangrove di daerah Wonorejo (Surabaya, Indonesia). Isolat Actinomycetes yang didapatkan selanjutnya diuji secara makroskopis koloni, mikroskopis sel, dan uji biokimia. Penelitian dilakukan dengan motode deskriptif observasional. Uji antagonis dilakukan dengan cara cross streak pada media Starch Casein Agar (SCA).Bakteri uji yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah K. Pneumoniae, hal ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antagonis isolat Actinomycetes dalam melawan K. pneumoniae. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah Actinomycetes yang disiolasi dari tanah Mangrove Wonorejo memiliki aktivitas antagonis dalam melawan K. pneumoniae, dibuktikan dengan adanya zona hambat lemah (penghambatan <25%) diantaranya pada sampel A2 dan B2.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa koloni yang diisolasi dari tanah Mangrove Wonorejo memiliki hasil karakterisasi kunci spesies yang diduga didapatkan hasil kesamaan sebesar 29% dengan Actinomyces vicosus pada sampel A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, dan B3. Actinomyces vicosus memiliki karakter identifikasi kunci secara uji biokimia, yakni menunjukkan reaksi positif terhadap katalase dan dapat memfermentasi karbohidrat


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    Background : Hypertension is the main risk factors of cardiovascular diseases that cause mortality. One of the risk factors of hypertension is obesity. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the relationship between nutritional status and waist circumference with the incidence of hypertension in the elderly. Methods: This study was observational analytic with cross-sectional design. The sample in this study was a partial of the elderly who participated in the elderly posyandu as many as 271 respondents. The sampling techniques is simple random sampling. Secondary data in the form of the results of the elderly health checkup at the elderly posyandu in the Sidotopo Wetan Public Health Center (Puskesmas Sidotopo Wetan) in 2018. Results: This study showed that of 271 respondents, there were 107 respondents found with hypertension (39.50%). The majority of hypertension was suffered by respondents with overweight nutritional status (46.70%), and waist circumference with the central obesity category (74.80%). Correlation found between nutritional status and the incidence of hypertension in the elderly (p=0.02<α=0.05; PR=1.32). Prevalence Ratio of 1.32 means that elderly people with overweight nutritional status have the risk of 1.32 times greater to experience hypertension than elderly with underweight and normal nutritional status. No correlation found between waist circumference and the incidence of hypertension (p=0.21). Conclusion: Nutritional status significantly associated with the incidence of hypertension in the elderly. However, waist circumference is not significantly associated with the incidence of hypertension
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