1,800 research outputs found

    Spreading The Char: The Importance of Local Compatibility in the Diffusion of Biochar Systems to the Smallholder Agriculture Community Context

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    This thesis enters the context of smallholder agriculture communities in the developing world. It explores the potentials of biochar and what biochar systems could bring to the smallholder communities while simultaneously bringing environmental benefits. It then acknowledges the challenges of diffusion –the spreading of an unfamiliar innovation. It seeks to answer the question of what will make diffusion of biochar systems more successful in the smallholder context, fixating on the characteristic of compatibility as well as the role local community members can play in making a new biochar system more visible to the rest of the communities

    Provably Correct Floating-Point Implementation of a Point-In-Polygon Algorithm

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    The problem of determining whether or not a point lies inside a given polygon occurs in many applications. In air traffic management concepts, a correct solution to the point-in-polygon problem is critical to geofencing systems for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and in weather avoidance applications. Many mathematical methods can be used to solve the point-in-polygon problem. Unfortunately, a straightforward floating- point implementation of these methods can lead to incorrect results due to round-off errors. In particular, these errors may cause the control flow of the program to diverge with respect to the ideal real-number algorithm. This divergence potentially results in an incorrect point-in- polygon determination even when the point is far from the edges of the polygon. This paper presents a provably correct implementation of a point-in-polygon method that is based on the computation of the winding number. This implementation is mechanically generated from a source- to-source transformation of the ideal real-number specification of the algorithm. The correctness of this implementation is formally verified within the Frama-C analyzer, where the proof obligations are discharged using the Prototype Verification System (PVS)

    A Mixed Real and Floating-Point Solver

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    Reasoning about mixed real and floating-point constraints is essential for developing accurate analysis tools for floating-point pro- grams. This paper presents FPRoCK, a prototype tool for solving mixed real and floating-point formulas. FPRoCK transforms a mixed formula into an equisatisfiable one over the reals. This formula is then solved using an off-the-shelf SMT solver. FPRoCK is also integrated with the PRECiSA static analyzer, which computes a sound estimation of the round-off error of a floating-point program. It is used to detect infeasible computational paths, thereby improving the accuracy of PRECiSA


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    El estudio busco como objetivo  determinar  y analizar los factores que influyen en la autome- dicacion  de los estudiantes  de la Facultad  de Ciencias  de la Salud de la Universidad  Andina Néstor  Cáceres  Velásquez  Juliaca.  Metodóloga:    Se aplicó un cuestionario  estructurado  de 14 items recolectando   la información  de las dos variables.  Se realizó  un estudio  descriptivo transversal  explicativo,   aplicándose   una encuesta  a 335 alumnos  de la facultad  de ciencias de la salud de la UANCV. La prueba  de la hipótesis  se realizó mediante  el uso del estadístico de relación  Chi cuadrado.  Resultados:   Al estudiar  la frecuencia  de la automedicación   de 335 estudiantes  se obtuvo  los siguientes  resultados:  el 63% (210) de estudiantes  se automedica  a veces,  el 21% (70) de estudiantes  que se automedica  frecuentemente,   y un  16% (55) de los estudiantes  no se automedican.   Se logro demostrar  que los factores:  personales,  culturales, económicos  y sociales  tienen  influencia  sobre  la frecuencia  de automedicaci6n   de los estudiantes  de la facultad  de ciencias  de la salud de la UANCV  durante  los meses  de Agosto  a Noviembre  del 2011. En conclusión,   la automedicacion   es una práctica  común  de estudiantes universitarios;   puede  ocasionar  consecuencias   severas y a veces  fatales.

    An Abstract Interpretation Framework for the Round-Off Error Analysis of Floating-Point Programs

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    This paper presents an abstract interpretation framework for the round-off error analysis of floating-point programs. This framework defines a parametric abstract analysis that computes, for each combination of ideal and floating-point execution path of the program, a sound over-approximation of the accumulated floating-point round-off error that may occur. In addition, a Boolean expression that characterizes the input values leading to the computed error approximation is also computed. An abstraction on the control flow of the program is proposed to mitigate the explosion of the number of elements generated by the analysis. Additionally, a widening operator is defined to ensure the convergence of recursive functions and loops. An instantiation of this framework is implemented in the prototype tool PRECiSA that generates formal proof certificates stating the correctness of the computed round-off errors

    Longitudinal Analysis of Antibody Responses to Trachoma Antigens Before and After Mass Drug Administration.

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    Blinding trachoma, caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis, is a neglected tropical disease targeted for elimination by 2020. A major component of the elimination strategy is mass drug administration (MDA) with azithromycin. Currently, program decisions are made based on clinical signs of ocular infection, but we have been investigating the use of antibody responses for post-MDA surveillance. In a previous study, IgG responses were detected in children lacking clinical evidence of trachoma, suggesting that IgG responses represented historical infection. To explore the utility of serology for program evaluation, we compared IgG and IgA responses to trachoma antigens and examined changes in IgG and IgA post-drug treatment. Dried blood spots and ocular swabs were collected with parental consent from 264 1-6 year olds in a single village of Kongwa District, central Tanzania. Each child also received an ocular exam for detection of clinical signs of trachoma. MDA was given, and six months later an additional blood spot was taken from these same children. Ocular swabs were analyzed for C. trachomatis DNA and antibody responses for IgA and total IgG were measured in dried bloods spots. Baseline antibody responses showed an increase in antibody levels with age. By age 6, the percentage positive for IgG (96.0%) was much higher than for IgA (74.2%). Antibody responses to trachoma antigens declined significantly six months after drug treatment for most age groups. The percentage decrease in IgA response was much greater than for IgG. However, no instances of seroreversion were observed. Data presented here suggest that focusing on concordant antibody responses in children will provide the best serological surveillance strategy for evaluation of trachoma control programs