212 research outputs found

    Motion-Corrected Simultaneous Cardiac PET-MR Imaging

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    Experiencias de Estudiantes En Ingeniería: ¿Qué se ha Publicado desde Iberoamérica?

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    This work aims to identify trends in Ibero-American scientific production in relation to the experiences of engineering students. For this, a bibliometric and content analysis of the articles published in journals indexed in WoS from January 1995 to June 2022 was carried out. The findings show: 1) an upward trend in the articles published over time, 2) an leadership of Spain in the generation of knowledge, 3) good levels of international scientific collaboration, and 4) two main research topics: “Technology as a facilitator of the teaching-learning process” and “Alternative teaching approaches, methods and initiatives”. We concluded that, when talking about student experiences in engineering is mainly associated with the training process, understood as the approaches, methods and initiatives that emerge as alternatives to traditional methods. Active learning, strongly associated with the pursuit of critical thinking, as well as the use of technologies, are the main aspects highlighted.El objetivo de este artículo es identificar las tendencias en la producción científica iberoamericana en relación a las experiencias de los estudiantes de ingeniería. Para esto se realizó un análisis bibliométrico y de contenido de los artículos publicados en aquellas revistas indexadas en WoS desde enero de 1995 hasta junio de 2022. Los hallazgos muestran: 1) una tendencia al alza en los artículos publicados a través del tiempo, 2) un liderazgo de España en la generación de conocimiento, 3) altos niveles de colaboración científica internacional, y 4) dos temas principales de investigación: “Tecnología como facilitador del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje” y “Enfoques, métodos e iniciativas alternativas de enseñanza”. Se concluye que, cuando se habla de experiencias estudiantiles, en ingeniería se asocia principalmente el proceso formativo, entendido como los enfoques, métodos e iniciativas que emergen como alternativas a los métodos tradicionales. El aprendizaje activo, fuertemente asociado a la búsqueda del pensamiento crítico, así como el uso de las tecnologías, son aspectos principalmente destacados

    Análisis global de la producción científica respecto del aprendizaje organizacional en la educación superior

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    The aim of this article is to study through a bibliometric and content analysis, the literature available in Web of Science on organizational learning in the context of higher education. The results reveal that: since 2012 there is an increased production of knowledge in the field; publications belong mainly to US authors; a low level of international scientific collaboration is observed; a large part of the publications are in education journals; and there are two main streams of analysis, the first one discusses organizational learning as a central focus for the adaptation process, while the second one concentrates on looking for relationships between this and other desirable outcomes. The findings are discussed and implications for the development of organizational learning are presented.El objetivo de este artículo es el de estudiar mediante un análisis bibliométrico y de contenido, la literatura disponible en Web of Science sobre aprendizaje organizacional en el contexto de la educación superior. Los resultados revelan que: desde el 2012 se observa una mayor producción de conocimiento en el campo; las publicaciones pertenecen  principalmente a autores estadounidenses; se observa un bajo nivel de colaboración científica internacional; gran parte de las publicaciones se realizan en revistas de educación; y existen dos corrientes principales de análisis, la primera discute el aprendizaje organizacional como foco central para el proceso de adaptación, mientras que la segunda se concentra en buscar relaciones entre este y otros resultados deseables. Se discuten los hallazgos y se presentan las implicaciones para el desarrollo del aprendizaje organizacional

    Mapping research in the obesity, adipose tissue, and microRNA field: a bibliometric analysis

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    Recent studies have investigated the control of adipose tissue expansion and inflammatory process by microRNAs (miRNAs). These two processes are of great interest because both are associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome. However, despite the great relevance of the role of miRNAs in obesity and adipose tissue, no qualitative and quantitative analysis on the subject has been performed. Thus, we aimed to examine global research activity and current trends with respect to the interaction between obesity, adipose tissue and miRNAs through a bibliometric analysis. This research was performed on the Scopus database for publications containing miRNA, obesity, and adipose tissue keyword combinations. In total, 898 articles were analyzed and the most frequently occurring keywords were selected and clustered into three well-defined groups. As a result, first group of keywords pointed to the research area on miRNAs expressed in obesity-associated diseases. The second group demonstrated the regulation of the adipogenesis process by miRNAs, while the third group highlighted brown adipose tissue and thermogenesis as one of the latest global research trends related to the theme. The studies selected in this paper describe the expression and performance of different miRNAs in obesity and comorbidities. Most studies have focused on identifying miRNAs and signaling pathways associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular disease. Thus, the miRNA profile for these diseases may be used as biomarkers and therapeutic targets in the prevention and treatment of obesity-associated diseases812CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP132365/2018-9sem informação17/09602-4; 2017/19504-


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    Objetivo: caracterizar a gravidade dos transtornos relacionados a substâncias nas pessoas em tratamento nos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial Álcool e outras Drogas.Método: estudo transversal, realizado em três Centros de Atenção Psicossocial Álcool e outras Drogas III, em Curitiba-Paraná, com 137 pessoas com transtornos relacionados a substâncias. Os dados foram coletados entre abril e novembro de 2018, mediante a aplicação do instrumento Addiction Severity Index sexta versão, e analisados descritivamente a partir de frequências absolutas e relativas, média e desvio padrão.Resultados: do total da amostra, 89,1% (122) eram do sexo masculino; as subescalas de maior gravidade foram Família/crianças 57,8 (± 8,6), Álcool 52,8 (±10,9) e Família/problemas sociais 51,0 (±8,9).Conclusão: O uso de substâncias psicoativas afeta as relações familiares e sociais e o álcool, uma substância lícita, de fácil acesso, está presente na vida das pessoas desde a infância, acabando por ter maior frequência entre todas as faixas etárias.Objective: to characterize the severity of substance-related disorders in patients undergoing treatment at the Psychosocial Care Centers for Alcohol and other Drugs.Method: a transversal study conducted in three Psychosocial Care Centers for Alcohol and other Drugs III, in Curitiba-Paraná, with 137 people with substance-related disorders. Data were collected from April to November of 2018, using the Addiction Severity Index sixth version, and analyzed descriptively using absolute and relative frequencies, mean and standard deviation.Results: out of the entire sample, 89.1% (122) were male; the most severe subscales were Family/children 57.8 (± 8.6), Alcohol 52.8 (± 10.9) and Family/social problems 51.0 (± 8.9).Conclusion: The use of psychoactive substances affects family and social relatedness, and alcohol, a legal substance, easily accessible, has been present in people’s lives since childhood, ending up being more frequent among all age groups.Objetivo: caracterizar la gravedad de los trastornos asociados a sustancias en las personas entratamiento en los Centros de Atención Psicosocial Alcohol y otras Drogas.Método: estudio transversal, que se realizó en tres Centros de Atención Psicosocial Alcohol yotras Drogas III, en Curitiba-Paraná, con 137 personas con trastornos asociados a sustancias.Se obtuvieron los dados entre abril y noviembre de 2018, por medio de aplicación delinstrumento Addiction Severity Index sexta versión, analizándolos de modo descriptivo apartir de frecuencias absolutas y relativas, promedio y desviación estándar.Resultados: del total de la muestra, 89,1% (122) eran del sexo masculino; las sub escalas demayor gravedad fueron Familia/niños 57,8 (± 8,6), Alcohol 52,8 (±10,9) y Familia/problemassociales 51,0 (±8,9).Conclusión: El uso de sustancias psicoactivas afecta las relaciones familiares y sociales y elalcohol, una substancia lícita, de fácil acceso, está presente en la vida de las personas desdela infancia, presentando mayor frecuencia entre todas las franjas etarias

    Efficient Post-processing of Diffusion Tensor Cardiac Magnetic Imaging Using Texture-conserving Deformable Registration

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    Diffusion tensor based cardiac magnetic resonance (DT-CMR) is a method capable of providing non-invasive measurements of myocardial microstructure. Image registration is essential to correct image shifts due to intra and inter breath-hold motion. Registration is challenging in DT-CMR due to the low signal-to-noise and various contrasts induced by the diffusion encoding in the myocardial and surrounding organs. Traditional deformable registration destroys the texture information while rigid registration inefficiently discards frames with local deformation. In this study, we explored the possibility of deep learning-based deformable registration on DT- CMR. Based on the noise suppression using low-rank features and diffusion encoding suppression using variational auto encoder-decoder, a B-spline based registration network extracted the displacement fields and maintained the texture features of DT-CMR. In this way, our method improved the efficiency of frame utilization, manual cropping, and computational speed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, conferenc