7,590 research outputs found

    Quantum Nonlocality for a Mixed Entangled Coherent State

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    Quantum nonlocality is tested for an entangled coherent state, interacting with a dissipative environment. A pure entangled coherent state violates Bell's inequality regardless of its coherent amplitude. The higher the initial nonlocality, the more rapidly quantum nonlocality is lost. The entangled coherent state can also be investigated in the framework of 2×22\times2 Hilbert space. The quantum nonlocality persists longer in 2×22\times2 Hilbert space. When it decoheres it is found that the entangled coherent state fails the nonlocality test, which contrasts with the fact that the decohered entangled state is always entangled.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures. To be published in J. Mod. Op

    Framework for software architecture visualization assessment.

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    In order to assess software architecture visualisation strategies, we qualitatively characterize then construct an assessment framework with 7 key areas and 31 features. The framework is used for evaluation and comparison of various strategies from multiple stakeholder perspectives. Six existing software architecture visualisation tools and a seventh research tool were evaluated. All tools exhibited shortcomings when evaluated in the framework

    Solving k-center Clustering (with Outliers) in MapReduce and Streaming, almost as Accurately as Sequentially.

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    Center-based clustering is a fundamental primitive for data analysis and becomes very challenging for large datasets. In this paper, we focus on the popular k-center variant which, given a set S of points from some metric space and a parameter k0, the algorithms yield solutions whose approximation ratios are a mere additive term \u3f5 away from those achievable by the best known polynomial-time sequential algorithms, a result that substantially improves upon the state of the art. Our algorithms are rather simple and adapt to the intrinsic complexity of the dataset, captured by the doubling dimension D of the metric space. Specifically, our analysis shows that the algorithms become very space-efficient for the important case of small (constant) D. These theoretical results are complemented with a set of experiments on real-world and synthetic datasets of up to over a billion points, which show that our algorithms yield better quality solutions over the state of the art while featuring excellent scalability, and that they also lend themselves to sequential implementations much faster than existing ones

    Tree Compression with Top Trees Revisited

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    We revisit tree compression with top trees (Bille et al, ICALP'13) and present several improvements to the compressor and its analysis. By significantly reducing the amount of information stored and guiding the compression step using a RePair-inspired heuristic, we obtain a fast compressor achieving good compression ratios, addressing an open problem posed by Bille et al. We show how, with relatively small overhead, the compressed file can be converted into an in-memory representation that supports basic navigation operations in worst-case logarithmic time without decompression. We also show a much improved worst-case bound on the size of the output of top-tree compression (answering an open question posed in a talk on this algorithm by Weimann in 2012).Comment: SEA 201

    Finding the Median (Obliviously) with Bounded Space

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    We prove that any oblivious algorithm using space SS to find the median of a list of nn integers from {1,...,2n}\{1,...,2n\} requires time Ω(nloglogSn)\Omega(n \log\log_S n). This bound also applies to the problem of determining whether the median is odd or even. It is nearly optimal since Chan, following Munro and Raman, has shown that there is a (randomized) selection algorithm using only ss registers, each of which can store an input value or O(logn)O(\log n)-bit counter, that makes only O(loglogsn)O(\log\log_s n) passes over the input. The bound also implies a size lower bound for read-once branching programs computing the low order bit of the median and implies the analog of PNPcoNPP \ne NP \cap coNP for length o(nloglogn)o(n \log\log n) oblivious branching programs

    Secure self-calibrating quantum random bit generator

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    Random bit generators (RBGs) are key components of a variety of information processing applications ranging from simulations to cryptography. In particular, cryptographic systems require "strong" RBGs that produce high-entropy bit sequences, but traditional software pseudo-RBGs have very low entropy content and therefore are relatively weak for cryptography. Hardware RBGs yield entropy from chaotic or quantum physical systems and therefore are expected to exhibit high entropy, but in current implementations their exact entropy content is unknown. Here we report a quantum random bit generator (QRBG) that harvests entropy by measuring single-photon and entangled two-photon polarization states. We introduce and implement a quantum tomographic method to measure a lower bound on the "min-entropy" of the system, and we employ this value to distill a truly random bit sequence. This approach is secure: even if an attacker takes control of the source of optical states, a secure random sequence can be distilled.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Non-Markovian dynamics of a qubit

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    In this paper we investigate the non-Markovian dynamics of a qubit by comparing two generalized master equations with memory. In the case of a thermal bath, we derive the solution of the post-Markovian master equation recently proposed in Ref. [A. Shabani and D.A. Lidar, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 71}, 020101(R) (2005)] and we study the dynamics for an exponentially decaying memory kernel. We compare the solution of the post-Markovian master equation with the solution of the typical memory kernel master equation. Our results lead to a new physical interpretation of the reservoir correlation function and bring to light the limits of usability of master equations with memory for the system under consideration.Comment: Replaced with published version (minor changes

    The efficiencies of generating cluster states with weak non-linearities

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    We propose a scalable approach to building cluster states of matter qubits using coherent states of light. Recent work on the subject relies on the use of single photonic qubits in the measurement process. These schemes can be made robust to detector loss, spontaneous emission and cavity mismatching but as a consequence the overhead costs grow rapidly, in particular when considering single photon loss. In contrast, our approach uses continuous variables and highly efficient homodyne measurements. We present a two-qubit scheme, with a simple bucket measurement system yielding an entangling operation with success probability 1/2. Then we extend this to a three-qubit interaction, increasing this probability to 3/4. We discuss the important issues of the overhead cost and the time scaling. This leads to a "no-measurement" approach to building cluster states, making use of geometric phases in phase space.Comment: 21 pages, to appear in special issue of New J. Phys. on "Measurement-Based Quantum Information Processing